
If you could start a nonprofit organization in your community what would it be and why?

Scholarship essay

If you could start a nonprofit organization in your community what would it be and why?

Pick a quote from the book that sums up the overall message of the text. Explain the context of the quote, then be sure to thoroughly discuss how and why this quote sums up the book.

Readers response on the book Junior Seau by Jim Trotter

Provide a readers response on the book Junior Seau by Jim Trotter Reader Response Guidelines Format: must be typed, using 12-point font, double-spaced, and no more than 1-inch margins.Length: 4 pages minimum Content: Each RR is divided into five different phases. Although the same format must be followed for each of the papers, there is still a degree of creative freedom within the structure

Phase 1: Summing it up Pick a quote from the book that sums up the overall message of the text. Explain the context of the quote, then be sure to thoroughly discuss how and why this quote sums up the book.

Phase 2: Theme Song Pick a theme song for the book. The track should both connect with the content and the mood of the novel. The entire set of lyrics is not needed, but there must be a detailed discussion of how the lyrics in a ton of the song are appropriate for the book.

Phase 3: Packing a punch Books often contain chapters or sections that are the centerpiece and focal point of the text. Pick a chapter or section of the book and explain why it is so important. What makes it so powerful.

Phase 4: Symbolism Examine the book for a symbol that stands out from the rest. Discussed what the object symbolizes, and why it is integral to understanding the text.

Phase 5: Endurance What are the enduring themes of the novel? Provide clear points that are supported with evidence from the text. The most amount of time should be spent on the section

How do individual personality differences impact behavior? What are the advantages and disadvantages of having different personalities on a team/in a workplace?

Personality Impact Assignment Instructions

For this assignment, complete the steps in the order outlined below. For the final step, compose your work according to current APA formatting standards.  Remember to write from a third-person perspective. Include a minimum of ten scholarly, peer-reviewed sources, the course textbook, and the Bible.  Be sure to also include hyperlinks to the websites of source information that is referenced.


Complete Steps A-E:

  1. A. Navigate to the 72-question Jung Typology Test via the link provided in this assignment. Complete the test.
  2. B. Click on “Score it” and retrieve your four letter type.
  3. Next, go to the Personality Page via the link provided in this assignment and investigate the various buttons for descriptions of your type and data on relationships, careers, etc. (buttons 4-8).
  4. On the Personality Page, click on the “Info” button to access Information About Personality Types.
  5. Once there, click on The Four Preferences, Keirsey’s Temperaments, and Overview of the Sixteen Personality Types to locate the description of your type. Hint: You will also need to review the other 15 types in order to contribute to the analysis and discussion of your team members’ types.


Complete Step F.

Submit a paper that includes a title page, abstract, and reference page.  The body of the paper should be 10-12 pages in length and should include the following components:


  • Description of how Scripture address personality differences.
    • How do individual personality differences impact behavior?
    • What are the advantages and disadvantages of having different personalities on a team/in a workplace?
    • How are communication, performance management and team processes impacted?
    • Include rationale, supported by scripture, for the creation of differing personality types.
  • Synthesis of the results of the Jung Typology Test. Address the effectiveness of your personality type in a healthcare organization.


Describe how this field activity contributes to the social responsibility initiatives of the organization. Evaluate the impact or correlation of this field activity on the strategic goals of the organization.

Field Activity: Completed Activity – Overview, Research Support, Analysis, Recommendations Assignment Instructions


This Field Activity will aid the student in providing solutions that align with a biblical worldview to problems associated with cost, access, and quality of care. The capstone project seeks to integrate the concepts, techniques, and knowledge of all areas of healthcare administration, with a focus on the application of strategic management. This field activity project, which is completed in two parts, requires students to apply what they have learned throughout the curriculum. The overall objective of the capstone course is to enable students to build upon their theoretical preparation.

Each student will select an organization in which to complete a field activity. Note: The organization will remain anonymous. No part of any collection or analysis of data/information may be utilized or published beyond the course.

The field activity may be part of current employment, a formal or informal internship, apprenticeship or consultant. The student may use his/her current healthcare organization or an organization within the healthcare industry for which he/she is not currently employed. If the student has not been previously employed in a healthcare field or employed in any capacity, then the student should choose a healthcare organization of their choosing. The specific name of the organization will not be revealed in the assignment to maintain anonymity


Since this is a two-part project; for the completed project, the student will combine both Field Activity Assignments into one completed Capstone document.

For the second assignment the student will provide a 15–20-page document combining the Field Activity: Organization, Activity Summary, Role, Project Timeline Assignment, and this Field Activity: Completed Activity – Overview, Research Support, Analysis, Recommendations Assignment.

