
Discuss your own development over your lifetime and how it relates to the developmental concepts discussed throughout this course. Analyze your life as it relates to the key aspects of human growth and development. What are key developmental times in your life and the influencing factors that led to who you are today?

Benchmark Paper: Developmental Analysis Assignment Instructions


The purpose of this paper is for you to demonstrate your ability to apply a working knowledge of the theories, terminology, and concepts of human growth and development. You will discuss your own development over your lifetime and how it relates to the developmental concepts discussed throughout this course. You will analyze your life as it relates to the key aspects of human growth and development. What are key developmental times in your life and the influencing factors that led to who you are today?


You will incorporate your empirical studies related to your chosen developmental aspect of your life. Also, use the course readings or presentations to support what you propose about your own development in your paper. Depending on your life and the influences, there may be more attention placed during one period of time. You are encouraged to glean information from your mother about her pregnancy with you to see if there were any notable issues during that time. Remember to include your spiritual development with applicable research.

  • The body of the paper must be 8–10 pages
    • Excluding the title page, abstract, and reference page
  • Please adhere to current APA format.
  • You must include 8–10 peer-reviewed, relevant sources in your paper.
    • At least 7 of the sources must be empirical articles.
  • The sources must be less than 10 years old unless any of the citations are linked to an author whose work is seminal to your topic.

In addition, obtain as much information as you can about any significant events in your early childhood years. How did you do in those key developmental years? Did you approach all developmental milestones with ease, or were there challenges? Since this is a comprehensive paper, you will address your development across your lifespan.


Finally, you will conclude your paper by addressing any current lifestyle behaviors that may influence your aging process. You will address these issues, how they will affect your aging process, and what you plan to do about it. Your conclusion must offer suggestions for further study.


Note: Submit your paper in the course and in Tevera/LiveText:

  • If you are a School Counseling student, please submit to LiveText.
  • If you are a Clinical Mental Health/Professional Counseling student, please submit to Tevera.


Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

In 200 – 400 words, describe how an internship in this industry/field will help you accomplish your academic or career goals.

Question about internships

In 200 – 400 words, describe how an internship in this industry/field will help you accomplish your academic or career goals.

Identify the fundamental knowledge required by the improvement project team to solve this problem. Identify the people (professional group or service area) that should be represented on the team and the fundamental knowledge they bring to the team.

Case study


To practice quality improvement tools by applying them to an improvement effort in an ambulatory care setting.


1. Read the following case study.

2. After you have read the case study, follow the instructions continued at the end of the case.

3. Before continuing, completely read all of the remaining instructions

4. Decide which problem you want to focus on as your first priority for Clinic X. Describe the problem and why you chose this problem.

5. State the goal for the improvement effort.

6. Identify the fundamental knowledge required by the improvement project team to solve this problem. Identify the people (professional group or service area) that should be represented on the team and the fundamental knowledge they bring to the team.

7. Document the current process (as it is described in the case narrative) using a process flowchart.

8. Identify the customers of the process to be improved and their expectations.

9. Explore and prioritize root causes of the problem by doing the following:

  • a. Brainstorm root causes and document the causes on a fishbone diagram.
  • b. Describe how you would collect data about how frequently the root causes contribute to the problem.

10. Review the following process improvement techniques. Select and explain the ones that apply to improving your process. Be sure to take into account what you have learned in steps 6 through 8.

  • a. Eliminate waste (e.g., things that are not used, intermediaries, unnecessary duplication)
  • b. Improve workflow (e.g., minimize handoffs, move steps in the process closer together, find and remove bottlenecks, do tasks in parallel, adjust to high and low volumes)
  • c. Manage time (e.g., reduce setup time and waiting time)
  • d. Manage variation (create standard processes where appropriate)
  • e. Design systems to avoid mistakes (use reminders

11. Incorporating what you learned in steps 6 through 9, describe the changed process using a process flowchart or workflow diagram.

12. Decide what you will measure to monitor process performance to be sure your changes were effective and briefly describe how you would collect the data.

13. You have completed the “Plan” phase of the Shewhart cycle. Describe briefly how you would complete the rest of the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle.

14. Save your answers to each part of this exercise. This material will become the documentation of your improvement effort


Case Study


You have just been brought in to manage a portfolio of several specialty clinics in a large multi-physician group practice in an academic medical center. The clinics reside in a multi-clinic facility that houses primary care and specialty practices, as well as a satellite laboratory and radiology and pharmacy services. The practice provides the following centralized services for each of its clinics: registration, payer interface (e.g., authorization), and billing. The CEO of the practice has asked you to initially devote your attention to Clinic X to improve its efficiency and patient satisfaction.

