
Create an Excel spreadsheet that produces the calculations for the PDC decision tree (Figure 4.9).

BQUA 2812 Assignment 1

Read Section 4.5 in the textbook. Create an Excel spreadsheet that produces the calculations for the PDC decision tree (Figure 4.9). All of the solutions are in the textbook and the chapter PDF on Blackboard, so check your calculations to make sure you are getting the correct results. Your spreadsheet cannot have any hard coding and must provide the following:

1. At Node 3, the decision found using the Optimistic Approach,
2. At Node 3, the decision found using the Conservative Approach,

3. At Node 3, the decision found using the Minimax Regret Approach,

4. At Node 3, the expected value of perfect information,

5. At each chance node (circle), the expected payoff,

6. At each decision node (square), the decision that maximizes the expected payoff, and

7. The maximum amount you would be willing to pay for the market research study.

State the multiple linear regression equation with the number of independent variables related to the problem in general. Run the Regression Data analysis on this data, provide the obtained model.

Static question

Problem 2

The production of wine is a multi-billion-dollar worldwide industry. In an attempt to develop a model of wine quality as judged by wine experts, data (see Excel file VinhoVerde) was collected from red wine variants from a particular type of foreign wine. A multiple linear regression model should be developed from a sample of several wines. The model will be used to predict wine quality, measured on a scale from 0 (very bad) to 10 (excellent) based on the alcohol content (%) and the amount of chlorides.

a) State the multiple linear regression equation with the number of independent variables related to the problem in general.

b) Run the Regression Data analysis on this data, provide the obtained model.

c) Interpret the meaning of the parameters β1 and β2 of the model (what does each of them represent?). Does β0 have a practical interpretation?

d) Predict the mean wine quality rating for wines with

  • (i) 11% alcohol content and chlorides of 0.07.
  • (ii) 40% alcohol content and chlorides of 0.08.

Comment on whether the model is suitable for the requested predictions.

e) Test the hypothesis on whether the slopes of the model are (jointly) significant.

f) Test the hypothesis on whether each variable in the model (individually) is significant.

g) In case when you find in (e)-(f) that some parameter of the model is insignificant, delete it from the model and run your new model.

Based on Book 1 of the Nicomachean Ethics, what does Aristotle mean by good? What does Aristotle say is the chief good (best or highest good)? Why can’t this chief good consist in pleasure? Why can’t this chief good consist in money? Why can’t this chief good consist in honor or in fame? In what does this chief good then consist for Aristotle?

Nicomachean Ethics

Note: This OD is based on the Aristotle reading (Nicomachean Ethics, Book1 & Book 2) from your Cahn text (pp. 275-290).

  1. Based on Book 1 of the Nicomachean Ethics, what does Aristotle mean by good? What does Aristotle say is the chief good (best or highest good)? Why can’t this chief good consist in pleasure? Why can’t this chief good consist in money? Why can’t this chief good consist in honor or in fame? In what does this chief good then consist for Aristotle?
  2. For Aristotle, what is the proper function of human life? Does that proper function consist in a life of nutrition and growth? Why so? Does that proper function consist in a life of sensation and perception? Why so?
  3. Aristotle says in Book 2 of the Nicomachean Ethics that there are 2 kinds of virtue. What are these? Are these virtues innate or are they acquired? If acquired, how so for each kind of virtue?
  4. Aristotle says that the virtue of character (or moral virtue) lies in the mean (NOT ‘MEANS’). What does Aristotle mean by mean? How does Aristotle relate this mean to happiness or eudaimonia? Is this mean the same for all? Why so? For Aristotle, is there a mean for every action and every passion? Why so?

How does Block chain work in Supply chain Management? How can we say that Block chain technology bring efficiency and transparency in transactions? What are characteristics of Blockchain technology?

Introduction to Operations Management

Learning Outcomes

  1. Describe the concept of operations functions, supply chain strategy, process selection, forecasting, capacity planning, production forecast methods and schedule operations  (CLO 1)
  2. Define different perspectives and knowledge of process-flow analysis, process design solutions, lean system, quality controls, Inventory control system and green systems  (CLO 2)
  3. Demonstrate process-flow analysis, process design solutions, operations strategies, Inventory Control System and customer services in the business operation. (CLO 5)


Recent technological advancements and rapid manufacturing growth are having a considerable impact on the global supply chain. For example, artificial intelligence is taking over quality control, Internet of Things (IoT) devices and drones are monitoring manufacturing and maintenance, and more than 1.9 million robots are already deployed in manufacturing and warehousing globally.

