
Explain why getting 8 hours of sleep leads to a higher quality of sleep than 4 hours of sleep (besides 8 hours being twice as long as 4 hours).

Summarize the sleep cycle.

Explain why getting 8 hours of sleep leads to a higher quality of sleep than 4 hours of sleep (besides 8 hours being twice as long as 4 hours). In your answer, be sure to summarize the sleep cycle.

(To earn full points, your answer should include a summary of the sleep cycle and the differences in the first few hours of sleep compared to the last few hours of sleep).

Obtain and analyze peak stream-flow data from the United States Geological Survey. Calculate Recurrence Intervals for different peak stream-flows over time.

Mass Wasting, Streams, and Floods

Learning Objectives:

  • Obtain and analyze peak stream-flow data from the United States Geological Survey.
  • Calculate Recurrence Intervals for different peak stream-flows over time.

Points: 32 points total.

Flood Stage and Flooding

Flooding is a common and a serious problem on and along our nation’s waterways. Flood stage is reached when the water level in a stream overflows its banks. Floodplains are popular sites for development but are best left for playgrounds, golf courses, and the like.

Have you ever heard someone say, “that flood was a 1 in 100-year flood”? What does this mean? Does it mean that a flood will only occur every 100 years, and that we are safe the other 99? The short answer is No; on average, we can expect a flood of this size or greater to occur within any 100-year period. However, we cannot predict whether it will occur in any particular year, only that each year has a 1 in 100 (1%) chance of occurring in any year. The timing between these major flooding events, or any major geologic event (drought, volcanic eruption, earthquake, tsunami, etc.), is referred to as a recurrence interval. This is the average time period within which a given flood event will be equaled or exceeded once.

In order to better understand stream behavior, the USGS has installed thousands of stream gauges throughout the country, locations with a permanent water level indicator and recorder. Data from these stations can be used to make flood frequency curves, which are useful in making flood control decisions.


  • Attributions
  • Figure 1: “Inundation of the State Capitol, City of Sacramento, 1862” (Public Domain; A. Rosenfield via Calisphere)


Activity 1:

Go to the current stream flow data at the USGS website.

  1. Which states currently have floods? (look at the key at the bottom of the map) (2pts)
  2. Pick out a single state and click on it.  Choose a single stream gage and click on it.
    1. What is the 8-digit stream gage number and name of the gage you chose? (1 point)
    1. What is the date and stage of the most recent data? (Hint: look in the pop-up window on the map) (2pts)
    1. What is the highest stage ever recorded and when did that happen? (Hint: check the Peak tab at the top of the pop-up window) (2pts)
    1. What is the highest discharge ever recorded and when did that happen? (2pts)
    1. What data is available? (Hint: Go back to the Summary tab and click “Streamgage inventory” the bottom of the pop-up) (1 point)
    1. When did data collection begin at your streamgage? (1pts)
    1. What is something interesting you found about your stream gage site? (2 pts)


Activity 2: Recurrence Intervals and the Russian River

Recall that a recurrence interval (or return period) is based on the probability that a given event, in this case a flood of specific magnitude, will be equaled or exceeded in any given year. For example, a “1 in 100-year flood event” means on average, we can expect a flood of this size or greater to occur within any 100-year period. However, we cannot predict it will occur in any particular year, only that each year has a 1 in 100 (1%) chance of occurring in any year.

 Data for this activity was collected from the USGS peak streamflow for the Russian River, located in northern California south of Ukiah. The chart below includes the 20 largest discharge events for Russian River at USGS station 11467000 from February 28, 1940 – February 27, 2019.

 Step 1: To create a flood frequency graph, we must calculate the recurrence interval. First, however, we need to rank the flood events on the chart below. The bigger the stream flow (cfs, read as cubic feet per second), the higher the discharge.  A 1 signifies the highest discharge event and a 20 the lowest discharge event (see table below).

