
Identify and describe Reed’s responsibilities to detect Smith’s errors and fraud. Describe Reed’s responsibilities to detect Smith’s material noncompliance with laws.

Discussion post_Audit accounting

Study Cases

1. Questions requiring analysis – read question below and answer in your own words
Reed, CPA, accepted an engagement to audit the financial statements of Smith Company.
Reed’s discussions with Smith’s new management and the predecessor auditor indicated the possibility that Smith’s financial statements may be misstated due to the possible occurrence of errors, fraud, and illegal acts.

a. Identify and describe Reed’s responsibilities to detect Smith’s errors and fraud. Do not identify specific audit procedures.
b. Describe Reed’s responsibilities to detect Smith’s material noncompliance with laws. Do not identify specific audit procedures.

c. Identify and describe Reed’s responsibilities to report Smith’s noncompliance with laws

2. Questions requiring analysis – read question below and answer in your own words.

Tracy Smith, CPA, is in charge of the audit of Olympic Fashions, Inc. Seven young members of the public accounting firm’s professional staff are working with Smith on this engagement, and several of the young auditors are avid skiers. Olympic Fashions owns two condominiums in Aspen, Colorado, that it uses primarily to entertain clients. The controller of Olympic Fashions has told Smith that she and any of her audit staff are welcome to use the condominiums at no charge any time that they are not already in use. How should Smith respond to this offer? Explain.

1. Provide the answers to 2 questions above with a minimum of 100 words per
2. Provide the meaningful response to 3 students’ posts below with a minimum of 100 words per response.

Define the “Last Act” test, the “Physical Proximity” test, the “Dangerous Proximity” test, the “Indispensable Element” test, the “Probable Desistance” test, the “Unequivocality” test, and The Model Penal Code’s “Substantial Step” test.

Criminal Justice Question

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

For this assignment, answer the following two questions:

1. Define the “Last Act” test, the “Physical Proximity” test, the “Dangerous Proximity” test, the “Indispensable Element” test, the “Probable Desistance” test, the “Unequivocality” test, and The Model Penal Code’s “Substantial Step” test.

2. Discuss which of these tests you believe offers the best approach. Support your argument with examples that include case law or examples from the readings, which of these tests seems to be the best approach? Support your argument with examples.

Investigate whether the strategy would have performed similarly well when applied to allocating funds across different U.S. stocks only.

Finance Question

In Lecture 4, we saw that the risk parity strategy would have performed very favorably in allocating funds across major asset classes, including bonds, stocks and commodities over the 1983-2014 sample. In this assignment, you will investigate whether the strategy would have performed similarly well when applied to allocating funds across different U.S. stocks only. Assume that the portfolio is rebalanced at the end of each month. To find risk parity portfolio weights, you will need estimates of the assets’ return variances for each of the rebalancing dates. These estimates will be computed based on a rolling window of past returns.

Discuss each hazard. Rank the hazards. Discuss how they might be occurring simultaneously or make each other worse.

Potential Hazards Like Earthquakes

  • 1) Discuss each hazard (this has to be a detailed discussion, focused on what the hazard is like, specifically in your chosen location)
  • 2) Rank the hazards (please elaborate on how you chose your ranking, and what tools/measurements you used to evaluate risks for each of these hazards)
  • 3) Discuss how they might be occurring simultaneously or make each other worse (as the syllabus states, “leading to a situation that is worse than the sum of its parts”).

You will be evaluated on whether all 3 aspects above are tackled in your report; on the quality of the initial report (is it well tailored, specific to the location, and informative enough to start helping you/us figure out potential solutions and challenges to dealing with these hazards); and on the overall “quality” of the essay (think structure, pertinent use of relevant references – readings from class and outside readings – along with a citations page).

After reading and studying chapter 21 in your textbook, think about impact of application of radioactivity or nuclear reactions to the environment.

Discussion- Chem 122

After reading and studying chapter 21 in your textbook, think about impact of application of radioactivity or nuclear reactions to the environment (be specific here – chose one particular application of nuclear chemistry to discuss). Present your opinion and support it by citing at least one reliable/credible source from scientific literature (mandatory cite your source).

Also, chapter 21 is from the textbook Chemistry: Molecular Approach by Nivaldo J. Tro

What independent variables would you select or manipulate? What dependent variables would you choose? What type of study would you use?

Studying authoritarian parenting styles

Imagine you are a psychologist interested in studying how authoritarian parenting styles (parents who raise children in a strict up-bringing) influence college students’ performance in their classes.