Today, companies need to be agile, flexible, and responsive to survive. Those that drive continuous innovation throughout their businesses and supply chains – and differentiate themselves in a highly competitive market by remaining dynamic and relevant – are the ones that succeed.

Keeping in view the above lines you are asked the following questions.

Q1. How does Block chain work in Supply chain Management? (5 MM)

Q2. How can we say that Block chain technology bring efficiency and transparency in transactions?  (4 MM)

Q3. What are characteristics of Blockchain technology?   (4 MM)

Q4. Name five companies in the world who use this technology.  (2 MM)

What website are you choosing for this project part? Using the concepts presented in this module, describe what led to a frustrating user experience.

Website Development Question


In this course project you will solidify your understanding and application of mental models vis-à-vis web development.

Except as indicated, use this document to record all your project work and responses to any questions. At a minimum you will need to turn in a digital copy of this document to your instructor as part of your project completion. You may also have additional supporting documents that you will need to submit. Your instructor will provide feedback to help you work through your findings.

Note: Though your work will only be seen by those grading the course and will not be used or shared outside the course, you should take care to obscure any information you feel might be of a sensitive or confidential nature.

Complete each project part as you progress through the course. Wait to submit the project until both parts are complete. Begin your course project by completing Part One below. A submit button can be found on the final Course Project assignment page. Information about the grading rubric is available on any of the course project assignment pages online. Do not hesitate to contact your instructor if you have any questions about the project.


Part One

Mental Models for Web Development

In this part of the course project you will choose a website and use it to describe your own mental model for how you think it should work. By going through this project part you will continue to improve your ability to recognize how your design decisions impact others.

Note: For this mental exercise to be most beneficial, choose a website that you find frustrating to navigate.

Answer the questions below.

1 What website are you choosing for this project part? Paste the URL in the answer box to the right. Answer here
2 Using the concepts presented in this module, describe what led to a frustrating user experience. Answer here
3 What would you recommend to the original designers of the website, knowing what you know now? Be specific, and consider drawing or mapping a new model for how the navigation elements of the website should work. Answer here



Part Two

Consider the Audience

In this part of the course project will use the same website you chose for Part One to consider how the audience’s needs are or are not being met.

1 Considering the same website that you chose in Part One, who do you think the target audience is? Is it clear? Why or why not? Answer here
2 Based on who you think the target audience(s) is, how would you revise your initial recommendations to the
web designer?
Answer here
3 Can you identify 2-3 biases in
the design of the website? We encourage you to use the resources found on to help you
in crafting your response.
Answer here


Write and post a response to the question below then respond to at least ONE of your classmate’s posts. Reflect on the leaders you have encountered in your life. They could be your parents, employers, politicians, family friends, or anyone else you consider a leader. What makes them a truly great leader? How have you adapted your behavior to emulate their leadership abilities?

Discussion: What makes a great leader

Write and post a response to the question below then respond to at least ONE of your classmate’s posts.
Reflect on the leaders you have encountered in your life. They could be your parents, employers, politicians, family friends, or anyone else you consider a leader. What makes them a truly great leader? How have you adapted your behavior to emulate their leadership abilities?


Calculate the steady-state error when the input variable in the process is subjected to a perturbation with a negative amplitude degree equal to 0.25. It is known that the proportional gain of the controller is equal to 1.9.

Chemical industry processes

1. A process controlled in feedback mode has the transfer functions of the process, the transmitter sensor and the final element equal to, respectively:

Gp (S) = (6.37)/(5.0030S + 1) // Gst (S) = 24.0 // Grp (S) 0.0103

Calculate the steady-state error when the input variable in the process is subjected to a perturbation with a negative amplitude degree equal to 0.25. It is known that the proportional gain of the controller is equal to 1.9.

