
Identify the three essentials of an offer and explain briefly the requirements associated with each. State the seven ways by which an offer may be terminated other than by acceptance.

Mutual Assent

Identify the three essentials of an offer and explain briefly the requirements associated with each.
State the seven ways by which an offer may be terminated other than by acceptance.
Compare the traditional and modern theories of definiteness of acceptance of an offer, as shown by the common law “mirror image” rule and by the rule of the Uniform Commercial Code.
Describe the five situations limiting an offeror’s right to revoke her offer.
Explain the various rules that determine when an acceptance takes effect.

Distinguish between contracts that are covered by the Uniform Commercial Code and those covered by the common law. List the essential elements of a contract.

Development of the Law of Contracts

Distinguish between contracts that are covered by the Uniform Commercial Code and those covered by the common law.
List the essential elements of a contract.
Distinguish among (1) express and implied contracts; (2) unilateral and bilateral contracts; (3) valid, void, voidable, and unenforceable agreements; and (4) executed and executory contracts.
Explain the doctrine of promissory estoppel.
Identify the three elements of enforceable quasi contract and explain how it differs from a contract.

Determine the amount of revenue that the company needs to generate in a month to earn an operating profit of US$3,000. How much of this revenue will be generated from lab and scan services, respectively?

Realizing the Dream: Decision-Making in Action


Identify and compute the various types of cost for the company according to cost behavior. Determine the monthly fixed and variable costs for scan and lab services that the company incurs.

2. Assume that GEO Medical Laboratory only provides scan services, and determine the breakeven in terms of units and sales. If the only services that GEO Medical Laboratory offers are lab services, determine the number of patients that the company would need to help in order to break even, as well as the break-even amount. Assume that the salary of the administrative assistant is evenly distributed between the two services and the usage of furniture and fittings, computer, and printer are equally shared. What does your answer imply?

3. Determine the cost structure of GEO Medical Laboratory. Is the company highly or lowly leveraged?

4. Assuming a multiproduct situation, how many patients and how much total revenue does GEO Medical Laboratory need to break even in a month?

5. How many patients must GEO Medical Laboratory attend to in a month if it wants to make a profit of US$3,000? How many of these patients should be scheduled for lab services and how many for scan services?

6. Determine the amount of revenue that the company needs to generate in a month to earn an operating profit of US$3,000. How much of this revenue will be generated from lab and scan services, respectively?

7. Based on quantitative calculations, should Wallas accept the school’s offer? Why or why not?

8. Besides profitability, what other motives might influence Wallas’ decision about the offer from the local school? Discuss how such offers might benefit (or harm) GEO Medical Laboratory.

9. Give Wallas at least three specific recommendations to increase revenue or to reduce the costs for his company. Which of these three recommendations do you think is the best for Wallas right now and why? Be clear about why this recommendation is preferred.

Explain the process of disposal act in supply chain.

Process of disposal act in supply chain

Explain the process of disposal act in supply chain.

Read the introduction and literature review – Does the article make a case for the need for the study? Does the article show you how the study fits into the overall work that has already been done?

Article Review Assignment


Use the Hessler et al. (2018) article on BlackBoard to complete this assignment.

Name ___________________________



Citation for the article in APA 7th.





Read the introduction and literature review – Does the article make a case for the need for the study? (ie.. Gap in literature)





Does the article show you how the study fits into the overall work that has already been done?




What are the research questions that the article is studying?





Given the literature review, do the research questions seem supported or logical? Why or why not?




Do you have any questions about the literature review section?




Note, if you are reading an article that is on a topic that interests you, reading someone else’s literature review can help you find other articles. Search through the literature review and copy and paste a citation for an article that seems interesting to you to read later.





How many participants did this study have?





How did they find the participants? Is it a convenience sample, an experimental study, or quasi-experimental? Explain your answer.





What is the population that this article is about? (ie K12 students, teachers, etc) The larger group it is talking about.




Was the sample of the participants representative of the population that they wanted to study?  Yes or No – if no what might not be representative.




Did they design their own instrument or use an existing one?





What is the benefit of their approach to instrumentation?



Method section is designed so that if someone else wanted to do the study again they could. Does the method section provide enough to detail to do this? If not, what is missing?




Validity – does this study have face validity – ie.. is what they are doing making sense with what they want to study?  At its face, does it make sense? Why or why not?