Date Stream flow (cfs) Flood Rank Recurrence Interval (years) Probability (%)
February 28, 1940 88,400      
February 6, 1942 67,800      
January 22, 1943 69,200      
December 23, 1955 90,100      
February 25, 1958 68,700      
February 1, 1963 71,800
December 23, 1964 93,400      
January 5, 1966 77,000      
January 21, 1967 68,400      
January 14, 1969 68,600      
January 24, 1970 72,900      
January 17, 1974 74,000      
February 13, 1975 67,300      
December 20, 1981 67,200      
January 27, 1983 71,900      
February 18, 1986 102,000 1 80 1.25
January 9, 1995 93,900      
January 1, 1997 82,100      
January 1, 2006 86,000      
February 27, 2019 72,000      
Table 1: 20 largest discharge events for Russian River at USGS station 11467000 from February 28, 1940 – February 27, 2019.



Step 2: Calculate the recurrence interval for each discharge event using the following equation:


RI = Recurrence Interval (in years)

n = number of years of record (in this case, 79)

m = rank of flood (see table)

Example: Feb. 18, 1986

RI = (79 + 1) / 1

RI = 80 (Note: It is ok to round to the nearest tenth)



 Step 3: Calculate the probability of each discharge event:


RI = Recurrence Interval (from Step 2)

Example: Feb. 18, 1986

Probability = (1/80) * 100

Probability = 1.2% (Note: round to the nearest tenth)

What does this calculation signify? On average a flood event of this magnitude, discharge of 102,000 cfs (cubic feet per second), occurs every 80 years. This does not preclude the event from happening every year, but the probability of that is small (~1.25%).


Step 4: Now that the table has been completed, plot the discharge against the recurrence interval on the graph below. After plotting each point, use a ruler or other straightedge to draw a best fit line.

What is a best fit line? It is a straight line on a graph that shows the general direction that a group of points appear to be heading, however it does not connect all points on the graph.


Step 5: Answer the following questions based on Table 1 and Figure 2 from above.

  1. On which date did a flood event have a recurrence interval of 10? (1 pt)
    1. 1/5/1966
    2. 1/17/1974
    3. 12/20/1981
    4. 2/18/1986


  1. Of the following dated flood events, which one would you expect to happen more often? (1 pt)
    1. 12/23/1955
    2. 2/25/1958
    3. 2/18/1986
    4. 1/1/2006


  1. Observe your best fit line. What approximate discharge would be associated with a 50-year recurrence interval? Hint: If your best fit line does not get close to one of these numbers, you should consider redrawing it to better capture your data points as plotted. (1 pt)
    1. 82,000 cfs
    2. 88,000 cfs
    3. 94,750 cfs
    4. 98,000 cfs


  1. Is it possible that a flood with a similar discharge to that of the event from 2/27/2019 could happen again in the next 10 years?


  1. Yes or no? (1 pt)


  1. Why or why not? (3 pts)




  • Attributions
  • Table 1: “Peak Streamflow for the Russian River” (Public Domain; Chloe Branciforte and Emily Haddad via USGS/NWIS)
  • Figure 2: “Recurrence Interval Graph” (CC-BY 4.0; Chloe Branciforte, own work)

Revise the draft you have written utilizing the feedback from your peer review. Complete your revision in conjunction with the guidelines for the first draft assignment given in Topic 4.

ENG-105 Writing Review Final Draft

Revise the draft you have written utilizing the feedback from your peer review. Complete your revision in conjunction with the guidelines for the first draft assignment given in Topic 4.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

Define each term below (these terms are affiliated with Clinical Trial Studies) with complete thought and 2 – 3 sentences (word document; no references are needed; and utilize the textbook, Open Educational Resources (or OERs), etc.).


