
Explain how this course has helped you with challenges. What actions have you taken during the past 5 weeks to work toward overcoming challenges? What are your plans moving forward?

Rise to the Top Action Plan

Part 1: Overcoming Challenges

In Week 1, you completed the Success Prep Inventory (located in Ch. 2, Section 2.1.2 of your myBook, Powered by zyBooks) in which you were asked, “As you begin at the University of Phoenix, what do you think is your biggest challenge?” Reflect on this challenge and what you have learned over the past 5 weeks.

Write a 150- to 200-word response to the following questions:

  • Explain how this course has helped you with challenges.
  • What actions have you taken during the past 5 weeks to work toward overcoming challenges? What are your plans moving forward?
  • What resources (including University or otherwise) have you used to help overcome challenges?


Part 2: Goal Setting

Write a 150- to 200-word response to the following questions:

  • How does setting goals lead to success?
  • What are the benefits of both short- and long-term goals?
  • Think about your long-term goal of graduating. What specific short-term goals do you need to meet to achieve your long-term goal of graduating?


Part 3: Time Management

When you started this course, what was your initial estimate, in general, for the time required each week to spend on schoolwork?

Write a 150- to 200-word response to the following questions:

  • Was your initial estimate of time needed for this course accurate? Why or why not? Discuss the schedule you developed for this course, GEN/201. What worked well with your schedule?
  • Using the content taught in class, what time management skills can you implement to ensure success in future classes? (Be honest about your schedule, noting strengths and areas for growth).
  • Are there areas where you struggled with time management? How do you plan to overcome these challenges? What resources are available to support you?


Part 4: Communication

Write a 150- to 200-word response to the following questions:

  • How has this course helped you develop more effective communication skills that you can use in future courses and in the workplace? Provide 2 specific communication methods and academic and workplace examples.
  • Which of the 5 steps in the writing process (prewriting, organization, drafting, revising, editing) do you anticipate will be the most challenging for you? What is your action plan for overcoming this challenge?
  • Share a resource from the Center for Writing Excellence that will support you in the writing process.
  • How do you plan to network both academically and professionally during your degree program?

Define the facts and playing field: What important context is needed to understand this topic? Why does the topic matter? What questions did you study? What is the gap in knowledge that your research fills?

Public Health Question

For this “Issue Research” assignment, you will conduct online research on your selected topic (and assigned in Week 4). The following questions can help you narrow down the most important information you will need for the Issue Brief.

  • Define the facts and playing field: What important context is needed to understand this topic? Why does the topic matter?
  • What questions did you study? What is the gap in knowledge that your research fills?
  • What is the magnitude of the problem? Compare national, state and local (the area you are most invested in – this could be San Diego or your hometown)
  • What is the impact on populations, communities, and costs? What are the immediate to long-term health consequences?
  • What are the indirect-health consequences (e.g., economic, social, political) from this problem?
  • How is this particular problem related to other health challenges or issues? (Where is the intersection with other issues?
  • What are the unique/novel/key findings or takeaways from your studies?
  • What are the available interventions, strategies, and policies to address this problem?

NOTE: Include high-level details on your methods that are important to understand. Avoid in-depth descriptions of research methods. Incorporate data, study findings, survey findings, and others’ policy experiences.

Discuss four of the assigned written texts films can be included form the bulk of your analysis.

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology Spring 2023 Prof. Salamandra

Reading Response Essay One

What does inequality look like in the case studies assigned in Part I of the syllabus?

This essay covers texts and films assigned in Part I of the syllabus (Graeber and Wengrow, Lee, Lepowsky, Bourgois, Lutz, Lyon-Callo, Vorng, NtAi: Story of a !Kung Woman, A Wife among Wives, The Arabs, Part 3: The City Victorious?, No Place to Grow). Be sure to refer to specific authors and ethnographic case studies from these book chapters, articles, and films, and provide page number references/citations (see Writing Guidelines on Blackboard). You may also refer to your chosen novel; you will need to do this in one of your three essays. This assignment is designed to demonstrate knowledge of the assigned materials; do not use any other sources.

Discuss four of the assigned written texts films can be included form the bulk of your analysis. Essays must be formatted in MSWord, double-spaced, paged-numbered and 4-6 pages long, excluding the bibliography.

