
Identify an organization that you currently work for or may like to work for in the future. Consider the issues or problems that you believe need to be addressed in this organization.

Planning Organizational Assessment Based on Research

Throughout this course, you will prepare assignments on an organization with which you are very familiar. The assignments are designed to prepare you for the Unit VII Final Project in which you will write a culminating report.

This assignment will consist of two parts.

Part I: Identify an organization that you currently work for or may like to work for in the future. Consider the issues or problems that you believe need to be addressed in this organization. You will use this organization throughout the course, so choose a company that you know a lot about or can research. You are encouraged to start gathering your data and research about the organization early in the course to ensure that you have ample time to complete the final project.

Submit a one-page overview of an organization that focuses on the following change areas discussed in the Unit I Lesson.

Below are the change areas and a brief description of each area. You may not use all of the areas depending on the organization and the changes needed.
Organizational history: Taking the time to research where the organization has been will help the consultants to understand where the organization should be in the present and also in the future.
Organizational mission: Any suggested changes should be proposed with the mission in mind to ensure that they support the mission further.
Organization strategy: The entire organization should be considered since the operations of the entire organization need to be addressed in order to keep the strategic plan in place.
Organization structure: The structure will impact how the change process takes place and who is involved.
Organization relationships: The relationship of the organization to the industry, the community, the suppliers, and other stakeholders will be reviewed.
Organizational performance: Organizational performance will be assessed against the best practices of the industry.

Part II: For this portion of the assignment, you will begin to conduct the comprehensive organizational assessment for your chosen organization. Using Table 1.1 (p. 7) in your textbook, prepare a similar table, and submit the organizational assessment for your organization. After completing the table, provide a narrative summary of the results of the assessment and what the next steps should be in resolving the issues/problems found. For this assignment, you only complete the assessment; the discussion of data collection will be coming in later units. Part II should be two pages in length.

Your submission should be a minimum of three pages in length and include at least three scholarly sources. APA Style should be used throughout the paper.

Explain the basic principles of constitutional law. Describe the sources and extent of the power of the Federal and State governments to regulate business and commerce.

Constitutional Law

Explain the basic principles of constitutional law.
Describe the sources and extent of the power of the Federal and State governments to regulate business and commerce.
Distinguish the three levels of scrutiny used by the courts to determine the constitutionality of government action.
Explain the effect of the First Amendment on (1) corporate political speech, (2) commercial speech, and (3) defamation.
Explain the difference between substantive and procedural due process.

Discuss the most significant takeaways from what you have learned this semester about the value of truth in a democratic society.

The value of truth in a democratic society.

The final paper is an opportunity for you to reflect on and synthesize what you have learned this semester. Throughout this course you have learned about basic principles of logic and argumentation, philosophical theories of truth and how it is established, and obstacles to critical thinking such as various kinds of biases and errors in reasoning. Despite all the different views held by people in a nation as diverse as the United States, we all have common needs. We all need healthy food, clean air and water, access to healthcare and education, good jobs, safe communities and homes, and opportunities to enjoy culture and the fruits of life.
Somehow we must be able to live together despite our different values and beliefs. Living together in a democratic society requires us to collectively discuss the issues we face and how to deal with them. This means that we need to come to a common understanding of the world we share and the goals we should pursue.

For this paper, write at least five full pages discussing what critical thinking skills and concepts you think are the most important for living together in a democratic society.

Specifically your paper should do the following:

Identify several (7-10) critical thinking skills and concepts that you’ve learned in this course that are necessary to apply when engaging in civic life, and discuss why you think they are important.

Provide examples of how these concepts and skills can be applied to a specific issue facing society (such as climate change, the COVID-19 pandemic, or conducting fair elections).

Discuss the most significant takeaways from what you have learned this semester about the value of truth in a democratic society.

List and describe the courts in the Federal court system and in a typical State court system. Distinguish among exclusive Federal jurisdiction, concurrent Federal jurisdiction, and exclusive State jurisdiction.

Civil Dispute Resolution

List and describe the courts in the Federal court system and in a typical State court system.
Distinguish among exclusive Federal jurisdiction, concurrent Federal jurisdiction, and exclusive State jurisdiction.
Distinguish among (1) subject matter jurisdiction and jurisdiction over the parties and (2) the three types of jurisdiction over the parties.
List and explain the various stages of a civil proceeding.
Compare and contrast litigation, arbitration, conciliation, and mediation.

Describe cost-benefit analysis and explain when it should be used and when it should be avoided. Explain Kohlberg’s stages of moral development.