Research Terms and Definitions – Terms #6 (Due Date: February 25, 2023, at 11:59 pm)

Instructions: Define each term below (these terms are affiliated with Clinical Trial Studies) with complete thought and 2 – 3 sentences (word document; no references are needed; and utilize the textbook, Open Educational Resources (or OERs), etc.) to define each term below:

  1. Adverse Event
  2. Epoch
  3. Clinical Trail
  4. Interventional Study
  5. Wash-out period
  6. Randomization Number
  7. Sponsor
  8. Principal Investigator
  9. Control
  10. Double-blind
  11. Placebo
  12. Eligibility Criteria
  13. Enrollment
  14. Investigational Drug
  15. Dosing Discontinuation
  16. U. S. Food and Drug Administration
  17. Observational Study
  18. Serious Adverse Event
  19. Other Adverse Event
  20. Exclusion Criteria

What do you think about digital currency? Explain. What will happen to crypto market? Predict and explain.


Read the following articles:

  1. to an external site.
  2. to an external site.

Answer the following questions with 500 words use APA format.

  1. What do you think about digital currency? Explain.
  2. What will happen to crypto market? Predict and explain.

Address a theme or KEY word(s) that ties the week’s readings to the film. Use a direct quote or passage from a reading(s) to illustrate a scene or story line in the film that weaves together the readings for that week.

Sociology Reading Response

Reading Materials:

1. Settling Down: From Sojourner to Settler • Jimenez, Tomas R. 2017. “Chapter. 1: The (Not-So-Strange) Strangers in Their Midst.” In The Other Side of Assimilation: How Immigrants are Changing American Life.

2. Waters, Mary C. and Philip Kasinitz. 2013. “Immigrants in New York City: Reaping the Benefits of Continuous Immigration.” Daedalus


Film responses are proofread and free of grammatical errors, they are not a summary of the film and should reference the authors of the readings using citations such as “According to Massey (1999)” as much as possible as opposed to relying on personal stories or opinion. You are required to engage all the readings assigned for that week with the film, meaning you must cite each reading at least twice in your response and connect them with the film.

Your film response can do All the following:
1. Address a theme or KEY word(s) that ties the week’s readings to the film.
2. Use a direct quote or passage from a reading(s) to illustrate a scene or story line in the film that weaves together the readings for that week.

400500word count, 13 paragraphs (film responses under 400 words will receive a 0)
• A quote from the reading cannot be included as part of the 400-word minimum.
• In any instance where you directly quote the reading(s), you must include a citation with the last name of the author of the quote and the page number of where you found the quote in the reading.

For example: (Rumbaut 10).
• There should not be a quote placed in a paragraph without any explanation as to why it is there. Set up your quote and weave it into your writing and/or provide a few sentences after the quote to explain how you are using it.
• Note: You do not need to include a bibliography or works cited at the end of the response.

What are the benefits of social media marketing for a company?

Digital Marketing

What are the benefits of social media marketing for a company?

Write a two-page essay, double-spaced, 12 font, and 1-inch margins. Write using an essay format. Write 1 paragraph for each of the 2 benefits you identified about your food. Include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph.

What are Functional Foods?

Functional foods are foods that have a potentially positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition. For example, foods that claim to give you energy, help you lose weight, improve skin and hair, increase muscles, improve the immune system, slow the aging process, and improve bone health. These foods are often high in probiotics, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and foods that are high in fiber. A familiar example of functional food is oatmeal because it contains soluble fiber that can help lower cholesterol levels. Some foods are modified to have health benefits (cereal, eggs, juice). An example is orange juice that has been fortified with calcium for bone health.

Proponents of functional foods say they promote optimal health and help reduce the risk of disease. The Food and Drug Administration regulates the claims that manufacturers can make about functional foods’ nutrient content and effects on disease, health, or body function. If you want to try functional foods, choose wisely. And keep in mind that while functional foods may help promote wellness, they can’t make up for poor eating habits.


1.The student will select one Functional Food to evaluate. (A list has been provided)

2.Use the Cuyamaca College Library Database,…. Choose two library sources (research study, magazine, or news article) on the functional food.

3.Read your 2 library sources and identify 2 health benefits the food provides.

4.Write a two-page essay, double-spaced, 12 font, and 1-inch margins. Write using an essay format. Write 1 paragraph for each of the 2 benefits you identified about your food. Include an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph. (30 points)

Do not use lists or bullets. Use the two pages for your essay. Please, only put your name at the top of the page.