Is there a tsunami or volcanic hazard at your location? If so, describe the hazard and the hazard plan that is in place. If not, what is the nearest volcano to your location?

Environmental Geology: Summative Project

The purpose of this project is for you to apply what you have learned in this class.  You will be researching a location and determining the interaction of humans and the environment.  You may choose the location where you intend to live in the future (your dream location or somewhere you hope to visit) or where you currently live.  Sign up for your location on D2L. This is NOT a group project and must be completed individually to show how much you have learned this semester in Environmental Geology.

Location: Describe your location.  Use latitude and longitude, along with the city and state.  It is best to pick a house or at least a neighborhood in a city to be able to answer some of the questions, like the flood and mass wasting questions.

Rocks: What type of bedrock is under your location?  Is that a good rock for houses?

Plate Tectonics and Earthquakes: What is the nearest plate boundary and what type (convergent, divergent, or transform) is it?   Are earthquakes common at your location?  What size are they and how frequently are they?  Does your community have a hazard plan in place to deal with Earthquakes?

Tsunami and Volcano: Is there a tsunami or volcanic hazard at your location?  If so, describe the hazard and the hazard plan that is in place.  If not, what is the nearest volcano to your location?

Floods: Is your location on a flood plain?  Check website to find out.  If so, how is it protected from flooding?  If not, what is the nearest stream and what is your location’s elevation above the nearest stream?

Mass wasting: What is the slope of the land at your location?  Is there any evidence on your location or neighboring properties of a past mass wasting event?  What types of mass wasting are likely?

Shorelines: Is there a shoreline at your location?  If so, what has been done to protect it from erosion?  Is there a chance of damage from hurricanes?  What will happen if sea level rises?  If not, what is the nearest shoreline?

Groundwater: What are the sources of groundwater pollution near your location?  Is there any evidence of current pollution at your location?  You should check Leaking UST websites for any published data.

Soil: Identify the type of soil (classification) present at your location.  Is it best used for residential uses or is there a better use for it?  Be sure to check the soil survey at the USDA to answer this question.

Water: Describe your source of water, how it is delivered to your location, and how it is processes so it is made clean enough to drink.

Electricity: Describe where your electricity comes from by finding your utility’s environmental disclosure statement.  Be sure to indicate the type of fuel that is used to produce it and the pollution that is caused by its use.  Find out where the waste from the fuel is stored or released into the environment.

Sewage: Describe the process that your sewage goes through before it is released to the environment.  Be sure to indicate where this occurs, including where the water is released to the environment.

Landfills: Where does your trash go?  What protections are used at the facility to protect the groundwater and air from pollution? What is the actual location of the landfill or incinerator?

Superfund: Where is the closest Superfund site and what is its status?

Other issues: Are there any other environmental issues that we have studied this semester that would make living in this location difficult?


Format: Use an outline format and include your references. Use correct, consistent citation. If you cite a website, be sure to indicate the date you access the website. Do NOT use Wikipedia as a final source, drill deeper and verify that your sources are reliable. If you are unsure as to how to make a works cited page, go to the library’s website for help. Points will be awarded only with accurate sources.


In the YouTube video “Pandas for Data Science in 20 minutes,” the speaker used the describe method, list four of the results from the describe method for the variable “account length.” What is the purpose of the describe method?

Discovery and learning with big data week 6


Watch the YouTube video (at least 10 minutes) and read the two articles provided to answer the questions listed below. Ensure your answers are drawn primarily from the video and articles and cite your source for each question.

Next, download and open the Assignment 6 Hands-On ipynb file in your Jupyter Notebook and run through the three exercises.


  1. In the YouTube video “Pandas for Data Science in 20 minutes,” what does the acronym CRUD stand for in the video?
  2. In the YouTube video ” Pandas for Data Science in 20 minutes,” what were the data types in the telco_churn file?
  3. In the YouTube video “Pandas for Data Science in 20 minutes,” the speaker used the describe method, list four of the results from the describe method for the variable “account length.” What is the purpose of the describe method?
  4. In the article, “Top 10 Python Libraries Data Scientists Should Know in 2022”, name one of the four libraries not discussed in class. Should the professor include this library in future lectures? Why or why not?
  1. In the article, “Top 10 Python Libraries Data Scientists Should Know in 2022,” what libraries were SciKit-Learn designed from, according to the author? Why do you think the creator of SciKit-Learn used those libraries?
  1. The article, ” An overview and comparison of free Python libraries for data mining and big data analysis,” identify two of the least used data visualization libraries discussed in the article. Why do you think they are used the least?
  2. In the article, “An overview and comparison of free Python libraries for data mining and big data analysis,” the author discusses several deep learning libraries. Which deep learning library list in the article would you want to use and why?



