
Critically Analyse four (4) occupational diseases that a worker may be exposed to in any Omani workplace.


Critically Analyse four (4) occupational diseases that a worker may be exposed to in any Omani workplace. Your analysis should give details of the agent responsible for the disease mentioned, route(s) of exposure, symptoms, target organ(s), and prevention measures.

What is one area of reading, writing, math, or self-regulated learning that you could improve, according to DAACS? What feedback or resource within the DAACS could support you in improving in this area?

English Question

PART 1: In this unit, you used the Diagnostic Assessment and Achievement of College Skills, or DAACS, to assess your college readiness in the subject areas of reading, writing, math, and self-regulated learning. Your Summary Report provided you with feedback and resources that you can use to increase your chances of success here at UMGC. We have incorporated this assignment in your PACE course because research shows that students who use DAACS are significantly more successful than those who do not.

In this Discussion forum, please share some examples of how you can use what you learned from DAACS in your time here at UMGC. Please post your reflections on taking the DAACS assessment by answering one of the following prompts:

  • What is one area of reading, writing, math, or self-regulated learning that you could improve, according to DAACS? What feedback or resource within the DAACS could support you in improving in this area?
  • What is an area in which you did really well? How might you capitalize on your strengths to succeed in college? Please explain.
  • What is an area of self-regulated learning that you committed to improving in your essay? What strategies did you identify that can help you improve? What can you do to follow through on your improvement plan, this semester and beyond, with specific strategies?
  • When you explored the links to recommended resources in your feedback, what did you learn there? Thinking of one or two, how will they help you? Would you recommend the resources to others? If not, what might be more helpful?

PART 2: In this unit, we will focus on the Diagnostic Assessment and Achievement of College Skills, or DAACS. DAACS is a tool that assesses your skills in reading, writing, math, and self-regulated learning, and provides you with personalized feedback and resources to succeed. Research shows that students who have used DAACS are significantly more successful than those who do not, which is why we are asking you to use it.DAACS is NOT a test! Its purpose is not to judge you, or to give you a grade on your learning habits and behaviors, math, writing, or reading skills. It is intended to help you learn more about your readiness for college-level academic work and provide you with the tools you need to succeed.For this assignment, you will take four DAACS assessments. They include an assessment for your self-regulated learning, which targets your learning habits and behaviors that affect your success in college or any other disciplined endeavor. The other assessments will target your writing, reading, and mathematics skills. Again, there is no assumption of failure in these assessments, regardless of how you do. A “diagnostic assessment” is a tool to help you understand where your strengths and opportunities lie so that you can focus your attention on the areas that need improvement. When you have completed the assessments, you will be sent results and feedback in a Summary Report, which will also include very targeted resources to help you learn (or re-learn) concepts in the four areas. After you have read through your results and feedback, we suggest that you explore a recommended resource or two. We will be interested to know how helpful the resources are to help you close any gaps in your readiness in any of the four areas. Here are detailed instructions:First, navigate to Log in using your UMGC login, complete the four assessments, and review the feedback. Many students choose to start with the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) assessment, which takes about 10-15 minutes to complete. These assessments are untimed—you can start and stop them at any time, and you do not need to complete all four assessments in one sitting. Remember: your DAACS results do not influence your grade for this assignment; all that is required is that you complete the assessments and submit your summary report.To explore the recommended resources, click on the links embedded throughout your DAACS feedback. For example, you can explore the SRL Lab ( by clicking on the “Learn”, “See”, and “Do” buttons at the bottom of each page in your SRL feedback. Another example is the Online Reading Lab ( You can find links to this very helpful site in Suggestions for Improvement at the bottom of each page in the reading feedback. These are just a couple of the many resources available in DAACS that can help you become a better college student. Consider your feedback a wealth of resources that you can use and return to any time in your educational journey.After taking the assessments, reviewing the feedback, and exploring some of the recommended resources, download your summary report and then upload it to the Unit 2: DAACS Assessment Assignment Folder by the end of Unit 2, Tuesday, 11:59 p.m. ET.

Locate three texts you have read today—maybe a text message, an advertisement, an assignment sheet, or another text for one of your courses. For each one, identify the purpose, audience, rhetorical appeals, and mode and media. Is reading these texts through a rhetorical lens different from how you read them in the first place? Write one paragraph for each piece to explain.

Reading any text rhetorically

Min. 500 words, TN R, double spaced, 12 pt. The prompt is from BBG pg. 17, and you can consult the same page for ideas on how to identify purpose, audience, rhetorical appeals, and mode and media.

Reading Any Text Rhetorically

Locate three texts you have read today—maybe a text message, an advertisement, an assignment sheet, or another text for one of your courses. For each one, identify the purpose, audience, rhetorical appeals, and mode and media. Is reading these texts through a rhetorical lens different from how you read them in the first place? Write one paragraph for each piece to explain.

Identify the type of agriculture practiced in this region. Explain the impact of the type of agriculture practiced in this region. Describe the Köppen climate classification system.

