
Explain the summarization dataset code. Explain the two visualizations from your code. What are the independent and dependent variables you used in your code and Why?

Predictive report

Assignment Guidelines:

Use the excel file named as “DatasetPM.csv” for this assignment.

Prepare a linear regression predictive model using the attached dataset. It should be a multiple variable prediction model.

Prepare a coding file for the prediction model on google colab. Attach a PDF file to the submission link. Your code should include the following items

  • Loading dataset code (1 mark)
  • Summarizing dataset (1 mark)
  • Visualization of dataset – Two graphs must be shown (2 marks)
  • Remove NA values from the dataset (1 mark)
  • Segregate the values in input Xs and output Y (1 mark)
  • Train the dataset (1 mark)
  • No training testing split is required
  • Provide prediction results of atleast 3 hypothetical values – make sure all hypothetical situations are seen in the code (1 mark)
  • Code for coefficient and intercept (1 mark)
  • Use the coefficient and intercept and check whether the model is accurate (1 mark)

In your model, you need to have many independent variables and one dependent variable. Make sure that you have atleast 2 variables for the multiple regression analysis. You can select any column in the attached excel sheet as your variables.

Create a word document. Explain your findings in 500 – 1000 words. This word limit excludes tables, graphs and appendix

  • Explain the summarization dataset code. (2 marks)
  • Explain the two visualizations from your code. (4 marks)
  • What are the independent and dependent variables you used in your code and Why? (2 marks)
  • Provide explanation for the hypothetical values you created. (3 marks)
  • Explain your coefficient and intercept. (2 marks)
  • What are your conclusions from your prediction model? (2 marks)

Explain the situation, describe the differences that were missed and give your thoughts on the resulting consequence.

Culture Difference

International business brings challenges of creating and maintaining relationships with a diverse management and customer base, who may have different customs, ways of working and ethics. Pick one specific example (that we have not discussed in class or is in your text book), and write about it in 250 words or less. Explain the situation, describe the differences that were missed (or met – your example can be one of success or lack there of for a company) and give your thoughts on the resulting consequence (again, good or bad).

Explain why organizations, based on their defining characteristics, tend to be so highly structured and impersonal, and identify some solutions that could be implemented to make them have more of a “human touch”.

Sociology Question

Organizations within society tend to be highly impersonal yet highly structured and rigid. Explain why organizations, based on their defining characteristics, tend to be so highly structured and impersonal, and identify some solutions that could be implemented to make them have more of a “human touch”.

What type of drug should you prescribe based on your patient’s diagnosis? How much of the drug should the patient receive? How often should the drug be administered? When should the drug not be prescribed? Are there individual patient factors that could create complications when taking the drug?

Nursing Question

Case: AC is a 72-year-old male who is admitted to your ICU after suffering a massive stroke that has left him unresponsive and unable to communicate. He is currently on a ventilator. His wife of 48 years is available along with their one adult daughter. The wife informs you that they don’t have any advanced directives, but she is “pretty sure her husband would not want to live like this.” However, their daughter is adamant her dad would want to be kept alive in case there is any chance to come out of this.

What type of drug should you prescribe based on your patient’s diagnosis? How much of the drug should the patient receive? How often should the drug be administered? When should the drug not be prescribed? Are there individual patient factors that could create complications when taking the drug? Should you be prescribing drugs to this patient? How might different state regulations affect the prescribing of this drug to this patient?

Summarize the article. Provide your reflection on the article and its findings. Discuss how the article will inform your future chosen practice as a counselor.

Journal Article critique

Choose a scholarly journal article on a particular aspect of development for a specific age group or population related to  your program concentration (mental health clinical counseling)

Your critique paper should include the following parts:
1) Summarize the article.
2) Provide your reflection on the article and its findings (critique).
3) Discuss how the article will inform your future chosen practice as a counselor.

The critique paper should be roughly 3-4 pages (APA style).

An analyst in your accounting department discovers a possible billing issue, whereby a surgeon billed for services from two different cities on the same day. Using the framework outlined in the textbook, describe the steps you take to launch an internal investigation into possible billing fraud.

