
Use details from the information in this learning outcome to help you explain your ideas. Explain everything as if you are explaining it to someone who knows nothing about the topic.

Five Themes of Geography (location, place, movement, regions and human-environment interaction), a spatial relationship and globalization.

This learning outcome has introduced you to the Five Themes of Geography, spatial relationships and globalization. For this Milestone Activity, you need to find something in your daily life that reflects each of the Five Themes of Geography (location, place, movement, regions and human-environment interaction), a spatial relationship and globalization. List what the item/items is/are and then explain how it reflects each of the five themes, a spatial relationship and globalization.

1. Your essay needs to be at least 300 words.

2. Everything needs to be written in your own words.

3. You need to use details from the information in this learning outcome to help you explain your ideas.

4. You need to explain everything as if you are explaining it to someone who knows nothing about the topic.

5. You need to use proper grammar and spelling.

Create and support an argument about a piece of literature. Analyze either poetry or prose.

Essay #2 – Literary Analysis

Assignment: For your second essay in this class, you will create and support an argument about a piece of literature. For this assignment, you will analyze either poetry or prose.

Specifics: 3-4 pages, double spaced, 1” margins, 12 pt font, Times New Roman

When writing this essay, you’ll have more tools at your disposal to use, such as imagery, language, theme, characterization, etc. Rhetorical concepts such as ethos, pathos, logos may also help you formulate an argument about a piece of literature. Here are a few questions to consider about analyzing a piece of literature:
• What is this story/poem about?

• What are some of the noticeable features? (tone, diction, theme, imagery, etc.)

• What is the main point/argument you want to make about the piece?

• What are some examples from the piece that will support your argument?

An analysis of poetry may tackle the imagery found in the piece. Is there a reoccurring image that transcends the text or story, and speaks to a larger state of the world, of humanity? For example, if a poet keeps returning to images of birds, literally or metaphorically, can that be argued as a statement about escapism?

Or, an analysis may examine connection between the form and content of the poem. Is the way the poem is written reflective of the theme? Say, do short, choppy sentences add to the image of a speeding train, or a car accident? Does an overuse of punctuation (or lack thereof) reflect a theme of chaos, or lack of control?

An analysis of a short story might identify theme(s)—the struggles of marriage, paranoia in a post-9/11 society, etc.—through characterization or point of view. Does a character speak or act negatively toward/about women? If so, is the author making a larger statement about misogyny? Is this reflective of the place where the story takes place? Or, an analysis may show
how the author hints at theme through the narrator’s point of view.
Are the thoughts or interactions of the protagonist an examination of the process of growing up? How does this speak to the reader?

A successful Literary Analysis will:
• Give a brief description of the piece(s) studied, information about the author, followed
by a clear thesis in which you state your argument about the story/poem.
• Provide examples from the piece, as well as outside sources (if needed), that support
your argument.

• Analyze the audience targeted in the story/poem: who might this resonate with most?
• Analyze the context of the story/poem: what cultural phenomena/current event are
• Consider a variety of other possible interpretations of the story/poem (acknowledge
that there’s not only one way to read the piece.) Course objectives emphasized in this assignment:
• Engage in writing as a recursive process

• Develop essays around a specific purpose

• Explore the nature of academic discourse and examine what counts as evidence in
academic writing

Choose one of the following disciplines: sociology, political science, mathematics, history, philosophy, law, physics, biology – and discuss the patterns of interaction between this discipline and economics. – How do you see the future of economics? What methodological changes and challenges are we to expect in the next decades?

Economics Question

– Economics is related to many disciplines. Choose one of the following disciplines: sociology, political science, mathematics, history, philosophy, law, physics, biology – and discuss the patterns of interaction between this discipline and economics.
– How do you see the future of economics? What methodological changes and challenges are we to expect in the next decades?
– What could be the value of economic theory? Find an example of applying economics in real- world practices and discuss whether economics has been successful as an applied discipline.
– What are the limitations of economics? Find a critique of (contemporary or past) economics and use the ideas from the course to analyze whether and how far this critique could be justified
-How do the contexts shape economics? Consider one of many social/political factors and explain, how and why it may matter for economic analysis and economics discipline
– Pick up an economic model of interest to you (not considered in the course) and analyze it using the approaches you have studied or other methodological perspectives on modelling.
-Find a paper in empirical economics and evaluate, based on what you have learned in the course, the methods used there to establish a causal connection.
-Find a debate/controversy in contemporary or past economics (not studied in the course) and explain the fundamental methodological assumptions used by the participants of the debate
-Find an example of a paper or a policy document in economics that deals with normative questions and reconstruct its normative (value) presuppositions.
-A topic of your choice (approved by the lecturers, please contact the course coorinator if you would suggest your own topic)

Using at least 4 major concepts from Cayoun’s system, explain how his system helps someone be less bound and restricted by negative thoughts and/or negative experiences in life.

