
Analyze the effect of employee engagement on employee performance in FMCG multinational companies in Egypt.

Employee engagement/performance

Analyze the effect of employee engagement on employee performance in FMCG multinational companies in Egypt.

Describe culture’s impact on negotiation. Identify effective negotiator communication skills. Define power and its relationship to conflict. Contrast high- and low-context cultures.


Answer four (4) of the following in paragraph form. One paragraph per objective.
Each paragraph must be at least 250 words. Check you spelling and grammar before submitting. Please cite your sources. You may submit the assignment as a word document.

1) Describe culture’s impact on negotiation.
2)Identify effective negotiator communication skills.
3) Define power and its relationship to conflict.
4) Contrast high- and low-context cultures.

Compare and contrast the performance theories proposed by Jeff Todd Titon, Ruth M. Stone, and the author of your text, Michael Bakan (chapter 1). Explain which theoretical frame works best for your ethnography project.

Ethnography and Performance Theory

In order to write an ethnography, you will need to first study the following three performance theories. The theory by Jeff Todd Titon is the one which I covered extensively in class. If you missed those classes, you are responsible for getting the notes for the lectures since there were no power-point slides. The Ruth M. Stone chapter is located in the "files" folder on Canvas and the Bakan theory is covered within your textbook.

Readings: Jeff Todd Titon, "A Music-Culture Performance Model," AND Four Components of Music-Culture," Worlds of Music, Third ed. Shorter. Schirmer (2006), pages 15-30. Located in the Files folder on Canvas.

Ruth M. Stone, "Performance Theory in Ethnomusicology," Theory for Ethnomusicology. Pearson Prentice Hall (2008) pages 136-143. Specifically look at Bauman's "assumptions." on the second page of the chapter.

Review: Michael Bakan, Chapter 1: “A Point of Departure: Five Propositions for Exploring World Music,” World Music: Traditions and Transformations, 2nd. Ed., McGraw Hill (2012) pages 3-7. (Focus Especially on Proposition 4)

Writing Assignment: (counts toward Ethnography Grade)

Compare and contrast the performance theories proposed by Jeff Todd Titon, Ruth M. Stone, and the author of your text, Michael Bakan (chapter 1).
Be sure to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each theoretical framework by using real examples from either music we have already studied in class or examples from your own experience.
Explain which theoretical frame works best for your ethnography project.
Outline the specific reasons for your choice.
Your paper should be between three and four pages in length, double-spaced, and 12-point font.

Research various classroom-management models. Create a visual organizer (e.g., Venn diagram, chart) in which you compare at least 2 different classroom-management models.

Classroom-Management Models Comparison, Expectation

Classroom management will be a major factor in your success as a teacher, and it will likely be one of the biggest challenges you may face. Therefore, it will be vital for you to understand the different models and theories behind classroom management and to get to know your students to develop a learning environment that is suitable to their learning needs.


In Week 1, you began defining your classroom-management philosophy, which set the foundation for your beliefs about behavior and discipline. For this summative assessment, you will compare different classroom-management models and begin to establish classroom expectations and procedures, while factoring in potential student diversities (e.g., cultural backgrounds, experiences, language, developmental levels, and skills).


Imagine you are preparing for your first semester teaching at an elementary school in your home district. You will be teaching a sixth-grade class, and you were assigned a homeroom. You understand that classroom management is one of the biggest challenges for a new teacher, and you are planning ahead of time how you will apply what you have learned about enforcing desired behavior and establishing rules and procedures with students.


Assessment Deliverable

Part 1: Classroom-Management Models Visual Organizer
Research various classroom-management models.


Create a visual organizer (e.g., Venn diagram, chart) in which you compare at least 2 different classroom-management models. Include the following for each classroom-management model:

Name and description of the classroom-management model
Theory or theorist associated with the classroom-management model
How each classroom-management model functions in the classroom
How each classroom-management model promotes appropriate behavior and a positive learning environment

Part 2: Classroom Routines and Procedures Table
Create a table that lists routines and procedures that your sixth-grade students from the scenario will be expected to follow in your classroom. Include the following routines and procedures:

Entering and exiting the classroom
Turning in assignments (physically and electronically)
Obtaining materials (physically and electronically)
Going to the restroom
Getting out of their seat
Checking devices in and out

Include the following information/columns in your table for each routine or procedure:

Steps for accomplishing the routine or procedure
Consequences for not following the routine or procedure
Method for teaching the routine or procedure

Consider the roles that students’ diverse cultural backgrounds, experiences, language, developmental levels, and skills might have on your plan as you formulate your responses.


