
What were the business and corporate strategies of the company in the 3 year period? Was the underlying logic for these strategies sound or misconceived in relation to the external markets and/or internal capabilities?

Strategic management: Research project

Conduct research of relevant literature of case studies, annual reports, newspaper and business journal articles to address the task, the answer should also be underpinned by a number of strategic management theories and frameworks.

Company chosen is Shell plc (multinational oil and gas company).

What were the business and corporate strategies of the company in the 3 year period? Was the underlying logic for these strategies sound or misconceived in relation to the external markets and/or internal capabilities? Critically apply appropriate strategic planning tools to provide a critical evaluation of the appropriateness and fit of the strategies selected (better answers will consider alternative strategies rejected, ignored or overlooked)

Specific criteria guideline:
Critical evaluation of the appropriateness and fit of your companies’ adopted strategies in relation to the external market and internal capabilities

Critically evaluate theories and concepts relating to the internal and external business environment. Evaluate contemporary developments in CSR and corporate governance and their implications for a range of stakeholders.

Portfolio – Sustainable Management and Ethics

The aims of this module are to develop theoretical, conceptual and empirical skills, which enable you to understand and critically evaluate ethical, sustainable business practices in a dynamic global marketplace.

This assignment assesses your ability to meet the module learning outcomes below. Aim to demonstrate ability and skill across them in your submissions:

Learning Outcomes
LO1: Critically evaluate theories and concepts relating to the internal and external business environment.

LO2: Evaluate contemporary developments in CSR and corporate governance and their implications for a range of stakeholders.

LO3: Appraise the principal sources of data on organisation and the economy.

LO4: Use data to evaluate the developments in business and management practices.

Word Count
3,000 words in total

Portfolio Assignment: A sustainable management strategy

Assignment Brief
First, select ONE of the following industry sectors:

  • The construction industry
  • The fashion industry
  • The tourism industry

Now, imagine you have been asked by an organisation within your selected industry sector to write a briefing document about the sustainability performance of the sector, and identify a strategy for its improvement.

The briefing document should be approximately 1,000 words long, and be written in two parts.

Part 1: Sector Analysis
Using credible sources, present sector specific facts and data in a way that describes the key challenges for the sector in relation to the three pillars of sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. You should identify specific activities or operations within the sector that require improvement.

You can use the course materials to guide you but you also need to carry out your own research to acquire and analyse the necessary facts and data. This could involve information contained within industry sustainability reports; academic journal papers; industry publications (eg professional institution reports); or academic text books (see the module reading list as a starting point).

Rather than just repeating the facts and data derived from your sources, you should show you have thought critically about these to draw your own conclusions and present your findings. The tools introduced in the week’s content relating to the business environment may help you to do this (eg SWOT analysis, PESTLE analysis).

Part 2: Sector Strategy
Identify and describe ONE management strategy likely to improve the sector’s sustainability performance. Discuss this strategy in relation to the challenges you identified in Part 1. You should also indicate how the strategy will enable the sector to better meet one or more of the targets set within the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

You can discuss the strategic concepts we explored in this week’s content, such as cradle to cradle thinking, life cycle management, circular economy or leadership. However, you should discuss these specifically in relation to your chosen sector and the challenges you identified in Part 1.

Explain how your management strategy helps to provide a solution to the challenge(s) you identified in Part 1. You may also need to carry out your own research to explain the strategy in more depth, or to tailor it towards the challenge(s) you identified. Use academic sources where you can. Industry case studies and reports may also furnish you with some useful information.

In an essay of 1000-1500 words, examine three of the ways that Americans sought rebirth in this time period. Drawing from Lears’ book, the American Yawp reader, and our lectures and discussions in class, write an essay that addresses why Americans sought rebirth in this period and how they sought to achieve it.

