
Using the Survey Results Worksheet linked here, create a presentation that effectively displays and communicates your survey results to a target audience.

Visualization Data

Using the Survey Results Worksheet linked here, create a presentation that effectively displays and communicates your survey results to a target audience.

  • D5 Survey Results Worksheet.xlsx

Choose a research question in your field, and write ten original, quantitative survey questions that correlate with the ten data columns on the Survey Results Worksheet. You may add qualitative questions and data if you wish.

Using the data in each column, create a graph, chart, or other data visualization for each of the ten survey items. You may employ any data visualization tool you prefer; however, please export and submit this document as a PDF.

Validate your data visualizations by including a one paragraph (five to seven sentences, minimum) interpretation of the findings for each of the ten data sets.

Identify the fundamental knowledge required by the improvement project team to solve this problem. Identify the people (professional group or service area) that should be represented on the team and the fundamental knowledge they bring to the team.

Case study

Question 1

Objective: To practice identifying different types of errors described in Reason’s Swiss cheese model.


  • Consider the following scenario: In Florida, Clara, an active 94-year-old great-grandmother who still worked as a hospital volunteer two days a week, was admitted to the hospital for a bowel obstruction. She and her family, along with nurses from the hospital, said that there were too few nurses to check on her during the night when her eldest son went home to sleep for a couple of hours. Clara called the nurses to help her use the bathroom but when no one came, she climbed over the bed railing. Still groggy from surgery 20 hours earlier, Clara fell to the floor and broke her left hip. She died two days later during surgery to repair the hip fracture. “It was just too much for her,” said her grandson. “For want of one nurse, she died” (Gibson and Singh 2003, 101).
  • Review the following list of latent errors, active errors, and preconditions that could have contributed to the event described in this scenario.


–Absence of one nurse and one nurse aide because of illness that night

–Clara’s advanced age not taken into consideration by caregivers

–Unavailability of staff to fill in for the two people calling in sick

–Falls risk assessment not complete on patient’s chart

–Decision to upgrade computed tomography scanner over purchasing safer patient beds

–Lack of training for nurses about specialized needs of elderly patients, especially related to their responses to medications

–The departure of Clara’s son

–Consistent scheduling of the night shift with minimum staff needed on the unit

–Bioengineering’s skipping of last month’s preventive maintenance check on the call light system (because the department was six weeks behind on its work)

–Admission of three new patients to this unit from the emergency department between 7:00 pm and 10:00 pm

–Falls precautions not implemented for this patient

Write the errors and risk factors in column 2 beside the appropriate category. (500 Words).


Category/Type of Failure Error
Latent errors at the level of senior decision makers  
Latent failures at the level of frontline management  
Circumstances or conditions present when the patient’s accident occurred  
Active errors associated with this event  



Question 2: –

Objective: –

To practice quality improvement tools by applying them to an improvement effort in an ambulatory care setting.



1.Read the following case study.

2.After you have read the case study, follow the instructions continued at the end of the case.


Case Study


You have just been brought in to manage a portfolio of several specialty clinics in a large multiphysician group practice in an academic medical center. The clinics reside in a multiclinic facility that houses primary care and specialty practices, as well as a satellite laboratory and radiology and pharmacy services. The practice provides the following centralized services for each of its clinics: registration, payer interface (e.g., authorization), and billing. The CEO of the practice has asked you to initially devote your attention to Clinic X to improve its efficiency and patient satisfaction.


Access Process

A primary care physician (or member of the office staff), patient, or family member calls the receptionist at Clinic X to request an appointment. If the receptionist is in the middle of helping a patient in person, the caller is asked to hold. The receptionist then asks the caller, “How may I help you?” If the caller is requesting an appointment within the next month, the appointment date and time are made and given verbally to the caller. If the caller asks additional questions, the receptionist provides answers. The caller is then given the toll-free preregistration phone number and asked to preregister before the date of the scheduled appointment. If the requested appointment is beyond a 30-day period, the caller’s name and address are put in a “future file” because physician availability is given only one month in advance. Every month, the receptionist reviews the future file and schedules an appointment for each person on the list, and a confirmation is automatically mailed to the caller.

