
Characteristics of Arabic poetry in the era of Islam that it fought tribalism? What is meant by this? In your opinion, do you think that the Qur’an had an impact on Arabic literature? And how?

English questions

1- Characteristics of Arabic poetry in the era of Islam that it fought tribalism? What is meant by this?

2- In your opinion, do you think that the Qur’an had an impact on Arabic literature? And how?

3- Islam’s position on poetry, was it supportive or self-loathing? Did Islam fight poetry?

Research the company’s overall services: What products do they sell? What’s their best-performing product (i.e., their “bread and butter”)? If it’s a service-based company, what is the full line of services offered? Is the company based in the US or is it global?

Paragraph Write-Up

In this step, begin by researching job listings, internships, and/or graduate programs that you might be interested in pursuing in the next month to two years. Your focus is up to you. For example, you may decide to focus solely on one option (e.g., internships), or you may decide to look at all three options (job listings, internships, and/or graduate programs), or just two.

What to report

After you’ve researched several job listings, internships, and/or graduate programs, narrow down your search to three possibilities. That is, from your wide-net research, identify three job listings, internships, and/or graduate programs that you might like to apply to.

Next, do a deep dive by visiting the websites of these three job listings, internships, and/or graduate programs you selected.

What to report:

Produce a three-six paragraph Write-Up of the website research you completed, one to two paragraphs for each job, internship, and/or graduate program you’ve researched. Questions to be answered are below. Note, you need to do a one to two-paragraph write-up for each job, internship, and/or graduate program you’ve researched.

Company (if you choose to research a job listing, answer these questions):

  1. What is the name of this company? Research the company’s mission and describe how it guides and motivates their work.
  2. Research the company’s overall services: What products do they sell? What’s their best-performing product (i.e., their “bread and butter”)? If it’s a service-based company, what is the full line of services offered? Is the company based in the US or is it global?
  3. What kinds of content are they posting on social media? What audiences are they engaging with, and what kind of feedback are they getting (be sure to look at the comment sections for this)?
  4. What is the tone they’re setting in that professional space, and how are they positioning or branding themselves on social?
  5. Overall, what’s your impression of this company?

Internship (if you choose to research an internship position, answer these questions):

  1. Research the company’s mission and describe how it guides and motivates their work.
  2. Research the company’s overall services: What products do they sell? What’s their best-performing product (i.e., their “bread and butter”)? If it’s a service-based company, what is the full line of services offered? Who is the target audience or primary user of the service? Is the company based in the US or is it global?
  3. What kinds of content are they posting on social media? What audiences are they engaging with, and what kind of feedback are they getting (be sure to look at the comment sections for this)?
  4. What is the tone they’re setting in that professional space, and how are they positioning or branding themselves on social?
  5. Overall, what’s your impression of this company?

Graduate Progam (if you choose to research a graduate school program, answer these questions):

1. Research the program’s mission and describe how its mission guides and motivates its work.

  1. Available course offerings– What kinds of courses do they offer? Do they seem interesting or relevant to your educational interests?
  2. What kinds of content are they posting on social media? What audiences are they engaging with, and what kind of feedback are they getting (be sure to look at the comment sections for this)?
  3. What is the tone they’re setting in that professional space, and how are they positioning or branding themselves on social?
  4. Overall, what’s your impression of this graduate program?

Write any three characteristics of capitalistic economy and mixed economy. What do you mean by macro-economics ? write its characteristics. Distinguish between micro economics and macro economics.


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1. Write any three characteristics of capitalistic economy and mixed economy.

2. What do you mean by macro-economics ? write its characteristics.

3. Distinguish between micro economics and macro economics. (Any three)

4. What is opportunity cost ? Explain with example.

5. What do you mean by production possibility (PPC )?

6. Differentiate between economic activities and non economic activities. (Any three)

7. Differentiate between centrally planned economy and market economy . (Any three)

8. Differentiate between law of demand and elasticity of demand.

9. Write the essential elements of demand.

10. What do you mean by utility ? Explain the types of utility.

11. Write any five factors affecting elasticity of demand.

12. Explain the factors affecting demand.

13. Differentiate between substitute goods and complementary goods.

14. What is indifference curve ? write its features/ characteristics.

15. Explain the difference between individual demand and market demand schedule.

16. Write any five exceptions (limitations) to the law of demand.

17. Differentiate between fixed cost and variable cost. (any four)

18. Distinguish between stock and supply.

19. Why cost curves are ‘U’ shaped. Give reasons.

20. Write exceptions to the law of supply.

21. . Distinguish between market price and normal price.

