
What did the practitioner do well? In what areas can the practitioner improve? At this point in the clinical interview, do you have any compelling concerns? If so, what are they? What would be your next question, and why?


Some children /adolescents may be more difficult to assess than adults, as they can be less psychologically minded. That is, they have less insight into themselves and their motivations than adults ( although this is not universally true). The PMHNP must also take into consideration the child’s culture and environmental context. Additionally, with children/ adolescents, there are lower rates of neurocognitive disorders superimposed on other clinical conditions, such as depression or anxiety, which create additional diagnostic challenges.

In this Discussion, you review and critique the techniques and methods of a mental health professional as the practitioner completes a comprehensive, integrated psychiatric assessment of an adolescent. You also identify ratify rating scales and treatment options that are specifically appropriate for children/ adolescents.

To prepare:
(a) Review the resources and consider the insights they provide on comprehensive, integrated psychiatric assessment.
(b) Watch the Mental Status Examination B-6 and Simulation Scenario-Adolescent Risk Assessment Videos.
(c) Watch the YMH Boston Vignette 5 video and take notes; you will use this video as the basis for your Discussion post.

Assignment Instruction:
(1) Based on the YMH Boston Vignette 5 video, Post answers to the following questions:
(a) What did the practitioner do well? In what areas can the practitioner improve?
(b) At this point in the clinical interview, do you have any compelling concerns? If so, what are they?
(c) What would be your next question, and why?

Then, address the following. Your answers to these prompts do not have to be tailored to the patient in the YMH Boston Video.
(1) Explain why a thorough psychiatric assessment of a child/adolescent is important.
(2) Describe two different symptom rating scales that would be appropriate to use during the psychiatric assessment of a child/ adolescent .
(3) Describe two psychiatric treatment options for children and adolescents that may not be used when treating adults.
(4) Explain the role parents/ guardians play in assessment.
(5) Support your response with at least THREE peer-reviewed, evidence-based sources and explain why each of your supporting sources is considered scholarly. Attach the PDFs of your resources. Provide at least three references and answer all parts of the discussion questions with reflective analysis with no grammar or spelling errors.
(6) Respond to at least Two of your classmates’ posts by offering additional insights or alternative perspectives on their analysis of the video, other rating scales that may be used with children, or other treatment options for children not yet mentioned. Be specific and provide a rationale with evidence. Please provide two references each for the classmate’s response.

Critically reflect on the benefits of play therapy and play therapy techniques with children. In your discussion, do the following: Explain, “Why is it important for social workers to be familiar with play therapy techniques?”

Benefits of play therapy

1. Critically reflect on the benefits of play therapy and play therapy techniques with children.

2. In your discussion, do the following:
Explain, “Why is it important for social workers to be familiar with play therapy techniques?”

3. Then, give an example of a case (e.g., child’s age, presenting problem, developmental stage, etc., in which play therapy might be appropriate to employ).


When you think about various forms of leadership styles you’ve studied such as transactional or transformational, or any other styles, are there any that just wouldn’t work within a learning organization? What role does mentoring, coaching, and apprenticeship play in the learning organization as opposed to the traditional or complex adaptive systems organizational model?


It is interesting to discuss your different perspectives on how your leadership styles fit within the learning organization(LO) and the comparisons made between the LO and complex adaptive systems. The two systems definitely have similarities and a learning organization can certainly be supported by the principles of the complex adaptive system. When you think about various forms of leadership styles you’ve studied such as transactional or transformational, or any other styles, are there any that just wouldn’t work within a learning organization? What role does mentoring, coaching, and apprenticeship play in the learning organization as opposed to the traditional or complex adaptive systems organizational model?

Begin the process of gathering your sources by first searching for your topic in Google Scholar or using databases available through the UTA Libraries such as PubMed. Locate three to five peer-reviewed articles that may contain useful information and ideas on your topic. Briefly examine and review the actual articles, selecting your final three sources.

Annotated Bibliography Assignment

An annotated bibliography requires you to find a source of evidence-based information (journal article, book or public health document) and write a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph (annotation). Upon identification of your team health issue or topic, each team member will be responsible for development of three annotations. This assignment works much like a puzzle in that your team gathers the puzzle pieces and then, through group communication, you discuss how those pieces fit together to reveal the whole picture, or in this case, how an evaluation of the information and your own opinions frame an evidence-based recommended course of action related to your health topic. As you develop your proposed course of action (solutions) you will need to include how social determinants of health affect this issue and include your proposals for solution.

