
To demonstrate a positive and engaging learning environment which caters for the diverse learning needs of all students, develop a sequence of learning activities in the pre-service teacher’s subject area.

Lesson Planning

To demonstrate a positive and engaging learning environment which caters for the diverse learning needs of all students, develop a sequence of learning activities in the pre-service teacher’s subject area.

The sequence will include:
• reference to Australian Year 8 Chemistry curriculum/state-based syllabus
• learning goals and success criteria
• strategies to support inclusive student participation
• a range of teaching strategies to meet the needs of students of all abilities and from diverse backgrounds (including linguistic, cultural, religious and socio-economic)
• a variety of resources to engage students
• instructions on the implementation of the learning activities in a classroom and provide examples of clear directions for students

What are three important points that you took away from the reading assignment? Select one or two points from the first third, one or two points from the second third, and the same from the last third of the reading. Use your own words, paraphrase, do not use quotes. Did you have any questions or parts that you didn’t understand?


Take your time reading the articles/book chapters. After reading the article and taking good notes so that you have thought about the material, you are ready to write your Journal entry. Summarize the author’s thesis—what was this reading really about, in a nutshell? What are some of the main points in support of his/her argument? Paraphrase rather than quote—use your own words. What did you find particularly interesting or insightful about the reading? Is there anything you did not understand? Is there one line/a short sentence that really struck you as important? Length should be a few meaty paragraphs (around 500 words), more if you are inspired. This is like a mini-essay, use paragraph form and proper sentences and grammar.

The format will be the same for all assignments. Prepare and upload your response into the Canvas/Turnitin module. Do not try to upload a Google doc, use pdf or docx or other regular format. Save your journal response in a document before uploading it, and keep it in a safe place.

  1. In one or two sentences, what is the thesis/main argument/subject of the chapter/article?
  2. What are three important points that you took away from the reading assignment? Select one or two points from the first third, one or two points from the second third, and the same from the last third of the reading. Use your own words, paraphrase, do not use quotes. Did you have any questions or parts that you didn’t understand?

Write a brief essay (500 words or less) explaining your interest in the healthcare field. Include any related experiences and share why you believe you are a good candidate for the Healthcare Studies Program.

Essay and Resume/Personal History

For the essay section below, write a brief essay (500 words or less) explaining your interest in the healthcare field. Include any related experiences and share why you believe you are a good candidate for the Healthcare Studies Program.


Compare and contrast performance management with performance appraisal. Explain how job analysis supports performance management. Illustrate how job analysis, employee goals, and organizational objectives are aligned.

Job Analysis and Performance Management


I-O assessment and selection experts are often expected to keep abreast of innovative trends or emerging technologies in talent assessment and measurement, and to assess any potential risks or benefits to the business if such practices are implemented. For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation that explains the relationship between job analysis and performance management and the advantages of performance management over performance appraisal.

In your PowerPoint presentation:

  • Compare and contrast performance management with performance appraisal.
    • Compare advantages and disadvantages.
  • Explain how job analysis supports performance management.
    • Provide two examples using the job analysis you conducted in the Unit 5 assignment.
  • Illustrate how job analysis, employee goals, and organizational objectives are aligned.
    • Explain how the employee benefits. For example, goodness of fit with millennials.
    • Explain how the organization benefits.
  • Describe the manager and the employee experience with performance management.
    • Speculate on the extent to which each may have positive reactions to the approach.
  • Explain legal implications for changing from performance appraisal to performance management
    • List pitfalls to avoid in implementing performance management.

Should Sec. 230 immunity be changed, and if so, how? Does the broad grant of immunity to internet platforms cause more harm than good, or does it provide an essential basis for open discourse free of censorship? Describe the reasons for your response.

Cyber Law Sec 230

The immunity provided to social media and other internet platforms by Sec. 230 of the Communications Decency Act.

Today and tomorrow, the United States Supreme Court will hear arguments in cases urging that Sec. 230 immunity be limited. Read the article posted below about these cases and respond to the following questions:

  1. Should Sec. 230 immunity be changed, and if so, how?
  2. Does the broad grant of immunity to internet platforms cause more harm than good, or does it provide an essential basis for open discourse free of censorship?
  3. Describe the reasons for your response.

Harold and Erma started by taking a melting point of their solid, unknown X. However, when interpreting their data, is the melting or boiling point of the unknown going to be the piece of data that they use first to begin to identify the unknown? Explain.

Organic Chemistry I 

Clerical data, especially date, name, and partners name.

Hypothesis For Week 2 of this lab, please write a hypothesis about how useful HNMR will be for helping to determine the types of hydrogen atoms present in your compounds.

PreLab Questions Week 2 Do on separate sheet, not in Lab Notebook

  1. During last weeks lab, Harold and Erma started by taking a melting point of their solid, unknown X. However, when interpreting their data, is the melting or boiling point of the unknown going to be the piece of data that they use first to begin to identify the unknown? Explain.
  2. What did the IR spectra tell you about your solid?
  3. What did the IR spectra tell you about your liquid?

Experimental Plan Use the Experimental directions below to write a plan for the work you need to do in Week 1s lab session
Data Create spaces in your notebook to record all the data you will collect.


Clerical data, especially date, name, and partners name.

Hypothesis For Week 3 of this lab, please write a hypothesis about how useful Mass Spec will be for helping to determine the types of functional groups present in your compounds.

PreLab Questions Week 3 Do on separate sheet, not in Lab Notebook

  1. During last weeks lab, you obtained HNMR spectra. Copy the following table twice and fill it in once for your liquid unknown and again for your solid unknown.



