
Discuss the writer’s background (examine expertise or layman knowledgeability)  Analyze the intended audience (education, age, experience, needs, bias)  Describe your reaction (credible source? value of source? analytical/emotional reaction?) What are the specific requirements for this assignment?

Annotated Bibliography Overview and Requirements

What is an annotated bibliography?
An annotated bibliography is a list of books, articles, and other documents cited in proper documentation style. An annotation, a brief (250-500 words) descriptive and evaluative paragraph, follows each citation. The purpose of the annotation is to detail and critique the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the source cited. Annotations are not a simple summary. Instead, annotations are both descriptive and critical; they provide a summary while also exposing the author’s point of view, clarity, and authority.

What is the purpose of an annotated bibliography?
To gather information and learn about a topic

To provide a comprehensive overview of research on the topic

To inform the readers as to the source’s relevance

To identify issues surrounding the topic and what other scholar have said about it

To help other scholars search for and critique potential sources for their research

To aid in the formulation of a thesis or hypothesis

What is an annotation?
The annotation is a brief paragraph following the citation. The annotation of a source can serve several different purposes and may contain some or all of the following:

Condense the content of the source (provide a brief summary of the information)

Evaluate the credibility of the source (analyze for authority, accuracy, current, objectivity)

Assess the usefulness or relevant application of the source

Discuss the writer’s background (examine expertise or layman knowledgeability)

Analyze the intended audience (education, age, experience, needs, bias)

Describe your reaction (credible source? value of source? analytical/emotional reaction?)
What are the specific requirements for this assignment?
You will locate 5 sources for your research essay assignment.

You are required to find a variety of sources-books, newspaper articles, magazine articles, journal articles, and websites.

o Only 1 website is allowed for this assignment.
The website should be evaluated for quality prior to their usage.

The website should be reliable and credible

Websites such as Wikipedia,,, or similar websites are NOT allowed.

Your annotated working bibliography will be presented in MLA format

Write a five-page long analysis on a historical document from the Qatar Digital Library-QDL.

Research Paper

You will write a five-page long analysis on a historical document from the Qatar Digital Library-QDL. Our source will be a description of ‘Trucial Oman,’ which is part of a volume of excerpts from J. Lorimer’s Gazetteer of the Persian Gulf. As you will see, this material includes information on the region’s geographical limits, population, languages, trade, communications, topography, and resources, among others. These selections from Lorimer’s Gazetteer are illustrative of what Nelida Fuccaro calls the ‘new geographies of rule’ of the British Empire – the idea that in order to control the political destiny of the Persian Gulf, one must know the place. When writing this essay, I would like you to keep this idea in mind, as you will have to provide a critical analysis of the source.

The task is for you to annotate the primary source and develop a clear argument about the kinds of perspectives that we are getting from this source. As part of your annotation, you should contextualize the material in terms of its content as well as by thinking about its function as a vehicle of colonial knowledge production. In order to do this, you should support your analysis with information drawn from L. Potter’s “Society in the Gulf: Before and After Oil,” P. Risso’s “Cross-Cultural Perceptions of Maritime Violence,” and N. Fuccaro’s “Knowledge at the Service of the British Empire.” You should integrate evidence via quotes and paraphrasing from your primary source, the QDL, and the secondary sources we have read for class. You should ALWAYS CITE.

You should have a clear thesis statement in the introduction, which you should refer back to throughout your paper. You should also have a strong paragraph structure that flows logically and smoothly. Every paragraph should have a guiding idea followed by evidence that brings your primary source in conversation with the secondary literature. This essay should include a brief summary of the document, as well as an analysis of the source -why is it important / interesting? who wrote it, where and when? why are these observations important? what perspectives does it offer? what was going on at the time? what is it telling us that can help us understand a larger theme? What kind of insights are we getting?

Based upon your research of the courts in California and in the federal system, prepare a memorandum of law addressed to the Senior Partner explaining the finding of your research.