In public health, the questions asked often include the following aspects:
WHAT is the health issue or topic? (i.e., condition or disease or issue)
WHY is it important?
WHO does the health issue affect? People/population/problem (What are the characteristics of the population?
Comparisons (What is the alternative to the intervention? How is this health issue addressed? What measures are in place to PREVENT worsening of the health issue?)
Outcomes (What are the relevant outcomes of this health issue? i.e., morbidity, death, complications)

Assignment Instructions:
1. Select a Topic: As a team, choose a public health issue or topic, see the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) List of Diseases and Conditions for a list of topics to get you started: to an external site.

2. Assess Sources: Begin the process of gathering your sources by first searching for your topic in Google Scholar or using databases available through the UTA Libraries such as PubMed. Locate three to five peer-reviewed articles that may contain useful information and ideas on your topic. Briefly examine and review the actual articles, selecting your final three sources.

3. Read the Peer-reviewed Articles: Read each article and summarize the author’s main points. Be sure you pay special attention to how this particular source fits into the larger, ongoing public health conversation about the topic. A good approach to this is to list main points and then tie those together in a written paragraph.

4. Research the Author/Publication: Conduct a brief search on the author to determine his/her expertise, reputation, and credibility. Look at citations, articles, and books by this author to find information about who the author is, what his/her credentials are, and what occupation or position he/she holds. Similar to your author search, examine the publication or source to determine the publication’s reputation, credibility and target reader/researcher. Is the text specialized or general? Is the target audience clinicians (i.e., physicians, research scientists) or another audience such as public health professionals, university students or persons in the community? (Core Objectives: Critical Thinking, Communication, Empirical and Quantitative, and Teamwork Skills.)

5. Develop Three Written Annotations: Now that you have reviewed your three articles, you will individually write three annotations that are between 150-200 words, summarizing the central theme and scope of the article. The annotation must be written in APA style. NOTE: Use Times New Roman size 12 font for this assignment.

Plagiarism-USE ONLY YOUR SUMMARY! DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM THE INTERNET OR USE WORK SUBMITTED FOR ANOTHER COURSE! The Unicheck index should be no more than 20% for this assignment, due to the short length.

Reflect on how creating a classroom lesson plan for a diverse and inclusive classroom has increased your knowledge about the lesson planning process. How did the readings from this unit and the writing assignment expand your knowledge about planning inclusive lessons?


For your reflective portfolio activity, reflect on how creating a classroom lesson plan for a diverse and inclusive classroom has increased your knowledge about the lesson planning process. How did the readings from this unit and the writing assignment expand your knowledge about planning inclusive lessons? Think about and briefly describe improvements needed in planning to create inclusive lessons in classrooms you have participated in, taught in, or observed. Write about personal experience.

Assume you are a teacher in a school for special needs students. The class you currently teach consists of 4 students, all with autism and one with additional ADHD diagnosis. Mixed ages (10-18), varied academic levels. They all were booted from their previous schools due to prolonged and severe behavior issues.

Write a problem-solution essay that addresses the childhood illness or related issue addressed in the article you chose

Final essay

Step 1: Choose one essay posted about childhood disease or related issue:

  • Article 1: Toxic Stress
  • Article 2: ADHD
  • Article 3: School Nurses

Step 2: Write a problem-solution essay that addresses the childhood illness or related issue addressed in the article you chose.

Your 4-paragraph essay must include an introduction, problem paragraph, solution paragraph and conclusion.



Start the essay with an anecdote-style hook. Develop the background of the article topic in 3-4 sentences. Make sure to include a thesis statement in the last sentence.


Body 1

This is the problem paragraph. Identify the problem addressed in the article you chose. What are the different parts of this problem? Explain those points in detail. Cite evidence from the article you chose. Use within paragraph transitions to shift between the different points you address in the body paragraph. Finish the paragraph with a concluding statement. Remember there are 4 types of concluding statements: advice, opinion, summary, restatement of the topic sentence. Choose one of these types of concluding statements.


