
Compute sample means for one or two numeric variables broken down by some of the categorical variables using pivot tables. What insights can you find? What strengths or weaknesses in this organization did you uncover? What management or policy recommendations would you make based on your statistical results?


Task 1
Dig further into the data set jobsatisfaction.xlsx Look for more summary statistics beyond what was asked in the homework assignment. Compute sample means for one or two numeric variables broken down by some of the categorical variables using pivot tables. What insights can you find? What strengths or weaknesses in this organization did you uncover? What management or policy recommendations would you make based on your statistical results?

On the discussion board, write that first welcoming email or newsletter. What should you say?

Marketing Question

In last week’s assignment you created an ad to attract searchers to your website and offer. For this part of the assignment, pretend someone clicked on your ad, arrived at your website and registered to receive emails from your site. Assume you are able to send a special welcome email/newsletter to new registrants. Take this seriously because it is one of the eMarketing methods that you can use in any size company with a reasonable cost. It can be the only item in your eMarketing strategy and still have benefits.

On the discussion board, write that first welcoming email or newsletter. What should you say? That’s a good question and there isn’t a “black or white” answer. Take a look at the recommended articles and find some on your own. Check out the suggestions at Constant Contact, iContact, Mail Chimp, etc. Also, MarketingProfs, Marketing Sherpa and other marketing sites have ideas too.


Choose an article involving chemistry published within the last six months. Explain how a chemistry topic learned in the course can be used to understand the chemistry behind this article.


Choose an article involving chemistry published within the last six months. Explain how a chemistry topic learned in the course can be used to understand the chemistry behind this article.

Can a firm succeed over the long term with a stability strategy? Does every firm need to grow—sooner or later—to maintain success? Explain. Would you rather lead a firm with multiple unrelated businesses or one of comparable size with only a single business? Why?

Management Question

Discuss one of the following questions within Weekly Assignment 6 DB . Please do not repeat responses already provided. Please make sure to provide support (secondary sources) for your responses.
Can a firm succeed over the long term with a stability strategy? Does every firm need to grow—sooner or later—to maintain success? Explain.
Would you rather lead a firm with multiple unrelated businesses or one of comparable size with only a single business? Why?

What is your selected organization’s current overall corporate (grand) strategy(ies)? What specific corporate strategies/tactics are they employing to achieve this overall corporate strategy?

Assignment 5: Comparing Corporate Strategy to PLEST Analysis.

Last assignment you came to a preliminary conclusion as the the relative opportunities and threats for your organization. For this assignment, refer back to the last assignment to help you answer the following questions:
1. What is your selected organization’s current overall corporate (grand) strategy(ies)? (Growth, Maintenance, Harvest or Divestiture)
2. What specific corporate strategies/tactics are they employing to achieve this overall corporate strategy?
3. Given your PLEST analysis, and referencing the Grand Strategy Matrix, is the organization following the correct overall grand strategy? Why or why not? If not, what should the organization’s overall grand strategy be and why?

Define the decision variables. Define the objective function. Define the constraints. Determine an optimal solution.

Business mathematics homework


The Milton Lumber Company sells boards of various lengths (4-foot, 7-foot, and 9-foot wood boards). This company’s customers’ demand is 30 for 4-foot boards, 25 for 7-foot boards, and 60 for 9-foot boards per week. Milton Lumber cuts up boards 14 feet long to meet this demand and wants to determine how to satisfy its customers’ needs with minimal waste. First, assume that all boards share the same width and thickness. Then, formulate and solve an IP model.

  • a) Define the decision variables (3 pts)
  • b) Define the objective function (2 pts)
  • c) Define the constraints (2 pts)
  • d) Determine an optimal solution. (3 pts)


Part 2:

The Westfall Company is contracted to produce 10,000 garden hoses for a significant discount chain. Westfall has four different machines that can make this kind of hose. Because these machines are from various manufacturers and use different technologies, their specifications are different. Therefore, the company wants to minimize the total cost.

Machine Fixed Cost to Set
Up Production Run
Variable Cost
Per Hose
1 750 1.25 6000
2 500 1.50 7500
3 1000 1.00 4000
4 300 2.00 5000
  • a) Define the decision variables (2 pt)
  • b) Define the objective function (2 pts)
  • c) Define the constraints (3.5 pts)
  • d) Determine an optimal solution. (2.5 pts)

Discuss the appropriation of motifs from Indigenous art and craft. Select examples from four different cultures; provide images. Consider the role of social media and reflect on whether it is possible to protect the symbolic copyright of motifs attributed to Indigenous peoples.

Cross Cultural Issues in Craft Assignment 3

A list of possible topics is printed below. Essays will not be accepted that are on topics that have not been approved. You may not use textbooks, encyclopedias, lecture notes, required readings/films or material from websites that do not provide endnotes or footnotes. Craft magazines are acceptable as long as theyre properly referenced. If in doubt, consult me.
Essays should be 2,000-2,500 words long and should include images. Late papers will be penalized 2% per day, including weekends. Papers must have references (footnotes or endnotes) for all material that is not common knowledge, as well as for quotations. The MLA Style Manuals should be used and references must include page numbers for the fact or quotation cited. You must retain all research notes and drafts until the end of the course.

Plagiarism is a serious academic offence. Assignments that contain any evidence of plagiarism may be given a grade of 0 and additional penalties also may be imposed by the University, including expulsion. All notes and drafts for the essay must be kept until the end of the course in case there is a situation requiring you to prove that the essay is your work. If you have any questions about plagiarism, speak to the instructor before submitting an assignment.