When a patient preregisters, the financial office is automatically notified and performs the necessary insurance checks and authorizations for the appropriate insurance plan. If the patient does not preregister, when the patient arrives at the clinic on the day of the appointment and checks in with the specialty clinic receptionist, she is asked to first go to the central registration area to register. Any obvious problems with authorization are corrected before the patient returns to the specialty clinic waiting room.


Receptionist’s Point of View

The receptionist has determined that the best way not to inconvenience the caller is to keep her on the phone for the shortest period possible. The receptionist expresses frustration with the fact that there are too many tasks in the office to do at once.


Physician’s Point of View

The physician thinks too much of his time is spent on paperwork and chasing down authorizations. The physician senses that appointments are always running behind and that patients are frustrated, no matter how nice he is to them.


Patient’s Point of View

Patients are frustrated when asked to wait in a long line to register, which makes them late for their appointments, and when future appointments are scheduled without their input. As a result of this latter factor, and work or childcare conflicts, patients often do not show up for these scheduled appointments.


Office Nurse’s Point of View

The office nurse feels that he is playing catch up all day long and explaining delays. The office nurse also wishes there was more time for teaching.


Billing Office’s Point of View

The billing office thinks that physicians are giving some care that is not reimbursed because of inaccurate or incomplete insurance or demographic information, and observes that some care is denied authorization after the fact.


Patient Satisfaction Measures

All clinics in the multiphysician group contract with a customer satisfaction measurement firm that administers customer surveys. This survey is sent to a random sample of patients at each clinic to determine their satisfaction ratings for eight dimensions of outpatient and inpatient care for adults and children:

  • Respect for patients’ values, preferences, and expressed needs
  • Coordination and integration of care
  • Information and education
  • Physical comfort
  • Emotional support and alleviation of fear and anxiety
  • Involvement of family and friends
  • Transition and continuity
  • Access to care


Performance Data

The last quarter’s worth of performance data for Clinic X are found in the following table.

Overall satisfaction with visit rated as very good or excellent       82%

Staff courtesy and helpfulness rated as very good or excellent   90%

Waiting room time for patients is less than 15 minutes   64%

Examination room waiting time is less than 15 minutes   63%

Patient no-show rate     20%

Patient appointment cancellation rate   11%

Provider appointment cancellation rate 10%

Rate of initial insurance claim rejections because of inaccurate or incomplete patient record documentation       4%

Patient preregistration rate         16%

Average number of patient visits per day             16

Range of patient visits per day   10–23


Instructions (continued)

3.Before continuing, completely read all of the remaining instructions.

4.Decide which problem you want to focus on as your first priority for Clinic X. Describe the problem and why you chose this problem.

5.State the goal for the improvement effort.

6.Identify the fundamental knowledge required by the improvement project team to solve this problem. Identify the people (professional group or service area) that should be represented on the team and the fundamental knowledge they bring to the team.

7.Document the current process (as it is described in the case narrative) using a process flowchart.

8.Identify the customers of the process to be improved and their expectations.

9.Explore and prioritize root causes of the problem by doing the following:

  1. Brainstorm root causes and document the causes on a fishbone diagram.
  2. Describe how you would collect data about how frequently the root causes contribute to the problem.

10.Review the following process improvement techniques. Select and explain the ones that apply to improving your process. Be sure to take into account what you have learned in steps 6 through 8.