Access Process-

A primary care physician (or member of the office staff), patient, or family member calls the receptionist at Clinic X to request an appointment. If the receptionist is in the middle of helping a patient in person, the caller is asked to hold. The receptionist then asks the caller, “How may I help you?” If the caller is requesting an appointment within the next month, the appointment date and time are made and given verbally to the caller. If the caller asks additional questions, the receptionist provides answers. The caller is then given the toll-free preregistration phone number and asked to preregister before the date of the scheduled appointment. If the requested appointment is beyond a 30-day period, the caller’s name and address are put in a “future file” because physician availability is given only one month in advance. Every month, the receptionist reviews the future file and schedules an appointment for each person on the list, and a confirmation is automatically mailed to the caller. When a patient preregisters, the financial office is automatically notified and performs the necessary insurance checks and authorizations for the appropriate insurance plan. If the patient does not preregister, when the patient arrives at the clinic on the day of the appointment and checks in with the specialty clinic receptionist, she is asked to first go to the central registration area to register. Any obvious problems with authorization are corrected before the patient returns to the specialty clinic waiting room.

Receptionist’s Point of View-

The receptionist has determined that the best way not to inconvenience the caller is to keep her on the phone for the shortest period possible. The receptionist expresses frustration with the fact that there are too many tasks in the office to do at once.

Physician’s Point of View-

The physician thinks too much of his time is spent on paperwork and chasing down authorizations. The physician senses that appointments are always running behind and that patients are frustrated, no matter how nice he is to them.

Patient’s Point of View-

Patients are frustrated when asked to wait in a long line to register, which makes them late for their appointments, and when future appointments are scheduled without their input. As a result of this latter factor, and work or childcare conflicts, patients often do not show up for these scheduled appointments.

Office Nurse’s Point of View-

The office nurse feels that he is playing catch up all day long and explaining delays. The office nurse also wishes there was more time for teaching.

Billing Office’s Point of View-

The billing office thinks that physicians are giving some care that is not reimbursed because of inaccurate or incomplete insurance or demographic information, and observes that some care is denied authorization after the fact. Practice Lab 315

Patient Satisfaction Measures-

All clinics in the multi-physician group contract with a customer satisfaction measurement firm that administers customer surveys. This survey is sent to a random sample of patients at each clinic to determine their satisfaction ratings for eight dimensions of outpatient and inpatient care for adults and children:

  • Respect for patients’ values, preferences, and expressed needs
  • Coordination and integration of care
  • Information and education
  • Physical comfort
  • Emotional support and alleviation of fear and anxiety
  • Involvement of family and friends
  • Transition and continuity
  • Access to care

Performance Data

The last quarter’s worth of performance data for Clinic X are found in the following table.

Overall satisfaction with visit rated as very good or excellent………………………………. 82%

Staff courtesy and helpfulness rated as very good or excellent……………………………. 90%

Waiting room time for patients is less than 15 minutes……………………………………….. 64%

Examination room waiting time is less than 15 minutes………………………………………. 63%

Patient no-show rate ……………………………………………………………………………………….20%

Patient appointment cancellation rate ………………………………………………………………..11%

Provider appointment cancellation rate ………………………………………………………………10%

Rate of initial insurance claim rejections because of inaccurate or incomplete patient record documentation…………………………………………………………….4%

Patient preregistration rate ……………………………………………………………………………….16%

Average number of patient visits per day …………………………………………………………….16

Range of patient visits per day …………………………………………………………………………..10–23



Find the standard deviation; make a Cumulative frequency table; draw a histogram, with frequency polygon drawn; (d) a frequency distribution graph (ogive); describe the general shape of the frequency distribution polygon; describe the general shape of the ogive.

Statistics question

Part 1 (15 Points)

For each of the following 5 problems: (a) find the standard deviation; (b) make a Cumulative frequency table; (c) draw a histogram, with frequency polygon drawn; (d) a frequency distribution graph (ogive); (e) describe the general shape of the frequency distribution polygon; (f) describe the general shape of the ogive;


Part 2 (5 Points)

For Part 2, you need to used the data you generated for last week’s homework. Remember, we called the date you generated as SGDS.