Law Question

Assignment 1

You are a research clerk for the Law Firm of Smith and Jones. Bob, a good client has a problem and needs some advice. Senior Partner Sam Smith asks you to do the research, prepare a research memorandum and a letter to the client for Sam Smith to sign. Bob, who lives in Los Angeles California, is a very generous person. Two months ago, he loaned $500.00 to Al. Al signed a promissory note which says that Al will repay the loan in one month. Al has not paid anything. Bob loaned $7,000.00 to Cathy 14 months ago. Cathy signed a promissory note which states
that she would pay the note in full in 12 months. She has not paid.
Bob loaned $55,000 to Dan 24 months ago. Dan signed a promissory note stating he would repay the loan in 18 months. Dan has paid nothing. Al, Cathy, and Dan all reside in Los Angeles, California. Research the state and federal court system for California. Determine the names and levels of the state and federal trial court and appellate court(s) in California. Determine the amount in controversy limit for each court level.

Part 1 Based upon your research of the courts in California and in the federal system, prepare a memorandum of law addressed to the Senior Partner explaining the finding of your research. Your Memorandum should include: 1) an overview of the state and federal courts in California, 2) which court or courts has/have jurisdiction for the amount in controversy in the three lawsuits that Bob wants to file, 3) why Bob should file his lawsuits in a particular court or courts, and 4) in which courts Bob must represent himself and in which courts he may be represented by an attorney.

Part 2 Write a letter to Bob for Sam Smith’s signature explaining the finding of your research. Your letter should include: 1) which court or courts has/have jurisdiction for the amount in controversy in the three lawsuits that Bob wants to file, 2) an overview of the state and federal courts in California, and 3) in which courts Bob must represent himself and in which courts he may be represented by an attorney.

Remember, this assignment must be prepared in Microsoft® Word® using the Times New Roman font, 12 point, single space, double space between paragraphs. Each page must be numbered, your last name, student number, assignment number, and course number must be included on the upper left hand corner of each page.

Assignment 2

In Chapter 9 of Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis is the United States Supreme Court opinion in Bounds, Correction Commissioner et al v Smith et al. Please read this case and prepare a brief as described in Legal Research, Writing, and Analysis, Chapter 9. Remember, this assignment must be prepared in Microsoft® Word® using the Times New Roman font, 12 point, single space, double space between paragraphs. Each page must be numbered, your last name, student number, assignment number, and course number must be included on the upper left hand corner of each page.

What was a written exchange that did not go as you had hoped or that caused you some anxiety or regret? How might you have addressed it differently if you had thought more about purpose and audience?

Week 4 Discussion Board: Audience

Carefully respond to the prompt below in at least two complete paragraphs by creating a thread and providing it with a descriptive title. Once you have answered the prompt, reply to one of your peers’ threads by the end of the weekly unit. For more information about how your work will be evaluated, see the rubric located in Course Information.

Now that we have covered the “Principles,” you have practiced writing communications for several purposes and audiences. Think back over your previous writing in the workplace (or, if need be, emailed or mailed communications you have written as a customer). What was a written exchange that did not go as you had hoped or that caused you some anxiety or regret? How might you have addressed it differently if you had thought more about purpose and audience?

What are the curative aspects of psychotherapy according to James H. Olthuis in his book “The Beautiful Risk, and how might these formulations inform our theory and practice of Christian Counselling?

Integrative Essay

Write a ten-page integrative essay that addresses the following questions:

1. What is Christian Counselling?

2. How does Christian Counselling heal?

3. What are the curative aspects of psychotherapy according to James H. Olthuis in his book “The Beautiful Risk, and how might these formulations inform our theory and practice of Christian Counselling?

4. What does it mean to conceive of Christian Counselling as a form of “Soul Care?”
Citations from the book “The Beautiful Risk by James H. Olthuis,” “Anatomy of Soul by Curt Thompson,” Being A Brainwise Therapist by Bonnie Badenoch” and “The Wounded Healer by Henri J.M. Nouwen” must be distributed evenly on the paper.

Ensure you have an excellent introduction, content and conclusion focusing on Christian Psychotherapy.

Provide at least 15 references, including the books mentioned above.

The paper must consist of the following:

I. Introduction
II Christian Counselling
II. How Does Christian Counselling Heal
III. Curative Aspects of Psychotherapy according to James H. Olthuis
IV. Christian Counselling as a form of “Self-Care.”
V. Conclusion

4 x 2 − 2 x − 2 x − 2 = ?

