
Describe a specific time in your experience where a manager delegated a task or project to you. Was it a good learning experience? How did your manager support you? What did you learn from that task?

Describe a specific time in your experience where a manager delegated a task or project to you.

• Q1: Was it a good learning experience? How did your manager support you? What did you learn from that task?
• Q2: What three leadership traits do you value most in a leader? Explain what each trait means and why you value it?
• Q3: Imagine you just started a new job as an engineering manager. What are three things you would do to build trust with your new team, and why

Describe the sculpture. What is it about this sculpture that attracts you? Is it beautiful, interesting, makes you curious, reminds you of … ? Discuss what physical observations led you to choose it as your favorite.

Journal Entry

Using the sculpture: Black Wall by Louise Nevelson answer these questions:

  1. Describe the sculpture. What is it about this sculpture that attracts you? Is it beautiful, interesting, makes you curious, reminds you of … ? Discuss what physical observations led you to choose it as your favorite.
  2. When you look at this sculpture, how does it make you feel? What emotions are evoked?
  3. What value is communicated through this sculpture? What does it say and mean? Is this a value that you ascribe to personally? How?
  4. Is this a “work of art?” Why or why not? When answering this question, use the “Perception” method for identifying art, See pages 18 – 19.

Provide a compelling rationale (Chapter 1) and process (Chapter 3) for addressing an unanswered problem or question in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

Final Project: The Research Proposal

Purpose: To provide a compelling rationale (Chapter 1) and process (Chapter 3) for addressing an unanswered problem or question in the field of nutrition and dietetics.

Chapter 1: Introduction


  • Narrative hook (broad focus)
  • The research problem (narrowed focus)
  • Studies that have addressed the problem
  • Deficiencies in past literature
  • The importance of the proposed research

Purpose of study

Research Aims and Hypotheses

Definition of Terms (including the operational definitions of variables)

Delimitations and Limitations

Chapter 3: Methods
Participants and study design

  • Describe subject selection and sample size determination process (appendix?*) (Inclusion/exclusion criteria: age, gender, health status, activity status, medications, BMI, etc.)
  • Recruitment strategy and randomization strategy
  • State IRB approval and written consent will be obtained
  • State research design (e.g., randomized controlled trial)
  • Describe blinding, study duration, timing of measurements

Describe the independent variable in detail: specific diet, specific supplement, exercise protocol, etc.

Protocol procedures/dependent variables

  • Describe the study protocol in detail. Describe monitoring procedures, use of questionnaires etc.
  • Flow chart for design (appendix?*)
  • Laboratory analyses (appendix?*)
  • Describe blood/urine collection and processing (appendix?*)
  • Reference procedures and provide some details

Statistical analyses

  • State how data are presented (mean±SD)
  • Statistical tests and statistical program used (correlation or t-test)
  • State level of probability (p<0.05)

Distinguish among the following relationships: (1) agency, (2) employment, and (3) independent contractor. Explain the requirements for creating an agency relationship.

Relationship of Principal and Agent

Distinguish among the following relationships: (1) agency, (2) employment, and (3) independent contractor.
Explain the requirements for creating an agency relationship.
List and explain the duties owed by an agent to her principal.
List and explain the duties owed by a principal to his agent.
Identify the ways in which an agency relationship may be terminated.

Describe with details what the exact behavioral response from others was 2 – 5 sentences. Did you get the desired response. Y/N If not what could you have done differently to get the desired response?

Weekly Report & Paper

Each student will offer a written report for every week. This report shall consist of the following:

1) The written report offers specific details of how you took an idea from either the lecture, the textbook [cite page] or the PowerPoint presentation [cite slide] and utilized information in class in a real life situation either at home, work, church, school or some other group setting. 1 sentence.



