

Hospitality Question






Describe the key roles of at least four major stakeholders/players, to include a mix of public and private (i.e., federal or state agencies, providers, insurance companies, professional organizations, public health institutions, lobbyist organizations) you believe to have significant influence on your state’s public health policies.

Proposal for Coordinating State Public Health Policy With Stakeholders

Unlike most other developed nations, the United States does not have a unified healthcare system. Even with the passage of the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), the first major health reform law passed in this country in nearly 50 years, the United States continues to provide healthcare services through a patchwork of public and private insurance plans; federal, state, and local governments; and institutions and individual providers who are often unconnected to one other.

For instance, lack of coordination within the healthcare system that leave all parts of the system fragmented and not working together has undermined the success of the federal government’s commitment to address national health challenges through initiatives such as Healthy People 2020 (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2020).

Imagine you are a newly appointed public health policy expert working in your state’s public health department. In your first policy meeting, the director expresses concern about the growing number of staff in the department who continuously blame policy failures on other stakeholders. Your supervisor believes that there are misconceptions about the role of stakeholders in public health policy among the department’s staff.

As the first step to address this concern, your supervisor asks you to conduct research and write a mini-report that identifies and assesses the following issues.

  • Describe the key roles of at least four major stakeholders/players, to include a mix of public and private (i.e., federal or state agencies, providers, insurance companies, professional organizations, public health institutions, lobbyist organizations) you believe to have significant influence on your state’s public health policies.
  • List these agencies and organizations and describe their effectiveness.

Your proposal must present a clear supporting argument that identifies the role of the stakeholders for public health policy in your state and analysis with your evidence.

Your proposal must be two to three pages in length and must support your arguments with evidence from a minimum of three published resources. All sources used in this assignment must be cited and referenced according to APA standards found in the APA Style Guide located in your student portal

Define lapse rate, adiabatic lapse rate, superadiabatic lapse rate, atmospheric standard lapse rate and temperature inversion and describe the state of atmospheric stability associated with each.


Answer following questions based on reading ( short answers )


Use these to guide your reading
1) The text lists a few horizontal a. vertical length scales of the atmosphere— what does this say about the relative importance of vertical a. horizontal motion in We atmosphere,

2) Now is heat flow in the atmosphere like that in a room with a single space heater on the opposite side of the room from a colder wall? What drives this flow?

3) What is We link between We direction of global circulation cells and the latitude of locations with high and low levels of rainfall?

4) What principal forces dictate horizontal an mob. Wend speed/dire…se to and far above the earth’s surfer,

5) Define lapse rate, adiabatic lapse rate, superadiabatic lapse rate, atmospheric standard lapse rate and temperature inversion and describe the state of atmospheric stability associated with each.

6) Define mixing height and explain why it is especially important for understanding air pollution a. how season and time of day influence the mixing height in a given location.

7) Explain why mom.. (pag. the Sierra Nevada in California) receive more Precipitate Wan the nearby Maine M Nevada),

8) Define: planetary boundart geortroPhic velocity

9) Why would you want to plan your kite flying session in the afternoon, not the morning?

10) What are the two major landscaper features WM contribute to Ws Angeles’ large problems with air pollution? Would you expert air pollution levels ort the ocean outside of ba, be higher at night or in the morning?

II) In Figure 5.14, how much of the time is the wind Mowing from the North at less Wan 8.6 m/s.

12) Now do inversions tend to impede both horizontal and vertical dispersion of pollutants? Describe at leart one form of inversion.

What are the Pros and Cons of just Blocking suspect traffic? What are the Pros and Cons of just monitoring the network traffic during an incident?



Part 1:

A coordinated effort is required for incident responders to fully understand the elements of an incident. The number of details involved in analyzing a security incident can be quite Arye.
When responders are required to collect spoffic incident related details from various diverse sources, it can add complexity in determining if a single indicator of compromise has been seen in a previous incident.

Guidelines & Expectations

Part 1:
• Research and explain how an organization can readily track incidents in a large organization.

• Research a current a current event within the last year that demonstrates how an organization can readily track incidents within a large organization.

• Remember to always provide your analysis of the information and how it relates to the topic & Ate your analysis.

NOTE: All current event selections most be different from your peers’. Check below in the discussion arena.

Part 2:
• What are the Pros and Cons of just Blocking suspect traffic?

