
How have you seen your goals change over time? What is your hoped for possible self and feared possible self? What does research say about the possible self we can become and the link between our possible selves and how we create meaning?

Life Stages in Emerging Adulthood

Think of your life from a biopsychosocial framework, as introduced on pages 7-8 in chapter 1, as you consider the following.

Chapter 10 in our textbook says the following about life stories:

“McAdams’s research indicates people in Western societies begin forming their life story during late adolescence and emerging adulthood, but its roots lie in one’s earliest attachments in infancy. As in Erikson’s theory, adolescence marks the full initiation into forming an identity; a coherent life story begins. In emerging and established adulthood, it is continued and refined through intimacy, and from midlife and beyond it is refashioned in the wake of generativity and integrity, as well as other major and minor life changes.

Paramount in these life stories is the changing personal identity reflected in the emotions conveyed in the story (e.g., tragedy, hope, successes, challenges). In addition, motivations change and are reflected in the person’s repeated attempts to attain goals over time.

In McAdams’ approach, the two most common goal themes are agency (reflecting power, achievement, and autonomy) and communion (reflecting love, intimacy, and a sense of belonging). Finally, life stories incorporate and reflect one’s beliefs and values, or the ideology a person uses to set the context for actions (Kail and Cavanaugh, 2023, p. 349).

How have you seen your goals change over time? Yes. What is your hoped for possible self (that I reach a place in life that I am able to live stress free and free of financial burden) and feared possible self( I never lose motivation and forget my goals)? What does research say about the possible self we can become and the link between our possible selves and how we create meaning?

Write at least 300 words on this topic using 2 resources for your research.
Save and name your assignment ”Week 3 Research Assignment”, then save to your computer. This document will then be uploaded by clicking on “Browse my Computer”.
Make sure to cite your sources in your assignment.

Using scholarly paper(s) of less than ten years, respond to your classmate’s discussion post. You may rebut or support his/her stance on the matter in your (no more than) two-page paper.

Sexual Behaviors Part B

See the attached sex health paper written by my classmate and the scholarly paper template below.


Part B. Using scholarly paper(s) of less than ten years, respond to your classmate’s discussion post. You may rebut or support his/her stance on the matter in your (no more than) two-page paper.

Describe what you believed the authors) main argument is. What does this article suggest about the necessities and goals of mathematics education? How can you connect your observations within your fieldwork placements to the teaching strategies shared in the article and/or reading.

Blackboard Post

Read the article thoughtfully. Annotate and indicate elements that are new information for you in regards to the content of the article. Respond meaningfully to the article and/or course reading by sharing your initial thoughts, ideas, and understandings. Describe what you believed the authors) main argument is. What does this article suggest about the necessities and goals of mathematics education? How can you connect your observations within your fieldwork placements to the teaching strategies shared in the article and/or reading. Use APA 7 format in-text citations to support the evidence within the article that you are using to undergird your response.

Those are the chapters in order to do the assignment:

  • Zager – Chapter 2: What Do Mathematicians Do?
  • Content Reading: VDW Chapter 3: Teaching Through Problem Solving & Chapter 4: Planning in the Problem-Based Classroom


How does this disability impact a student’s educational needs? What are the student’s strengths, interests and protective factors? What learning style may best suit this child, what classroom accommodations and modifications should the teacher use to support the student’s needs?

Each student will have an individual topic chosen from under one of the categories of disability under IDEA. The focus of the report will require students to design a case study of a child with special needs.


The paper should be 7 pages in length excluding the title page and reference page and should include an initial section of overview information and then a section about the case study. candidates will be asked to create a hypothetical “textbook” case study, meaning a case study whose characteristics are backed up by the research on the disorder.


The report must include the following:

Research the disorder with a minimum of 5 sources (class texts required, current professional journals, websites)
Overview – Discuss the following factors as they are related to a specific disability:
1-Definition and description of disorder
2-The causes, diagnostic tools and treatments associated with the disorder,
Developmental milestones of children with this disability as compared to children without this disability. Focus on milestones within these areas: Sensory, motor, social-behavioral, cognitive, language, speech

Case Study –
1-Educational program specifically addressing your case study
Family History and cultural background of the case study?
2-How does this disability impact a student’s educational needs?
3-What are the student’s strengths, interests and protective factors?
4-What learning style may best suit this child, what classroom accommodations and modifications should the teacher use to support the student’s needs?
5-What should we expect regarding testing modifications or related services
Social/ Behavioral needs specifically addressing your case study
6-How might this disability affect relationships in the home and school?
7-What strategies should be in place to support this child’s behavior, self-esteem and friendship?


