
Discuss at least 2 reasons research is suggesting for young adults still living at home.

Psychology discussion question

Boomerang and failure-to-launch are key terms used to describe young adults living at home. Boomerang has been connected to young adults who left home for a period only to return. This return could be for several reasons, including but not limited to continued education, divorce, or loss or lack of employment. Failure-to-launch is connected to young adults who have never left home. Both types of young adults benefit from the comfort of their parents’ homes, but their return or delay has a negative and some positive outcomes.

Discuss at least 2 reasons research is suggesting for young adults still living at home. This new phenomenon—young adults still living in their parents’ home well into their late 20’s to early 30’s—is proposed to be a result of many different reasons. Upon reading Boomerang Families and Failure-to-Launch: Commentary on Adult Children Living at Home (Burn & Szoeke, 2016), discuss the impact of coresidence with parents.

Choose a business that you are interested in and write either an informational report or an analytical report about the company.

Business Document 2

You are going to apply the three-step writing process that we learned about in class to write a business report. For this assignment, you are free to write an informational report, an analytical report, or a proposal.

Choose a business that you are interested in and write either an informational report or an analytical report about the company. Or, if you want, you can write a proposal for a new business you would like to start  (as long as you still complete secondary research and include references).


Clearly state the facts of the scenario. Do not provide innuendos, assumptions, hypotheses, or suspicions. Correctly and clearly identify the problem(s) in the scenario.



Knowing these standards, laws, and regulations are imperative to a counselor’s practice  standards. This assignment helps you become familiar with the ethical decision-making model,  ASCA Ethical Standards/ACA Code of Ethics, state laws, regulations, and federal laws. You will  learn how to apply both ethical standards and laws to common ethical scenarios.

Your paper must be in current APA format (title page, abstract, introduction, conclusion,  reference page, etc.). The body of your paper must be 3-5 pages and your paper must include at  least 4 scholarly references published within the last 5 years. Citations for the ASCA Ethical  Standards, ACA Code of Ethics and your state code of ethics must be included and count  towards the 4 required scholarly references. Note that the title page and reference page do not  count toward the required page length. Your paper must be well-thought-out and demonstrate   critical thinking. Also, all references must be from professional sources (professional academic  journals and professional texts; no informal websites; no materials from courses within the  degree program).

Step 1: Choose one watch item (A Helpful Receptionist or Can You be Liable) from the  assigned module to complete this assignment.

Step 2: Now that the scenario presented has happened to you, read the Practitioner’s Guide to  Ethical Decision-Making. Read each step carefully. For this assignment, pay specific  attention to steps 1-4 of the ethical decision-making model as this will become the  headings for your paper as outlined in step 4 below. Step into the shoes of the counselor  (as though you are the counselor in the scenario you watched).

Step 3: Read, the remaining assignment instructions in its entirety. Then, watch the selected  watch item again while taking copious notes to identify the problem.

Step 4: Divide your paper into the following required headings and answer the questions below  in 1st person:

Identify the problem
 Clearly state the facts of the scenario. Do not provide innuendos, assumptions,  hypotheses, or suspicions.
 Correctly and clearly identify the problem(s) in the scenario.
 Answer the questions: “Is this problem an ethical, legal, professional, clinical, or

Use Wireshark to capture and analyze a trace of TCP segments, to demonstrate your understanding of the TCP protocol.

Project 2

In this project, you will use Wireshark to capture and analyze a trace of TCP segments, to demonstrate your understanding of the TCP protocol. Wireshark has already been installed on the JCCL machines, or you can also install Wireshark on your own computer.

Follow the instructions in the attached manual, and submit your answers to the questions. Use your own captured trace file to answer Questions 2-5. Use the trace file provided by the manual at to answer Questions 6-13.

You can work in a group of up to three members. Each group needs to submit only one report with information of all group members on the first page.

1. Submit your answers to the questions as a PDF or Word document. Write group member names and IDs on the first page.
2. Wireshark screenshots must be provided to support your answers. You will earn no points for a question if there is no supporting screenshot.
3. Submit your captured trace file (10% of your grade), so that the TA can verify your answers.

What is an opportunity cost rate? How is this rate used in discounted cash flow analysis, and where is it shown on a time line? Is the opportunity rate a single number that is used to evaluate all potential investments?

Financial task


(4-1)Define each of the following terms:

  • Opportunity cost rate
  • Annuity; lump-sum payment; cash flow; uneven cash flow stream
  • Ordinary (or deferred) annuity; annuity due
  • Perpetuity; consol
  • Outflow; inflow; time line; terminal value
  • Compounding; discounting
  • Annual, semiannual, quarterly, monthly, and daily compounding
  • Effective annual rate (EAR or EFF%); nominal (quoted) interest rate; APR; periodic rate
  • Amortization schedule; principal versus interest component of a payment; amortized loan


(4-2)What is an opportunity cost rate? How is this rate used in discounted cash flow analysis, and where is it shown on a time line? Is the opportunity rate a single number that is used to evaluate all potential investments?


(4-3)An annuity is defined as a series of payments of a fixed amount for a specific number of periods. Thus, $100 a year for 10 years is an annuity, but $100 in Year 1, $200 in Year 2, and $400 in Years 3 through 10 does not constitute an annuity. However, the entire series does contain an annuity. Is this statement true or false?


(4-4)If a firm’s earnings per share grew from $1 to $2 over a 10-year period, the total growth would be 100%, but the annual growth rate would be less than 10%. True or false? Explain.


(4-5)Would you rather have a savings account that pays 5% interest compounded semiannually or one that pays 5% interest compounded daily? Explain.



