
Explain how performance measurement fits into the quality continuum, and identify sources of comparative performance data for health services organizations.


Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to

Describe how managers use measurement for performance management purposes,
Distinguish types of measures and comprehensive measurement sets,
Explain how performance measurement fits into the quality continuum, and
Identify sources of comparative performance data for health services organizations.

Explain the predisposing factors in this case, and relate Mr. Q’s initial signs to the pathological changes. Discuss the different types of disabilities That Mr.Q will face and possible treatment plans?


Mr. Q, age 64 years, developed a severe headache several hours ago that has not responded to acetaminophen ( Tylenol ). Now his speech is slurred, and his right arm and the right side of his face feel numb. He is very anxious and is transported to the hospital. Mr. Q has a history of smoking and arteriosclerosis, and there is a family history of CVA(Cerebrovascular Accident) and diabetes. Assessment at the hospital indicated weakness on the right side, including facial asymmetry and blood pressure of 220/110 Hg mm. A CT scan showed damaged tissue on the left side of the brain, and an angiography indicated a narrowing of the carotid arteries and middle cerebral arteries, with occlusion of the left middle cerebral artery.

Discussion Questions
Explain the predisposing factors in this case, and relate Mr. Q’s initial signs to the pathological changes.
Discuss the different types of disabilities That Mr.Q will face and possible treatment plans?

Discussion Posts.
Participate in the threaded discussions. In addition to posting an initial response to the thread topic presented, students are expected to respond to each other and the instructor via comments, questions, and/or additional insight (Minumum 3 responses).

Describe the importance of purposeful team design on organizational results, and identify evidence-based strategies for improving collaboration and teamwork.


Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to

Describe why a supportive culture, collaboration, and teamwork are essential to quality health services delivery;
Recognize mental models about teams and the manager’s role in team effectiveness;
Describe the importance of purposeful team design on organizational results; and
Identify evidence-based strategies for improving collaboration and teamwork.

From the textbook, Chap. 4- Pgs. 69-71, identify at least 3 barriers to physical activity and/or healthy dietary choices. List the barriers and provide examples of a modification plan to overcome these barriers. Choose ONE of the plans and develop into a personalized SMART goal.

Barriers to Wellness & SMART GOAL

From the textbook, Chap. 4- Pgs. 69-71, identify at least 3 barriers to physical activity and/or healthy dietary choices. List the barriers and provide examples of a modification plan to overcome these barriers. Choose ONE of the plans and develop into a personalized SMART goal.

Recognize the linkage between goal statements and attainment of desired improvements, and judge the advantages and disadvantages of different types of goal statements.


Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to

Appreciate the impact of establishing goals in complex systems,
Identify various mental models about goals,
Recognize the linkage between goal statements and attainment of desired improvements, and
Judge the advantages and disadvantages of different types of goal statements.

Write a minimum of 1750 words. Provide an appropriate MLA header on the first page only. Provide a clear introduction and thesis statement.

Writing Question

Write a minimum of 1750 words. This does not include any headers or works cited entries. • Provide an appropriate MLA header on the first page only. • Provide a clear introduction and thesis statement. • If sources are used, include both in-text citations (when they are used) and a works cited citation for every source. Use MLA format. • If sources are used, the original author(s) is given authority in the text through proper introduction of the source (name, credential, name of source, etc.). •

This essay is the culmination of everything you have done to date. By this point, you should have a clear topic/research question, some existing ideas about the topic/research question, new ideas about the topic/research question, and a vision of how to tell a story as a means to answer your research question. Your paper should follow all traditional guidelines for any formal essay. This includes having (1) an introduction and conclusion, (2) a developed thesis statement, (3) clear transitions from point to point and paragraph to paragraph, (4) clearly defined use of outside source material, and (5) fully developed ideas through body paragraphs.

list of sourses.

1. Lachman, I. (2020). Vanilla: Potential health benefits. Nutrition Today, 55(4), 212-219.…Vanilla__Potential_Health_Benefits.10.aspx?WT.mc_id=HPxADx20100319xMP.

2. Sinha, A., Sharma, U., & Sharma, N. (2008). A comprehensive review of vanilla flavor: extraction, isolation, and quantification of vanillin and other constituents. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 59(3), 299-326.