Read the paper and citation guidelines posted on Blackboard, in Course Information and Syllabus, before writing! A bibliography of all sources used must be included at the end of the essay (see syllabus and guidelines for examples of bibliographic citations). Cheating or plagiarism in any form, of even a single line of text, will result in automatic failure and notification of the college authorities. If you are unsure what constitutes cheating and plagiarism, consult page 2 of your syllabus and/or email me.


How can you help this couple if they experience a negative outcome in the birthing suite? What are your personal views on terminating or continuing a pregnancy with a risk of a potential anomaly? What factors may influence your views?

Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease

Case Study Module 8
Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Provide evidencebased rationales for your answers. APA, 7th ed. must be followed.

Active Labor: Susan Wong

Mrs. Wong, a firsttime mother, is admitted to the birthing suite in early labor after spontaneous rupture of membranes at home. She is at 38 weeks of gestation with a history of abnormal alphafetoprotein levels at 16 weeks of pregnancy.

She was scheduled for ultrasonography to visualize the fetus to rule out an open spinal defect or Down syndrome, but never followed through. Mrs. Wong and her husband disagreed about what to do (keep or terminate the pregnancy) if the ultrasonography indicated a spinal problem, so they felt they did not want this information.

Reflective Questions
1. As the nurse, what priority data would you collect from this couple to help define

2. How can you help this couple if they experience a negative outcome in the birthing suite? What are your personal views on terminating or continuing a pregnancy with a risk of a potential anomaly? What factors may influence your views?

3. With the influence of the recent Human Genome Project and the possibility of predicting open spinal defects earlier in pregnancy, how will maternity care change in the future?

Describe which approach to leadership was used by the Lt. John Adams contemporary public leader (e.g.the trait approach, the skill approach, behavorial approach, the situational approach, or the psychodynamic to leadership) and why that approach was successful for tthis public leader.

University of phoniex Contemporary Leadership

Lt. John Adams700to 1,050 word paper (Choose one appraoach)

Describe which approach to leadership was used by the Lt. John Adams contemporary public leader (e.g.the trait approach, the skill approach, behavorial approach, the situational approach, or the psychodynamic to leadership) and why that approach was successful for tthis public leader.

hen it comes to the Ethics of Care, here is an interesting quote. A scholar says, “Care ethics is undoubtedly right in criticizing our society as being too uncaring.” Do you agree with this – why or why not? If you agree with it, be sure to give at least one example to support your views, and, if you disagree with it, give at least one example to support your views.

Ethics Critical thinking

A. Pages 253-254 of our text Ethical Choices describes two different perspectives: the justice perspective and the care perspective. Using Ethical Choices, explain these two different perspectives in your own words. Last, our text says that according to Carol Gilligan, men tend to focus more on the justice perspective while women focus more on the care perspective. Do you agree with Gilligan’s claim about men and women – why or why not?

B. When it comes to the Ethics of Care, here is an interesting quote. A scholar says, “Care ethics is undoubtedly right in criticizing our society as being too uncaring.” Do you agree with this – why or why not? If you agree with it, be sure to give at least one example to support your views, and, if you disagree with it, give at least one example to support your views.

C. One of the things that we will be doing each week is discussing some cases from our textThinking Critically About Ethical Issues. Look at Case 11a on page 49. After looking at this case, answer these questions about it. First, what dilemma or tension is involved in this case? Second, explain if this dilemma or tension could be overcome through developing relationships.

D. One of the things that we will be doing each week is discussing some cases from our text Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues. Look at Case 20 on page 132. After looking at this case, answer these questions about it. First, what dilemma or tension is involved in this case? Second, if this dilemma or tension could be overcome through developing relationships.

What measures can Sam implement at this time to further promote a recovery process?

Case Study

Review Case Study 4, “Beijing Sammies,” which you can access in the Wk 5 Learning Activities folder.

In the case study, Sam Goodman has a well-organized business plan underway as many consumer aspects have been considered. It was quite a surprise to many when Sam’s company suddenly began to lose traction after a steady climb to finally reach a proverbial mountain of success. It appears that Sam failed to anticipate some entrepreneurial and managerial traps that impede further organizational development.

What measures can Sam implement at this time to further promote a recovery process?

How is liquid sterilization for plastics accomplished? How long does it take? What are the benefits of epinephrine during a procedure? What is the most common dental emergency?

