
Write a 4 – 6 page analytical or argumentative paper – supported by research – on the topic you selected in Module 6.

Peer Review


Essay #2 – The Research Essay

For Essay #3, you are to write a 4 – 6 page analytical or argumentative paper – supported by research – on the topic you selected in Module 6. The use of outside sources is important in this essay, as your argument (or thesis) must be supported by the evidence.

Create a visual presentation based on your essay using Powerpoint, Prezi, Google Slides, or any other medium.

Social Media Impact on Students’ Mental Health


Research Essay – Paper Presentation

For this assignment, create a visual presentation based on your essay using Powerpoint, Prezi, Google Slides, or any other medium. This presentation should include the following elements (at least):

  • The Introduction;
  • The Research Question/Thesis;
  • Supporting Evidence (examples); and
  • The Conclusion.

Be creative! This presentation should be able to capture the attention of the viewer while also effectively conveying the essence of this research essay.

While this piece does not use traditional tonal harmony, it does include phrases and cadences throughout. How many complete phrases do you hear?

LM 7 Listening Activity

1.)  Listen to the following two works in their entirety and answer the questions below.  Click or copy/paste the links to access each selection.  These are also found in the LM 7 folder in D2L.

Anton Webern:  Wie bin ich froh!                   Laurie Anderson:  O Superman                        


2.)  Write a short paragraph (5 sentences minimum) that responds to the following, based on your own tastes and responses to the music:

Even though these are two very different songs, they are both recognized as some of the most important examples of 20th century composition.  The first one, by Webern, is from the early decades of the century (1935), whereas O Superman is relatively much more recent (1981).  What were your overall opinions?  Did any of these remind you of any of the other Listening Guides, or other music you’ve heard?  Consider the following as you answer these questions:


The Webern song uses a sample of poetry by Hildegarde Jone.  It is sung in German in the recording; here is the English translation:

How glad I am!

Once more all’s turning green about me and shining so!

And overflowing with flowers in my world!

Once more I’m at the center of Becoming and yet on earth.


How (if at all) do the text and music relate?


Regarding the Laurie Anderson selection, the music video is an important part of this song, and it has a lot in common with other music videos of the early 1980’s/early MTV years.  What did you think of the music to visual connections present in the video?


One other note, in case you find it interesting:  O Superman was featured in the “Bandersnatch” episode of Black Mirror on Netflix a few years ago.  If you’re a fan of that series, it may sound familiar.


Questions 1-3 are about the Webern example.

1.)  Which term best applies to the melody in the vocal part in this song?

  • Conjunct motion
  • Disjunct motion
  • Ground Bass
  • Fugue

2.)  How would you describe the harmony?

  • Mostly Dissonant
  • Mostly Consonant

3.)  While this piece does not use traditional tonal harmony, it does include phrases and cadences throughout.  How many complete phrases do you hear?  (Hint:  focus on the vocal part.)

  • two
  • five
  • ten
  • none of the above (if selected, please indicate    how many you heard)



Questions 4-5 are about the Anderson example.

4.)  What type of texture do you hear most throughout this piece?

  • Monophonic
  • Homophonic
  • Polyphonic

5.)  Which sub-genre within 20th century music does this most clearly resemble?

  • Minimalism
  • Serialism
  • Neo-Classicism

Auditing standards specifically require auditors to identify revenue recognition as a fraud risk in most audits. Based on your understanding of the company, what factors may increase the risk of fraudulent financial reporting in Souper Bowl’s 2016 revenues?

Tableau Assignment

Company Background 

You were recently promoted to audit senior at your firm, Aoife & Josephine LLP, and one of your primary clients is Souper Bowl Inc. Souper Bowl (‘‘the company’’) is a privately held business headquartered in Maine, and has a fiscal year-end of December 31. The company has been in business for nine years and prides itself on offering creative soups at a reasonable price and that are made with locally sourced ingredients. The most popular soups include sweet potato corn chowder, curried root vegetable and lentil, and maple-roasted butternut squash. Souper Bowl typically experiences increased sales during winter months since soup hits the spot on a cold and snowy day. To further encourage sales on days when customers often avoid venturing outside, the company provides a delivery service and guarantees that soup can be delivered to anyone no matter what the weather. The company found this strategy to be particularly successful in 2015 when New England (including Maine) experienced record snowfall during February and March.