# of H


# of

Possible types of H

2. What possible structures or structural fragments are suggested by your HNMR?

3. Harold and Erma started by taking a melting point of their solid, unknown X. However, when interpreting their data, is the melting or boiling point of the unknown going to be the piece of data that they use first to begin to identify the unknown? Explain.

Describe, in brief detail, a weight loss gimmick that people believe will aid in their weight loss journey. Why is this gimmick not an appropriate way to lose weight? Explain your reasoning. You will likely need an outside source.

Health Fitness

Number and answer all questions in full. Provide weblink for any outside sources used:

1. Which body composition measurement technique did you find the most interesting to learn about? Why?

2. Describe, in brief detail, a weight loss gimmick that people believe will aid in their weight loss journey. Why is this gimmick not an appropriate way to lose weight? Explain your reasoning. You will likely need an outside source.

3. How can technology influence weight management and body composition? Discuss.


Identify and provide a brief description of the population health concern you selected. Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.


Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid

Use the Agenda Comparison Grid Template found in the Learning Resources and complete the Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid based on the current/sitting U.S. president and the previous president, and their agendas related to the population health concern you selected. Be sure to address the following:

  • Identify and provide a brief description of the population health concern you selected.
  • Explain how each of the presidential administrations approached the issue.
  • Identify the allocation of resources that the presidents dedicated to this issue.

Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis

Using the information you recorded in Part 1: Agenda Comparison Grid on the template, complete the Part 2: Agenda Comparison Grid Analysis portion of the template, by addressing the following:

  • Which administrative agency (like HHS, CDC, FDA, OHSA) would most likely be responsible for helping you address the healthcare issue you selected and why is this agency the most helpful for the issue?
  • How do you think your selected healthcare issue might get on the presidential agenda? How does it stay there?
  • An entrepreneur/champion/sponsor helps to move the issue forward. Who would you choose to be the entrepreneur/champion/sponsor (this can be a celebrity, a legislator, an agency director, or others) of the healthcare issue you selected and why would this person be a good entrepreneur/ champion/sponsor? An example is Michael J. Fox is champion for Parkinson’s disease.

Part 3: Fact Sheet

Using the information recorded on the template in Parts 1 and 2, develop a 1-page fact sheet that you could use to communicate with a policymaker/legislator or a member of their staff for this healthcare issue. Be sure to address the following:

  • Summarize why this healthcare issue is important and should be included in the agenda for legislation.
  • Justify the role of the nurse in agenda setting for healthcare issues.

Compound UWT-S (C8H16) reacts with one mole of bromine to form product C8H16Br2. Compound UWT-S has the broadband proton-decoupled 13C-NMR spectrum shown below. The number of protons attached to each carbon, as determined by DEPT, is in the boxes next to each peak. Propose a structure for UWT-S.

Problem Set (PS) K3 13CNMR Spectroscopy & Mass Spec Smith Sections A & C (15 points)

Other Problems Gradable

1. Draw all possible constitutional isomers of C5H11Br and for each indicate how many different kinds of carbons (unique carbons) are present in each structure. [Hint: There should be at least 8 constitutional isomers.)

2. Explain in detail how you would distinguish between the following set of constitutional isomers using 13CNMR.

3. Compound UWTS (C8H16) reacts with one mole of bromine to form product C8H16Br2. Compound UWTS has the broadband protondecoupled 13CNMR spectrum shown below. The number of protons attached to each carbon, as determined by DEPT, is in the boxes next to each peak. Propose a structure for UWTS.

4. In the mass spectrum of 2,6dimethyl4heptanol there are prominent peaks at m/z =87, 111, and 126.
a). At what m/z value would you find the molecular ion for this compound?

b) Propose reasonable structures for the fragment ions observed.

If the plate spacing increases by 1.25 mm for each full turn of a knob, by what amount does the spacing change in millimeters (mm) when the knob goes through half a turn?

Physics case study


Preliminary Questions

Note: You will receive full credit for each prediction made in this preliminary section whether or not it matches conclusions you reach in the next section. As part of the learning process it is important to compare your predictions with your results. Do not change your predictions!

As you proceed with this assignment, you’ll be working with a short video clip entitled <Capacitor>. It shows the spacing between a pair of parallel plates increasing by a known amount each time a knob is twisted by a half turn. The potential difference between the plates is measured with both an electrometer and voltage probes connected to a computer (see Fig. 1) so data can be recorded with the Logger software. Before proceeding, you should view the video clip.

(a) Use Equations 1 and 2 to derive an equation that describes how the voltage across a parallel plate capacitor depends on the plate spacing, d, and area, A. Show your work.

(b) If the plate spacing increases by 1.25 mm for each full turn of a knob, by what amount does the spacing change in millimeters (mm) when the knob goes through half a turn?

(c) You should have noticed in frame 5 of the movie that only one plate of the capacitor is being charged positively. The other plate is “grounded.” The right-hand plate and the left-hand plate are separated by only one-half of a turn of the dial. How can we claim this set up is actually a capacitor and thus has equal and opposite excess charges on both plates? Hint: What happens immediately after the first plate is charged? Is induction possible?

(d) What do you expect will happen to the capacitor system as the spacing between the plates increases? Hint: Refer to the equation you derived in section 1(a).

(e) When the potential difference is large the capacitor system is storing more energy than when it is small. Where does the additional energy “come from” as the plate spacing increases?

(f) If the two plates behave like an ideal capacitor, sketch the shape of a graph of voltage vs. spacing you might expect to measure and explain your reasoning.