• What are the Pros and Cons of just monitoring the network traffic during an incident?

• How can you best use a HoneyPot/HoneyNet type of setup to assist your incident response process?

Using the concepts and framework of strategic planning and management, perform an environmental analysis, assess strategic priorities, and develop appropriate strategies and an action plan for a healthcare organization.


The Signature Assignment is designed as a final project capping off your learning and comprehension of the course.

Using the concepts and framework of strategic planning and management, you will perform an environmental analysis, assess strategic priorities, and develop appropriate strategies and an action plan for a healthcare organization.

Strategy is about making choices and evaluating trade-offs. Healthcare organizations operate in a very diverse environment, serving culturally diverse customers/patients and employing just as culturally diverse a workforce. What is “right” for one organization may not be right for another. Making the right choices and trade-offs is a challenge that healthcare administrators routinely have to undertake.

Develop a complete draft of your essay using your improved Argument Essay Outline. It should meet the following requirements. Papers submitted that do not meet the requirements will not receive a passing grade.

Should maternity leave be longer?

Argumentative Essay Early Working Draft (Argumentative)

For this assignment, you will review feedback given on the Argumentative Essay Outline from ENGL 1101. Then, you will write a first working draft for the ENGL 1101 Argumentative Essay.

Assignment Instructions
1. Review the grading rubric as listed on this page.

2. Review the Argument Essay Outline you submitted along with feedback you received from that assignment. Make adjustments to the outline in accordance with the feedback. This may include strengthening lines of reasoning, expanding or improving research sources for supporting evidence, creating a more sympathetic introduction to your position, etc.

3. Develop a complete draft of your essay using your improved Argument Essay Outline. It should meet the following requirements. Papers submitted that do not meet the requirements will not receive a passing grade.

  • A two-part thesis including statement of position; and forecast of your lines of reasoning
  • MLA formatting (see the MLA Format ( page as needed)
  • Minimum of 800 words, 1,500 word maximum— not including the Works Cited page.

4. A minimum of three (3) credible sources ARE required for the final draft. All sources must be cited properly in text and on a Works Cited Page. Any submission that is 40% or more from outside sources will receive a zero. Repeat offenders will receive an F course grade. The best essays tend to take 5-20% of their content from outside sources.

5.Submit your detailed working draft as a single file upload.

Provide an example of how you might use the theoretical and operational definitions of your concept of interest (self-care) in your future practice or research. Include a potential research or practice question based on the propositions of your theory.

Nursing practice Essay

Discuss how Dorothea orem’s self care deficit theory might be used to support nursing practice (clinical, education, or administration). Include in the discussion the purpose of the practice application and how the concept of interest (self-care) might be operationally defined in practice. Provide an example of how you might use the theoretical and operational definitions of your concept of interest (self-care) in your future practice or research. Include a potential research or practice question based on the propositions of your theory.

Introduce the general topic being discussed in both of these readings, introduce the chapters, by author and title and briefly (1-2 sentences) summarize each. Thesis Statement: How do these readings together help shape your understanding of how “monsters” are made within our cultures?


For this assignment you will be asked to select and read chapters from two core reading texts:

  • The Monster Theory Reader by Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock (particularly sections II, Ill and IV).
  • Making Monsters: The Uncanny Power of Dehumanization by David Livingstone Smith

You will select two chapters (one from each book) that address complementing themes. You will them write a comparative analysis essay that explores how these readings together approach the topic in different or similar ways.

1. Introduce the general topic being discussed in both of these readings, introduce the chapters, by author and title and briefly (1-2 sentences) summarize each. Thesis Statement: How do these readings together help shape your understanding of how “monsters” are made within our cultures?

2. Body paragraphs (3-4 paragraphs) that compare key ideas in both of the readings, similarities and differences in how the readings approach these ideas, and how your own insights compare to what you see in the readings. –organize your body paragraphs by key ideas, use the synthesis grid tool to do this.

3. Concluding paragraph that explains to the reader why topics around dehumanization are important to consider and how we might go about trying to better understand people who are different from us.