(5-1)Define each of the following terms:

  • Bond; Treasury bond; corporate bond; municipal bond; foreign bond
  • Par value; maturity date; coupon payment; coupon interest rate
  • Floating-rate bond; zero coupon bond; original issue discount bond (OID)
  • Call provision; redeemable bond; sinking fund
  • Convertible bond; warrant; income bond; indexed bond (also called a purchasing power bond)
  • Premium bond; discount bond
  • Current yield (on a bond); yield to maturity (YTM); yield to call (YTC)
  • Indentures; mortgage bond; debenture; subordinated debenture
  • Development bond; municipal bond insurance; junk bond; investment-grade bond
  • Real risk-free rate of interest, r*; nominal risk-free rate of interest, rRF
  • Inflation premium (IP); default risk premium (DRP); liquidity; liquidity premium (LP)
  • Interest rate risk; maturity risk premium (MRP); reinvestment rate risk
  • Term structure of interest rates; yield curve
  • “Normal” yield curve; inverted (“abnormal”) yield curve


(5-2)“Short-term interest rates are more volatile than long-term interest rates, so short-term bond prices are more sensitive to interest rate changes than are long-term bond prices.” Is this statement true or false? Explain.


(5-3)The rate of return on a bond held to its maturity date is called the bond’s yield to maturity. If interest rates in the economy rise after a bond has been issued, what will happen to the bond’s price and to its YTM? Does the length of time to maturity affect the extent to which a given change in interest rates will affect the bond’s price? Why or why not?


(5-4)If you buy a callable bond and interest rates decline, will the value of your bond rise by as much as it would have risen if the bond had not been callable? Explain.


(5-5)A sinking fund can be set up in one of two ways. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each procedure from the viewpoint of both the firm and its bondholders.

What were the reasons for the colonization of the Congo? Do you think any of these reasons were justified? Explain your analysis thoroughly.

Imperialism Discussion

Answer the following questions in complete sentences, explaining your points thoughtfully and thoroughly.

  1. What were the reasons for the colonization of the Congo? Do you think any of these reasons were justified? Explain your analysis thoroughly.
  2. You have all heard of the European Holocaust, but probably have not heard of the Genocide in the Congo. Why do you think most people know about one genocide but not the other? Be honest. Be tough. Don’t hold back.

About 350 words

Overview of King Leopold II in Africa

Article on King Leopold

Next read this primary source: European Imperialism in Africa-a primary source.pdf

To understand why Europe was interested in Africa, that background can be found in this article: Scramble for Africa.pdf

Explain how they achieve this in the paper. How is this approach similar and different from Piazza’s approach in his 2013 paper? What are the roles (there are several) of dopamine in mediating the different psychological processes described in this paper?

Read these 2 articles and answer questions provided

Read Leyton and Vezina (2012). Like Piazza, claim to have integrated the incentive sensitization and opponent process theories of addiction. Explain how they achieve this in the paper. How is this approach similar and different from Piazza’s approach in his 2013 paper? What are the roles (there are several) of dopamine in mediating the different psychological processes described in this paper?

In the Vezina et al (2002) paper, they describe 3 experiments aimed at looking at dopamine sensitization and amphetamine self-administration. What do each of these experiments show? Be sure to include 1) a brief description (1-2 sentences) of the methods, 2) what the main conclusion was for each experiment, and 3) which graphs support this conclusion (3 points each experiment). For 3), make sure to focus only on the graph that shows the major effect, not the ancillary figures. For example, panel D of Figure 2 is not really important for the conclusions, it just shows where the microdialysis probes are.

Write these as short reflections on outside films, tv shows, podcasts, books, articles, or pieces of art relating to ongoing themes and topics covered in class.

Film review and reflection

Write these as short reflections on outside films, tv shows, podcasts, books, articles, or pieces of art relating to ongoing themes and topics covered in class. Suggestions will be made by the instructor, and some supplementary materials provided, but students are encouraged to search out their own topic-adjacent material(s) for reflection, based on individual interests. All reflection papers, regardless of section tract, will follow the standard format of 12-point font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margin, and 3 pages double-spaced. These essays must be submitted as either PDF or word documents to the appropriate submission.

For this first reflection paper on a piece of outside media related to class themes, topics, and research questions.

Looking at chapters 27 and 28 from your Oxford Handbook, explain Relational Buddhism.

Positive Psychology Discussion Post

  • Looking at chapters 27 and 28 from your Oxford Handbook, explain Relational Buddhism.
  • Next, using at a minimum, the concepts of Dependent Origination, Monkey Mind, and dukka, explain what various nations are doing now to increase each others’ suffering (think Syria, South America, presidential elections, etc.).
  • Then, explain a few concepts they could try to reduce suffering.
  • Talk about what you have been doing or will be doing next week to make sure you are reducing your own suffering.

Please support your answer with in-text citations and references to the resources. Minimum word requirement is 1000 words.

Compare the health care delivery system in the United States to one other country. Compare how disparities in health care delivery are addressed by each country’s system.

Discussion: International health care system profiles

Review: International Health Care System Profiles.

Compare the health care delivery system in the United States to one other country. Compare how disparities in health care delivery are addressed by each country’s system.

Based on your readings on this website and previous weeks, write a 1-paragraph summary on the role you have in addressing health concerns both locally and globally. Be specific regarding what specific action you will be prepared to take following the completion of your respective graduate program.

Note: Initial answers to the discussion question must be substantive and in the range of 150–300 words. Any references should be properly cited following APA formatting guidelines.