Algebraic Question

4 x 2 − 2 x − 2 x − 2 = ?

Observe and evaluate the students’ ability to use the phrases they learned in the practice and review portions of the lesson.

ESL Question

Create a ESL Beginner class for Spanish speaking adults. Must be a PowerPoint that can be opened and edited in google slides. Must have a good design.

Here is an example of a framework you can use if you choose:Topic:

Greetings and Introductions

Level: Beginner


  • To learn common phrases for greeting and introducing oneself and others in English
  • To practice using these phrases in a variety of social situations

Materials Needed:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts with example phrases and dialogues
  • Flashcards with pictures of people for practice


  1. Introduction (5 minutes)
  • Greet the students and introduce yourself.
  • Ask the students to introduce themselves to the class, stating their name and where they are from.
  • Explain that the focus of the lesson is on greetings and introductions in English.
  1. Presentation (15 minutes)
  • Present common phrases for greetings and introductions on the board or through a handout.
  • Go over the pronunciation and meaning of each phrase.
  • Demonstrate each phrase and have the students repeat after you.
  • Use flashcards with pictures of people to practice introducing others.
  1. Practice (20 minutes)
  • Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
  • Assign a specific social situation, such as meeting someone for the first time, greeting a friend, or introducing oneself in a job interview.
  • Have the students practice using the phrases they learned in each situation.
  • Walk around the room and provide feedback and assistance where needed.
  1. Review (10 minutes)
  • Call on a few students to practice greeting and introducing themselves or others in front of the class.
  • Provide corrective feedback and praise where appropriate.
  1. Wrap-up (5 minutes)
  • Summarize the key phrases and concepts covered in the lesson.
  • Encourage the students to continue practicing their English outside of class.


  • Observe and evaluate the students’ ability to use the phrases they learned in the practice and review portions of the lesson.

Are gender traits completely a result of societal expectations? Are there any parts of the human body that get oxygen directly from the air and not from the blood? Are there nuclear reactions going on in our bodies?

Cell respiratory

JO, Biology

  • Are gender traits completely a result of societal expectations?
  • Are there any parts of the human body that get oxygen directly from the air and not from the blood?
  • Are there nuclear reactions going on in our bodies?
  • Can humans ever directly see a photon?
  • Can I turn my cat into a diamond?
  • Do blind people dream in visual images?
  • Do Kirlian photographs show the soul of an organism?
  • Do koalas eat honey like other bears?
  • Do poppy seeds contain narcotics?
  • Does the human body contain minerals?
  • How can the heart be strong enough to pump blood up your legs against gravity?
  • How can we differentiate so many different foods if we can only taste four flavors on our tongue: sweet, bitter, sour, and salty?
  • How can we unlock the 90% of our brain that we never use?

Read the chapter, watch the video, and comment on the interactions among, genetics, psychological, and social factors on personality development during infancy.

Psychology Question

While considerable debate continues over the etiology of personality, most experts agree that personality traits and states form early in life. A combination of genetics and psychological and social influences likely influence the formation of personality. Read the chapter, watch the video, and comment on the interactions among, genetics, psychological, and social factors on personality development during infancy.


Use the PowerPoint and watch videos to respond to question use a reference page and cover page with a 500 word count

Using your outline, assess your results, and place them in the broader literature, and mention limitations of your study and future directions by turning your fragments into wholesentences and full paragraphs (complete with transitions).

Psy 301 lab 5

Lab Report

  • Using your outline, assess your results, and place them in the broader literature, and mention limitations of your study and future directions by turning your fragments into wholesentences and full paragraphs (complete with transitions).
  • Do not report statistics in this section!
  • Watch your tenses – use past tense to describe your results but present tense for general statements about human behavior.

Assess results

Refer to hypotheses

Supported/not supported

*Watch tenses

Link results to broader literature (refer back to background article)

Describe how it fits (not just that it does or doesn’t)

Alternative explanations

Correctly cite where needed

*Watch tenses

Limitations of study/future directions
Why are these limitations?
Explain the why you suggested the future directions

*Watch tenses

Limitations of study/future directions