
Evaluate and draw unique and nuanced conclusions about the response of the Church to the moral and ethical challenges posed by the chosen topic and horrors of WWII – how to build peace on earth.


1. Introduction: Ethical commentary on chosen topic from a Christian perspective.
Describe the chosen topic. What happened and what were the effects.
State the purpose of the article.

2. Sources of Christian ethics: analyse and evaluate the significance of

– The teachings of Jesus and early church (scriptural quotes)
– Christian Social teachings
– the Just War Theory
and what these teachings imply about the ethics of the chosen topic.

3. Analyse and evaluate the Importance of developing an informed conscience

a. Involves taking into consideration the above teachings as well as a range of ethical approaches from deontological (e.g.Ten Commandments) to teleological (consequences/utilitarianism/egoism/altruism)
b. What would a deontological approach say about the morality and ethics of the topic?
c. What would a teleological approach say about the morality and ethics of the topic?
d. Having considered the teachings of the Church and these perspectives what does your own informed conscience say about the topic?

4. What has been the response of the Church to the moral and ethical challenges posed by the topic and the horrors of WWII?

– Pacem in Terris

5. Evaluate and draw unique and nuanced conclusions about the response of the Church to the moral and ethical challenges posed by the chosen topic and horrors of WWII – how to build peace on earth.

Determine the optimum recruitment strategy and articulate how the performance of the new hire will be assessed and measure.

Hospitality Question


Modern organizations face an unprecedented level of internal and external challenges in recruiting and selecting employees with the result that human resources and business leaders must be able to critically analyze their existing practices and as necessary adapt or transform these in order to have an effective workforce.

For this team assignment, student teams (teams of 5 students) will act as consultants to the company presented in the case study and help them resolve their current recruitment and selection challenges. In so doing, will address challenges faced by the business, and prepare customized job descriptions and job postings/advertisements. To round out this assignment, students will determine the optimum recruitment strategy and articulate how the performance of the new hire will be assessed and measure.

The purpose of the comprehensive team assignment is to:

  • Gain an in-depth knowledge of the processes used by organizations to recruit and select employees.
  • Enhance critical thinking, research writing and presentation skills.
  • Strengthen teamwork, planning and time management skills.
  • Develop customized job descriptions, baseline hiring qualifications, job advertisements or postings, interview questions, applicant screening tests for a manager and a front-line employee position and strategies to increase the validity and reliability of the recruitment and selection process.
  • Locate and correctly reference secondary sources related to recruitment and selection and important aspects of the situation the HR professional faces. NOTE: General information from the Internet is not acceptable.
  • Develop a better understanding of ethical behaviour in organizations as it relates to recruitment and selection of employees.

Review the assignment in its entirety to ensure you fully understand the requirements. If you have questions please ask.

Identify a product for which you think that you paid either too little or too much. Identify the pricing strategy you think the company used, and explain why you think they made their decision. Do you agree or disagree with their choice? Why?

Journal question

1st part :Describe how you would take human behavior into account when communicating something or leading in an effort to motivate your people. Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

Second Part: When encouraging and helping a subordinate organizational member progress professionally, how much effort should you invest in any one person? How much effort and mentoring is appropriate, and when are a manager’s efforts too much? Your response should be at least 200 words in length.

3rd part: Identify a product for which you think that you paid either too little or too much. Identify the pricing strategy you think the company used, and explain why you think they made their decision. Do you agree or disagree with their choice? Why? Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length.

In a 400-600 word short essay, compare and contrast one “eastern” religion and one “western” religion discussed so far in this course. Using specific examples from the lessons in Unit 1 and Unit 2 to support your conclusions, analyze some of the ways in which these religions are both similar and different.

Comparing and Contrasting the Common Elements of Religions

In a 400-600 word short essay, compare and contrast one “eastern” religion and one “western” religion discussed so far in this course. Using specific examples from the lessons in Unit 1 and Unit 2 to support your conclusions, analyze some of the ways in which these religions are both similar and different.

Post a description of the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for analysis, and explain how the healthcare issue/stressor may impact your work setting. Which social determinant(s) most affects this health issue?