Rebirth of a Nation Analysis

In his book Rebirth of a Nation, historian Jackson Lears claims that “the political has always been personal.” He argues that politics, culture, and economics have historically been rooted in the personal decisions and emotions of people. He concludes that the greatest of these desires is the desire for rebirth, and that the desire for rebirth shaped American politics between 1877 and 1920.

In an essay of 1000-1500 words, examine three of the ways that Americans sought rebirth in this time period. Drawing from Lears’ book, the American Yawp reader, and our lectures and discussions in class, write an essay that addresses why Americans sought rebirth in this period and how they sought to achieve it. What conflicts or struggles did Americans seek rebirth from? What shape did that search for rebirth take and for which groups of people? For example, you could consider questions about the economic changes in the Industrial and Gilded Age; cultural transformations around gender roles and labor standards; or national changes in the American state and the United States’ growing colonial empire to name only a few examples. This is not an exhaustive list: feel free to draw on any examples Lears offers in his book.

Your papers should be double-spaced with your name and class section on the first page. For citation, I don’t have a preferred style as long as it is clear what document(s), readings, or lecture you are referring to.

What are the major issues facing public organizations in the case you have chosen? Did the solution presented seem to be the best, based on the real-world issues and the issues that this class has reviewed?

Public Management – Term Paper research project:

The term paper is a minimum of 2000 words, not including footnotes, citations, headers, or titles. The annotated bibliography contains the sources to use for your term paper.

The first page, approximately, will identify the case you have chosen (title and case number) and then summarize the topic in the text.

The remainder of the paper will be a research and analysis thesis about the subject related to the text case.

Some questions which you may consider are:

1. What are the major issues facing public organizations in the case you have chosen?

2. Did the solution presented seem to be the best, based on the real-world issues and the issues that this class has reviewed?

3. What else could or should be done in this case?

4. Would the solutions be similar in your local jurisdiction? Why or why not?

What current research is being conducted related to this medication? What data/statistics are currently known concerning the medication?

Warfarin research

write a 2-page (double-spaced, size 12 point font, 1in margins) presentation on (drug of choice). Your presentation should include the following:

-What is the medication used for?

-What tests/symptoms/signs are required before prescribing this medication?

-Patient education?

-What current research is being conducted related to this medication?

-What data/statistics are currently known concerning the medication?

-You must include at least two scholarly sources from academic journals within the last five years.

The references list does not contribute to the page count.

Name and describe three best practices for a performance evaluation system.

Business Law Question

Name and describe three best practices for a performance evaluation system.

Exercise Instructions: You are required to submit a 2-Page (Title Page and Content Page), APA formatted paper with substantial content. Substantial content requires staying on topic and fully addresses the assignment in a clear, concise, and meaningful manner. The deliverable length of your posting responses must be at least 2-pages, (Title Page and Content Page) APA format.

author Removed At Request Of Original Publisher. (2016, March 22). 2.1 Strategic Planning – Human Resource Management. Pressbooks.

Choose any subject area and grade level for the lesson plan you create. Consider the needs of the population of your classroom to plan effectively for the students. If you are currently not teaching, imagine a fictitious classroom.

Developing an Inclusive Plan

Choose any subject area and grade level for the lesson plan you create. Consider the needs of the population of your classroom to plan effectively for the students. If you are currently not teaching, imagine a fictitious classroom.
Incorporate strategies to use to best meet the needs of the students and the purpose of the lesson. Apply one or more theories to construct learning activities for your inclusive classroom. Classroom population, description, and guidelines (headers) to include in your inclusive lesson plan are listed below:

Classroom Scenario

There are 20 students in the class. Two of the students are identified as having a learning disability and have IEPs. One student goes to the resource room for reading and writing instruction as a pull-out program. The other student has an IEP, but the special education comes to the classroom once a week to make sure the student is doing well using accommodations to access the classroom materials and curriculum. The second student needs manipulatives to complete most assignments.

One student has ADHD and has a 504 plan. The student with ADHD needs personal space sometimes to calm down and be able to focus.