  1. Eliminate waste (e.g., things that are not used, intermediaries, unnecessary duplication)
  2. Improve workflow (e.g., minimize handoffs, move steps in the process closer together, find and remove bottlenecks, do tasks in parallel, adjust to high and low volumes)
  3. Manage time (e.g., reduce setup time and waiting time)
  4. Manage variation (create standard processes where appropriate)
  5. Design systems to avoid mistakes (use reminders)

11.Incorporating what you learned in steps 6 through 9, describe the changed process using a process flowchart or workflow diagram.

12.Decide what you will measure to monitor process performance to be sure your changes were effective and briefly describe how you would collect the data.

13.You have completed the “Plan” phase of the Shewhart cycle. Describe briefly how you would complete the rest of the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle.

14.Save your answers to each part of this exercise. This material will become the documentation of your improvement effort.

If you were the team leader of the group described in the above case study, how would you refocus and remotivate the team toward the improvement goal? Give a complete analysis and provide a complete answer to the case analysis.

Cases Study

Question 1

When members were recruited for the improvement project, they were clearly told that the team’s work would be additional to their regular work responsibilities but that they had to treat it as a high priority. They were expected to complete team assignments on time and were required to attend meetings. Despite being aware of these clear expectations, by the third week of the project, team members started arriving late to meetings, making excuses for not having completed their assigned tasks, and neglecting to return the leader’s phone calls.


If you were the team leader of the group described in the above case study, how would you refocus and remotivate the team toward the improvement goal? Give a complete analysis and provide a complete answer to the case analysis.



  1. Analyze and answer the case completely and thoroughly in 500 words.
  2. Complete your work using a word processor



Question 2: –

 MyHealthcare manufactures and sells blood pressure measurement and control products. Last year the company began selling its products online. Online sales have exceeded the company’s expectations, and management is now considering strategies to increase sales even further. To learn more about the online customers, a sample of 50 transactions was selected from the previous month’s sales. Data for these transactions include the day of the week each transaction was made, the time each customer spent on the website, and the amount of money each customer spent. MyHealthcare would like to gain a general understanding of customers’ buying patterns. The company uses the sample data to determine if online customers who spend more time also spend more money during their visits to the website. The company would also like to investigate the effect that day of the week has on sales.


  1. The following table shows the frequency and the average dollar amount spent per transaction for each day of the week. What observations/interpretations can you make about MyHealthcare’s business based on the day of the week? (250 Words)
  2. Using the information derived from the scatter plot and correlation coefficient (0.71), explore the relationship between the time spent on the website and the dollar amount spent. Discuss and interpret your results. (250 words)






  1. Analyze and answer each case question part in 250 words completely and thoroughly.
  2. Do your work in a word processor


What is your favorite theory in Chapter 3? Name the theorist and explain the theory. Why is this theory important? Explain.

Criminal Justice Question

What is your favorite theory in Chapter 3? Name the theorist and explain the theory. Why is this theory important? Explain.

There are eight policy models for dealing with delinquents explained in Chapter 3. Identify and explain the one that is most similar to labeling theory. Why is that?

Then, select the policy model that you think best fits the current system of juvenile justice. Explain. Elaborate on why you selected that particular model. In brief, you have to explain two different models.

Apply Blooms taxonomy to a new concept you have learned within the RN-BSN program. Identify a possible teaching strategy for each of your objectives.


NSG4028 Discussion Post Week 3


Post your initial response to one of the two topics below.

Topic 1

Blooms Application

Apply Blooms taxonomy to a new concept you have learned within the RN-BSN program.

a. Reflect on how you would teach this concept to a nursing peer.

b. Construct three learning objectives containing appropriate active verbs.

c. Identify a possible teaching strategy for each of your objectives.

d. Indicate how you plan to measure each objective.

Topic 2

Technology and Teaching

Identify technology you would include within a patient education scenario.

a. Provide information related to setting, patient, and topic

b. Discuss your rationale for choosing a technology tool

c. Explain your lesson and how you would evaluate learning.

COVID-19 in Public. Write ten original, quantitative survey questions that correlate with the ten data columns on the Survey Results Worksheet.