Souper Bowl sells their soup at several restaurant locations throughout Maine. The company employs three managers that direct the day-to-day operations for a group of stores that are organized by approximate geographic region: northern Maine (Store Type 1), mid-Maine (Store Type 2), and coastal Maine (Store Type 3). Appendix A provides a map of these store locations. Each manager knows their local market well and has the flexibility to advertise and offer promotions with the overall goal of increasing sales year over year. If total sales at the end of the year exceed total sales from the prior year for that manager’s set of locations (i.e., ‘‘Store Type’’), then the manager earns a monetary bonus from the company.

An audit of the company is required to comply with debt covenants related to a large bank loan that the company entered into when it began operations. Specifically, Souper Bowl must provide audited annual financial statements to the bank within 90 days of the fiscal year-end. The company must also provide unaudited quarterly financial statements to the bank within 45 days of the end of each quarter. The debt contract includes a financial covenant that requires pre-tax income in each quarter to be greater than zero. If not met, the bank has multiple remedies at its disposal, including calling the loan such that the entire balance is due immediately, seizing the company’s assets that are posted as collateral, or providing a waiver for the violation. Souper Bowl’s net income for the year ended December 31, 2016 is $468,810, while net income for the prior year ended December 31, 2015 was $825,229.

Based on your experience from prior audits, you know that Souper Bowl’s daily sales fluctuate with temperature and snow accumulation. To perform your revenue analytics, you request a file from the client that includes daily sales by store location for both 2016 (current year) and 2015 ( prior year). You also retrieve daily weather data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) website for the weather centers closest to Souper Bowl’s store locations. Total revenue for the current year ended December 31, 2016 is $18.8 million, while total revenue for the prior year ended December 31, 2015 was $19.1 million. The audit team’s workpapers include the following lead sheet for revenue testing, and the total balances for each year agree to the trial balance and the company’s draft financial statements for 2016.

Souper Bowl Inc. Revenue Lead Sheet

December 31, 2016

  2016   2015   Change   % Change
Revenue, Store Type 1 $4,062,390.97   $4,032,383.16   $30,007.81   0.74%
Revenue, Store Type 2 9,331,175.81   9,558,584.07   (227,408.26)   -2.38%
Revenue, Store Type 3 5,425,421.53   5,546,767.89   (121,346.36)   -2.19%
Total Revenue $18,818,988.31   $19,137,735.12   $(318,746.81)   -1.67%

Your manager stated that Tableau is a popular data visualization tool that your firm recently adopted and she instructed that you learn how to use it to perform these sales analytics. Since she is busy overseeing the planning and testing of other audit areas, she wants you to take the first pass and then document your results in a memo for her review. The manager wants you to provide thoughtful analyses and a thorough exploration of the possible relationships in the data. You are eager to impress her with your work, especially following your recent promotion to senior.



  1. Auditing standards specifically require auditors to identify revenue recognition as a fraud risk in most audits. Based on your understanding of the company, what factors may increase the risk of fraudulent financial reporting in Souper Bowl’s 2016 revenues?
  2. Use the daily sales by location as provided by the client (2016 and 2015) and the weather data from NOAA to perform disaggregated sales analytics in Tableau. Your goal is to develop visualizations that identify potential outliers in the 2016 daily sales data related to the significant risks identified by the partner and manager. Using the memo template below, document your analyses and conclusions as to the specific daily sales from certain locations that you recommend selecting for focused substantive testing.

Time to go for one last walk in this course. We know where you have been from the first written assignment, now, where would you like to go? What do you want to explore?

“Humans and Nature

1.The Earth is a living planet; from the atmosphere above us to the soils and root systems under our feet, the Earth is teeming with life. But how much do we know about all this life? Our textbook author, and indeed environmentalists and conservationists across the globe, hope to change our perception of the Earth; to encourage us to sustain and preserve the life that sustains our lives. To start your final written assignment, what do you think of when you hear the word nature? What does that word mean to you now, and has your perception of and relationship to nature changed over this course?

2.As humans, we share much of our DNA with every other living plant and animal on this planet. But each species is special in its own way. So, for the second part of your final written assignment, I would like you to consider the following question: What makes us human? What makes humans special? Now that you have gotten to know about some of the other resident species of this planet, are we really so far apart from them in our behaviors, our traits, our characteristics? What do we share?

3.Time to go for one last walk in this course. We know where you have been from the first written assignment, now, where would you like to go? What do you want to explore?

4.Finally, who is “your greater self?” And if you were to write a note to that self, what would you tell them about this remarkable planet we live on and the many species we share it with?