Discussion question

1)An analyst in your accounting department discovers a possible billing issue, whereby a surgeon billed for services from two different cities on the same day. Using the framework outlined in the textbook, describe the steps you take to launch an internal investigation into possible billing fraud.250 words

2)As a compliance officer you want to ensure that “compliance” is not just a formality but rather part of the culture of the organization. Describe three challenges you would expect as you launch a training and education program in your efforts to incorporate compliance into the culture.500 words

3)Computers are being used to manage both financial and clinical aspects of healthcare delivery operations. Speculate on how monitoring activities could be carried out electronically and automatically, without human intervention, by interfacing with the computer-based financial and clinical systems.250 words

Do you think we should create laws to make it illegal for any candidate running for President of the United States, to enter into “Hush Agreements (Contracts)”, to prevent the public from knowing about his or her past conduct?

WEEK 4 Discussion Forum

The purpose of this discussion forum is to identify valid agreements that form contracts. You will draw legal conclusions about the unintended consequences of these agreements upon the political process. Students will recognize particular legal issues inhering to a given case scenario and determine which laws come to bear on the issues towards arriving at a resolution of those issues.

This week and the next few weeks ahead, we will be discussing contracts. Nondisclosure agreements are also known as “Hush Agreements”. They are contracts, where a person agrees to keep quiet, about an organizations or person’s wrongful conduct and private affairs, for a fee (consideration). These agreements are not illegal as long as the “Hush Agreement” is not being used to conceal a crime. Simply wanting to keep your wrongful conduct or personal matters private is not illegal, and are accomplished by drafting a contract and paying consideration. Please answer the following questions for this discussion:

Do you think we should create laws to make it illegal for any candidate running for President of the United States, to enter into “Hush Agreements (Contracts)”, to prevent the public from knowing about his or her past conduct?

What if the candidate is very knowledgeable and experienced and has other characteristics and qualities that would make him or her a good political candidate. Would your answer to question one change? Please explain in detail why your answer would or would not change.
Initial posting

You will answer all of the questions indicated above. Please develop your answers by explaining and describing the who, when, what, why, where and how of your response. Provide substance by including examples and references to your text and outside articles.

Here is the teacher’s instruction video on how she wants assignment done it has 2 assignments do the discussion one


How do international politics impact the international community’s ability to effectively respond to the humanitarian crisis in Turkey and Syria earthquake?

Global studies

On 6 February 2023, a very powerful earthquake struck southeast Turkey and northwest Syria. The area was already host to many refugees from the Syrian War. This earthquake has added a new global and international crisis to the area. Using the news articles below and the materials from the course, please explain:

How do international politics impact the international community’s ability to effectively respond to the humanitarian crisis in Turkey and Syria earthquake?

You must use at least 3 themes from multilateralism, humanitarianism, human rights, environmentalism, migrants, refugees, civil society and NGOs, and intersectionality. You MUST cite materials from the book also.

Potential sources:

  1. to an external site.
  2. to an external site.

What does love change in one person? Why is love important? Why cant one live without loving at least once?


What does love change in one person? Give examples of literature books with love relationships
Why is love important?
Why cant one live without loving at least once?

What are the four elements of a valid contract. Identify each element and provide a definition of each element. Apply the facts to the elements to decide whether there is a valid contract. Discuss whether a contract was created in the above scenario.

Written Assignment (Contract Law Question)

Students will recognize particular legal issues inhering to a given case scenario and determine which laws come to bear on the issues towards arriving at a resolution of those issues.

The FBI posted a flyer on all American Airlines. The flyer indicated, “The Federal Government will pay $500,000 to any person providing information leading to the arrest of any airline customer, transporting drugs while riding on the plane. ” Mary decides to take American Airlines to visit her grandmother. While standing in line to use the bathroom, she notices another customer opening the overhead bin and removing a carry-on luggage that appeared to be filled with drugs. When she arrived at her grandmother’s house she called the FBI and reported the incident. After an investigation, the FBI confirmed that drugs were being transported. They tracked down the customer and arrested him for illegal possession and transportation of drugs. Mary contacts the FBI and requests $500,000. She claims a contract was created and it would be a breach of contract to deny her the money. The FBI refuses to pay citing there is no contract. Please answer the questions below. One page is required.

What are the four elements of a valid contract. Identify each element and provide a definition of each element.
Apply the facts to the elements to decide whether there is a valid contract. Discuss whether a contract was created in the above scenario.
Will the FBI be required to pay the $500,000 to Mary.

Here is the video instruction on how to do the assingment from the teacher how she want it there are 2 assignments on it do the right one
