
Describes the general format expected for CHM 1142 and 1143 laboratory reports.

Archimedes Principle Lab Report

Chemistry I and II
Describes the general format expected for CHM 1142 and 1143 laboratory reports.

Each report should consist of the following sections (these may be altered or amended as appropriate, but in general this is a good format):
1. Introduction and Purpose
2. General Procedures
3. Data and Data Analysis
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
6. Answers to any questions

Reports should be neat and well organized. Spelling and grammar count. Any graphs or plots should be computer generated (you are welcome to use a computer, but make sure you know what you are doing. Excel in particular is confusing and may not do what you think it is doing) or done on a piece of official graph paper. Notebook paper with hand drawn axes and divisions is Below is an example of a good report using the Sugar Content in Commercial Beverages data that some of you collected.

Which of the above methods results in the best MAE? The best MSE? The best MAPE? Determine alpha for exponential smoothing that results in an MSE of exactly 505.

Quant decision making

Using the following data:

Week Sales

For each of the following forecast methods, generate a forecast for Week 12 Sales along with MAE, MSE and MAPE:
1. Naïve,

2. Historical Average

3. 4Week Moving Average

4. 4Week Weighted Moving average with the following weights:

  • a. Most recent week: 7
  • b. 2nd most recent week: 5
  • c. 3rd most recent week: 3
  • d. 4th most recent week: 1

5. Exponential Smoothing with alpha = 0.3

6. Simple Linear Regression (*** Do not perform diagnostic tests. The xvariable will fail ignore this.)

  • Which of the above methods results in the best MAE? The best MSE? The best MAPE?
  • Determine alpha for exponential smoothing that results in an MSE of exactly 505.

Identify ONE example of “pop psychology” that you might see out in the world (think Myers-Briggs personality test, learning styles, people only using 10% of their brain, or really most of what you see about psychology on Tiktok).

Pop Psychology Assignment

Assignment Requirements:

  • Your name
  • 12 pt, Times New Roman
  • Identify ONE example of “pop psychology” that you might see out in the world (think Myers-Briggs personality test, learning styles, people only using 10% of their brain, or really most of what you see about psychology on Tiktok).
  • For up to 5 points of extra credit, identify up to three peer-reviewed articles from scientific journals that discuss whatever phenomenon you’re investigating. Articles from non-peer-reviewed sources will not count. The articles you use can either be for or against your topic because the goal is to create a well-rounded understanding of it. Is there any truth behind it? If so, what did people get right and what did they get wrong?
    • The SHSU Library’s website is a great resource for access to free articles.
  • Include a short paragraph about the impact this topic and other “pop psychology facts” may have on people. Why is it important for us to look at sources of information and not get caught up in interesting headlines? This paragraph does not need a source necessarily, just your opinion is alright.
  • Make sure you use APA 7 formatting to cite your sources (APA is the formatting used for publications in psychology). You will not get credit if you do not cite your sources. Here’s a resource for APA 7,
    • Do not worry about title pages and all that, just focus on in-text citations and a references page.

Respond to your colleagues by explaining the implications of why, as an advanced practice nurse, it is important to adopt a multidimensional, integrative model of psychopathology.

Nursing question

Respond to your colleagues by explaining the implications of why, as an advanced practice nurse, it is important to adopt a multidimensional, integrative model of psychopathology.

**Need 2 current references on each response, at least 2 paragraphs for each**

  • Student 1. Malika Strong
  • Student 2 Mohamed Conteh

After reviewing and studying Chapter 2 in Black Hat Python, create a Standalone Python script that will act as a TCP client.

Create TCP Client


After reviewing and studying Chapter 2 in Black Hat Python you are to create a Standalone Python script that will act as a TCP client.  The client will connect to the TCP server created in Assignment 10 on Port 5555.  The client will send 10 messages (in an automated fashion) to the server with differing content, receive the MD5 hash response provided by the TCP server, and print the original message and MD5 hash.

You will submit:

1) Your final python script

2) A screenshot of all the messages and the received hashed messages


How does Computer Forensics differ from data recovery?

Information security week 6

How does Computer Forensics differ from data recovery?

Calculate the standard error of the mean. What kind of information does the standard error of the mean give you? In other words, how do we interpret the value of standard error of the mean here?

Calculation question (30 points).

Instructions: You need show your steps. You will receive only half the points if only final number is provided (when it is correct). You will receive 0 points when only final number is provided (and when it is incorrect). Also, keep 2 decimal places when you need to round numbers. 


  1. There are only four students in total from your class, and everyone’s IQ scores are: 102,109, 110, and 120 respectively. You goal here is to understand and describe the IQ scores from your class. Question: calculate and report the variance and standard deviation for these scores. (8 points). Tips: is this a sample or a population?


  1. A health scientist gathered data on how many times a year a group of elementary students got sick. Frequency counts for data from 65 students has been started below. First, finish this chart by calculating the cumulative frequency. Next, find the mean (in other words, how many times per year the students got sick on average?). (7 points)
  Frequency (f) Cumulative Frequency (fc)
6 times 2  
5 times 5  
4 times 13  
3 times 20  
2 times 15  
1 time 7  
0 times 3  


  1. If random samples, each with n= 100 scores, are selected from a normal population with μ= 100 and σ = 10,

1) Calculate the standard error of the mean.

2) What kind of information does the standard error of the mean give you? In other words, how do we interpret the value of standard error of the mean here? (7 points)


  1. The population of IQ scores forms a normal distribution with a mean of μ= 100 and σ =  15. What proportion of the population consists of individuals with IQ scores higher than 130? (8 points)


Write a summary for a video and what you learn from it in one paragraph.

Mindfulness in daily life

Write a summary for a video and what you learn from it in one paragraph.

Post a reflective response to this prompt: What distinctions are currently being made between the nature of information literacy and metaliteracy, and what are the implications for teaching and learning, particularly for your own professional (or personal) context?

Reflective Journal

Post a reflective response to this prompt: What distinctions are currently being made between the nature of information literacy and metaliteracy, and what are the implications for teaching and learning, particularly for your own professional (or personal) context?

2. For PK-8 and family/home

For HS/college/adults

After experimenting with one or more of the suggested online games listed in week 1: activity, offer thoughts on the ways in which you feel your chosen game/s fostered connection, a sense of ‘community,’ and/or engagement. What aspects of the game’s visual or design features were most compelling? Why/why not?

3. Think back on your own learning experiences in both face-to-face and online or blended formats. What kinds of activities, teaching approaches, or design features motivated you to engage with the material? Would you characterize your examples as supporting intrinsic or extrinsic motivation? (Refer to the following article in your talk)

Sansone, & Tang, Y. (2021).chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/…

What role does mental health play in crime? What forms of mental illness are often viewed as risk factors for antisocial behavior?

Criminal Justice Question

Choose one of the following topics to write about:

  1. What role does mental health play in crime? What forms of mental illness are often viewed as risk factors for antisocial behavior?
  2. Contrast Durkheim and Merton’s versions of strain in society. Make sure to discuss the role each theorist attributed to aspirations/goals and opportunities/means for success in society.

Remember that you essay should be at least three pages in length and no more than four pages, have at least two sources cited, and be in APA format. Make sure you discuss what was read, summarize the topic, and academically analyze the topic.