
What are the documents that are considered input to a project resource and project communication plan? Where are each knowledge area used within the 5 process groups for a project? What are the key reasons a project requires a plan for each of these?

Management DQ2

What are the documents that are considered input to a project resource and project communication plan? Where are each knowledge area used within the 5 process groups for a project? What are the key reasons a project requires a plan for each of these?

Which customer had the highest average sales amount? What specifically was their average amount? Which employee had the highest earned commission? What specifically was their commission amount?


Required information [The following information applies to the questions displayed below]

Use the Access Practice.accdb database to complete the following tasks in Access. Microsoft Access is required for this problem.
Use the database to complete tasks a through g in Access. Answer the questions below after completing tasks d, e, and g, respectively.

  • a. Go to the Relationships screen and connect the five tables, enforcing referential integrity.
  • b. Calculate the total sales for each customer. Include CustomerlD and CompanyName from the Customer table and the calculated sale amount from the Sale_Amount_ Calculation query. Name the query Total_Customer_Sales.
  • c. Generate an e-mail user name for each employee using the first letter of the employee’s first name and the first five letters of the employee’s last name, e.g., Rod Smith = > rsmith. Include EmployeelD, EmployeeFirstName, and EmployeeLastName in the query. Name the query Employee_Email_Generator.
  • d. Calculate the total sales for each month.
  • e. Determine which customer had the highest average sales amount. (Hint Sort in descending order.)
  • f. Assume the employees earn a 5 percent commission on sales. Calculate the total commission due to each employee. Use two queries to do these calculations.


  1. Which customer had the highest average sales amount? What specifically was their average amount? 
  2. Which employee had the highest earned commission? What specifically was their commission amount?

What are the values for sales that were calculated for the following inventory items? What is the value of total sales from the query? Which month had the highest sum of sales? What specifically was the sales amount?

Homework: Data Analysis

Required information [The following information applies to the questions displayed below]

Use the Access Practice.accdb database to complete the following tasks in Access. Microsoft Access is required for this problem.

Use the database to complete tasks a through g in Access. Answer the questions below after completing tasks d, e, and g, respectively.

  • a. The database contains three tables containing information about this company’s sales process: Inventory, Sales, and Salesltems. Use the Relationships window to link the tables together.
  • b. The Salesltems table records the quantity and price of each item sold on each sale (sales may include more than one item). Calculate the extended amount of sale (call it Amt) for each item (Quantity * UnitPrice). Include InvoicelD, InventorylD, Quantity, and UnitPrice in the query. Name the query Item_Extension_Calculation.
  • c. Calculate the total dollar amount of each sale. Include InvoicelD, InvoiceDate, CustomerlD, and EmployeelD from the Sales table and the Amt from the Item_Extension_Calculation query. Name the query Sale_Amount_Calculation.
  • d. Calculate total sales for each inventory item.
  • e. Calculate total sales.
  • f. Calculate the month in which each sale occurred. Include InvoicelD and InvoiceDate from the Sales table. Name the query Sales_Months. (Hint Look for the Month function in the expression builder.)
  • g. Calculate the sum of sales for each month.


  1. What are the values for sales that were calculated for the following inventory items?
  2. What is the value of total sales from the query?
  3. Which month had the highest sum of sales? What specifically was the sales amount?

If the sonnets we read by William Shakespeare, Sonnet 29 or Sonnet 130, were love letters, as it were, which one would you rather receive? Which speaker would you rather be in a relationship with, and why? Which one sounds more reliable?

Sonnet 29 or Sonnet 130

If the sonnets we read by William Shakespeare, Sonnet 29 or Sonnet 130, were love letters, as it were, which one would you rather receive? Which speaker would you rather be in a relationship with, and why? Which one sounds more reliable?

Write a journal response to this prompt of about 200-250 word

Based on the articles you have read, what are some strategies you would use to ensure that students develop and express their sexuality as an individual with a disability? What are some barriers?

Discussion Two

The attached Murphy and Young (2005) article describes the vulnerability of students with disabilities regarding their sexuality. As advocates and teachers, we must also consider that many of these students begin to express themselves as they navigate their adolescent years. Based on the articles you have read, what are some strategies you would use to ensure that students develop and express their sexuality as an individual with a disability? What are some barriers?

Explain the summarization dataset code. Explain the two visualizations from your code. What are the independent and dependent variables you used in your code and Why? Provide explanation for the hypothetical values you created.

Individual Predictive Model

BUSI 650

Instructor: Sana Ramzan

Name:  ____________________________   Due Date: _______________________________

Assignment Guidelines:

Use the excel file named as “DatasetPM.csv” for this assignment.

Prepare a linear regression predictive model using the attached dataset. It should be a multiple variable prediction model.

