
Discuss the effects of the selected drug on the brain. Include an explanation of specific neurotransmitters impacted and how are they impacted. Support the information presented with scholarly sources/research (in-text citations).

The Impacts of Drugs on the Brain

Effects on the Brain

Discuss the effects of the selected drug on the brain. Include an explanation of specific neurotransmitters impacted and how are they impacted. Support the information presented with scholarly sources/research (in-text citations).


Identify and explain the three basic functions of system: Input, Processing, and Output? In details, explain the two types of software?

Principles of MIS

  • Identify and explain the three basic functions of system: Input, Processing, and Output?
  • In details, explain the two types of software?
  • Pay attention to the following format guidelines:
    • The essay submitted should not exceed three pages.
    • Use MSW 12 point Time New Romans font, MSW 14 points for heading.
    • 1.5 Line spacing for each paragraph. Use a standard page format, as follow: 1-inch margins on the top, bottom and both sides.
    • o Write any references you have used in writing your analysis.

Should the English colonies seek independence from Great Britain? Write your warrant. Explain why your evidence supports your thesis.

HIST 1301 PBE: Mastery Assessment 3 Essay Prompts

Prompt: American Independence

Colonial calls for independence from Great Britain were political, economic, and often personal. Samuel Adams (left image) of Boston, MA and Patrick Henry (right image) of Virginia were leaders of the independence movement. Read their arguments and use these sources, plus those you find on your own, to write an argumentative essay calling for American independence.

1. Should the English colonies seek independence from Great Britain? Use this question to develop your thesis statement. Your thesis answers this question. One paragraph.
2. Use evidence from the primary sources provided and a secondary source of your choosing to support your thesis. 45 paragraphs.

3. Finally, write your warrant (conclusion). Explain why your evidence supports
your thesis. One paragraph.

Sources: These should be cited an article on a website.
o Samuel Adams: “On American Independence”

o Patrick Henry, “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death”

How were men and women treated differently in the 19th Century and why should they be equals within our society?

HIST 1301 PBE: Mastery Assessment 3 Essay Prompts

Prompt: Women’s Rights

The relationship between men and women is a topic of great interest, and many of the issues we face today had roots in earlier eras of American history. Explore the issues facing women in midNineteenth Century America by reading the antislavery pamphlet by Harriet Jacobs (right image) and the “Declaration of Sentiments” by Elizabeth Cady Stanton (left image) from the Seneca Falls Convention. Read their arguments and use these sources, plus those you find on your own, to write an argumentative essay calling for women’s rights and gender equality

1. How were men and women treated differently in the 19th Century and why should they be equals within our society? Use this question to develop your thesis statement. Your thesis answers this question. One paragraph.

2. Use evidence from the primary sources provided and a secondary source

3. Finally, write your warrant (conclusion). Explain why your evidence supports your thesis.

Sources: Citation information is on the title page at the top of the link.
o Declaration of Sentiments by Elizabeth Cady Stanton

o Trials of a Girlhood by Harriet Jacobs

What Do School Leaders Need to Think about When Realizing a Vision for Student Achievement?

Massachusetts Performance Assessment for Leaders (PAL)

Task 1
Leadership through a Vision for High Student Achievement
What Do School Leaders Need to Think about When Realizing a Vision for Student Achievement?
School leaders have the ability to create a school where all students, particularly federally designated priority student group members,2 can improve their academic performance and reach ambitious learning targets. Central to the realization of a universally shared vision of high student achievement is the establishment of meaningful achievement goals and expectations; respectful and trusting relationships among and between the adults and the students; and effective programs and practices based on both evidence and research and on the commitment of staff, families, and the community. Leaders can act to ensure that this vision is reflected in both the school’s instructional program (curriculum, instruction, and assessment) and its culture.

School culture has three components: (1) the professional learning culture (teacher- teacher relationships), (2) the student culture (teacher-student and student-student relationships), and (3) the culture of family and community engagement (school staff, family, and community relationships). For a positive school culture that promotes learning, all three components must be actively promoted and maintained, and are to be addressed in this Task.

Critically discuss the extent to which cognitive processes affect the way we experience the world.

