
How do you like to be managed? What is one of your weaknesses? Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that tested your coping skills. What did you do?

Career Readiness

Targeted Application letter in response to one of the three job notices

Refined resume in response to one of the three job notices

Two appropriate questions YOU would like to ask the interviewer at the conclusion of your interview while being interviewed for this position above. Explain why you selected these questions.

Prepared Interview Question Responses – Prepare your responses for each of the following two questions:

  1. How do you like to be managed?
  2. What is one of your weaknesses?  Note: Do not just give a short answer. Write up exactly what you would say if asked during an interview.

Prepared Behavioral Interview Question Responses – Prepare your responses using the STAR method for each of the following two questions:

  1. Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that tested your coping skills. What did you do?
  2. Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond when it would have been acceptable to just perform the bare minimum. Explain why you did this.  Note: Do not just give a short answer. Write up exactly what you would say if asked during an interview.

Perfect Pitch/Elevator Speech – Prepare a 30 second pitch about yourself, which could be delivered to a potential employer.

Graduate Schools – Research 3 graduate schools that have programs that might interest you should you decide to further your education. Please list the name of the university, the name of the school, the website, the official program degree name and the program description for each of these three.

Professional Associations – Research 3 professional associations that relate to a career that you are interested in pursuing. List the name of the associations, the websites, and a brief description of the association or the benefits of membership. Tell if there is a student membership rate or not and what the cost is for students and professionals to join.

Critically discuss the key important factors and forces of B2C ecommerce industry environment that affect the chosen company choice of strategy.

Marketing Question

Q1- Critically discuss the key important factors and forces of B2C ecommerce industry environment that affect the chosen company choice of strategy. From your own perspective, what actions should your chosen company do to keep its competitive advantage alive? (Include facts and figures to support your opinion) (35 marks-850 words).


Critically discuss the key important factors and forces of B2C ecommerce industry environment that affect the chosen company choice of strategy. From your own perspective, what actions should your chosen company do to keep its competitive advantage alive?

B2C ECommerce

The development of B2C ecommerce has been a major driver of economic growth and innovation over the past two decades. B2C ecommerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services between businesses and consumers. This type of ecommerce has revolutionized the way businesses and consumers interact, allowing for faster, more efficient transactions and a greater variety of products and services. The development of B2C ecommerce has been driven by a number of factors, including the rise of the internet, the emergence of mobile technology, and the increasing availability of online payment systems. The internet has allowed businesses to reach a much larger customer base, while mobile technology has enabled customers to shop from anywhere at any time. Online payment systems have made it easier for customers to make purchases, and have also allowed businesses to accept payments from customers in different countries. The development of B2C ecommerce has also been driven by the emergence of new business models, such as subscriptionbased services, marketplace platforms, and digital marketplaces. These new business models have allowed businesses to offer customers more options and better prices, while also providing them with more control over their purchases. The development of B2C ecommerce has also been driven by the emergence of new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and block chain. These technologies have enabled businesses to automate processes, improve customer service, and provide customers with more personalized experiences. Overall, the development of B2C ecommerce has been a major driver of economic growth and innovation over the past two decades. It has allowed businesses to reach a much larger customer base, while also providing customers with more options and better prices. It has also enabled businesses to automate processes, improve customer service, and provide customers with more personalized experiences. Finally, it has allowed customers to shop from anywhere at any time and has made it easier for them to make purchases.

  • Based on your understanding of aforesaid highlights you are requested to select a company that does B2C ecommerce in the world or in your region to conduct your research, study, and analysis.
  • By referring to your chosen company, you should answer the following three questions in an essay format:

Q1. Critically discuss the key important factors and forces of B2C ecommerce industry environment that affect the chosen company choice of strategy. From your own perspective, what actions should your chosen company do to keep its competitive advantage alive? (Include facts and figures to support your opinion) (35 marks850 words).

Q2. Based on your findings in question 1, critically evaluate the key resources, capabilities, core competences and knowledge available for the chosen company to successfully compete within its
boundary and sustain a competitive advantage?
As a strategist, what recommendations would you suggest helping the company to sustain its competitive advantage? (35 marks850 words).

Q3. Critically evaluate the chosen company Corporate and BusinessLevel strategies components in response to the challenges of B2C ecommerce locally and globally. (Include facts and figures to support your opinion) (30 marks 500 words)

Provide the equation for the take-off. State the order of the differential equation and if it is linear or non-linear. State the output, the dependent and the independent variable.

Aerospace Engineering Question

A Boeing 737-300 needs to take off from a runway. At t=0 the pilot is waiting for the signal from the control tower. Wheel friction is not taken into account. Check with known flight performance data.

With all conditions given; show whether the runway is long enough for the aircraft to take off. Elaborate on the length runway needed. Beware of the dimensions!!