Research question: COVID-19 in Public. Write ten original, quantitative survey questions that correlate with the ten data columns on the Survey Results Worksheet. You may add qualitative questions and data if you wish.Validate your data visualizations by including a one paragraph (five to seven sentences, minimum) interpretation of the findings for each of the ten data sets

What is the research problem? What are the two hypotheses stated by the authors? Describe the study design. Briefly give the study results. Did the study results support the authors’ hypotheses?

NUFD 112: Research article critique

In essay form, answer the questions below for the research article:

Hiding vegetables to reduce energy density: an effective strategy to increase children’s vegetable intake and reduce energy intake (download here), American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, First published ahead of print July 20, 2011 as doi: 10.3945/ajcn.111.015206.

  1. What is the research problem?
  2. What are the two hypotheses stated by the authors?
  3. Describe the study design.
  4. A. Who were study participants? B. Were there any exclusion criteria?
  5. Briefly give the study results.
  6. Did the study results support the authors’ hypotheses?
  7. What was the study limitation discussed by the authors?
  8. A. What conclusion do the authors make? B. What are their suggestions about how their research findings can be applied?
  9. Were there any flaws? What did you notice

Your paper should be 750 words typed, double-spaced, answering the questions below, in essay format with appropriate headings (hypotheses, flaws, etc.). Do not include the questions. Use Times New Roman, 12 pt type. Do not go over 1000 words. Use your own words to discuss, using information from the article.

Calculate the cash conversion cycle and how this has changed over time. Determine how this firm compares to others within their industry.

Business finance/ capital management strategy

Working capital management strategies can be different for every company. Choose a firm (this can be the one for your Financial Analysis project or a different company of interest to you) and review their financials over a 10 year period. Compare the changes that have occurred over this time frame. For example, review the 2010 financials for Walmart, and compare them to the financials for 2020, in terms of working capital. Your working capital analysis should include the following:

Your initial comments/impressions of the firm’s working capital policies

Overall level and change in working capital over the time period and the factors that contributed to these changes.

  • Calculate the cash conversion cycle and how this has changed over time.
  • Determine how this firm compares to others within their industry.

All sources used should be cited using APA formatting.This includes an in-text citation as well as a full citation section at the end of your posting. You must cite all sources referenced. the textbook is required: Global Business Today By Charles W. L. Hill

Summarize the incidents that led to this independent audit in an essay, 8-10 slide PPT, video or infographic.

Writing Eng


*Review the United States District Court ruling regarding inmate suicide accessible from the link below. [You are not required to read the entire packet. This is the same case you will review for the Discussion Board.]

*Summarize the incidents that led to this independent audit in an essay, 8-10 slide PPT, video or infographic. You have the option to narrate the PPT in video format.

*You have the option of working in teams.

Inmate Suicide


Minimize File Preview

Describe the effects of various substances on consciousness, discuss the connection between substances and neurotransmitters, identify short and long-term impacts on sensation and perception, and identify both the physical and psychological effects of various substances on the brain.

Writing Question

Describe the effects of various substances on consciousness, discuss the connection between substances and neurotransmitters, identify short and long-term impacts on sensation and perception, and identify both the physical and psychological effects of various substances on the brain.

Choose one of the drugs listed below:

  • Caffeine
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines
  • Methamphetamine
  • Nicotine
  • Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
  • MDMA
  • Marijuana
  • Heroin
  • Morphine
  • Alcohol
  • Barbiturates
  • Rohypnol

Using the APA template attached, write a paper 500-750 words addressing the following prompts:

  • Description of the selected drug including the classification of the drug (Stimulant, Depressant, Opioid, or Hallucinogen) and specific characteristics of this classification.
  • Effects of the selected drug on the brain including neurotransmitters impacted and how are they impacted.
  • What are the short-term and long-term effects on sensation, perception, and consciousness?
  • What are the physical and psychological aspects of addiction to this drug?