
Describe your impression of at least one of the speakers in 400-500+ words.

Reflective Writing

Meet the Experts: Radiology, Naturopathic Medicine, & Emergency Medicine

  • Due Tuesday by 11:59pm
  • Points 0
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Available Jan 9 at 12am – Feb 28 at 11:59pm

Describe your impression of at least one of the speakers in 400-500+ words. Your reflection MUST answer the questions found in the Reflective Writing Rubric to receive full credit.

What differences did you notice when it came to classes offered between the schools? What do you think these educational differences mean for opportuntities both for higher education (attending college) and employment?

The Tale of Two Schools

  1. View the following clip: The Tale of Two Schools
  2. Reflect on your life and think about your education–high school.
  3. Create a title for your blog entry and share the following: Your thoughts about the difference between these two schools and what does this mean when it comes opportunities and social stratification. Think about the following questions:
    • What differences did you notice when it came to classes offered between the schools? What do you think these educational differences mean for opportuntities both for higher education (attending college) and employment?
    • Describe your high school and reflect upon the opportunities you had/have.
    • Think about the following questions: how involved were your teachers when it came to your education and other outside class activities
    • How involved were your counselors–did they provide information about different college and university opportunities, scholarships available, internships, etc.
    • Explore the information about Current Spending Per Pupil by Region : think about what this spending means in terms of your region and your own education.
      • Provide the amount of spending per pupil in your region.

In sociology we discuss social class reproduction. Explain how the differences in schools (i.e. funding, types of classes, the appearance, etc.) continue to socially reproduce class–continue to reproduce social stratification.

Which project do you think is riskier? How do you think you should incorporate differences in risk into the analysis? Based on the calculated payback period, net present value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR) for each project, which project looks better for New Balance shareholders? Why?


Instructions: Answer all questions below. Make sure to show your work. Your answers must be typed. (TOTAL = 100 POINTS)

Sneaker 2013 Questions

1. Should the following be included in Sneaker 2013’s capital budgeting cash flow projection? Why or why not?

  • a. Building a factory and purchase/installation of the equipment
  • b. Research and development costs
  • c. Cannibalization of other sneaker sales
  • d. Interest costs
  • e. Changes in current asset/current liabilities accounts
  • f. Taxes
  • g. Cost of goods sold
  • h. Advertising and promotion expenses
  • i. Depreciation charges

2. Produce a projected capital budgeting cash flow statement for the Sneaker 2013 project by answering the following questions:

  • a. What is the projects initial (year 0) investment outlay?
  • b. What are the projects annual (years 20132018) net operating cash flows?
  • c. What is the projects terminal (2018) nonoperating net cash flow?

3. Does Sneaker 2013 appear viable from a quantitative standpoint? To answer this question, estimate the project’s payback, net present value, and internal rate of return.

Persistence Questions

4. Which cash flows should be incorporated into the projects forecast? Why or why not?

5. Produce a projected capital budgeting cash flow statement for the Persistence project by answering the following questions:

  • a. What is the projects initial (year 0) investment outlay?
  • b. What are the project’s annual net operating cash flows?
  • c. What is the project’s terminal (2018) net cash flow?

6. Does Persistence appear attractive from a quantitative standpoint? To answer this question, estimate the project’s payback, net present value, and internal rate of return.

Additional Questions

7. Which project do you think is riskier? How do you think you should incorporate differences in risk into the analysis?

8. Based on the calculated payback period, net present value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR) for each project, which project looks better for New Balance shareholders? Why?

9. Should Rodriguez be more or less critical of cash flow forecasts for Persistence than of of cash flow forecasts for Sneaker 2013? Why?

10. What is your final recommendation to Rodriguez?

What did you previously think a job was? What did you think a career was? What differences do you see on the way people in your life who have jobs discuss their employment, versus those with careers?

Job vs. Careers

  1. View the following clip from Comedian Chris Rock, where he discusses the difference between a job and career–Chris Rock: Job vs. Career.
  2. Reflect on your life and think about people in life (yourself, parents, close family and/or friends) you know who have jobs and those who have careers
  3. Create a title for a brief blog entry and share the following: Your thoughts about the difference between a job and a career. Think about the following questions:
    • What did you previously think a job was?
    • What did you think a career was?
    • What differences do you see on the way people in your life who have jobs discuss their employment, versus those with careers?
    • Did Chris Rock discussion agree with how you thought about both or did Chris Rock make you re-think about what a job is and career is?
    • How do you now think about these two terms?

Define organizational behavior (OB). How can learning OB help you in your daily life? Provide specific examples and scenarios that highlight the importance of organizational behavior and its impact on your career.

Organizational Behavior & Diversity in Organizations

Define organizational behavior (OB). How can learning OB help you in your daily life? Provide specific examples and scenarios that highlight the importance of organizational behavior and its impact on your career.

End your post with a question to your classmates.

Tell us about an achievement of which you are particularly proud. What is it and why does it mean so much to you? Beyond what you mentioned already, is there anything else that makes you unique or that we should know about you?

