
If we agree that he is correct, the whole idea of culture seems to slip through our fingers. How could we ever know if it were present or absent? If all of its elements are replaceable, what is it, and where is it?

Lomawaima’s article


So strict and unforgiving a linkage of culture and identity often leaves Indian people with a pervasive legacy of insecurity and pain. Admitting to such sentiments, moreover, may only create more “evidence” of one’s insufficient Indianans for others to attack. Young people do not learn well when they are frightened — nor do adults or elders. The judgment that “he is not one of us” is a severe enough price that many people of Indian heritage with the potential to make significant contributions to Indian communities may choose not to participate in their traditional cultures at all, rather than risk the effort and be rejected for demonstrated lack of competence. There is probably no surer recipe for extinguishing a culture than this. This is not to say that Indian communities should abandon culture as a standard of identity. But perhaps they would do well to remember their histories — and their futures — as they think about how they use culture to define the boundaries of their communities in the present.

In reviewing cultural definitions of identity, it sometimes appears that they present an insoluble dilemma. One the one hand, many Indian people agree that their identities are closely bound up with distinctive ways of being in the world. Yet this is a position that easily edges over into an unrealistic demand that “authentic” Indian life ways must embody the farthest, most exotic extreme of otherness (such that no Indian person could ever satisfy the requirements). And there are good reasons why Indian communities might want to forgive themselves, and others, for the cultural losses they have suffered.

On the other hand, unless one is willing to surrender cultural definitions altogether, one must still ask: just how closely can Indian groups resemble their non-Indian neighbors and still embody a separate people, an Indian people? James Clifford, following his observations at the Mashpee trial, concluded that “all the critical elements of identity are in specific conditions replaceable: language, land, blood, leadership, reli-gion. Recognized, viable tribes exist in which any one or even most of these elements are missing, replaced, or largely transformed.”‘”

If we agree that he is correct, the whole idea of culture seems to slip through our fingers. How could we ever know if it were present or absent? If all of its elements are replaceable, what is it, and where is it? If all the ele-ments that compose a culture can disappear, while the cultural identity somehow remains, is there anyone who is not Indian? These are questions with no obvious answers, and to which we must return in a later chapter.

In 4 double-space pages, reflect, expand, or elaborate on your group’s presentation–focusing on a particular issue of your choice.

Educ Citizen in Global Context

In 4 double-space pages, reflect, expand, or elaborate on your group’s presentation–focusing on a particular issue of your choice. This is an opportunity for you to explore further a subject or issue that may not have been explored in detail from your group presentation. Alternatively, you may select to provide your own opinion and analysis on an issue that you are passionate about. For instance, you may disagree with a particular subject or course of action. The individual response is your opportunity to express your point of view.

Erin really wants to be admitted to her dream school, she prefers to focus two times as long on school work than on piano practice (S=2P), and she wants time to socialize outside of her duties. Is this possible?

Microecon problem set

1. State whether the following claim is true or false, and briefly explain your answer. The following production function exhibits increasing returns to scale:

  • Q= I, +1(1

2. Erin’s admission to a prestigious music school depends on the total score (Q) the admissions office decides to assign her. The school evaluates both her academic performance in high school and her skills as a musician. Hence, Q will be determined by the hours she spends on school work (S) and the hours she spends playing piano (P), her favorite instrument, every day. We can represent the total score using the following production function:

  • Q=SP 1 .

Answer the following:

  • (a) To be admitted Erin needs a score of at least 2. Draw an isoquant curve for a total score of Q = 2 by placing school work, S, on the y-axis and piano practice, P, on the x-axis. To simplify, compute P for the points P = [1, 2, 4] and connect the dots.
  • (b) In a day there are 24 hours and Erin knows that she needs to sleep at least 8 hours. Hence, assuming that she can allocate maximum 16 hours to work school and piano practice, write this constraint and provide a representation of this constraint on your graph.
  • (c) Erin really wants to be admitted to her dream school, she prefers to focus two times as long on school work than on piano practice (S=2P), and she wants time to socialize outside of her duties. Is this possible? (Remember she has only 16 hours available; she needs to sleep too)
  • (d) Find Erin’s marginal productivity of school work, piano practice, and her MRTS of piano practice for school work (MPp/MPs).