Sites to be used and referenced


What was your most interesting discovery or takeaway from the video?

8.2 – Learn & Earn (LinkedIn Learning

Summarize in 1-3 sentences.

What was your most interesting discovery or takeaway from the video?

Email and Newsletter Marketing Foundations (LinkedIn Learning/0:43) .

Believe it or not, email marketing is one of the most effective forms of advertising.

However, it must be done right to ensure that it is not perceived as junk mail.

This means crafting an email campaign with effective messaging targeting the right audience at the optimal time.

This video explores best practices in email marketing to drive conversion and, ultimately, sales!



Take a moment to describe the relationship among the organization’s mission, objectives, and marketing strategy. Where possible, connect theory to practice and offer recommendations to enhance the marketing program.

8.4 – Assignment: Reflection

Take a moment and assume the role of a marketing manager for a company that caters to the business market (B-2-B).

Take a moment to describe the relationship among the organization’s mission, objectives, and marketing strategy.

Where possible, connect theory to practice and offer recommendations to enhance the marketing program.

Always remember you are marketing something—in this case an idea and possible solutions.

Use this as an opportunity to hone your communications.

Who is your audience?

What value are you offering?



craft an infographic based on Motivation and applied to your organization (or one that you are familiar with). Specifically choose a theory, concept, or framework of Motivation.

7.2 Infographic 2

For this assignment, you are tasked with crafting an Infographic.

Infographics are visual communication tools that use pictures, minimal textboxes, sometimes hyperlinks, space, and color to effectively and efficiently spread a message. Infographics are tailored to the experience, crafted for a specific reason, and are used to reach multiple audiences.

You will craft an infographic based on Motivation and applied to your organization (or one that you are familiar with).

Specifically choose a theory, concept, or framework of Motivation.

Put time, effort, and your creative mind into developing an infographic that effectively communicates one of the theories of Motivation that has been discussed in this module.

For example, you may want to highlight current research on motivation as an informational infographic or provide an equity model infographic applied to a specific situation or depict the basic goal-setting model.

You may choose any concept of Motivation that we have reviewed in this module.

You can create your infographic through any platform, but here are a few suggestions: Piktochart, PPT, Publisher. Make sure that you can save your infographic as an image.


Provide three (3)key takeaways from this week’s readings. Provide three (3) different things you learned from the readings this week that you did not know before.

8.4 Vlog: Key Takeaways from the Module Readings

  • Three (3)key takeaways from this week’s readings.
  • Three (3) different things you learned from the readings this week that you did not know before.

These are the readings


Critically appraise two articles of your choice which were selected in HSC 852 to address your PICO(T) question: In African American women who are pregnant, how does the utilization of evidence-based practice models, such as the Gabby Preconception Model, help to reduce the maternal mortality rate.

Evidence-based interventions to reduce maternal mortality, an African-American women

Critically appraise two articles of your choice which were selected in HSC 852 to address your PICO(T) question: In African American women who are pregnant, how does the utilization of evidence-based practice models, such as the Gabby Preconception Model, help to reduce the maternal mortality rate.

What evidence does Gibson provide against timing the market? Why is it so difficult to be successful at timing the market? Feel free to bring up points discussed by Benjamin Graham.

Discussion Questions: Asset Allocation

Directions: Complete these questions while you are reading Asset Allocation. Submit your responses via Blackboard prior to class on 3/25. Please be prepared to discuss your responses during class or via Zoom on 3/25. As a reminder, in-class discussion is part of your participation grade.

1. Why is the decade of the 2000s often referred to as the “lost decade” for U.S. investors? Provide an explanation for why it really wasn’t a “lost decade.”
2. In chapter 2 Gibson discusses the historical performance of many different financial asset classes. Which asset classes is Gibson missing? Include both financial and non-financial asset classes in your response.
3. In chapter 4 Gibson discusses future returns of stocks and bonds. What outlook did Gibson provide for future stock and bond returns, and why? Now, approximately 10 years later, how accurate was his forecast?
4. What evidence does Gibson provide against timing the market? Why is it so difficult to be successful at timing the market? Feel free to bring up points discussed by Benjamin Graham.
5. Have U.S. stocks become less risky over longer holding periods? What about other countries? Provide evidence to support your claims.
6. Which set of asset classes produced the highest risk-adjusted return from 1972-2011? Why?
7. Gibson describes a scenario where a new client asks, “Does diversification really work?” He answers, “Yes, it works. But you actually may be asking a different question: This is, will you like diversification?” What does Gibson mean by this?
8. Has this book made you re-think your current portfolio strategy? Why or why not?