
What do you think is their significance within the poem? How do they contribute to the poem’s representation of Mexican-American history and its legacy?

Writing 250 words discussion

Read your classmates’ responses to Discussion #3 and choose 2 figures/topics mentioned in their posts. Then, look in the poem for where those figures/topics are referenced. What do you think is their significance within the poem? How do they contribute to the poem’s representation of Mexican-American history and its legacy?


Complete the following growth and development templates using the template below. Base each on the following age groups: School Age (6-12) and Adolescence (12-19)

Complete 2 growth and development templates

Complete the following growth and development templates using the template below. Base each on the following age groups: School Age (6-12) and Adolescence (12-19)


List your projected revenue, then list expenses by the major category. Expenses already listed in the chart are examples and may change based on your particular project.

Project Management for Healthcare Professionals

Section 1: Introduction

Project Mission Statement

The proposed project’s mission is to address the critical need for accessible and quality healthcare services in the west side of the city by opening a new urgent care center. The project will focus on identifying the optimal location for the center. It is important to ensure it is easily accessible to approximately 81,000 residents, who currently have to travel long distances to access care. The urgent care center will be strategically located near high-traffic stores, such as Wal-Mart, Sam’s Club, CVS, and Walgreens, to increase accessibility. The center will provide comprehensive urgent care services, including after-hours care, to improve health outcomes and increase access to care for the underserved community.

Project Objectives

The objectives of the project are as follows:

  1. Increase access to health care. The primary objective of the new urgent care center is to improve public health and provide basic clinical care for families and patients on the west side of the city. By providing a new healthcare facility, it is anticipated that it will lessen the burden on other urgent care clinics in the city (Allen, Cummings, & Hockenberry, 2021). Moreover, it will decrease the travel time for residents on the west side of the city.
  2. Expand clinical services. This urgent care center will provide primary care options to residents. In addition, the center will also offer x-ray and lab options for patients, which should help in timely diagnosis and treatment. By expanding clinical services, we aim to provide high-quality medical care and reduce the burden on the emergency department of the centralized hospital (Allen, Cummings & Hockenberry, 2021; Coster et al., 2017).
  3. Improve affordability. The urgent care center will represent an affordable option for care, with referrals to local physicians and facilities. By providing affordable medical care, we aim to improve the overall health and well-being of the community, especially for those who cannot afford to pay high medical bills (Coster et al., 2017).
  4. Enhance patient experience. The urgent care center will focus on providing a seamless patient experience, which includes reducing wait times. This will ensure that patients receive prompt and personalized care, in a welcoming environment. By enhancing patient experience, we aim to build a loyal patient base and attract new patients to the facility (Prakash, 2010).

Section 2: Work Breakdown Structure

Develop a work breakdown structure that identifies a minimum of six major tasks or components you will need to accomplish for the project stated in the assigned scenario.

Complete the table below with a listing of the major components of the work breakdown structure. Add rows as necessary.

Level Activities
1.0 Administration
1.1 Review state inspection report
1.2 Review state compliance standards


Section 3: Project Schedule

Gantt Chart

Use your Work Breakdown Structure to create a Gantt chart for your selected scenario.

Section 4: Resource Utilization

Funding Source

Describe how this project will be funded (e.g., operational budget, grant funds, donations, loans, etc.).

Project Budget

List your projected revenue, then list expenses by the major category. Expenses already listed in the chart are examples and may change based on your particular project.

Projected Revenue: $62,000

Expense Category Expense Amount
Salary expenses $13,000
Equipment costs  
Contractual services  


Section 5: Assumptions and Risk Analysis

Assumptions of the Project

List any statements believed to be true and from which a conclusion was drawn to define this project plan.

Discuss how a new agent locates new Real Estate listings. Who and what do you consider? Where is best to look? How does a new agent properly prepare for a listing appointment?

Real Estate Question

Your paper must be written in 12 Point Arial or Times New Roman font. In your paper you must address the following questions:

1. Search for properties in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) or with your favorite real estate agency web-site. Compare and contrast the differences in listing and selling residential properties and specialized properties.

2. Discuss how a new agent locates new Real Estate listings. Who and what do you consider? Where is best to look?

3. How does a new agent properly prepare for a listing appointment?

4. Discuss potential difficult situations as a new Real Estate Agent and how to avoid or handle these situations.

Note: All student papers are automatically submitted to Turnitin.

Write a 2-3 page paper comparing and contrasting the federal governments of the United States and the country that you chose (Mexico).