Part 3: Analysis of Routines/Procedures
​​​​​​​Choose 2 of the routines or procedures listed in your Part 2 table that you believe are most important and write a 260- to 350-word analysis in which you address the following questions:

Why are these routines or procedures critical to your success in the classroom?
What classroom-management model(s) do these routines and procedures follow?
How will these routines or procedures promote student engagement?
From legal and ethical standpoints, why is it important to have routines and procedures in place?
How did you consider students’ diversity, such as language, abilities, and skills, when creating and communicating expectations?
What impact do preparation and instructional planning have on whether students follow these routines and procedures?

Cite 3 to 5 references to support your assessment and format your citations and references according to APA guidelines.


Submit your comparison visual organizer, expectations table, and expectations analysis.

Research 2 organizations that have published number orientated vision statements. Analyze the vision statements, discuss opportunities for improvement, suggest new vision statement.

Organizational Vision

Research 2 organizations that have published number orientated vision statements. Analyze the vision statements, discuss opportunities for improvement, suggest new vision statement.

Write an essay examining how a story of your choosing makes a statement about a social issue (class, race, gender, ageism, cultural identity). What claim does the story seem to be making? How does it use literary devices to illustrate its point? What characters seem to be speaking on behalf of the theme?


Respond to one of the following prompts in a 3-5 page fiction response essay. Your essay should be in MLA format, make use of support from the story or stories chosen (using quotation, summary and/or paraphrase) and should include citations in-text and on a Works Cited page.
Remember to avoid summarizing a story – instead, focus on answering the question(s) and explaining why the quotes and passages you’ve chosen are significant.

Write an essay examining how a story of your choosing makes a statement about a social issue (class, race, gender, ageism, cultural identity). What claim does the story seem to be making? How does it use literary devices to illustrate its point? What characters seem to be speaking on behalf of the theme?

Explain, with examples, what you understand by the concept of the rule of law. Why is it important in a civilized society?

Concept of the rule of law

Q: Explain, with examples, what you understand by the concept of the rule of law. Why is it important in a civilized society?

Describe at least three key milestones and/or deliverables for your project. Describe a high-level timeline that includes key tasks and deadlines.

Project Proposal

You have been selected to be the project manager (for a project of your choice). The project that you decide to use should meet all the key criteria of a project as outlined in the PMBOK, such as (a) having a beginning and an end; (b) resulting in something being delivered to someone; (c) requiring a series of activities that must be done to complete the project; and (d) requiring resources (for example, people and materials) to complete the work. The project should be an information technology-related project, something related to an area of information technology that is of interest to you. If you need help in determining a project, consult with your professor.

Write a 7–11 page paper in which you define the scope of your chosen project. In your paper, you must do the following:

1. Provide a brief summary of your chosen project.
2. Describe at least three project goals and three project objectives.
3. Identify the key customers and at least two stakeholders for your project. Remember, you are delivering the project to your customer(s); however, there are others (stakeholders) who have a vested interest in your project.
4. Describe at least three key milestones and/or deliverables for your project.
5. Describe a high-level timeline that includes key tasks and deadlines.
6. Estimate the project’s overall cost, any key staffing or non-staffing resources needed, and how you plan to acquire them.
7. Identify at least three risks for your project and how you plan to manage them.
8. Identify how you plan to stay on track.

How can rapid evolution of technological developments impact the mitigation of cyber threats?

Mitigation of cyber threats

How can rapid evolution of technological developments impact the mitigation of cyber threats?

What were the greatest external barriers facing the team in implementing the strategy? In what ways did they manage these challenges well? What other recommendations would you make?

Case Study: Nike global women’s fitness

Your assignment:
The case follows Darcy Winslow, general manager of Nike’s global women’s fitness business. Winslow had been the leader of the global women’s fitness team and was preparing to transition her responsibilities to a new executive as a reorganization took effect.

Give your analysis or perspective on the following items.
1. Prior to the Change the Game proposal for global women’s fitness, how would you describe Nike’s strategy in the women’s market? What important lessons had been learned through these efforts to help shape the Change the Game proposal?
2. Describe the new strategy for global women’s fitness proposed by the Change the Game team.
3. What were the greatest external barriers facing the team in implementing the strategy? In what ways did they manage these challenges well? What other recommendations would you make?
4. What were the greatest internal barriers that Winslow and her team faced in implementing the new strategy? What did they do that was effective? What other tactics might they have tried?