3. For each production function listed below, determine MPL, MPK, and MRTSL,K (i.e., MPL /MPK)

  • (a) Q = -,1.4 L K2
  • (b) Q = L1/2+K1/3
  • (c) Q = 3 L3+K2

1. We will study the case of a cost-minimizing soy farmer. The fanner uses two inputs – fertilizer (f) and irrigation water (w) – to produce soy (S). Under normal circumstances, her production function is given by S = min{2f, – that is, she needs to use f and w in the same proportion, needing twice as much fertilizer as she needs water The price of one unit of fertilizer is rf and one unit water is r,,.. Suppose rf = $3 and rp, = $6.

  • (a) Under normal circumstances, what is the cost minimizing bundle of inputs (fi;’, sirp needed to produce 4 units of S? How much does this bundle cost?
  • (b) The current year has been drier than usual and more irrigation is required to produce the same amount of crop. Her production function in this case is S = min{ f, w}. What is her cost minimizing bundle of inputs in the case of drought (f:, led needed to produce 4 units of S? How much does this bundle cost?
  • (c) To counter the effect of drought, an agricultural R&D company has developed a new type of seed which requires less fertilizer f to yield the same amount of soy. The production function under this new technology is given by R = min{2f, 2w}. What is the highest price our farmer would be willing to pay for this technology if she still wants to produce 4 units of S?

2. Assume that a restaurant can sell their specialty dish with either purple rice or brown rice: these two inputs are perfect substitutes. The restaurant wants to minimize costs and so the manager is required to determine the optimal combination of white and brown rice given the input costs and the production function of their specialty dish
Q = 2P +B (where Q represents the number of dishes they can serve).

  • (a) What are the restaurant’s MPp and MPB? What about its MRTSps?
  • (b) Assume that the price of purple rice is pp = $6, while the price of brown rice pB = $2. What combination of inputs would you suggest to the manager? Please, explain your reasoning by using the marginal product per dollar of expenditure of the two inputs.
  • (c) Assume now that there is a shock in the brown rice market that increases prices up to pa = $6 (while the cost of purple rice is still also pp = $6). Would you suggest the manager to change the input allocation from part (b)? Again, please provide an explanation involving the relation between the marginal product per dollar of expenditure of the two inputs.

3. A textile firm produces t-shirts while minimizing costs. It’s production of t-shirts is generated by the production function is Q = 4LK. The price of labor services is w, and the price of capital services is r. Suppose that w = $2, r = $8, and the firm’s total cost is $64.

  • (a) What are the firm’s MPL, MPO
  • (b) What is the firm’s optimal input combination of L and K given a cost of 64? How many t-shirts are they producing?
  • (c) Suppose new management takes over the company, and they intend to significantly increase production, poten-tially increasing total costs as well. The CEO announces that they will now produce Q = 1024 t-shirts using the same technology. Find (a) the new optimal choices of K and L given what the company intends to produce, and (b) compute the new level of their production costs.
  • (d) What can you conclude about the returns to scale of the firm’s production function after the analysis in point (c)? Assume that each good can be sold at a price of $10. What is the effect of the CEO’s decision on profits? Would you agree with his choice?


Write a two page double spaced paper identifying what Wisdom, Knowledge, Judgement, Experience and The Source of Wisdom are from the information provided in the ZOOM lecture.

Humanities Question

Write a two page double spaced paper identifying what Wisdom, Knowledge, Judgement, Experience and The Source of Wisdom are from the information provided in the ZOOM lecture.

How do self-managing teams create concertive control? What are some other examples of concertive control? Have you ever been a part of a self-managing team or a flat/horizontal organization?