Business Ethics and the Social Responsibility of Business

• Describe the differences between law and ethics.
List and contrast the various ethical theories.
Describe cost-benefit analysis and explain when it should be used and when it should be avoided.
Explain Kohlberg’s stages of moral development.
Explain the ethical responsibilities of business

Identify and describe the basic functions of law. Distinguish between (1) law and justice and (2) law and morals.

Basic functions of law

• Identify and describe the basic functions of law.
Distinguish between (1) law and justice and (2) law and morals.
Distinguish between (1) substantive and procedural law, (2) public and private law, and (3) civil and criminal law.
Identify and describe the sources of law.
Explain the principle of stare decisis

Evaluate whether psychotherapy treatments have a biological basis. Analyze influences of culture, religion, and socioeconomics on personal perspectives of psychotherapy treatments.

Biological Basis and Ethical/Legal Considerations of Psychotherapy

Evaluate whether psychotherapy treatments have a biological basis.

Analyze influences of culture, religion, and socioeconomics on personal perspectives of psychotherapy treatments.

Compare legal and ethical considerations among individual, family, and group modalities of therapy.

Explain how differences in legal and ethical considerations among individual, family, and group therapy modalities impact therapeutic approaches.

An explanation of whether psychotherapy has a biological basis. Explain how culture, religion, and socioeconomics might influence one’s perspective on the value of psychotherapy treatments. Describe how legal and ethical considerations for group and family therapy differ from those for individual therapy. Explain how these differences might impact your therapeutic approaches for clients in group, individual, and family therapy.


Support your rationale with at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources, and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your sources.

Write a Policy Memo directed to the Georgia State University President detailing how your efforts, position, and take on the potential outcomes to follow.

Militarization of Police Policy Memo


Reflect upon the readings and videos above regarding the gradual militarization of policing in general and the Federal government’s 1033 program that donates old military equipment (gear, armaments, vehicles) to local and university police departments to aid in their fight against crime, drugs and terrorism.

1. Drawing upon the tenets of any one of the ethical schools of thought presented in Chapters 12-17 of the Banks book, detail and justify your support or opposition for the application of the 1033 program to provide equipment to the Georgia State University Police Department (GSUPD) to aid in its efforts to combat challenges inherent to an urban campus spanning at-risk areas. Assigned positions are determined as follows.

You are assigned to Team Trump and will be writing in support of using the 1033 program to equip the GSUPD.

2. Write a Policy Memo directed to the Georgia State University President detailing how your efforts, position, and take on the potential outcomes to follow. Be sure to use the 8-part format for Writing a Policy Memo as detailed in the Class Resources folder.

Why has the Global South struggled to develop and industrialize? In what ways has ideology guided the development project in the understanding and analyzing the development project?


ESSAY OUTLINE INSTRUCTIONS: The essay outline should be 5-7 pages doubled space, including your thesis statement, major arguments, evidence in support of your thesis, and three annotated scholarly sources.

ANNOTATED BIBLIPGRAPHY INSTRUCTIONS: The bibliography should include 5 scholarly sources, supplemented with a 100-150-word explanation of what the source is (journal article, book, primary data, etc.) and how/why you will be using it in your essay.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this assignment is to improve your essay-writing and research skills by crafting a strong argument and using relevant and credible resources to defend your thesis.

Essay Questions (CHOOSE ANY YOU LIKE)

Why has the Global South struggled to develop and industrialize?

In what ways has ideology guided the development project in the understanding and analyzing the development project?

Do the BRICS countries reflect shifting structural power at the level of development?

Is South-South development inherently more equitable than North-South development?

Individual case studies of how development has been shaped by the rules based international financial system.

Why have you chosen this career? How does this fit in with your interests?

Career Research in Marine Biology

Career Research
1. Paper: MLA formatting, ” margins, double spaced, 12 pt font in Times New Roman or Garamond, 2 page minimum
2. Presentation: 3-5 minutes with visual aids such as poster or power point.
3. Flyer: recruitment information
4. Paper/presentation/flyer requirements:
a. Career field with specific job

b. Why have you chosen this career?
1. How does this fit in with your interests? (Look at the interest inventory you took)

  • C.Description of job responsibilities for the career/job

d. Working environment/work schedule

e. Skills that you currently have or can obtain that will prepare you for your career. (What can you do now that will translate into your job?)

f. Salary expectations: entry, middle, and upper levels (make sure you give credit to your source)

g. Job outlook: nationally and locally

h. Location of job (ie jobs available in state?) i. Education/ Training required

i. Education

  1. School/college/training facility (at least two)
  2. Prerequisites (example: lawyer: BA before law school)
  3. Cost of education/training
    a. Include tuition, room & board, fees, books
    b. Advanced degree or training required?

j.Any additional information you found that is interesting.

k. Works cited page formatted correctly.