Reliability – does the study have procedures that if it was done by someone else it would produce the same results?




Results– Are the results presented in a way that be understood? (ie.. were tables explained, were charts, graphs well labeled?)




Did the results avoid interpretation – ie.. reporting what is but not why? (The why belongs in discussion)




Did the results match the research questions? Why or why not?




Do the authors report a measure of validity – either statistically or otherwise? If so, what is it?





Did the authors report basic statistics – count, average (Mean, Median, Mode), standard deviation, variance.   And if so, how were they used?





Did the authors do any more advanced statistical tests (ANOVA, TTest, HLM, Structural equation modeling).  And if so.- how did they use it?  (You may not be good at this yet, but try your best).




Discussion: Do the authors explain what the results mean in a way that can understood by the reader? Give an example.




Does the author use literature from the literature review to support their results in the discussion?  Copy and paste an example where they do this.





Did the authors relate the results to practice?




Did the authors clearly answer their research questions in the discussion?  If not, give an example of one that was not answered.




Do the authors use any terms in either results or discussion about approaching significance or while not significant – it tells us…. Why is this important to watch for?





Do the authors discuss any limitations to the study? Do you find them to be valid – why or why not?





Do the authors suggest future studies based on this work? If so, how do they relate to their original research questions?






Summarize the article in 200 words or less – include their research question and major findings.





Personally rate this article (totally your opinion) . is this article useful – why or why not?










Any other notes or questions that you might have about the article?











Differentiate among the duties that possessors of land owe to trespassers, licensees, and invitees. Identify the defenses that are available to a tort action in negligence and those that are available to a tort action in strict liability.

Negligence and Strict Liability

List and describe the three required elements of an action for negligence.
Explain the duty of care that is imposed on (1) adults, (2) children, (3) persons with a physical disability, (4) persons with a mental deficiency, (5) persons with superior knowledge, and (6) persons acting in an emergency.
Differentiate among the duties that possessors of land owe to trespassers, licensees, and invitees.
Identify the defenses that are available to a tort action in negligence and those that are available to a tort action in strict liability.
Identify and describe those activities giving rise to a tort action in strict liability.

Describe and distinguish the four torts comprising invasion of privacy. Identify and describe the torts that protect against harm to property.

Intentional Torts

Identify and describe the torts that protect against intentional harm to personal rights.
Explain the application of the various privileges to defamation suits and how they are affected by whether the plaintiff is (1) a public figure, (2) a public official, or (3) a private person.
Describe and distinguish the four torts comprising invasion of privacy.
Identify and describe the torts that protect against harm to property.
Distinguish among interference with contractual relations, disparagement, and fraudulent misrepresentation.

Describe criminal intent and the various degrees of mental fault. Identify the significant features of white-collar crimes, corporate crimes, and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).

Criminal Law

Describe criminal intent and the various degrees of mental fault.
Identify the significant features of white-collar crimes, corporate crimes, and the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO).
List and define the crimes against business.
Describe the defenses of person or property, duress, mistake of fact, and entrapment.
List and explain the constitutional amendments affecting criminal procedure.

What are the most important differences between these books in terms of how they represent American Indian education? And how do you account for those differences?

Representation of the Schooling of Native Children

Francis La Flesche’s The Middle Five and Zitkala-Sa’s American Indian Stories both offer a representation of the schooling of Native children by White educators. Both are fictionalized narratives based on the authors’ own childhood memories. However, these representations also differ in important aspects, such as tone, narrative, and the level of critique they offer of American-style education. What are the most important differences between these books in terms of how they represent American Indian education? And how do you account for those differences?

Quotes used must be relevant to how each of the texts/authors represent schooling.

Link to The Middle Five:

Identify (1) the questions of law determined by a court in conducting a review of a rule or an order of an administrative agency and (2) the three standards of judicial review of factual determinations made by administrative agencies.

Administrative Law

Explain the three basic functions of administrative agencies.
Distinguish among the three types of rules promulgated by administrative agencies.
Explain the difference between formal and informal methods of adjudication.
Identify (1) the questions of law determined by a court in conducting a review of a rule or an order of an administrative agency and (2) the three standards of judicial review of factual determinations made by administrative agencies.
Describe the limitations imposed on administrative agencies by the legislative branch, the executive branch, and the legally required disclosure of information.