Prepare a coding file for the prediction model on google colab. Attach a PDF file to the submission link. Your code should include the following items

  • Loading dataset code (1 mark)
  • Summarizing dataset (1 mark)
  • Visualization of dataset – Two graphs must be shown (2 marks)
  • Remove NA values from the dataset (1 mark)
  • Segregate the values in input Xs and output Y (1 mark)
  • Train the dataset (1 mark)
  • No training testing split is required
  • Provide prediction results of atleast 3 hypothetical values – make sure all hypothetical situations are seen in the code (1 mark)
  • Code for coefficient and intercept (1 mark)
  • Use the coefficient and intercept and check whether the model is accurate (1 mark)

In your model, you need to have many independent variables and one dependent variable. Make sure that you have atleast 2 variables for the multiple regression analysis. You can select any column in the attached excel sheet as your variables.

Create a word document. Explain your findings in 500 – 1000 words. This word limit excludes tables, graphs and appendix

  • Explain the summarization dataset code. (2 marks)
  • Explain the two visualizations from your code. (4 marks)
  • What are the independent and dependent variables you used in your code and Why? (2 marks)
  • Provide explanation for the hypothetical values you created. (3 marks)
  • Explain your coefficient and intercept. (2 marks)
  • What are your conclusions from your prediction model? (2 marks)

Organize your paper properly and make sure to follow the APA guidelines, if references are added.  (5 marks)


Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research. In this scenario, for what aspects of the issue would you use a qualitative research approach and for which aspects would you use a quantitative research approach?


The practitioners at the inner city community-based HIV clinic noticed over the last year there has been a dramatic increase in the number of black adolescent girls who have been diagnosed with HIV. They wondered why that was happening and whether there were any interventions that address the unique needs of this population that might help lower the HIV infection rates in this unique population. The team came together to do an EBP project to determine what was in the literature and found very little addressing this issue. Therefore, the team decided to conduct research.

1. Compare and contrast quantitative and qualitative research.

2. In this scenario, for what aspects of the issue would you use a qualitative research approach and for which aspects would you use a quantitative research approach?

Write this paper according to APA Scholarly Writing Standards, Student Version. Please limit this paper to 2 pages (excluding title page and references). All assignments must be written in an academic tone. You are not to write in the first person. Instead, you need to use the third person. Large word-for-word quotes are not permitted. Direct quotes, if used, need to be only a sentence or two long. Instead, most cited material needs to be paraphrased. Remember that if you use someone else work or ideas as your own and do not cite it properly is considered plagiarism. Three References should consist of scholarly journals NO OLDER THEN 3 YEARS OLD (2020). Cite relevant references in your response to the discussion topic/questions. Web sources can be used, though they should come from credible sources such as government agencies, academics and private agencies with a strong reputation within the community they serve. You will not be allowed to use web pages or web groups such as Wikipedia or, as the information contained in these web pages are academically questionable. You cannot use web pages with a questionable background or academic source. Furthermore, you will not be permitted to cite encyclopedias, dictionaries, newspapers (unless otherwise permitted) or magazines. It is important to remember that in this class, you must submit work that must be evidence-based credible sources.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Information ‘Communication Technology? What are ICT’s roles, and how does it facilitate teleworking?

The Evolution of Information and Communication Technology and its Impact on Telework in the Healthcare Sector

Research Questions:
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Information ‘Communication Technology?
2. What are ICT’s roles, and how does it facilitate teleworking?
3. How does information and communications technology (ICT) affect the adoption of teleworking in the Healthcare industry?

Create a PowerPoint presentation with at least eight (8) slides of content that you can use to inform your organization about the challenges faced by underserved populations in the community.

Assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment.

Minority, marginalized and vulnerable populations have been known to face more challenges accessing quality healthcare. In this Assignment, you will explore how a systems approach to coordinating care can help meet the needs of these populations.

Create a PowerPoint presentation with at least eight (8) slides of content that you can use to inform your organization about the challenges faced by underserved populations in the community.

Choose a minority, marginalized, or vulnerable population.
Describe at least two challenges they face with accessing and moving through the healthcare system (uninsured, underinsured, low literacy, language barrier, etc.).
Discuss how a systems approach to proper care coordination would positively impact the challenges you identified.
Describe how this approach will meet the patients’ needs, priorities, and expectations.
How can raising the standard of care for underserved populations affect the health care system as a whole?

Describe the place and the atmosphere. Report on activities that could take place there. Argue why the chosen place would challenge and create special spooky experiences and should therefore be included in the catalog.

Write a text about your chosen spooky place

Describe the place and the atmosphere.
Report on activities that could take place there.
Argue why the chosen place would challenge and create special spooky experiences and should therefore be included in the catalog.
Illustrate the text with pictures.