Body 2

This is the solution paragraph. Think of 2-3 solutions on how nurses can help benefit patients and their families. Start the body paragraph with an across paragraph transition. Develop each solution presented in 3-4 sentences. Use within paragraph transitions to guide the reader between solutions. Finish the paragraph with a concluding statement.



Open the paragraph with a simple sentence summary (SSS) that reflects your opinion. Then write 2 sentences in a positive tone that address and 2 sentences in a positive tone that address the solution. Before finishing the paragraph, make sure to restate the thesis statement and finish by wrapping the anecdote-style hook you started the essay with.



Step 4: Submit the essay to the instructor email.

Can you think of any scenario where a criminal defendant would opt to stand trial in less than 30 days of arrest?


1. Defendant BS is indicted and arraigned. She pleads not guilty. She does not file any motions and the STA clock runs and runs. It is day 68. Neither the prosecutor nor court seem to be aware of this. You are BS’s counsel. Should you report this situation to the court? Or can you and BS simply wait two weeks and then move to dismiss because the case was not tried by the 70

2. The FBI uncovers evidence that over 50 years ago defendant Ernie Largo participated as an aider and abettor in the murder of a federal official. (The statute of limitations does not expire in murder cases). Largo is now 79 years old, and is retired from the federal government, and living in Pensacola, Florida. His attorney files a motion to dismiss based on his right to speedy trial. In the same, he argues that his client is prejudiced by this prosecution because the alleged facts occurred half a century ago. Now, it is impossible to find any witnesses, and Largo undergoes
dialysis 2-3 times a week. You are the judge. How would you rule?

3. Can you think of any scenario where a criminal defendant would opt to stand trial in less than 30 days of arrest?

Provide professional development training for teachers, instructional leaders (in coordination with SSOs and their professional development plans and with Education Institute and Curriculum Standards Office staff).

Developing the Curriculum Standards and Supporting Their Implementation 109

The Institute agreed that special support was needed to implement the standards, at first for Arabic only, and later for all four subjects. The Institute engaged CfBT to provide standards implementation support in the other three subject areas. The agreement with CfBT focused on four main tasks:

  1. Provide professional development training for teachers, instructional leaders (in coordination with SSOs and their professional development plans and with Education Institute and Curriculum Standards Office staff).
  2. Design and provide schemes of work.
  3. Work with the operators of the next generation of Independent schools (Generation II, scheduled to open in September 2005) on their development of educational plans for their schools.
  4. Evaluate the educational plan section of the Independent school contracts for the next generation of Independent schools.

These tasks were to be carried out from July 2004 through October 2005. As the final version of the standards would not be available until January 2005, the SSOs and Independent schools worked with standards in draft form for the first semester. These standards had already gone through much review and revision and, as it turned out, needed no significant alteration to become the finished product. The participants and the Education Institute judged the standards implementation support training as highly useful.

Create a model case with all attributes of the concept present. Identify direct and indirect empirical referents for measurement of the selected concept.

Heeseung Choi Cultural Marginality

Points: 50

Due: Day 7

As part of the final presentation, select a one-word concept from the main nursing theory you are presenting on. Create an infographic for this concept as part of your final presentation. For more detailed instructions, please refer to the rubric for this assignment.

Review the Walker and Avant Method for Concept Analysis: Eight Step MethodLinks to an external site.. You will be required to include several of the steps in your infographic.
Once you have selected a one-word concept related to the nursing theory you are presenting on, you will define this concept using an academic dictionary, with common uses described.
Apply three attributes (often synonyms) that further illuminate the meaning of the concept chosen.
Create a model case with all attributes of the concept present.
Identify direct and indirect empirical referents for measurement of the selected concept.

Using simple supply and demand analysis (No Graphs – Just conceptualize), think about the system of allocating human kidneys. The law forbids the sale of human organs but allows their voluntary donation. This means that there is a bigger shortage of kidneys than there otherwise would be. Does this fact alter your view of the law forbidding the sale of human organs? How about blood?

Moral Hazard

Using simple supply and demand analysis (No Graphs – Just conceptualize), think about the system of allocating human kidneys. The law forbids the sale of human organs but allows their voluntary donation. This means that there is a bigger shortage of kidneys than there otherwise would be. Does this fact alter your view of the law forbidding the sale of human organs? How about blood?