Qimam 2023

Tell us about an achievement of which you are particularly proud. What is it and why does it mean so much to you? 150 words

Beyond what you mentioned already, is there anything else that makes you unique or that we should know about you? Examples may include but are not limited to: interesting skills or unique life experiences, other achievements of which you are proud (academic / non-academic), a powerful social media presence you have, presentations/ workshops you held, academic or non-academic publications, etc.¿ 250 words or less

Review the Argument Essay Outline you submitted along with feedback you received from that assignment. Develop a complete draft of your essay using your improved Argument Essay Outline.

Argumentative Essay Early Working Draft (Argumentative)

For this assignment, you will review feedback given on the Argumentative Essay Outline from ENGL 1101. Then, you will write a first working draft for the ENGL 1101 Argumentative Essay.

Assignment Instructions
1. Review the grading rubric as listed on this page.

2. Review the Argument Essay Outline you submitted along with feedback you received from that assignment. Make adjustments to the outline in accordance with the feedback. This may include strengthening lines of reasoning, expanding or improving research sources for supporting evidence, creating a more sympathetic introduction to your position, etc.

3. Develop a complete draft of your essay using your improved Argument Essay Outline. It should meet the following requirements. Papers submitted that do not meet the requirements will not receive a passing grade.

Explain concept of SMART goals in the development of indicators for evaluating healthcare performance and guiding healthcare decision-making. How would you use them for healthcare improvement activities as a healthcare manager?

Developing and Using Effective Indicators

Explain concept of SMART goals in the development of indicators for evaluating healthcare performance and guiding healthcare decision-making. How would you use them for healthcare improvement activities as a healthcare manager?

Your APA formatted assignment comprising 2-4 double-spaced pages, typed in 12 points Times New Roman (or 11 points Calibri) citing 2-3 credible sources excluding the Cover and Reference pages.

Some resources:

How have the articles that you collected define the terms for your topic of interest? In other words, based on the articles you chose, what are the associated Operational Definitions? Include your sources and cite APA each operational definition.


Read Chapter 4 class materials before submitting your response (it will show in your answer if you did not read the material). Answer these two questions thoroughly. Check the Operational Definitions section of your book.

An Operational Definition is a definition of a variable in terms of precisely how it is to be measured. The articles you chose define very strictly the terms they study, for example if they mention ‘intelligence’, or habits like ‘working out’ or ‘mental illness’ etc. They must define what these terms mean specifically for that study and how it is going to be measured. How do they present these terms? The definitions they use are specific, not vague. Each article will define their topic of interest in a slightly different way depending on how they will measure it for the purposes of their study.

How have the articles that you collected define the terms for your topic of interest? In other words, based on the articles you chose, what are the associated Operational Definitions? Include your sources and cite APA each operational definition.
Which definitions do you like the best? Which definitions will suit best for your project based on what you have learned about Operational Definitions? Remember: You may use previous articles to define your terms and variables but always paraphrase and cite your sources in APA!
Please do not just copy and paste material, practice paraphrasing, and write a substantial description of I want to hear your plan and your voice through your writings.

Provide person-centered care. Demonstrate personal responsibility by arriving on time and informing the clinical instructor of the absence. Prepare self to provide patient care.

Clinical Evaluation Criteria

  1. F: Incorporates Franciscan Values and the American Nurses Association, Code of Ethics for Nurses in  academic and practice settings.


  1. Creates a caring community
    1. *Respect the patient’s dignity
    2. Provide person-centered care
    3. Actively listen to patients and others.
    4. *Demonstrate personal responsibility by arriving on time and informing the clinical instructor of the absence
    5. Prepare self to provide patient care
    6. *Use professional communication in interactions with patients, inter-professional staff, instructor, and peers
  2. Showing compassion
    1. Support patient’s decision-making regarding healthcare needs
    2. Allow the patient to direct their care.
    3. Support staff with patient care decision-making
  3. Reverencing creation
    1. *Values diversity
    2. Does not allow personal biases to influence patient care
    3. Protects the environment by managing resources in patient care
  4. Making peace
    1. Identifies sources of conflicts
    2. Forgives others
  5. Examine how professional values direct decision making in the clinical setting:
    1. *Forthright with peer, staff, and instructor.
    2. Practices safe technique even when not being observed
    3. Accepts responsibility for errors and tries to take appropriate corrective action
    4. Respectful of faculty, staff, and peers
    5. Recognizes personal, staff, and organizational biases and the potential influences on the care of a patient with a mental illness
    6. Based on identified weakness and strengths in providing patient care, determines goals and strategies to improve clinical performance


  1. R: Uses research and evidence-based practice as a basis for planning and providing care.


  1. Develops nursing care plan based on an articulated evidence-based plan for a patient with complex nursing needs
  2. Uses current and reliable resources (nursing literature, textbooks, and credible web sites) to explain the rationale of nursing actions


  1. A1: Practice according to the ANA Nursing: Scope and standards of practice and the CONHS Standards of Conduct; abides by the legal standards as defined by state nurse practice acts, and federal regulations.