The completed Healthcare Administration capstone project will include the following:

  • Overview of the activity
  • A comprehensive analysis of the selected field activity is provided
  • Research support of the strategic impact on a healthcare organization is presented
  • Recommendations to be made to the organization as a result of the activity findings
  • Strongly relevant application of the course principles is made in the analysis of the field activity
    • Include
      • Innovative recommendations for improvement/changes OR information supporting how you implemented innovative change in the organization as part of this field activity.
      • Describe how this field activity contributes to the social responsibility initiatives of the organization.
      • Evaluate the impact or correlation of this field activity on the strategic goals of the organization.
      • Substantive Biblical integration (with Scriptural support) provided throughout each part of the analysis/paper.

In at least 350 words write a brief summary of the theory you have conceptualized for the Final Theory paper. Create the summary with an approach of introducing to your colleagues, in a brief overview, your ‘new and improved’ family theory.

Discussion Question

In at least 350 words write a brief summary of the theory you have conceptualized for the Final Theory paper. Create the summary with an approach of introducing to your colleagues, in a brief overview, your ‘new and improved’ family theory. Highlight why and how your theory is relevant, practical, logical, explicit, systematic, and contextual. Integrate your research within this discussion by providing the relevant in-text and full-citations in APA format.

Determine the types of inventories these companies currently manage and describe their essential inventory characteristics. Analyze how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated.

Week 9 Assignment – Inventory Management


Research two manufacturing or two service companies that manage inventory and write a 5-7 page paper in which you:

  1. Determine the types of inventories these companies currently manage and describe their essential inventory characteristics.
  2. Analyze how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated.
  3. Evaluate the role their inventory plays in the company’s performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
  4. Compare and contrast the four different types of layouts found with each company; explain the importance of the layouts to the company’s manufacturing or service operations.
  5. Determine at least two metrics to evaluate the supply chain performance of the companies; suggest improvements to the design and operations of their supply chains based on those metrics.
  6. Suggest ways to improve the inventory management for each of the companies without affecting operations and the customer benefit package. Provide a rationale to support the suggestion.
  7. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment.

Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

How does the information reported in the news article connect to scholarly research in the field? What do scholars already know that can deepen our understanding of the information reported in the article?

Psychology Question

Scholarly Research Requirements:

The News Report asked you to think like a journalist or a consumer of the news. Now, the Research Component asks you to think like a Women’s Studies’ scholar: How does the information reported in the news article connect to scholarly research in the field? What do scholars already know that can deepen our understanding of the information reported in the article?

This assignment will also provide an orientation to the interdisciplinary scholarly resources available for Women’s Studies’ students and scholars.

First (1), visit the Research Guide for Women’s Studies at the UMGC Library. Spend some time exploring the available resources.
To access the Research Guide for Women’s Studies

Click on “Academic Support” > “Library” from inside the LEO Classroom

Click on “Research Guides” in the tabs above the search box on the library search page

Click on “Select a Guide” and scroll down to “Research Guide for Women’s Studies”

Second (2), using any of the databases or eresources available in the Research Guide, research some aspect of your news article. You should be looking for scholarly resources. If the first database or set of resources returns few options or only news articles and not scholarly articles, choose another database. You could focus on the main topic of the article (such as the gender wage gap, or women in the military), on a specific person discussed in the article (such as an activist, or a politician), or on a location discussed in the article (such as women in the Midwest, or women in Nigeria), or on a related idea (such as the history of cosmetics, or female-centered religions). Remember to maintain a focus on a topic of interest to Women’s Studies.

Third (3), choose two of the scholarly resources you discover, and write an annotated bibliography of 500-800 words as described here. Chosen resources should be no more than 10 years old.
If you are unsure how to determine if a given resource is “scholarly” or not, here is a guide to evaluating resources: Locate and Evaluate Scholarly Articles

If you need help formatting an Annotated Bibliography, here are two good resources:

How to Write an Annotated Bibliography at the UMGC Library [note that this assignment asks
you to include both types of annotations described here for each entry]

Do you think this conforms with the principles set out in Buddhism? Why or why not? How do you think karma and compassion come into play in this story?

Engineering Question

There is a story of a Buddhist monk who was on a ship with a maniac who was killing everyone on board. The monk eventually decided to kill the man in order to prevent further harm of others on board. Do you think this conforms with the principles set out in Buddhism? Why or why not? How do you think karma and compassion come into play in this story?


Develop a literature review abstract list (1 for each source) of 3 or more sources that supports this topic.

Nursing research

Develop a literature review abstract list (1 for each source) of 3 or more sources that supports this topic.

Customary law is a source of law recognised in the Nigerian legal system. State and explain briefly, two evidences to prove existence of customary law.

Business law question

Customary law is a source of law recognised in the Nigerian legal system. State and explain briefly, two evidences to prove existence of customary law.