22. Classify market on the basis of time .

23. Classify market on the basis of area of region.

24. Distinguish between national income and national wealth.

25. Discuss the importance of national income.

26. Distinguish between national income and per capita income.

27. Distinguish between stock and flow.

28. Write five suggestions to increase national income in india.

29. Distinguish between closed economy and open economy.

30. What are the causes of low national income in India.

31. Differentiate between stock money and flow money .

32. Define money ? Write primary functions of money.
(or) “Money is the medium of exchange” explain

33. Money is a good servant but a bad master” explain.
34. What is barter system ? What are its defects \ drawbacks ?

35. What is central bank Explain five functions of RBI (central bank ) in detail.

36. Write any four functions of commercial banks.

37. State the difference between metallic money and paper money.

38. .Differentiate between central bank (RBI) and commercial bank.

39. Discuss the importance of banks in India.

40. Explain the merits of a good money material.

41. Discuss the measures to correct excess demand.

42. Differentiate between excess demand and deficit demand.

43. What is deficit demand ? what are its causes ?

44. Write a note on surplus budget, balance budget and deficit budget.

45. Differentiate between direct tax and indirect tax.

46. Explain the types of budget.

47. Differentiate between revenue Expenditure and capital Expenditure.

48. Differentiate between revenue receipts and capital receipts.

49. Suggest measures to improve the condition of adverse balance of payments.

50. Differentiate between balance of trade and balance of payments.

51. Give arguments in favour and against fixed exchange rate.

52. Explain the factors affecting fluctuations in foreign exchange.

53. Discuss the monetary measures to correct disequilibrium in the balance of payments.

54. Discuss the Non-monetary measures to correct disequilibrium in the balance of payments

  • Substitute Goods?                                                      Complementary Goods?
  • Giffen Goods (Giffen Paradox)?                              Utility ?
  • Consumption Goods ?                                               Capital Goods ?
  • (Consumer ) Final Goods ?                                       Budget Line ?
  • Law Of Supply ?                                                          Gross Domestic Production(GDP) ?
  • Capital Budget?                                                           Supplementary Budget?
  • Tax Evasion?                                                                Inferior Goods ?
  • Monotonic Preferences ?                                           Central Bank
  • Consumers Budget                                                      Paradox Of Thrift
  • Excess Supply                                                               Mixed Income
  • Excess Demand ?                                                        “Says Law Of Market”

Find the total grade points earned by the student with ID ‘12345’, across all courses taken by the student. Find the grade point average (GPA) for the above student, that is, the total grade points divided by the total credits for the associated courses.

Basic sql question

Question 1 (Textbook Chapter 3: Practice 3.2)

3.2 Suppose you are given a relation grade_points(grade, points) that provides a con-version from letter grades in the takes relation to numeric scores; for example, an “A” grade could be specified to correspond to 4 points, an “A—” to 3.7 points, a “B+” to 3.3 points, a “B” to 3 points, and so on. The grade points earned by a student for a course offering (section) is defined as the number of credits for the course multiplied by the numeric points for the grade that the student received. Given the preceding relation, and our university schema, write each of the following queries in SQL. You may assume for simplicity that no takes tuple has the null value for grade.

  • a. Find the total grade points earned by the student with ID ‘12345’, across all courses taken by the student.
  • b. Find the grade point average (GPA) for the above student, that is, the total grade points divided by the total credits for the associated courses.
  • c. Find the ID and the grade-point average of each student.
  • d. Now reconsider your answers to the earlier parts of this exercise under the assumption that some grades might be null. Explain whether your solutions still work and, if not, provide versions that handle nulls properly.

Question 2 (Textbook Chapter 3: Practice 3.5)
3.5 Suppose that we have a relation marks(ID, score) and we wish to assign grades to students based on the score as follows: grade F if score < 40, grade C if 40 < score < 60, grade B if 60 < score < 80, and grade A if 80 < score. Write SQL queries to do the following:

  • a. Display the grade for each student, based on the marks relation.
  • b. Find the number of students with each grade.