  1. Utilizes the nursing process in the planning and delivery of care for a patient with complex nursing needs:
    1. Assessment: collects comprehensive data pertinent to the patient’s health or situation using clinical agency identified assessment tools and identify normal from anticipated abnormal patient assessments
    2. Diagnosis: analyzes data to determine the nursing diagnosis or issue using appropriate nursing classification language
    3. Outcome Identification: identifies expected outcomes for a plan individualized to the patient or situation
    4. Planning: evaluates the articulated plan of care and identifies the rationale for strategies
    5. Implementation: implements the identified plan
    6. Evaluation: evaluates progress toward attainment of outcomes
  2. *Protects patient confidentiality in academic discussions (verbal and written)
  3. *Protects institutional confidentiality in academic discussions (verbal and written)
  4. *Abides by NCSBN guide on social media
  5. Acts to prevent unsafe, illegal, or unethical care practices.


  1. N1: Provides developmentally appropriate nursing care across the continuum of healthcare environments.


  1. Identifies the developmental level of patient
  2. Individualizes care based on the developmental level of patient
  3. Adapts nursing skills to match patient population
  4. The priority of activities reflects patients’ needs
  5. Applies safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers
  6. Demonstrates the application of psychomotor skills for the efficient, safe, and compassionate delivery of patient care.


  1. C1: Collaborates and communicates with the patient and the healthcare team to maximize health outcomes.


  1. *Validates nursing plan of care with the instructor and/or primary nurse
  2. Explains treatments and procedures to patient and family as appropriate
  3. Keeps patient informed of the plan of care
  4. *Keeps the primary nurse and clinical instructor informed of patient response to the plan of care and any changes to the plan of care
  5. Compares/contrasts the roles and perspectives of the nursing profession with other professionals on the healthcare team.


  1. I: Uses information management and the application of patient care technology to provide quality care.


  1. Explains the rationale for the use of patient care technology
  2. Demonstrates skills in the use of patient care technology according to agency protocol   
  3. Uses EHR to communicate effectively with members of the health care team
  4. Documents clinically relevant information in a timely manner
  5. Understands the use of Clinical Information Systems (CIS) to document interventions related to achieving nurse-sensitive outcomes.
  6. Uses information and communication technologies in preventative care.


  1. S: Demonstrates leadership by influencing others to optimize physical, emotional, and spiritual safety and provide quality care.


  1. *Collaborates with the inter-professional team to provide safe and effective care and implement unit safety initiatives, policies, and procedures
  2. *Places the patient’s concerns and safety first:
    1. Accessible and prompt in answering patient’s requests;
    2. Prioritize patient’s care needs
    3. Notify the instructor and primary nurse when leaving the unit and makes arrangements for patient care needs to be met
  3. Collaborates with the patient regarding spiritual needs, incorporates into the plan of care, and identifies professionals who are specialists in spiritual care and makes referrals
  4. Reviews and revises inter-professional plan as appropriate
  5. Identifies and adapts environment to promote a sense of peace such as lighting, music, roommate, etc.
  6. Engages the patient in dialogue that promotes a sense of well-being by:
    1. Providing a presence
    2. Determining the meaning of pain
    3. Therapeutic sense of self
    4. Uses a variety of appropriate non-verbal communication strategies that “grounds” or “centers” the patient, such as touch, silence, presence, humor, and active listening
    5. Effectively uses therapeutic communication
  7. Assists the patient to continue or engage in his/her meaningful spiritual rituals and routines
  8. Manages personal emotional responses when the patient’s beliefs or actions may lead to a harmful effect
  9. Identifies and acts on barriers to communication
  10. Participates in quality and patient safety initiatives, recognizing that these are complex system issues, which involve individuals, families, groups, communities, populations, and other members of the healthcare team.
  11. Promotes factors that create a culture of safety and caring.
  12. Promotes the achievement of safe and quality outcomes of care for diverse populations.


  1. C2: Provides culturally competent and holistic nursing care to diverse patients.
  • Assesses the patient’s use of complementary, alternative, and integrative health practices
  • Assesses spirituality in patient care
  • Assesses patient’s cultural practices in a respectful and sensitive manner
  • Identifies the patient’s cultural influences on acute illness behaviors
  • Considers the whole person (mind, body, spirit, and environment) when planning and providing care


  1. A2: Advocates for health promotion and disease prevention strategies.
  • Assesses patient’s perceptions of needs and utilizes strategies that promote health
  • Identifies factors that contribute to health disparities
  • Supports patients’ decisions and motivates patients to follow through with actions
  • Participates in patient-centered activities that promote health and prevent disease
  • Provides information to empower patients to make informed decisions


  1. N2: Demonstrate knowledge of health care policy, finance, and regulatory environments to improve patient outcomes.
  • Understands the implications of payer source
  • Identifies economic and health literacy barriers to improve the patient’s ability to navigate the health care system
  • Acts on identified barriers to improving patient outcomes
  • Identifies community resources for a patient with complex health care needs who is being discharged

* Indicates a critical behavior that must be followed at all times.  Violation of a critical behavior may result in immediate clinical failure.