  • Length: 3-4 pages minimum
  • Include no less than six quotes from your two chosen book chapters • APA style formatting and documentation
  • Font: Standard fonts and margins–a 12-point font; Times New Roman or 11-point Calibri are good font choices.
  • This paper should use in-text citations where appropriate and necessary and should have a References list citing your chosen image and the article)
  • In accordance with APA formatting, you will need to include a cover page for this assignment

Based on the anticipated demand and revenue for years 6, 7, and 8, do you expect the Indy-Motors product family to exceed an annual revenue of $500M within the next three years? If yes, in which year? If not, why not?

Operations Management Exam

SPM, Inc.

Swiss Precision Motors, Inc. (SPM) is a globally recognized producer of miniaturized ultraprecision electric motors used in medical equipment, industrial machines, and other applications. A familyowned business, SPM was established in 1947 by Heinrich Rohrer in Basel, Switzerland. In 2018, Steffi Rohrer Heinrich’s granddaughter became the CEO of SPM.
SPM’s product portfolio is composed of two major product families. While they offer multiple product models in each product family, these various models are all minor variations of a core model in each product family.
One product family is IndyMotors, developed primarily for industrial applications that require highprecision movement and positioning, precise cutting, etc. The core model for the IndyMotors product family is the Indy1 platform.

Last year, SPM’s R&D group developed a new ultraprecision miniature motor for medical applications, primarily to serve the precision tools/robots used in roboticsurgery and other applications in medical equipment. This effort led to introduction of a new product family, named MedMotors. The core model for MedMotors product family is the Med1 platform. SPM’s sales and marketing department has prepared a forecast of monthly demand for MedMotors models for this year based on projected demand provided by their medical equipment manufacturing customers that had extremely favorable evaluation of the MedMotors prototypes. All MedMotors orders and deliveries will be handled by a SPM distribution center located in Germany. Every year, SPM holds a strategic business review and planning at the very end of December.

The focus of this review/planning process is to examine the business performance and trends for the current year (that has practically ended) and the prior four years. They also make plans for the year ahead based on the discussions on this review. The data that was reviewed in SPM’s most recently (end of last Dec.) is noted in the tables provided in the attached exhibits.

Prepare a forecast for the IndyMotors demand and revenue, as outlined in questions A through C below. You forecast needs to address all three questions (A through C). Please refer to the attached Exhibits 1 and 2 for more data and information.

A. Select very suitable forecasting models for forecasting demand and revenue for the Indy Motors product family. Specifically and thoroughly articulate the forecasting models you have selected AND articulate in detail the justification for selection/suitability of the model, i.e. what makes the models you have selected very suitable for use in this case.

B. Using the model you have selected in PartA, provide clearly shown demand and revenue forecasts for IndyMotors product family each of the four calendar quarters of year6, as well whole year.

C. Based on the anticipated demand and revenue for years 6, 7, and 8, do you expect the IndyMotors product family to exceed an annual revenue of $500M within the next three years? If yes, in which year? If not, why not?

SPM needs to choose a specific inventory model for the MedMotors product family. Below are some specific data and information for MedMotors. Please address all three questions (D through F) as a recommended inventory management plan for MedMotors inventories for year 6.

Monthly demand forecast for MedMotors is provided in the attached Ehibit3
MedMotors average selling price is $1700 per unit

Assume backordering is not an option for MedMotors

SPM’s cost of build for MedMotors is $700 per unit

Delivery lead time for MedMotors orders is 1 month (just assume 1 month, do not worry about whether a month is 28, 30, or 31 days)

SPM incurs ordering costs of $150 each time an order is placed for MedMotors

Monthly inventory carrying costs for medMotors are $15 per unit

SPM wants to maintain a 96% service level with its MedMotors customers

D. Choose an appropriate inventory model to recommend for managing MedMotor inventories for year 6. Specifically, articulate what inventory model you have chosen AND why it is an appropriate model to use in this case. Show details of your work, i.e. describe the model/approach and show the equations, if any, that you use.

E. Determine the reorder point (ROP).

F. Determine the Total Annual Inventory costs for MedMotors. Show details of your work, i.e. describe the approach and show the equations, if any, that you use.

The restaurant industry is seen in the public eye as an industry that offers jobs not careers. As someone looking to enter the industry, how could we change our public image showcase the career potential our industry offers?

Application Essay

The restaurant industry is seen in the public eye as an industry that offers jobs not careers.  As someone looking to enter the industry, how could we change our public image showcase the career potential our industry offers?