Question 3: (Textbook Chapter 3: Practice 3.8)

branch(branchjzame,, assets) customer (ID, customer_name, customer_street, loan (loan number, branch_name, amount) borrower (ID, loan_number) account (account_number, branch_name, balance ) depositor (ID, account_number)

Figure 3.18 Banking database.
3.8 Consider the bank database of Figure 3.18, where the primary keys are under-lined. Construct the following SQL queries for this relational database.

  • a. Find the ID of each customer of the bank who has an account but not a loan.
  • b. Find the ID of each customer who lives on the same street and in the same city as customer ‘12345’.
  • c. Find the name of each branch that has at least one customer who has an account in the bank and who lives in “Harrison”.

Question 4: (Textbook Chapter 6: Practice 6.2)

6.2 Consider a database that includes the entity sets student, course, and section from the university schema and that additionally records the marks that students receive in different exams of different sections.

  • a. Construct an E-R diagram that models exams as entities and uses a ternary relationship as part of the design.
  • b. Construct an alternative E-R diagram that uses only a binary relationship between student and section. Make sure that only one relationship exists between a particular student and section pair, yet you can represent the marks that a student gets in different exams.

Rate yourself according to your confidence level in performing the skills identified in the clinical self-Assessment Form. Based on your ratings, summarize your strengths and opportunity for improvement.

Clinical Skills self Assessment

(1) Use the PMHNP clinical skills- self Assessment form to complete the following.
(a) Rate yourself according to your confidence level in performing the skills identified in the clinical self-Assessment Form.
(2) Based on your ratings, summarize your strengths and opportunity for improvement.
(3) Based on your self-assessment and theory of nursing practice, develop( three-four) measurable goals and objectives for this practicum experience. Include them in the designated area of the form.

What is specialized accounting system?

Accounting Question

What is specialized accounting system?

Quantity of thirty candidate elements each with a low- high ranking criterion 0-9. A Reject/Accept decision is to be made after the interview and cannot go back to a rejected candidate. Each scenario below, explain your method and who would you hire?

Question: Existing assistant ranks 4.

Quantity of thirty candidate elements each with a low- high ranking criterion 0-9. A Reject/Accept decision is to be made after the interview and cannot go back to a rejected candidate. Each scenario below, explain your method and who would you hire?

Write a critical response to her article (250 words). Analyze the main points she covered, the problem she is trying to solve, explain the purpose she is trying to achieve; describe the audience she addressed.

3.2 ” The Five Stages of Knowing” by Mary Belenky. Write a critical response

Read ” The Five Stages of Knowing” by Mary Belenky, etc. Write a critical response to her article (250 words). Analyze the main points she covered, the problem she is trying to solve, explain the purpose she is trying to achieve; describe the audience she addressed.

Answer the following question: Where on Belenky’s series of levels would you put yourself??

Use MLA Format, Text Entry only. Submit by 11:59 p.m. 02.20.2023.

Additional information: Mary Belenky about women and children:

What chemical(s) are involved in the water? And how did the water department “cover this up”? What are the observed health risks seen in this movie that affected the community?

Watch the movie Erin Brockovich and answer the attached questions.

Questions for Erin Brockovich

1. What chemical(s) are involved in the water? And how did the water department “cover this up”?

2. What are the observed health risks seen in this movie that affected the community?

3. Aside from the medical diagnosis- how did this affect the community’s daily life and overall health?

4. What was the multidisciplinary team involved in this investigation?

5. How is it that this got into the water? What were the fatal errors of PG&E?

6. Even though Erin Brockovich was not a nurse- It can still be said she followed the nursing process to environmental health. Please discuss the nursing process and give examples fromm the movie in how Erin Brockovich did follow this in her assessment.

7. What are your thoughts on this move? Remember this is a true story!


This movie is on almost all the streaming services (netflix, amazon prime video, itunes, peacock, google play)

In at least one of your peer responses, provide an overview of how to audit the web server’s security and implement best practices.

Web server auditing

Write main with 300 words and two replies each 150 words on below topic.

Web server auditing can go a long way in enforcing tighter security and ensuring business continuity. The power of log data is tremendous. Web server logs record valuable information pertaining to usage, errors, and other important security events. Using a specialized auditing tool can be extremely helpful during the audit of web servers. In your discussion this week, please discuss the methods of identifying weak web server configurations and how to mitigate them for a secure web server. Possible concepts to include are SSL certificates, HTTPS usage, attack surface, SQL injection, vulnerability migration, and least privilege. In at least one of your peer responses, provide an overview of how to audit the web server’s security and implement best practices.