National healthcare issue

To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and select one current national healthcare issue/stressor to focus on.
  • Reflect on the current national healthcare issue/stressor you selected and think about how this issue/stressor may be addressed in your work setting.

Post a description of the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for analysis, and explain how the healthcare issue/stressor may impact your work setting. Which social determinant(s) most affects this health issue? Then, describe how your health system work setting has responded to the healthcare issue/stressor, including a description of what changes may have been implemented. Be specific and provide examples.

What type of ANOVA did the authors use? What’s the evidence that there is an effect of time on MADRS? What’s the evidence that there are differences of MADRS across treatment conditions?

Statistics question

Read and answer

Lam, Raymond W., et al. “Efficacy of bright light treatment, fluoxetine, and the combination in patients with nonseasonal major depressive disorder: a randomized clinical trial.” JAMA psychiatry 73.1 (2016): 56-63.

a. What type of ANOVA did the authors use?

b. What’s the evidence that there is an effect of time on MADRS?

c. What’s the evidence that there are differences of MADRS across treatment conditions?

d. Which treatment appears most effective?

What is the nurse’s educational and practice background? Do they have any special certifications? What do they believe are the essential competencies to function as a community health nurse?

Interview paper


Community nurse interview assignment: Given the continued requirement of social distancing and wearing masks, for this assignment you should find a nurse working in a community health setting that is agreeable to being interviewed via phone, or in person outside of their workplace using appropriate precautions. The goal of this interview is to find out the typical roles and functions of the nurse in their particular community setting.

Some questions to consider are:

  • What is the nurse’s educational and practice background? Do they have any special certifications?
  • What do they believe are the essential competencies to function as a community health nurse?
  • How do they spend their typical day?
  • How do they incorporate the concepts of disease prevention and health promotion in their daily activities?
  • How do they assist their clients to improve their self-care ability?
  • Do they identify with being any or all of the following, or how do they describe their role?
    • Educator
    • Counselor
    • Advocate
    • Case Manager
    • Leader
    • Change Agent
  • Find out how long they have been in this practice area, and what changes they have seen over their time there.
  • Did anything you saw or learn surprise you? What aspects did you enjoy about the activities you heard/learned about?

In looking through the “Key findings: Social determinants of health” section on p. 60, pick one of the bullet points that would interest you as a public health nurse and describe how you would formulate interventions (at least 2) to specifically address the issue.


DBQ and responses # 3

Review the2022 McLean County Needs Assessment G) beginning at page 60, section ‘f’, regarding the Social Determinants of Health (don’t worry, it is easy reviewing…lots of charts, etc).

Consider the following:
In looking through the “Key findings: Social determinants of health” section on p. 60, pick one of the bullet points that would interest you as a public health nurse and describe how you would formulate interventions (at least 2) to specifically address the issue. Do not choose an area that is “best” or “trending favorably”, pick an area that would benefit from nursing intervention.

Explain the ‘use it or lose it’ principle in relation to brain development. In the study completed at McLean Hospital, explain how teen’s brains differed from the adult brain.

Frontline: Inside the Teenage Brain.

Written in essay format, with an introductory and concluding paragraph.

Watch Frontline: Inside the Teenage Brain. Discuss the following questions:
1. Explain the ‘use it or lose it’ principle in relation to brain development.
2. In the study completed at McLean Hospital, explain how teen’s brains differed from the adult brain.
3. Based on the findings of the McLean study, explain how miscommunication between teens and adults may occur.
4. Briefly discuss the findings and implications of the sleep study.
5. According to this video, what makes the biggest difference in a teen’s life?

After watching the linked video “Departing Rosewood”. Discuss your views on de institutionalization, citing at least 2 positives and 2 negatives for this practice.

Departing Rosewood

Written in essay format, with an introductory and concluding paragraph.
After watching the linked video “Departing Rosewood”. Discuss your views on de institutionalization, citing at least 2 positives and 2 negatives for this practice.
Also, explain how do you feel mental health diagnosis has changed with de institutionalization?