Middle East FRQ

  • Identify the type of agriculture practiced in this region.
  • Explain the impact of the type of agriculture practiced in this region.
  • Describe the Köppen climate classification system.
  • Identify the climatic zone in which this region is located.
  • Explain the relationship between the region’s climate and the type of agriculture it practices.
  • Define regional agricultural interdependence.
  • Explain how regional agricultural interdependence relates to this region.

Identify the formal and informal norms held within that group. Discuss how you learned those norms. Who/what were the agents of socialization?


Essay Prompt
Choose a group you are a part of (cultural group, gender, athletic team, workplace, family, education, etc.) and explore the norms, sanctions, and socialization process of that group.

In your paper you should:
Identify the formal and informal norms held within that group.

Discuss how you learned those norms. Who/what were the agents of socialization?

How are those norms enforced through sanctions and/or rewards? What types of sanctions are they (formal, informal, positive, negative)?

Choose one of the major theoretical perspectives in Sociology. Explain those norms/sanctions or the socialization process of those norms from that perspective.

Make sure you engage with course materials. Citing outside sources is not required. If you would like to cite outside sources, please use valid and reliable sources such as academic articles, articles from established news organizations, etc. Please do not cite Google or dictionaries.

Talk about what they wrote in this field. What is unique about what they wrote or how they think about culture/anthropology? Include one quote from something written by this theorist.

Discover about The Major Theorists of Anthropology

Include a mini-biography* about Sherry Ortner as well as the reasons concerning this person’s importance to anthropology (2 points) .

Try to explain why this person is so well associated with anthropology (2 points).

Talk about what they wrote in this field (1 point).

What is unique about what they wrote or how they think about culture/anthropology (1 point)?

Include one quote from something written by this theorist (1 point) .

What is it that is considered so important that they contributed to the discipline (1 point)?

What did you learn that you didn’t know before about culture or anthropology from this assignment (2 points)?

Include one quote from something written by this theorist (1 point).

What is it that is considered so important that they contributed to the discipline (2 points)?

What did you learn that you didn’t know before about culture or anthropology from this assignment (1 point)?

Choose between the two projects below. What is the EMV for each? Looking at your own personal Risk Utility Function, which project would you select and why?

Problem Set #2: Decision Tree

This problem set covers material for Week 7, Risk Analysis. Decision Tree Analysis is an important aspect of Risk Management. It is mentioned, but not treated extensively in the text.


  • Review attached instructor video & slides for reference
  • Only problem #1 is required (#2 is optional)
  • Please show your work (and not just the answers) to get full credit.
  • Will review in week 7 class session.

Prob. 1. You must choose between the two projects below. What is the EMV for each? Looking at your own personal Risk Utility Function, which project would you select and why?Project 1 has a 70% chance of earning $500,000, and a 30% chance of losing $100,000. Project 2 has a 20% chance of earning $2 million, a 20% chance of earning $1 million, and a 60 percent chance of losing $500,000.

Prob. 2. You have $1,000,000 worth of equipment at the job site and wish to minimize your risk of direct property damage by taking out an insurance policy. The insurance company provides you with their statistical data as shown below.If the insurance company uses expected monetary value to calculate premiums, then how much would you expect the premium to be, assuming the insurance company adds on $300 for handling and profit? (Hint: Remember that translating a probability of 0.02% to a decimal equivalent equals 0.0002.)

Type of Damage Probability (%) Amount of Damage (Loss) ($)
Total 0.02 100
Medium 0.08 40
Low 0.10 20
No Damage 99.8 0

Define the facts and playing field: What important context is needed to understand this topic? Why does the topic matter? What questions did you study? What is the gap in knowledge that your research fills?

For this “Issue Research” assignment, you will conduct online research on your selected topic (Food Insecurity in San Diego, California). The following questions can help you narrow down the most important information you will need for the Issue Brief.

  • Define the facts and playing field: What important context is needed to understand this topic? Why does the topic matter?
  • What questions did you study? What is the gap in knowledge that your research fills?
  • What is the magnitude of the problem? Compare national, state, and local (the area you are most invested in – this could be San Diego or your hometown)
  • What is the impact on populations, communities, and costs? What are the immediate to long-term health consequences?
  • What are the indirect-health consequences (e.g., economic, social, political) of this problem?
  • How is this particular problem related to other health challenges or issues? (Where is the intersection with other issues?
  • What are the unique/novel/key findings or takeaways from your studies?
  • What are the available interventions, strategies, and policies to address this problem?

NOTE: Include high-level details on your methods that are important to understand. Avoid in-depth descriptions of research methods. Incorporate data, study findings, survey findings, and others’ policy experiences.

Discuss the impact of government/legal policies on international business.

Economics Question

Discuss the impact of government/legal policies on international business. (350 minimum double space, 1 reference in APA style, 1 in text citation/concepts.)

Create 2 pages to discuss how African American females in high school can be effectively taught and worked with in the classroom setting.

Understanding and Teaching African American Female Students in High School.

Create 2 pages to discuss how African American females in high school can be effectively taught and worked with in the classroom setting.