Cheney, G., Christensen, L. T., Theodore E. Zorn, J., & Ganesh, S. (2010). Organizational communication in an age of globalization: Issues, reflections, practices (2nd ed.). Waveland Press.

Respond to two of the following questions using full sentences and referencing the textbook. When you’re finished, respond to two of your peer’s posts.

  1. How do self-managing teams create concertive control? What are some other examples of concertive control? Have you ever been a part of a self-managing team or a flat/horizontal organization?
  2. What values are expressed by the team members in the example from The Soul of a New Machine, and how did these values become norms and rules? How effective were the values, norms, and rules as a system of control?
  3. What are the advantages of working in a concertive control environment such as self managing teams? What are the disadvantages of working in a concertive control environment?

Choose a technical or scientific term from the article you used for your summary or from your field of study and write a 1000 word expanded definition of it with a cover memo.

English Question

Your Department Head (DH) was impressed with your summary and thought it was a good foundation for a new product. To assist the product development team, they want a more thorough explanation of some of the scientific terms used in in the article, so they asked you to write an expanded definition of these terms. Choose a technical or scientific term from the article you used for your summary or from your field of study and write a 1000 word expanded definition of it with a cover memo. Your expanded definition must be supported by scholarly or vetted sources that are properly quoted and cited using

APA style and must demonstrate:

  • 1correct memorandum format.
  • knowledge of the etymology and historical development of the term.
  • examples of the term’s use in various written contexts.
  • ability to compare and contrast various uses of the term
  • awareness of audience.
  • At least three library-sourced citations are required and should be cited following APA format.

Provide your reflection, your major takeaways, gaps you identified, and suggestions to resolve these gaps or actions you would want to have taken if you had the opportunity to do so. For example: Did you find any product or service gaps based on the type of the hospitality organization or the type of the guests? What would you do differently as a manager to resolve these gaps?

HFT3003 “Eyes of the World”

Part 1: On-site experience & observation:

This on-site experience requires between one and four hours on site (alone). Take field notes immediately after your experience as a guest. Write your paper later, using the field notes as reference materials. You must recognize that global issues and systems are experienced differently at local scales in the hospitality and tourism industry. These could include differences in service standards, etiquette and accepted behavior, clientele and target market, etc. based on the hospitality operation (chain vs. independently owned, American vs. ethnic), Furthermore, you should compare and contrast how these global issues and systems are experienced at different scales in the hospitality and tourism industry. Additionally, these may include diversity representation (gender, age, ethnicity, etc.). Describe your experience as it happened and in the first person only: “I felt”…”I found myself wondering”…”I worried that”…”I think they should have”. Be sure to reflect on all that you learned about being the guest in the setting experienced. Use past tense when you write. This paper will be well composed; typed, a minimum of three full pages, double-spaced with one-inch margins all around, no misspellings, grammatically correct, and using 12-point font. A cover page will be used to give details, including, as appropriate, the title of your experience (be creative!), location, date of the experience, your name, and submission date.


Choose TWO the following three options: Hotel lobby, restaurant, or an event:

Hotel Lobby: Think about which hotel you might visit and your reason for doing so. Do not go to a hotel with which you are already familiar (you work there or have spent considerable time there). Also, consider what you wear and how it will affect your presence to others. Sit for half an hour doing nothing, just relaxing. Go to the front desk or concierge and request a brochure for the hotel. Return to your seat for the remainder of the time. During your experience, take in as much as you can of the atmosphere and ambiance. What stands out to you as you relax in the lobby area? What is the function of the lobby? Is it of value? How were you regarded and treated by hotel personnel and other guests? What would you say about this establishment’s service ethic? Did you notice any differences in service based on the type of guests?

Table Service Restaurant: Select a restaurant unfamiliar to you where you can go alone, for about an hour. Order whatever your budget allows. Do not read or use your cell phone. Again, take in the experience. Be conscious of how you feel and why. Do not write about feeling lonely! You are observing the service operation of a restaurant. Be sensitive to your experience as a guest: be observant! How was the service, and how did you react or behave? How similar do you think the experience of other guests is to yours? Why? How were you regarded and treated by the restaurant personnel and other guests? What would you say about this establishment’s service ethic? Did you notice any differences in service based on the type of guests?