For SGDS, (a) Make a Cumulative Frequency Table; (b) draw a histogram, with frequency polygon drawn; (c) a frequency distribution graph (ogive); (d) describe the general shape of the frequency distribution polygon; (e) describe the general shape of the ogive;

Chapter 3.pdf

What group or groups constitutes their core? Techo structure? Staff? What do you believe is the company’s sustainable competitive advantage?


Select a local business that you are very familiar with as a customer. Then answer each of the following questions (be sure to label your answers with the appropriate number and letter).

  1. What group or groups constitutes their core? Techo structure? Staff?
    1. How are these aligned from your perspective?
  2. What do you believe is the company’s sustainable competitive advantage?
    1. How does the structure align with your assessment of competitive advantage (your answer to question 2)?

Describe ageism and its impact on societal views of older adult clients. Explain how ageism can influence the healthcare provisions of older adult clients.

Nursing discussion question

Due to the increasing percentage of older adult clients in the U.S., it is imperative that healthcare providers assess and confront their own attitudes and perceptions toward older adults.

In your initial post, address the following:

  1. Describe ageism and its impact on societal views of older adult clients.
  2. Explain how ageism can influence the healthcare provisions of older adult clients.
  3. As a healthcare provider, how can one best assess and confront attitudes, perceptions, behaviors, and biases toward older adults?

Examine what is meant by “organizational structure” and reflect on what type would be most appropriate for your team’s charity. Write a 150-250-word paragraph supporting your beliefs with information cited from any one of the articles listed below using proper APA format.

Business Question

For this task, you will need to examine what is meant by “organizational structure” and reflect on what type would be most appropriate for your team’s charity.  Write a 150-250-word paragraph supporting your beliefs with information cited from any one of the articles listed below using proper APA format.

Choose one composer from the concert and learn more about them. Include a short paragraph about the composer’s life and importance to music. Also include why did you choose the composer. What was something that particularly interested or impressed you?

Concert reflection #1

Your music reflection should begin with an opening paragraph. Include which concert (including the date) you watched/attended. Include whether you attended a live performance or watched the concert via livestream. Avoid long lists of names and compositions.


One paragraph should be dedicated to each piece. In each paragraph include the title of the work, name of the composer, instrumentation, and names of performers (unless it is a large ensemble). (Do not list all of this in the introduction). You MUST listen to and write about the entire performance.

You will write about the music, the performers, and the performance. What was the overall mood of the work? How was this achieved? This may include descriptions of the music, how the composer wrote the music, and the performance of the work. Show what you have learned in this course; use musical terminology.

In a multi-movement work, write about each movement. If there are over five or more movements, you may choose three or four to write about.

Most importantly, include your overall impressions. Did you enjoy the performance?

Choose one composer from the concert and learn more about them. Include a short paragraph about the composer’s life and importance to music. Also include why did you choose the composer. What was something that particularly interested or impressed you?

Write a report on your experience and explain what costs JDI includes in its manufacturing overhead for the plant and how the costs are allocated to their products.

Virtual Factory Tour Reflection.

Write a report on your experience and explain what costs JDI includes in its manufacturing overhead for the plant and how the costs are allocated to their products.

It has been implied that testing and validating of the scanning information is necessary to inform a strategic decision-making. What factors (listed above) would you think might be most important or essential to scan for the acute care hospital system within the current climate for healthcare delivery?

Health & medical question

In a piece of sentinel research Hambrick (1982) tested empirically the relationships between the environmental scanning activities of upper-level executives and their organizations’ strategic decision-making based on the premise that the scanning activity would support their strategic plans. The findings reflected that there were differences in the strategy–scanning link between the three industries studied and that the “differences may have been attributable to different dominant environmental requirements existing in each industry” (Hambrick, 1982, pg.159). More recently, another group of researchers discussed the merits of environmental scanning relating to strategic analysis for public hospital care with findings reflecting that scanning is essential to identify political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors impacting strategic planning (Pourmohammadi et al, 2020). Each of these areas should be reflected in the organizational environmental scan and SWOT analysis if the goal is to comprehensively analyze the setting of care delivery and the community needs.

It has been implied that testing and validating of the scanning information is necessary to inform a strategic decision-making. What factors (listed above) would you think might be most important or essential to scan for the acute care hospital system within the current climate for healthcare delivery? Offer rationale for your opinion here.

Provide in-text citations from no fewer than 3 scholarly sources for each reply to support your perspective on this issue.

Provide a complete properly formatted reference list at the end of