Use Jupyter Notebook to complete the Python exercises.

  1. Download Series, DataFrames, NumPy Arrays.ipynb file that includes three exercises. Complete the exercises and save your work. Upload your ipynb and pdf files.

Using your calibration equations from 4.3, calculate the sensitivity for each sensor. Be sure to identify the input and the output parameters for each sensor. And be sure to include units!

A Thermal fluids lab report


Section number and heading, with analysis (95 points)
Use the headings and numbers below, with each item requested clearly identified in your writeup. If there is an instruction to create a plot or table, that item is expected to be included in your report. The caveat to that last note is in cases where it is stated to not include a table or a plot.

4.1 Raw Data
The items noted in Tables 13 constitute your raw data (Table 1 is repeated for upscale and downscale readings). Creating tables in Excel with that information will likely make your life easier as you will be able to use copypaste functions to do all the calculations and make the plots. Otherwise, the analysis will get tedious. Create your own format for presenting that information and show your tables. Insert a column
to the right of the column that contains the standard pressure difference reading. In that column include a calculation that converts the standard pressure difference values (either inches of water from the inclined manometer or mbar from the deadweight tester) into units of Pascals. Make sure your tables are neat and have appropriate titles. Include a sentence that describes what data each table includes. Also, make sure you comment on the number of significant figures included (resolution), especially for the manometers that are based on an eye reading.

4.2 Evaluate Hysteresis of Calibration Equations for Inclined Manometer Standard
Recall that the calibration for pressure sensors will have the pressure difference on the yaxis and the measurement reading on the xaxis. All pressure differences are to be in Pascals for these plots (and all subsequent analysis). For each Utube manometer, create 1 plot for the upscale readings and 1 plot for the downscale readings (2 plots for each sensor, each with multiple trials plotted as their own series identified in the plot legend). Add in a bestfit line (linear should work fine) for each trial. Assuming you ran 3 trials, your plots will each have 3 lines. Obtain the equation for each trial best fit line. This will be your calibration equation, and useful for future labs when you might use these pressure sensors. Create a table that shows the slope for each trial within the upscale and downscale conditions (total of 6 slopes for each sensor). The slope function in Excel can make doing this for all cases go quickly.
For the PX26, calculate the average and the 95% confidence interval for the slope of calibration curves based on the three trials (ignore bias here). Create a table that shows the average slope and the 95% confidence interval for the upscale and downscale conditions for each sensor (4 total sensors with upscale and downscale for each implies 8 different average values). Discuss the difference in the average slope between the upscale and downscale cases for each sensor noting that if the confidence interval values overlap, one would say that the slopes are the same from a statistics point of view.

4.3 Provide a Calibration Equation for Each Sensor
From your analysis in 4.2, determine if separate equations for upscale and downscale conditions are needed. If not, then average the upscale and downscale slopes for a given sensor, and recalculate the 95% confidence interval. Provide a calibration equation for each sensor, including the PX26 calibrated against the inclined manometer and the deadweight tester. Make sure you identify the expected units for each of the terms in order to use your calibration equation (for example, the units for the PX26 would likely be DCV).

4.4 Calculate the Sensitivity for Each Sensor
Using your calibration equations from 4.3, calculate the sensitivity for each sensor. Be sure to identify the input and the output parameters for each sensor. And be sure to include units!

4.5 Estimate the Fluid Density for the Water and Mercury Manometers
Using the manometer theory described in this manual and your results based on experiment from section

4.4, estimate the density of water and mercury.

Look up density values for water and mercury from a reference. Create a table that shows your estimate of the density based on experimental data and the value you found from the reference (make sure you provide cite the reference using proper citation format). Discuss how close the values are and possible explanations for any differences