Federalism: Mexico

Write a 2-3 page paper comparing and contrasting the federal governments of the United States and the country that you chose (Mexico). You may explore issues such as:

Federalism Examples

  • Admit new states
  • Conduct elections
  • Declare and engage in war
  • Determine the qualifications of voters
  • Establish and maintain schools
  • Govern marriage laws
  • Levy and collect taxes
  • Maintain an army, navy, and air force
  • Maintain the state militia (also known as the National Guard)
  • Negotiate treaties with foreign countries
  • Print and coin money
  • Protect public health
  • Protect the rights of citizens
  • Provide for public safety
  • Punish lawbreakers
  • Regulate interstate and foreign commerce
  • Regulate intrastate commerce
  • Set rules for immigration
  • Set traffic standards
  • Set up a post office

One day horizon is too restrictive. What is the 5-day 99% VaR? How about the 30-day (one month) 99% VaR? Compute these numbers using both methodologies enumerated in the previous question.

Business Question

1. The file 433.Assignment 01.csv (available at Canvas) contains daily data on S&P500 index and the Vanguard Total Bond Market Index Fund from 1987 to 2014. The Vanguard Bond fund is designed to provide broad exposure to U.S. investment-grade bonds. To be more specific, the fund invests about 30% in corporate bonds and 70% in U.S. government bonds of all maturities (short-, intermediate-, and long-term issues).

  • a. Compute daily volatilities of the S&P500 return and bond returns, using a “3-year rolling window’. (that is, for every t, compute those quantities from t — 3 years to t. Clearly, you need to begin in 1990.)
  • b. For the same time span, compute daily volatility of the S&P500 returns and bond returns using the RiskMetrics methodology.
  • c. Plot your results from La) and 1.b). Comment on your findings. How do estimates from RiskMetrics compare with those from using a rolling window?

2. Consider PM Jorgan’s Global Access portfolio with $3.5 billion AUM at the end of 2007. Say that today is December 31, 2007. Assume for simplicity for now that it is all invested in the S&P 500 index.
a. What was the 1 day 99% Value at Risk (VaR) on this portfolio? Compute VaR using both these methodologies:

  • i. Volatilities estimated using a 3-year rolling window (with equal weights for all obser-vations)
  • ii. Volatilities estimated using the RiskMetrics methodology

3. One day horizon is too restrictive. What is the 5-day 99% VaR? How about the 30-day (one month) 99% VaR? Compute these numbers using both methodologies enumerated in the previous question.

4. Repeat questions (2) and (3) assuming that $3.5 billion AUM of Global Access portfolio is 100% invested in bonds (Balanced Fund).

5. Let today be December 29, 2014. Assume now that $3.5 billion AUM of Global Access portfolio is 50% invested in stocks and 50% invested in bonds (the Vanguard Total Bond Fund). Will the 1-day 99%ile VaR of this portfolio be higher than a portfolio that is 100% invested in stocks? Will the VaR of the 50:50 portfolio be higher than a portfolio that is 100% invested in bonds? It is not necessary that you provide a quantitative answer; a qualitative answer would suffice. However, you should clearly articulate your rationale.

Write a Python program that includes a function that takes a list of integers and a number val as parameters and finds the index of the first number in the list greater than val.

Java question

Write a Python program that includes a function that takes a list of integers and a number val as parameters and finds the index of the first number in the list greater than val.

Your program should contain one function:

(1) greater(lst,val): This function takes two parameters: a list of integers and a number val (int). It should return the index of the first number in the list that is greater than val. If no element of the list is greater than val, len(lst) should be returned.

(2) Outside the function, you should do the following:

  • a. Prompt the use multiple times to enter 5 integer elements and add them to a list called my_list. (use for loop)
  • b. Prompt the use to enter a number value (integer) called my_val.
  • c. Call the function greater() with 2 arguments: my_list and my_val. d. Print the output that the function returns.

Complete a Medication card on the following drugs using the following template : Vyvanse, Concerta, Lexapro, Adderall, Methylphenidate, Dexedrine, Buspar, Guanfacine.

Nursing Medication Cards x8

Complete a Medication card on the following drugs using the following template : Vyvanse, Concerta, Lexapro, Adderall, Methylphenidate, Dexedrine, Buspar, Guanfacine.

Analyze the differences between inline and in-person counseling and therapy through research about the efficacy of online therapy during the transition away from in person therapy during COVID-19.

Differences between online and in-person counseling and therapy

Analyze the differences between inline and in-person counseling and therapy through research about the efficacy of online therapy during the transition away from in person therapy during COVID-19. Your paper must be based on a minimum of ten recent scientific references (since 2012).

  • Write a 6 to 8-page (1500-2000 words) research paper on one of the topics below.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by suggesting additional patient factors that might have interfered with the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of the patients they described.


Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by suggesting additional patient factors that might have interfered with the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of the patients they described. In addition, suggest how the personalized plan of care might change if the age of the patient were different and/or if the patient had a comorbid condition, such as renal failure, heart failure, or liver failur