  • What independent variables would you select or manipulate? What dependent variables would you choose? What type of study would you use?

(To earn full points, your answer should clearly identify 1 or more independent variable(s), 1 or more dependent variable(s), and a brief description of the type of study, as well as a justification as to why you chose that type of study.)

Prepare a presentation that highlights the evolution of cybercrime with examples of how computer criminals were caught, and how the legal system can be brought into the process in the event that criminal or civil laws apply.

Cyber security IP

Your individual project for this unit has you working as a consultant explaining cybercrime to interested technology professionals.

You are a consultant working for LMJ-Ad, Inc. As part of an initiative to make executives more aware of your process and mechanisms used in a digital investigation, you have been asked to prepare a presentation that highlights the evolution of cybercrime with examples of how computer criminals were caught, and how the legal system can be brought into the process in the event that criminal or civil laws apply.

Assignment should address the following in 10-12 slides (MS PowerPoint), using APA to document references, and with the details in the speaker notes:

  1. Title Slide (1 slide)
  2. Topics of Discussion Slide (1 slide; bulletized subjects you will explain in the presentation)
  3. Evolution of Cybercrime detailing 3 types of cybercrime and the need for digital forensics (2-3 slides) ex., Ransomware, Identify Theft, Email and/or Internet Fraud, etc. (Ch. 1-2)
  4. Provide the details in the 3 identified cybercrime types how the criminals were caught with digital forensics (2-3 slides) (Ch. 1-2)
  5. How criminal or civil laws apply in digital forensics cases and constrain the investigator 4th and 5th Constitutional amendments, ECPA, Wiretap Act, COPPA, etc. (Ch. 16) (2 slides)
  6. Conclusion slide (1 slide)
  7. APA Reference Slide (1 slide)

Draft a leadership vision statement for yourself that addresses the factors listed below. Describe your ideal end-state, but consider the realities of your personality and capabilities.

Principled Leadership & Ethics Portfolio

Leadership Vision Development Template

Draft a leadership vision statement for yourself that addresses the factors listed below. Describe your ideal end-state, but consider the realities of your personality and capabilities.

Factors to Consider

  1. Which of the following characteristics best describe you as a leader?


  • Figurehead
  • Spokesperson
  • Negotiator
  • Coach and Motivator
  • Team Builder
  • Team Player
  • Technical Problem Solver
  • Entrepreneur
  • Strategic Planner
  • Executor


  1. Do you tend toward introvert or extrovert behavior?


  1. What type of communications are you most comfortable with – formal or informal; written or spoken; storytelling or “just the facts”?


  1. Which of the following leadership styles best reflects your current self-evaluation?


  • Shared
  • Collaborative
  • Consultative
  • Consensus
  • Democratic
  • Autocratic



  1. Is your leadership style more focused on initiating structure or consideration? Which would you prefer?


  1. Do you desire to be managerial, charismatic, or transformational?


Write your leadership vision below in 2-3 complete sentences

List the specific actions (highest priority) you believe you need to take to achieve your leadership vision

Identify specific actions that you might take to develop yourself into a more proficient leader. Actions may be to shore up or exploit strengths, eliminate weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities, or eliminate or defend against threats.

BUS500 Principled Leadership & Ethics

Personal SWOT Analysis – Leadership Development

A SWOT analysis is an effective tool used by businesses and individuals to analyze their environments in order to determine an appropriate course of action for strategy execution in the given context. For leadership development purposes, the portfolio capstone project requires that students use this analytical tool to examine their current leadership capabilities and to place those strengths (and weaknesses) in their proper environmental context.


Internal capabilities that allow an individual to excel and to achieve personal objectives


Internal limitations that prevent an individual from excelling or to achieve personal objectives


External factors that an individual may be able to exploit for personal advantage


Current and emerging external factors that may intervene in an individual’s ability to develop






















Identify specific actions that you might take to develop yourself into a more proficient leader. Actions may be to shore up or exploit strengths, eliminate weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities, or eliminate or defend against threats. Focus on areas that will have the greatest impact.

List the potential “Future Pictures you see”. List what you see, but no one sees or understands about your project. List why do you believe in this project.

Brief project.

FINISH all the question below.

1.List the potential “Future Pictures you see”.

2.List what you see, but no one sees or understands about your project.

3.List why do you believe in this project.

4.List what might makes you dropping the project.

5.Breakdown your plans into the Marketing Plan and Execution Phases.

6.Plan for fundraising.

7.Risk Analysis Plan.