5.Create a list of Works Cited using MLA Format and include the following information: Authors names, the title of the article, journal name, volume number, page numbers, date of the article, and the URL link to your sources. The Works Cited goes on page 3 and is not part of your 2-page essay. (20 points)

Do not overuse quotations. Be sure to use citations for every quotation. I want you to use your own words. However, even when you paraphrase, you need to use a citation.

YOUR TASK: Your research essay will describe the benefits of functional foods.

Identify three reasons for diminishing employee motivation. Describe the use of either Goal Setting Theory or Expectancy Theory in employees’ motivation with three supporting examples.

Employee Motivation Email

 Subject: Employee Motivation

Per the rubric, the memo to Vice President Thomas is required to include the following:

  1. Identify three reasons for diminishing employee motivation.
  2. Describe the use of either Goal Setting Theory or Expectancy Theory in employees’ motivation with three supporting examples.
  3. Describe two specific motivation methods or incentives with supporting details and/or examples.

Evaluate the appropriateness of these rewards for maintaining employee commitment in the organization. Does the compensation system in the organization meet the general goals of a compensation system?

Human Resource Management (MGT211)

Deadline: 18/02/2023 @ 23:59

Course Name: Human Resource Management Student’s Name:
Course Code: MGT211 Student’s ID Number: S
Semester: Second CRN:
Academic Year:2022-23


For Instructor’s Use only

Instructor’s Name:
Students’ Grade:  /15 Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low


  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.

Assignment Workload:

  • This Assignment comprise of a short Case.
  • Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.

Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:

After completion of Assignment two students will able to understand the following LOs:

LO3: To demonstrate a thorough understanding of an HR Strategic planning which includes effective job analysis, recruitment, and selection strategies.

LO4: To have the ability to deliver and communicate HR policies messages in coherent and professional manner.

LO5: To have the ability to carry out objective and scientific analysis of employees’ performance management.

LO6: To be able to identify and describe the needs of the parties involved in labor relations, and how these needs are balanced.


Read the case given and answer the questions:

In the organization’s meeting today, Thamer’s newest topic is rewards and pay plans. He starts: “Marwa showed me the salary figures and records for everyone. I can’t find any pattern or rationale for how people are paid around here. I think we should work this out.”

Kareem sends everyone but Thamer and Nabeel out to find more firewood and looks at Thamer. “No one but the four of us know how everyone is paid around here. What were you trying to do? Start a fight?” Nabeel adds, “We do fine with the system we have. Why did you think we needed to talk about compensation this week?”

Thamer asks tersely, “Would you describe that system for me?”

Kareem starts, “I like a guy, want him to work for us. So, I offer him whatever I made when I was his age. Or what Nabeel made at his age; especially if it’s a technical job, like machine design.” Thamer groans and holds his head.

Nabeel adds, “For the pros, though, we talk to them. Find out what pros are getting at other stores to demonstrate and sell the products. We pay that golf guy SAR 20,000 each time he shows up and swings his club around the golf course.” Thamer groans and holds his stomach.

Kareem counters, “Well, the pros are special cases, right?” Thamer collapses into a chair.

Nabeel asks, “Thamer, you took over setting starting salaries when you got here. What have you been doing?”

Thamer says, in a small voice, “Just offering what you offered the last guy in the same job. I couldn’t figure out any other pattern. That’s why I put compensation on the agenda for this week.”

Kareem and Nabeel groan. They all look up as the door opens and Faris comes in with a load of firewood.


Assignment Questions:   M.M.15

  1. Make a list of rewards: extrinsic versus intrinsic; financial versus nonfinancial; performance-based versus membership-based found in the above case. (2 .5Marks)
  2. Evaluate the appropriateness of these rewards for maintaining employee commitment in the organization. (2 .5Marks)
  3. Does the compensation system in the organization meet the general goals of a compensation system? (3 Marks)
  4. Make three suggestions to improve the organization’s compensation system. (3 Marks)
  5. Identify three features of the compensation system that are excellent for this organization. Would they be suitable for most organizations? What types? (4 Marks)