Positive Psychology Discussion Post

This post is obviously related to the Bruno Cayoun book we are using in this class. Cayoun’s work focuses on using meditation and cognitive behavioral dynamics as a major pathway toward being psychologically liberated and moving toward a rich and productive life.

Using at least 4 major concepts from Cayoun’s system, explain how his system helps someone be less bound and restricted by negative thoughts and/or negative experiences in life. You must use the concept of avoidance, exposure, equanimity and co-emergence. Please include how his system is not only meant to help people “get by” in life, but is meant to help people flourish.

What gaps or unanswered questions do you have about your topic? In other words, is there an area or are there areas on which you’d like to see more research?

Writing Question

As you have researched your topic for the annotated bibliography, the four-source essay, the six-source essay, and the multiple-source synthesis essay (literature review), consider the following questions:

What gaps or unanswered questions do you have about your topic? In other words, is there an area or are there areas on which you’d like to see more research?

Reflect on a case from your past clinical experiences and consider how a patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes may alter his or her response to a drug.


As an advanced practice nurse assisting physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders, it is important to not only understand the impact of disorders on the body, but also the impact of drug treatments on the body. The relationships between drugs and the body can be described by pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics.

Pharmacokinetics describes what the body does to the drug through absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, whereas pharmacodynamics describes what the drug does to the body.

When selecting drugs and determining dosages for patients, it is essential to consider individual patient factors that might impact the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes. These patient factors include genetics, gender, ethnicity, age, behavior (i.e., diet, nutrition, smoking, alcohol, illicit drug abuse), and/or pathophysiological changes due to disease.


For this Discussion, you reflect on a case from your past clinical experiences and consider how a patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes may alter his or her response to a drug.


Post a description of the patient case from your experiences, observations, and/or clinical practice from the last 5 years. Then, describe factors that might have influenced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of the patient you identified. Finally, explain details of the personalized plan of care that you would develop based on influencing factors and patient history in your case. Be specific and provide examples.


When should you submit a notice of an alleged violation to the BACB? When should you try to resolve an issue directly with the individual? Should a submission of a notice of an alleged violation be warranted, what is the process?

Reporting an Alleged Violation

This discussion explores your responsibility to report an alleged violation. Review the following:

Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (n.d.). Reporting to the ethics department.
In your post, address the following:

When should you submit a notice of an alleged violation to the BACB?
When should you try to resolve an issue directly with the individual?
Should a submission of a notice of an alleged violation be warranted, what is the process?
When and why would one self-report an alleged violation to the BACB?

Identify appropriate interviewing goals. Apply interviewing strategies to a specific context. Understand the roles and responsibilities of the interviewer during an interview.

Management Question

1. Identify appropriate interviewing goals.
2. Apply interviewing strategies to a specific context.
3. Understand the roles and responsibilities of the interviewer during an interview.

For this discussion, respond to the following:

Sandra has been with your company for over 30 years. You have been tasked with writing a biography that will accompany a special presentation at her retirement party. You decide that the best way to get the information you need is to interview her.

write out an interview schedule that you would use to interview her. Remember, your interview should include an introduction, body, and conclusion.

If your film uses exterior sets, how does nature function as a symbolic analogue to the the mood, theme, or characterization? Choose a scene. How does your film uses makeup?


Watch Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane (1941; available on Swank) or Yorgos Lanthimos’ Dogtooth (2009; available on Kanopy). Read the accompanying essays about these films.

Then you will submit a two-page reflection paper (APA style) explaining how acting and dramatization function in your films Be sure to write an abstract, use specific details and relate to your textbook. If you don’t cite Understanding Movies, I will deduct points. Answer the following questions for which you’ll need those two scenes?:

1)What style of acting, as explained by Giannetti, does your film employ? Choose one scene.

2)If your film uses exterior sets, how does nature function as a symbolic analogue to the the mood, theme, or characterization? Choose a scene.

3)How does your film uses makeup?

Do not use terms like “personally,” “I think,” “I feel.” Treat reflections as if they were short essays. Don’t evaluate these films (“Citizen Kane is a masterpiece with great performances”). Avoid a casual, chatty, gossipy tone.

Finally, your abstracts should mention in the first sentence what arguments you’ll make about one of the two films you’ve chosen.

Which side of the argument do you take? Are there ways that we could change the scholarships that would make them more equitable? Explain.

Government Budgeting and Finance question

Read the Orlando Sentinel Article and the PowerPoint Presentation linked under Chapter 5.

The article and our research make the point that merit scholarships are a bad use of lottery revenues because they cause a “Reverse Robinhood” effect. The Orlando Sentinel got hundreds of letters to the editor objecting to the article when it was published in December 2022. The letters made the opposing points that the Bright Futures Scholarships reward students for their hard work, they lead to the best and the brightest students staying in Florida to go to college and then staying in the state to start their careers, and the awarding of the scholarships is color-blind and class-blind. There is nothing on the application that asks for the student’s race or income.

a. Which side of the argument do you take? Defend your answer.

b. Are there ways that we could change the scholarships that would make them more equitable? Explain.