Our mental processes significantly affect the way we experience the world: perception, attention and memory

One of the key themes explored in the weeks on cognitive psychology is how mental processes (note that mental processes and cognitive processes are the same) allow us to interpret the world around us. As you have seen, this interpretation means that we do not always experience the whole environment around us as it actually exists. This includes only attending to certain aspects of the environment, using existing knowledge to support perception and the reconstructive nature of memory. Throughout this block you have further developed your skills in critical reading and writing for different audiences. Critically discuss the extent to which cognitive processes affect the way we experience the world.

Should the Constitution have been ratified? Use evidence from the primary sources provided and a secondary source of your choosing to support your thesis. Write your warrant. Explain why your evidence supports your thesis.

HIST 1301 PBE: Mastery Assessment 3 Essay Prompts

Prompt : The Constitution

The U.S. Constitution was the work of a committee of many individuals with different ideas. Its existence is credited to compromise. Despite compromise its ratification was never certain. James Madison (left image) argued for ratification in Federalist Paper No. 10. Patrick Henry (center image) and George Mason (right image) argued against ratification in Virginia. Read these works related to ratification and use them, plus those sources you find on your own, to write an argumentative essay.

1. Should the Constitution have been ratified? Use this question to develop your thesis statement. Your thesis answers this question. One paragraph.
2. Use evidence from the primary sources provided and a secondary source of your choosing to support your thesis. 45 paragraphs.

3. Finally, write your warrant (conclusion). Explain why your evidence supports your thesis. One paragraph.

Sources: These should be cited as an article on a website.
o James Madison: Federalist Paper No. 10

o Patrick Henry and George Mason: Arguments against Ratification

Explain the summarization dataset code. Explain the two visualizations from your code. What are the independent and dependent variables you used in your code and Why?

Predictive report

Assignment Guidelines:

Use the excel file named as “DatasetPM.csv” for this assignment.

Prepare a linear regression predictive model using the attached dataset. It should be a multiple variable prediction model.

Prepare a coding file for the prediction model on google colab. Attach a PDF file to the submission link. Your code should include the following items

  • Loading dataset code (1 mark)
  • Summarizing dataset (1 mark)
  • Visualization of dataset – Two graphs must be shown (2 marks)
  • Remove NA values from the dataset (1 mark)
  • Segregate the values in input Xs and output Y (1 mark)
  • Train the dataset (1 mark)
  • No training testing split is required
  • Provide prediction results of atleast 3 hypothetical values – make sure all hypothetical situations are seen in the code (1 mark)
  • Code for coefficient and intercept (1 mark)
  • Use the coefficient and intercept and check whether the model is accurate (1 mark)

In your model, you need to have many independent variables and one dependent variable. Please make sure that you have atleast 2 variables for the multiple regression analysis. You can select any column in the attached excel sheet as your variables.

Create a word document. Explain your findings in 500 – 1000 words. This word limit excludes tables, graphs and appendix

  • Explain the summarization dataset code. (2 marks)
  • Explain the two visualizations from your code. (4 marks)
  • What are the independent and dependent variables you used in your code and Why? (2 marks)
  • Provide explanation for the hypothetical values you created. (3 marks)
  • Explain your coefficient and intercept. (2 marks)

What are your conclusions from your prediction model? (2 marks)

Research a Human Resources Policy. Look at academic journals and possibly recent decisions on the policy.

Human Resource Policy

Final Research Paper on a Human Resources Policy
Research a Human Resources Policy. Make sure your look at academic journals and possibly recent decisions on the policy. Actually place a copy of the policy in your paper. You need to have at least 5 reference sources from peer-reviewed academic journals for the policy. Also, in the annotated bibliography section, have annotated bibliographies for at least 3 of these 5 peer-reviewed academic journal articles. The paper will be checked via Turnitin. Paper should have a word count of 3000-5000 words and be APA formatted.

How have changes in the DSM impacted clinical diagnosis for homosexuality and PTSD? How has the field of mental health changed as a result of the current concepts of homosexuality and PTSD?

Homosexuality and PTSD.

How have changes in the DSM impacted clinical diagnosis for homosexuality and PTSD?
How has the field of mental health changed as a result of the current concepts of homosexuality and PTSD?
What is the impact on clinical practice because of these changes?
How does the concept of research trends in the DSM apply to any of the following programmatic themes?