2) In this report you will mention;

a) The specific idea/concept from last class that you used, or were specifically assigned,1 sentence. HERE YOU NAME OR IDENTIFY THE CONCEPT. [Rubric 1 point]

b) Your understanding of the idea, 1 sentence. HERE YOU EXPLAIN YOUR UNDERSTANDING OF THE CONCEPT. [Rubric 1 point]

c) The time, date and location that it was done, 1 sentence. AT THIS POINT YOU SHARE WHAT YOU HAVE LEARNED WITH ANOTHER PERSON. THIS OCCURS THIS WEEK AND NOT SOME EVENT YEARS AGO. [Rubric 1 point]

d) Tell explicitly how you did it, or what you observed, 2 – 5 sentences. HERE IS WHERE YOU ELABORATE ON WHAT YOU SAID AND WHAT YOU SHARED. [Rubric 1 point]

e) Describe with details what the exact behavioral response from others was 2 – 5 sentences.DESCRIBE WHAT RESPONSE YOU RECEIVED FROM THE OTHER PERSON. BE SPECIFIC – BODY LANGUAGE, FACIAL EXPRESSION AND VERBALIZATIONS. [Rubric 2 points]

f) Did you get the desired response. Y/N If not what could you have done differently to get the desired response?1 sentence WERE YOU SUCCESSFUL IN EVOKING THE SAME RESPONSE FROM THE OTHER PERSON YES OR NO. IF YOU DID NOT GET THE DESIRED RESPONSE THEN WAS IT DUE TO POOR TIMING [TOO EARLY- BEFORE COFFEE OR DID YOU CATCH THE PERSON AT A BUSY TIME. [Rubric 1 point]

g) Include response to a classmate’s report. [Rubric 1 point]

Abnormal Psychology. 10th Edition. Comer and Comer. The chapters 14,15,16,17,18.

In Microsoft Word, write one paragraph to the CEO to explain each of your data visualizations. Take screenshots of the visualizations you created in excel and paste into the Word document. Explain why visualizations are important.

Data Analytics Question

Your CEO is curious about how data visualization works. The CEO has a file of customer loans and he wants to be able to visualize the information. It is your task to discover the best way to visualize the data you have been given.

In Microsoft Word, write one paragraph to the CEO to explain each of your data visualizations. Take screenshots of the visualizations you created in excel and paste into the Word document. Explain why visualizations are important.


Define (1) nominal damages, (2) incidental damages, (3) consequential damages, (4) foreseeability of damages, (5) punitive damages, (6) liquidated damages, and (7) mitigation of damages.

Contract Remedies

Explain how compensatory damages and reliance damages are computed.
Define (1) nominal damages, (2) incidental damages, (3) consequential damages, (4) foreseeability of damages, (5) punitive damages, (6) liquidated damages, and (7) mitigation of damages.
Define the various types of equitable relief and explain when the courts will grant such relief.
Explain how restitutionary damages are computed and identify the situations in which restitution is available as a contractual remedy.
Identify and explain the limitations on contractual remedies.

Use the Balanced Scorecard Form (12-Month Period), available in the Weight Eight Instructional Material section, to complete a Balanced Scorecard for your case study company.

Complete a Balanced Scorecard for Your Team’s Company

This is a team assignment. Only one submission per team. Indicate the names of the contributing team members on the submission.

Use the Balanced Scorecard Form (12-Month Period), available in the Weight Eight Instructional Material section, to complete a Balanced Scorecard for your case study company.

You must complete ALL rows and ALL empty cells of the BSC form.

You may enter fictitious data, if necessary.

Identify potential areas of liability in a variety of contexts and evaluate potential solutions to legal problems and challenges in healthcare administration and delivery.

Health & medical question


Course Learning Objectives for Assignment:

  • Identify potential areas of liability in a variety of contexts and evaluate potential solutions to legal problems and challenges in healthcare administration and delivery.
  • Apply the principles of law and regulation to organizational and clinical healthcare settings.

Individually complete the matrix. Complete the HIT audit compliance evaluation matrix. Support your answers with solid reasons based on legal requirements and penalties.

Use only classroom materials to complete the matrix. This would include the textbooks, web links, and the Classroom law library, and Compliance Library. PLEASE INCUDE REFERENCE

In adult patients aged 30 to 70 years reporting chronic pain (P), what is the effect of Holisitic Alternative Medicine (I) on pain control (O) compared with use of opioid narcotics (C) within a 3-month period (T)?

Write a review of literature for the following PICOT question

PICOT Question:

In adult patients aged 30 to 70 years reporting chronic pain (P), what is the effect of Holisitic Alternative Medicine (I) on pain control (O) compared with use of opioid narcotics (C) within a 3-month period (T)?