3. By throw J. “Vanilla as a Medicinal Plant.” Seminars in Integrative Medicine, vol. 3, 2005, pp. 129-131.

4.Linares, V., Adams, M., Cradic, M., et al. “First Evidence for Vanillin in the Old World: Its Use as a Mortuary Offering in Middle Bronze Canaan.” Journal of Archaeological Science Reports, vol. 25, 2019, pp. 77-84.

5.Zhao, D., Jiang, Y., Sun, J., et al. (2019). “Elucidation of the anti-inflammatory effect of vanillin in LPS-activated THP-1 cells.” Journal of Food Science, 84(8), 1920-1928. doi:10.1111/1750-3841.14693

Discuss how sustainability might be incorporated into a process or value chain improvement initiative. Try to find an example and summarize it in a manner similar to that in the box feature on Alfa Laval.

Create a flow chart of Ordering online and then follow further instructions

  • Draw a flowchart for a process of buying products on the Internet. Identify the points where something (people, information) waits for service or is held in work-in-process inventory, the estimated time to accomplish each activity in the process, and the total flow time. Evaluate how well the process worked and what might be done to improve it.
  • Discuss how sustainability might be incorporated into a process or value chain improvement initiative. Try to find an example and summarize it in a manner similar to that in the box feature on Alfa Laval.
  • What sustainability issues are present in the example restaurant order fulfillment process example (Exhibits 7.6 and 7.7)? What other restaurant processes need to include sustainability criteria in their design and day-to-day management?

Distinguish the relationships between purpose, desired results, measures of results, interventions, and improvement goals and compare the concepts of mental model and context as they are used in organizations.


Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you should be able to

Link the role of mission, vision, and context to organizational results;
Appreciate how the purpose principle can aid managers in problem solving;
Distinguish the relationships between purpose, desired results, measures of results, interventions, and improvement goals; and
Compare the concepts of mental model and context as they are used in organizations.

Provide a one-page executive summary that encapsulates the forecasting model that you have created and identify any forecasting errors and any trending analyses that you are able to determine.

Case Study Part V: Optimization and Forecasting

Download the Case Study Part V Banking Case Study Sample dataset provided for use in this case study.

Part 1: Optimization

Several of United Savings Bank’s (USB’s) branches want to optimize the amount of return on their bond investments. Create a model, using Microsoft Excel’s Solver, that will help them find the right investment amount for each of the below bonds given the following:

Total Amount to Invest: $500,000

Bond Annual Return Maturity Risk Tax Free
Bond 1 8.50% Long High Yes
Bond 2 8.00% Long Low No
Bond 3 7.00% Short Low Yes
Bond 4 8.00% Long High Yes
Bond 5 8.00% Short High No


  • At least 50% of investments must be in short term investments
  • No more than 50% of investments are to be made in high risk investments
  • At least 30% of investments need to be made in tax free investments

Determine the amount that should be invested in each of the bonds to yield the largest return on investment, given the constraints.

Part 2: Forecasting

USB needs to set new car sales goals for the coming year. The CEO has asked you to forecast the number of new car sales based on past sales.

  1. Using Excel, create a forecasting model that will allow USB to forecast approximately how many new cars will be sold, in total, in the next five years.
  2. Plot your data and determine the regression line equation and R2.
  3. Are there additional variables you might want to include in your model? Clean and prepare these variables, if needed, and create a new regression model in Excel using the directions from your Module 5 ebook readings- (Foreman) Chapter 6, The Granddaddy of Supervised Artificial Intelligence- Regression and (Black) Chapter 12 Simple Regression Analysis and Correlation in your custom ebook.
  4. Provide a one-page executive summary that encapsulates the forecasting model that you have created and identify any forecasting errors and any trending analyses that you are able to determine.


Design a total compensation and rewards program for the employees. Create a compensation pie chart. Implement a plan to manage the new compensation structure, with timelines.

Total compensation and rewards program

The project assignment provides a forum for analyzing and evaluating relevant topics for this week on the basis of the course competencies covered.

In the previous unit, you researched and gathered data on Google to understand how it compensates the employees. In this unit, you will design a total compensation and rewards program to attract and retain new talent. This would include benefits, pay, incentives, monetary and nonmonetary rewards, and other options to outperform Google.

Design a total compensation and rewards program for the employees.
Create a compensation pie chart.
Implement a plan to manage the new compensation structure, with timelines.
Assess the use of compensation benchmarking to maintain the competitive advantage.
Propose a method to determine the success of the compensation plan.

Create a 2–3-page Microsoft Word document.