
Is it necessary to perform all other external, internal, and toxicological examinations on the body, even with such an obvious cause of death? Why or why not? Provide evidence to support your answer.

Writing Question

Scenario: A medical examiner receives a body on which to perform an autopsy. The crime-scene investigator sent a report along with the body that described the crime scene at which the body was found. The man was shot in the head by his disgruntled neighbor, and another neighbor saw it happen. The medical examiner looks at the body and sees an obvious gunshot wound to the head.

Questions to answer: Is it necessary to perform all other external, internal, and toxicological examinations on the body, even with such an obvious cause of death? Why or why not? Provide evidence to support your answer.


Choose a matchup in either the men’s or women’s NCAA tournament and write about the competition preview of the two teams or write a competition story.

Competition Preview/Competition story

Choose a matchup in either the men’s or women’s NCAA tournament and write about the competition preview of the two teams or write a competition story.

Competition preview– You are going to release information about the participants that will help the reporter craft a story. It should be written with the assumption that the reader knows nothing about the organization. 

What is ironic about how Mrs. Gorf is perceived, and how she really is as a teacher? What is setting? What is the setting of the story?

English homework

  1. What is ironic about how Mrs. Gorf is perceived, and how she really is as a teacher? (4pts)
  2. What is setting? What is the setting of the story? (5pts)
  3. What could the word in bold, “bopped” (on page 3) mean? What contextual clue(s) helped you figure out its meaning? (4pts)
  4. What impression do we get of Mrs. Gorf when she says, “If you children are bad . . . or if you answer a problem wrong, I’ll wiggle my ears, stick out my tongue, and turn you into apples!” (page 1)? (5pts)
  5. What could the word in bold, “investigate (on page 2) mean? What contextual clue(s) helped you figure out its meaning? (4pts)
  6. What is an example of a flat character in the story? Why is that? (5pts)
  7. What do you think the main message, or theme of the story is? Explain. (5pts)
  8. What are examples of two adjectives used to describe Wayside High School? (4pts)
  9. Write an example of an adjective clause found in the story (e.g., “The apartment, which was small and dark, was no place for a baby.”) (3pts).
  10. Think of a time when you stood up for someone, or someone stood up for you. What did you learn from this experience? Write out what happened below. (5pts)


Explain how studying 20th-century American Music in this class has affected and/or enhanced your overall undergraduate education at the university.

Writing Question

Explain how studying 20th-century American Music in this class has affected and/or enhanced your overall undergraduate education at the university.

– 200 words minimum (250 words maximum)-

Write a 350- to 700-word executive summary that explains to the board of directors how you developed the budget and its importance.

UMGC Operating Budget

Imagine you are a clinical manager of UMGC Health Care primary care services and in charge of developing a projected annual operating budget.

Your budgetary figures are as follows:

For fiscal year 2017 and 2018, your clinic received $3 million from the government as fee-for-services reimbursements, as well as $1.1 million from private payers. The clinic has an annual fund-raiser that historically brings in $180,000 and a grants department that brings in $1.2 million annually.

Your chief financial officer (CFO) has provided you with the following annual expenses:

UMGC Health Care Annual Expenses:
Annual salaries – $1.5 million
Annual benefits – $ 240,000
Annual rent – $ 960,000
Annual insurance – $ 45,000
Annual depreciation – $ 780,000
Annual overhead – $ 180,000
Annual supplies – $60,000

Using the UMGC Health Care Operating Budget template, complete a 12-month operating budget in which you include the net profit (loss).

Write a 350- to 700-word executive summary that explains to the board of directors how you developed the budget and its importance.

Include the following in your summary:

  • Explain the process for creating an operating budget and its importance.
  • Explain how revenues and expenses are grouped for planning and control in the financial statements.
  • Explain the differences between cash and accrual financial systems.

Create a 12-slides PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholders or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the prior assignment. See attached.

Power point presentation for one or more stakeholder or leadership groups.

Create a 12-slides PowerPoint presentation for one or more stakeholders or leadership groups to generate interest and buy-in for the plan proposal you developed for the prior assignment.


Search the Internet and determine the three (3) major organizational structures. Then define and discuss culture, what is it, and how can it impact the execution of your project?

Information Technology Question

When contemplating the execution of a project, we must include topic like “Organizational Structure” and “Organizational Culture”. Search the Internet and determine the three (3) major organizational structures. Then define and discuss culture, what is it, and how can it impact the execution of your project?

Use the Positive Coaching Psychology book and other sources. Choose 4 disparate Positive Psychology Coaching concepts and thoroughly explain how to use them.

Psychology Question

1. Pretend you are sending in a requested proposal to a corporation for Appreciative Inquiry Coaching for their executives. Thoroughly explain what AI is and explain at least 3 major techniques you will use. Also, one VP is totally against the proposal because they do not want a wasteful Pollyanna system. They want something that will address the significant problems the corporation is experiencing; be sure to address the fact that AI can deal with the shadow issues in the corporation. You must include the perspectives of Gervase Bushe, et al. You will lose major points if you do not write about the shadow and Bush’s perspectives. (30% 2-3 pages total. You need to write at least 1 page on the shadow.)

2. For this question, do not use the AI book; instead, you should only use the Positive Coaching Psychology book and other sources. Choose 4 disparate Positive Psychology Coaching concepts and thoroughly explain how to use them. (30% 2-3 pages)

Develop a disaster recovery plan for an organization. There are many different templates available online for you to use as reference and guidance.

Information Technology Question

Develop a disaster recovery plan for an organization. There are many different templates available online for you to use as reference and guidance. Your plan should cover the following sections (these sections detail the elements in a DR plan in the sequence defined by industry compliance standards ISO 27031 and ISO 24762):

  1. Important: This section should summarize key action steps (such as where to assemble employees if forced to evacuate the building) and list key contacts with contact information for ease of authorizing and launching the plan.
  2. Introduction
  3. Roles and Responsibilities
  4. Incident Response
  5. Plan Activation
  6. Document History
  7. Procedures

Create a displot for the data. Explicitly pass in the number 20 for the number of bins in the histogram. Display the plot using

Weekend 2 _Class Assignment

Question 1

1. What library provides the foundation for pandas and seaboard plotting

2. Import modules to load cvs file

  • < import pandas as ____
  • import seaborn as ____
  • import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  • # Read in the DataFrame
  • df = pd.____(sample.file) >

3. Use Seaborn’s displot() function to plot a distribution plot of the same column.

  • Create a displot for the data.
  • Explicitly pass in the number 20 for the number of bins in the histogram.
  • Display the plot using

4. Use Seaborn’s displot() function to plot a distributiom

  • Create a displot of the [column] column in the df.
  • Configure it to show a shaded kde plot (using the kind and fill parameters).
  • Add a rug plot above the x axis (using the rug parameter).
  • Display the plot.