Research DNS on Azure and other network services that Azure offers. Write a minimum 1-page, APA formatted paper that addresses the following: What are the benefits by hosting your services in their cloud, as opposed to on-premises?

Cyber Security Question


Part 1

Section 1: Azure Network Services

Research DNS on Azure and other network services that Azure offers. Write a minimum 1-page, APA formatted paper that addresses the following: What are the benefits by hosting your services in their cloud, as opposed to on-premises? Some items to search for are high-availability, redundancy, and fault tolerance.

Would you choose to host your network services in the cloud? Support your reasoning with research.

Section 2: Microsoft Operating Systems and Azure Synopsis

Based on the knowledge you have achieved so far in this class, compose a minimum 1-page synopsis compiling what you have learned about Microsoft operating systems and Azure. Describe how you will use this knowledge in any other class, your present or future career, or your personal life.


Part 2: Azure Network Services

Go to A Cloud Guru. Open the Playground tab, select Cloud Sandboxes, and select the Azure Sandbox. Log on to the cloud resource. You will need to click the “Create Resource” button. Select “Security”. Select “See all”. Select “VM-Series Next-Generation Firewall from Palo Alto Networks”. Select “Create”.

On the Basics page, fill in the username with FirstNameLastName of the student. Fill in your password. Take a screen capture of this page.

On the VM-Series Configuration page, the DNS name should be lastname-in203. The VM name of VM-Series should be lastnamein203. Take a screen capture of this page.

Take a screen capture after you have created the VM.

Write a minimum 1-paragraph paper on what you learned in the assignment, as well as any additional questions you have.

Create a Python program that populates an array variable (containing at least five elements) within a loop using input supplied by the user.

Week7 discussion

Create a Python program that populates an array variable (containing at least five elements) within a loop using input supplied by the user. It should then perform some modification to each element of the array using a second loop, and then display the modified array in a third loop. Note that there should be only one array, but three loops.Post your code as an attachment (.py file) and post a screenshot of executing your program on at least one test case. Be sure to choose a program different from any of the programs already posted by your classmates.

Reply to another student’s post. Modify that student’s program by adding another modification to each element of the array. Display the modified array. Document the code of your change (what and who). Post your modified code as text as an attachment (.txt or .py file) and post a screenshot of executing your program on at least one test case.

Write a 12-page (minimum) paper on how to USE FOUR HELPING SKILLS that you learned in class that you find interesting and research how to use them when dealing with a difficult client or diagnosis (BIPOLAR) that you find difficult.


Write a 12-page (minimum) paper on how to USE FOUR HELPING SKILLS that you learned in class that you find interesting and research how to use them when dealing with a difficult client or diagnosis (BIPOLAR) that you find difficult. Chapter 18 of the book integrates all the information provided in class and can be used as part of your references for your paper.

Remember to also use at LEAST FOUR PEER REVIEW ARTICLES FOR YOUR REFERENCES 10 YEARS OLD. For this paper, you need to have a minimum of 6 references in addition to the book. Of the 12 pages, 10 need to be of the content of the paper (the other 2 are the presentation and the references pages, respectively) and use APA 7th Format. Ex. Using self-disclosures (one out of four skills) with reluctant clients (difficult client or diagnosis).

Briefly summarize the recommendations. Elaboration on what other strategies you considered for each recommendation. Why were those alternatives less appropriate?

Final Project

  • Prepare and present key financial planning recommendations to your assigned client
    • Key recommendations will be delivered orally with a PowerPoint as if the instructor were the client

Each member of the team will present some aspect of the plan.

  • Summarize key recommendations in 2-3 pages Briefly summarize the recommendations.

Elaboration on what other strategies you considered for each recommendation.

Why were those alternatives less appropriate?

  • Every scenario will have at least one recommendation related to each the following
    • Investments
    • Tax Planning
    • Insurance
  • Consider and articulate when the recommendation should incorporate the guidance of other advisors/attorneys
  • Other topics to consider
    • Estate Planning (including beneficiary designations)
    • Family Law Planning (Pre and post-nuptial agreements, adoption)
    • Cash Flow Planning
    • Charitable Giving
  • All plans should state the recommended asset allocation with some rationale for why it is
    • Generally speaking, most well-designed mainstream portfolios are diversified across size and nationality.
    • If yours varies, please explain why that’s best for the
  • If you believe you need to make some assumptions that are not included in your client scenarios, you may create some basic assumptions
    • Add these assumptions to the 2-3 page key recommendations document
    • Take care not to change the fundamental basics of the client situation