Major Event: Attend a special event that is not business/career related. Plan to spend at least a half-day or evening alone, being a participant, doing whatever the situation calls for. Select something that promises to be fun, then see what happens to you as you interact at the event. What is the function of this event to the visitor, to its community, and to those who organized and provided the event? How does it relate to the field of hospitality, and how does hospitality relate to the event you experienced? Does planning the event require specific expertise? How were you regarded and treated by the event personnel and other guests? What would you say about this establishment’s service ethic? Did you notice any differences in service based on the type of guests?



Part 2: Reflection and Suggestions

Provide your reflection, your major takeaways, gaps you identified, and suggestions to resolve these gaps or actions you would want to have taken if you had the opportunity to do so. For example: Did you find any product or service gaps based on the type of the hospitality organization or the type of the guests? What would you do differently as a manager to resolve these gaps?



Part 3:

In this part you must use refernces.

What is the biggest threat to future food security?

For your midterm, you will research the threats to our food system and supply chain, does ecocide play a role, and how they might affect the human population.

You may use Google Scholar, the USF library, or other reliable resources.

Minimum 250 words,  Format: APA Citations References


What are the major differences between them? What has been omitted? What has been altered? Why do you think the translators decided to make these choices? How does this affect the experience of the reader?

Humanities Question

Write a short essay on the following topic. Be sure to support your arguments by exact references to the readings during Weeks 4-6 of this course. Avoid long quotes, and express the ideas found in the texts in your own words as much as possible. The essay should be between 600 and 700 words. Use font size 12 and double space the essay.

The assigned translation of the short story “The Dancing Girl of Izu” written by Kawabata Yasunari was done by J. Martin Holman in 1997. An earlier translation was published by Edward Seidensticker in 1955 in The Atlantic Monthly with the title “The Izu Dancer.” (This second translation can be read in the pdf file below.) Compare the two translations. What are the major differences between them? What has been omitted? What has been altered? Why do you think the translators decided to make these choices? How does this affect the experience of the reader?

(Note the two different translation strategies summarized in the page “Kajii Motojirō: Life and Works” in the Week 5 module.)

How were risks allocated between the project owner, sponsors, and contractors on the Heathrow T-5 Project, and what impact did that have on the governance of the project?

Heathrow T-9 Project


How were risks allocated between the project owner, sponsors, and contractors on the Heathrow T-5 Project, and what impact did that have on the governance of the project?

How consistent were your questionnaire answers with those obtained by other students in your class and with the statistical data you were presented with in class and the articles you were assigned for this module?

Writing Question

You have now completed a questionnaire asking you about your first working experiences and someone who is about 20 years older than you. We also had a discussion in class about what other students reported on their questionnaires. After that, we reviewed the statistics surrounding teen labor force participation and how it has changed from the past both during the academic year and in the summer months. Finally, we explored the ongoing debate (Mortimer reading and others) regarding whether adolescents should or should not work while in school.

For this assignment, you will write a 2-3 page paper (double spaced) about past work experiences examining the information you collected with your questionnaire as well as the responses your fellow students discussed in class and how this informal survey responses compare to the statistical data presented in class and the articles you read in the module. You should write a well-written essay with an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion. Ideas to help you frame your essay include:

• What did you learn about yourself and the person you interviewed about how similar/different your first work experiences were?

o How consistent were your questionnaire answers with those obtained by other students in your class and with the statistical data you were presented with in class and the articles you were assigned for this module?

▪ What was the same or different? Do you have a theory as to why?

▪ Did anything surprise you?

• Based on you and your interviewees responses – how did your thoughts compare to the debate described by Mortimer whether adolescents should work? What do you think are the most compelling arguments for both sides of the argument and which side did you agree with?