Dentistry practice test

1. How is liquid sterilization for plastics accomplished? How long does it take?

2. What are the benefits of epinephrine during a procedure?

3. What is the most common dental emergency?

4. What do you do if your patient experiences chest pain?

5. What type of antiobiotics are most commonly used for pre-medication for an adult with no allergies?

6. What is the term called when a patient refuses treatment?

7. What are 3 reasons for a patient to be pre-medicated?

8. Which drug schedule has the highest potential for abuse but is used for medical use?

9. What is the difference between oxygenated blood and de-oxygenated blood in the veins and arteries?

10. When does cleft lip occur in gestation?

11. What is the function of the periodontal ligament?

12. Where do you check the pulse during adult cpr?

13. What part of the dental carpule does the syringe needle enter during the setting up of the dental syringe?

14.What are the symptons of an asthma attack?

15. What is Alveolitis? Why does this happen?

16. What are some contradictions for using nitrous oxide?

17.What is the purpose of using chest compressions during CPR?

18. Describe the TMJ (Temporal Mandibular Joint).

19. Define the good samaritan law.

20. Define hyperglocemia.

21. What does OSHA do?

22. Who viewed microorganisms for the first time?

23.What are the most common disinfectants used in the dental office?

24. What are the three major salivary glands?

25. What does “prn” stand for on a prescription?

26. What is the result if someone receives to much fluoride?

27. How many year must patient records be kept for in the state of NC?

28. Ibuprofen is most commonly used after what dental procedure?

29.What are the signs and symtons of Aids?

30. On a dental carpule how can u tell how much epinephrine is in the carpule?

31. What is the chain of infection order?

32. When can a dental assistant use a handpiece?

33. What is the symptons of Bells Palsy?

34. Name the major muscles of mastication.

35. Define informed consent.

36. What should u do if a pt. begins to breath very rapid and panicked breathing?

37. Which method of local anesthetic delivery takes effect fastest? Longest?

38. How can u tell the difference between a generic medication to a brand name medication?

39. How do u accomplish sanitation?

40. What is the most likely blood borne pathogen to be transmitted in the dental setting? (Disease)

41. What is the caries equation?

42. What is the body’s first line of defense? The second line of defense?

43. What does a dentist and Hygenist have to have to obtain a license to practice?

44. What role does the dental assistant play during a pt. having a petit mal seizure?

45. What is the most important benefit of fluoride? What is the optimum level of fluoride someone should have?

46. What should be done if a tooth is avulsed?

47. How long can it take for someone to have an anaphylatic shock after being exposed to the allergen?

48. When does the majority of medical emergencies happen in the dental setting?

49. Define type 1 Diabetes.

50. When should a Dental Assistant wear a jacket?

51. What can biophosphate drugs cause?

52. What is the active ingredient in sensitivity toothpaste?

53. How long does anesthesia without any epinephrine last?

54. When should u place a patient in the trendelenburg position?

55.Which needle in the dental setting has the highest risk of blood borne pathogens to be contaminated?

56. Name 4 ways patients can be sedated and the level of consciousness they will be at.

57. Name 4 ways of Immunity and when they occur.

Determine if the criminal’s persistent offending can be explained using life course, latent trait, and trajectory theories. If any of those three theories do not account for the criminal’s persistent offending, explain why.

Developmental Theories of Crime

In 500-750 words, analyze life course offenders using developmental theories of crime by doing the following:

Find an example of a person who is or was a life course offender (someone with a very long criminal history, serial killers, etc.).

  1. Determine if the criminal’s persistent offending can be explained using life course, latent trait, and trajectory theories.
  2. If any of those three theories do not account for the criminal’s persistent offending, explain why.
  3. Explain which of the three theories best account for this criminal’s persistent offending.

Use the GCU Library to locate three to five relevant, scholarly sources in support of your content, no older than 5 years.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Respond to the prompt below about the article with an argument of your own in an essay that is 4-6 paragraphs in length.

English Question


This writing project assignment asks you to respond to the prompt below about the article with an argument of your own in an essay that is 4-6 paragraphs in length.

Use effective essay structure, with a brief introduction, middle or body paragraphs, and a brief conclusion paragraph.

In your essay, be sure to:

  • Include a thesis statement identifying your position on the topic. To develop your thesis, provide clear topic sentences/sub-claims/reasons throughout your essay.
  • Support your argument with direct evidence from the supporting text, either as quoted or paraphrased material using in-text MLA citation. Additionally, your evidence should be followed with close analysis/explanation of how the cited material supports your main argument.
  • Be sure to address and respond to a counter-argument in your essay. In the counter argument, you should incorporate evidence from the opposing ideas (what you disagree with) and respond to the counter argument by either conceding or refuting the point.


Read the article. Links to an external site.