Essay Topics (Choose ONE)

1. Interview a professional craftsperson (one who makes their living through making a craft and may supplement income by teaching or writing). The essay should include a brief biography, description of their practice and examples of their work including images. Record the interview so that you can incorporate the artists words in your essay. Describe how the craftsperson addresses one of the themes of the course e.g. race, gender, sustainability.

2. Choose a craft practice that is part of your culture or heritage. Describe its history, elements, process and practitioners. If possible, speak to someone maintaining the practice. Discuss how the craft and its practice connect to issues in this course and give examples of the work, including images.

3. Textiles have been used for political purposes. Select examples dating from 1970 to the present and consider their details: maker, materials, size, number of people involved, theme or cause for which they were made. Include images. Consider whether the works message was successful and, if it was, why.

4. Describe the principles of the American Arts & Crafts movement. Research and write about furniture designed/made by the Shakers, Gustav Stickley, Frank Lloyd Wright and the Greene Brothers. Briefly discuss the designers but concentrate on the designs, materials, colours and the buildings the furniture was intended for (if applicable). Show how the furniture exemplifies Arts & Crafts.

5. Discuss the appropriation of motifs from Indigenous art and craft. Select examples from four different cultures; provide images. Consider the role of social media and reflect on whether it is possible to protect the symbolic copyright of motifs attributed to Indigenous peoples.

6. Craft is gendered. Research several cultures in which certain crafts are proscribed as male or female. Then provide examples of women and men who have gone against social norms regarding who does what. Consider the difficulties of going against the grain. Practices can be traditional or contemporary.

7. Craft practice produces stuff. How can a practitioner ensure that their practice is sustain- able and their work is not more landfill? Address this topic by carefully reviewing the literature on sustainability and applying it specifically to your practice. Describe processes and works in your portfolio that you consider sustain-able. Your views should be backed up by scholarly research.

8. Racial identity inspires the work of craftspeople worldwide. Select six practitioners whose race has a direct bearing on their designs and, wherever possible, use direct quotations about this theme from the maker. Discuss the work by means of words and images and consider why public display of the work is important.

In a short response, 250 words or less, describe what the performance piece is about. Reflect on the meaning of the artist’s choices in terms of: action, location, audience, materials, and art history relationship.

Discussion question

In this week’s lecture and resources, we cover Performance Art. Performance art is one of the most surprising forms of art – it can be visceral, sexual, uncomfortable, politically engaging, & involve almost anything! This art form is still alive and vibrant today but has strong roots to the period of Conceptual Art.

For your Discussion Board post complete the following:

Performance artists consider their actions, the selection of the location/environment where the performance takes place, potential audience engagement & reaction, the meaning of the materials they use & their relationship to art history when they plan ‘happenings’.

  1. Select one performance art piece from this week’s resources to write about.
  2. Include an image of the work, with the artist’s name(s), year and any other relevant information (site, materials, duration, etc).
  3. In a short response, 250 words or less, describe what the performance piece is about. Reflect on the meaning of the artist’s choices in terms of: action, location, audience, materials, and art history relationship.


How could social media be used by C/PHN in the prevention of vaccine preventable diseases? Provide two examples. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media for disease prevention?

Nursing Question

1. The antivaccine movement uses the Internet through social media, Web sites, and blogs to spread their antivaccine information. Find a Web site, social online group, or blog and summarize who they are targeting and why. Create a response to one argument against antivaccination using evidence-based research that could be easily understood by a nonmedical person. (5 points)

2. How could social media be used by C/PHN in the prevention of vaccine preventable diseases? Provide two examples. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media for disease prevention? (5 points)

What arguments based on the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution should Deft make in support of this motion? What arguments should the prosecutor make in opposition to the motion, and how should the court rule on the motion? Discuss.

Case discussion

Police officers believed that Deft had assaulted Bart because Bart failed to pay Deft for cocaine Deft sold to Bart. The others obtained a valid warrant for the arrest of Deft on an assault charge. They went to Deft’s apartment and arrested Deft at the front door when he responded to their knock. The officers then walked through the apartment and, in a rear bedroom, saw drug paraphernalia which they left in place.

A police officer advised Deft of his Miranda rights. Deft immediately stated: “I do not want to talk to you.” Deft was booked and placed in a cell with Snitch, an inmate who was known by the jailers to be an informant. Snitch asked Deft why he had been arrested and engaged Deft in a conversation about drug sales during which Deft made statements incriminating himself concerning drug trafficking. Snitch promptly related Deft’s statements to jail personnel.

Police then obtained a warrant authorizing a search of Deft’s apartment for cocaine and drug paraphernalia. The affidavit in support of the warrant recited that Deft had sold cocaine to Bart. The affidavit also recited that a police officer had seen drug paraphernalia in Deft’s apartment. The affidavit did not disclose Deft’s statements to Snitch or the circumstances in which police observed the drug paraphernalia. Officers who executed the search warrant seized the drug paraphernalia and cocaine which they also found in the apartment.

Deft has been charged with possession of cocaine and drug paraphernalia under applicable state laws.

Deft has moved to exclude from evidence his statements to Snitch. Deft claims his statements were involuntary, were elicited after he invoked his Miranda rights, and were obtained in the absence of counsel. He argues that admission of the evidence would violate his rights under the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the United States Constitution.

What arguments should the prosecutor make in opposition to the motion, and how should the court rule on the motion? Discuss.

Deft has also moved to exclude any testimony regarding the police officers’ initial observations of drug paraphernalia in Deft’s home and to exclude the items seized in the search made pursuant to the search warrant.

a. What arguments based on the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution should Deft make in support of this motion?

b. What arguments should the prosecutor make in opposition to the motion, and how should the court rule on the motion? Discuss.