Two students are in a speech/language program with the speech therapist. These students go to the speech therapy room two times a week and have an IEP for their speech/language issues.

Three of the students are identified as English Language Learners. Two of the students in the ELL program are reading English at the primary level and are emergent speakers. The third student in the ELL program just arrived in your classroom and only speaks his native language. The ELL teacher comes to your class often to offer ideas and work with the students in the program in a small group. The ELL teacher is available to assist you in co-teaching as time allows.

Current Issues:
One student is starting to act out and has some behavior issues that have not been seen before.
The remaining students are typical learners, but are all at different levels of achievement.

Lesson Outline:
Subject Area (Identify your subject area)
Grade level or grade range
Topic of lesson plan

What is the purpose of the lesson? Rationales can be themes or topics that correspond to student interest or developmental levels. Rationales are sometimes related to cultural, local, or holiday, etc. topics. In your rationale, describe how your rationale fosters integration and inclusiveness for your class.

Materials needed for lesson:
Lesson objective(s): What specific learning objective will the students have to master or make progress on by the end of the lesson? Use Bloom’s Taxonomy verbs to write our objective. The objective must be one that is both measurable and observable.

Anticipatory Set/Focus:
Description of the learning activity
Closure of lesson

Can be authentic, formative, summative, etc.
Choose two instructional principles, theories, and/or strategies that you use with this lesson to meet the needs of a diverse and inclusive classroom. Describe how the chosen principle, theory, and/or strategy could be implemented.

What were the main points? Most striking perspectives? Any perspectives that you disagreed with? In addressign these points, share an experience or two you have had with one who you believed to be a good or even a bad leader.


Now that you read Autry’s “Love and Profit the Art of Caring Leadership,” detail know what you thought of this text. What were the main points? Most striking perspectives? Any perspectives that you disagreed with? In addressign these points, share an experience or two you have had with one who you believed to be a good or even a bad leader.

Why does the concept of learning styles (and “multiple intelligences”) persist in education? Are there any benefits to adopting this view? Could adopting this view be a detriment to learning?

Psychology Question

Why does the concept of learning styles (and “multiple intelligences”) persist in education? Are there any benefits to adopting this view? Could adopting this view be a detriment to learning?

Read the Passage! Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

TAE WK 3 DB Reply 2

Read the Passage! Do you agree or disagree, or can you relate to his or her opinion in the post? ADD any thoughts or additional information that you may have found concerning their topic?

The MMPI is called the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and is a more common psychometric test used to assess personality traits and psychopathology (Floyd et al., 2022) The MMPI is more popular and widely used in the United States. I Would choose this over the 16 Personality Test because this test has more of a success rate of determining personality, and is more trusted in the United States. I would like to use this MMPI in private practice because I would be able to go over the results with the patient, whereas the 16 Personality test requires more than one test taker and compares the means of a group compared to one individual. This would be the best for personality testing because of the psychological characteristic that can be compared to the normal personality. When the MMPI is used, it can be helpful in establishing or reevaluating care for an ambiguous clinical picture. When it comes to a private practice you can use it for psychiatric management, and then can be used to create generalized data made relevant to certain conditions (Floyd et al., 2022). The context is used in the 16 personalities for business, school, and clinical design. The MMPI it is used for clinical design. The CPI California Psychological Inventory assesses social communication and interpersonal behavior, as well as predicts a reaction of an individual given certain conditions, and what would be said or done (Sharma, 2021). It also shows how this individual will be viewed (Sharma, 2021).

I think I would also use all of these administrative tests because each has usefulness in private practice. No wafter researching all of these tests, I could fit them all into my private practice. According to Kaplan and Saccuzzo (2018) the CPI, MMPI, and 16 PF all have different purposes in counseling (Kaplan & Saccuzzo, 2018). I have really enjoyed reading about these tests, and each individual test brings something pertinent to the psychological table.