1.Provide the equation for the take-off;
2.State the order of the differential equation and if it is linear or non-linear;

3.State the output, the dependent and the independent variable;

4.Build the system in Simulink; provide a picture of the block diagram and a picture of the m-file. Express in each line (connector) what it represents.

Write a one page reflection on your participation and other group members in your group discussion on what came up for you while discussing Gestalt theory.

How did you engage with the reading from Chapter 6?

Write a one page reflection on your participation and other group members in your group discussion on what came up for you while discussing Gestalt theory.

If you were absent from class, reflect on how you, yourself, engaged with the reading from this chapter.

Make sure to use key terms (found at the end of the chapter) while discussing your participation and your peers.

Explain how your health problem is connected to your community of interest/priority population & prevalence of the health problem in the community, including looking at relevant sub-groups (e.g. men and women, age groups, etc).

Immunology Question

In a 1-2 page, double spaced paper please include the following, noting that these can be listed in the order that is the best fit for your topic:

Name the health problem that your proposal will be focused on and define it. Provide national and/or state statistics to illustrate the health topic in the US and Alexandria.

For example, your health problem of poor oral health care may be due to lack of tooth brushing (this is not an actual possible project title since it is not supported by the Community Guide). The paper would start with a definition of the health problem and statistics showing that there is alarm caused by the low number of children and adults who brush their teeth.

Identify of your community of interest (also called priority population)

Remember- the city of Alexandria is the community that everyone will be focused on, but is there is a specific population you want to focus on? If so, who is that? African Americans teens? Teachers who instruct PE classes? Why do you want to focus on this population?   This is where you may be able to cite the Alexandria Health Profile report!

Explain how your health problem is connected to your community of interest/priority population  & prevalence of the health problem in the community, including looking at relevant sub-groups (e.g. men and women, age groups, etc).

What does the literature say about this?  For example, teachers are less likely to brush their teeth according to XX organization. There are XX teacher in the city and an intervention focused on them could have an impact because XX. This section needs citations as well!

Health consequences of the problems or other consequences of the problem

Not brushing teeth can lead to XX. XX leads to XX. This is an important health issue because XX. Basically, what could happen if this is not addressed?

Use the ERD and EERD for the Soccer League Database to build its Relational Schema (RS).

Relational schema

Problem 1: Relational Schema (7 pts)
Use the ERD and EERD for the Soccer League Database to build its Relational Schema (RS).

Problem 2: Normalization (3 pts)
Convert the following table to the 3rd normal form:
STUDENT (StudentID, StudentName, NumCredits, AdvisorID, AdvisorName, Course
(CourseID, Description, Grade)).

Consider the following functional dependencies:
StudentID StudentName, NumCredits, AdvisorID, AdvisorName
CourseID Description
StudentID, CourseID Grade
AdvisorID AdvisorName

Note: StudentID and CourseID are the CPK for the STUDENT table’s 1st normal form.

Make a PowerPoint presentation about “The use of “Applications of Differentiation-Related Rates” in our real life and using “PYTHON” to represent the result on a graph.


1) For this term’s project you are asked to make a PowerPoint presentation about “The use of “Applications of DifferentiationRelated Rates” in our real life and using “PYTHON” to represent the result on a graph.

2) This presentation should contain at least 4 slides, and the maximum number of students in the same project is 4 students. Due on Tuesday the 28th of February 2023.

3) NOTE: no projects will be accepted after the mentioned due date.

4) SLIDE 1: should contain your name, class and subjects’ names.

5) SLIDE 2: should contain a good description and presentation about your real examples/applications with definitions.

6) SLIDE 3: should contain pictures of UAE real life applications with a description of each picture.

7) SLIDE 4: mention one mathematical example with numbers and should contain “Applications of Differentiation Related Rates” expressions according to your application with explanation.

8) Share and submit your project on Google classroom to your math teacher.

Research a BPM solution such as found on the website below:…

Operational excellence

Business Process Management (BPM) focuses on helping businesses identify and manage processes that happen within a business in order to operate more efficiently and effectively. Watch the video below:

Research a BPM solution such as found on the website below:…

What were your main learnings about platform markets, infrastructure and governance – the institutional side of platforms? Create 2-minute a video or audio explaining your own view on platform markets, infrastructure AND/OR governance, and provide one example related to social media platforms.

News Media Question


What were your main learnings about platform markets, infrastructure and governance – the institutional side of platforms? Create 2-minute a video or audio explaining your own view on platform markets, infrastructure AND/OR governance, and provide one example related to social media platforms. Try to use another format in relation to Creating 1 (is not mandatory). If you are not comfortable with audio or video, try some other artistic format.


“Creating” are media production with the aim of creatively explaining concepts and keywords (based on readings) to a wider audience. Students should produce short videos or audios (about 2 minutes) with explanations and reflections on some aspects of the readings and in-class discussions. If you are not comfortable with video or audio, you can choose another creative or artistic format. The idea here is to be creative! What did you find interesting about the readings and classes that you would like to share with a wider audience?