
What was your most interesting discovery or takeaway from the video?

7.2 – Learn & Earn (LinkedIn Learning)

What was your most interesting discovery or takeaway from the video?

Summarize in 1-3 sentences. 

Review the following LinkedIn Learning resource:

Marketing Foundations: Analytics (LinkedIn Learning/1:02)

Consider how data is used to manage inventory within the supply chain.

Optimization within the supply chain requires good data.

This video explores how data can be measured, used, and reported to support the marketing strategy.


Select learning opportunities to meet development objectives and reflect personal learning style. Produce a plan for own professional development, using an appropriate source of support.

Prepare a professional development plan

What you have written is great so far

This was my tutors feedback

3.1 – 3.3 This is a great improvement to this piece of work. Add more detail to your professional development plan, such as the specific qualifications you aim to obtain and the specific in house training you wish to do. Please also add the dates in which you wish to achieve these targets – you can then measure yourself against these targets which you have set as part of your process to evaluate the effectiveness of your plan.

3.1 Select learning opportunities to meet development objectives and reflect personal learning style.

3.2 Produce a plan for own professional development, using an appropriate source of support.

3.3 Establish a process to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan.

Describe the pathophysiology of acute respiratory failure. Describe methods for assessing the patient with acute respiratory failure.

Acute Respiratory Failure

Current APA 7 must be used and please be detailed.
The expected length of the paper is approximately 4-5 pages, which does not include the cover and references page. Please use the following format to draft your paper:

Introduction (including purpose statement)
Describe the pathophysiology of acute respiratory failure.
Describe methods for assessing the patient with acute respiratory failure.
Discuss medical management of the patient with acute respiratory failure.
Formulate a plan of care for the patient with acute respiratory failure.
Conclusion (this may be one short paragraph)

In regards to APA format, use the following as a guide:

Include a cover page and running head (this is not part of the 4-5 page limit)
Include transitions in your paper (i.e. headings or subheadings)
Use in-text references throughout the paper
Use double space, 12 point Times New Roman font
Spelling, grammar, and organization are appropriate
Include a reference list (this is not part of the 4-5 page limit)
Attempt to use primary sources only. That said, you may cite reliable electronic sources (i.e. NCSBN, AANP)

Explain your personal, family, and home cyber security practices. In a two to three-page essay (excluding title and reference page), assess you and your family’s Cyber Security efforts to date.

Week 3 Assignment


Week 3: Home Cyber Security Assessment

Course Objective:

CO-9: Explain your personal, family, and home cyber security practices.

In a two to three-page essay (excluding title and reference page), assess you and your family’s Cyber Security efforts to date. Next, after reading and viewing the lecture and lesson materials, cover what actions you still need to take in order to better protect your personal data, finances, and internet access points (phones, tablets, and PCs or MACs). You will want to review and make notes from the lesson materials to guide your content in this essay.



Use the template provided. Follow APA 7 format, including a title page, introduction, conclusion, or summary of key takeaway points, citations, and a minimum of one reference (not Wikipedia or Investopedia). See the attached PPT file.


Does social media contribute to the development of narcissistic personality disorder?

Mental health

Does social media contribute to the development of narcissistic personality disorder?

Compare and contrast basic U.S. and international financial accounting standards. Explain how key international factors affect business reporting. Identify key compliance and regulatory requirements.

Unit 4 Project

International versus U.S. Accounting Standards For this assignment, you will research and compare international and U.S. accounting standards. This will enable you to see how the different reporting methods affect business and how product costs are affected by international business. The learning objectives of this report are as follows: Compare and contrast basic U.S. and international financial accounting standards. Explain how key international factors affect business reporting. Identify key compliance and regulatory requirements. Using the Unit IV Research Report Template, prepare a four- to five-page written report with at least three scholarly sources covering the items listed below.

Introduction Part 1: Select financial statements for two related (e.g., computer manufactures, pharmaceutical companies, cell phone companies, etc.) businesses; one that uses U.S. accounting reporting and the other that uses international accounting reporting. Identify the following items: Provide the name, location, and accounting standards used for each business. Compare and contrast three major differences you see in the way the financial data is presented on the financial statements. Identify which set of financial statements you think is the easiest to understand and provides you with most accurate cost data as a manager. (Do not forget to look at the notes to the financial statements also.)

Part 2: Analyze and discuss three international factors you think would affect the cost of the products made at the companies you selected and why.

Part 3: Discuss any compliance and/or regulatory issues you think would be involved in the companies you have selected as they relate to the cost of the products made. For example, are there strict regulations on product pricing, tariffs imposed on raw materials needed to make the products, or strict regulations on the wages paid to workers? Conclusion and Recommendations Be sure to use APA formatting throughout

Place Armstrong’s 1929 recording within the larger framework of his position on racism in the US (and elsewhere). In your opinion, was/is Armstrong an effective advocate for racial tolerance and equality? Why or why not?


3-5 pages, typed, double spaced, and submitted in Canvas by uploading your work as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf document.


1. All papers must include a bibliography. (The syllabus gives full bibliographic information for the textbook (as does the book itself), and scans placed in Canvas or in Marriott eReserve have the relevant details on their first pages.) You may use Chicago, MLA, or APA style.

2. If you refer to any readings—including your textbook—or web pages, you need to cite your sources, even if your references do not involve direct quotation. Please include either footnotes or parenthetical citations (including author’s name and page number) immediately after any quotation or other reference. Again, Chicago, MLA, and APA styles all provide acceptable formats for citations.

Louis Armstrong’s 1929 recording of “(What Did I Do To Be So) Black and Blue”


1. Begin your essay by describing how Armstrong’s 1929 interpretation of the”(What Did I Do To Be So) Black and Blue” illustrates the characteristics of Jazz in the 1920s. (1 of 3 pages)

2. Compare the original version of the song (i.e., as performed within “Hot Chocolates”) with Armstrong’s rendition. This will involve both considering the alterations Armstrong made to the form and text, as well as its removal from the original dramatic situation. (1 of 3 pages)

3. Place Armstrong’s 1929 recording within the larger framework of his position on racism in the US (and elsewhere). In your opinion, was/is Armstrong an effective advocate for racial tolerance and equality? Why or why not? (1 of 3 pages)

Create a name and establish a location for the business. Construct a mission statement for the business. Decide on the type of cookie you want to make and sell.

Unit 2 Accounting Project


Cookie Business
In this project, you will be opening your own specialty cookie company to see how product costing methods and changes in production affect business decisions. You will be creating a series of reports and analyzing the results using the template provided to guide you through the project.
The learning objectives of this project are as follows:
Gain an understanding of product costing (direct materials, direct labor, and overhead).
Review job order costing.
Review process costing.
Make business decisions based on analyzing accounting data.
You will prepare a four- to five-page written report (including spreadsheets) with at least two scholarly sources using the Unit II Project Template . Your report will provide the following information:

Part 1: Establish a cookie business selling only one type of specialty cookie with two employees making the cookies.
Create a name and establish a location for the business.
Construct a mission statement for the business.
Decide on the type of cookie you want to make and sell.

Part 2: Develop costing and sales information for 1,000 cookies.
Estimate and explain the cost per cookie based on job order costing (manufacturing overhead is 30% of direct labor costs). Prepare a job order cost sheet by researching and identifying the top five ingredients and their estimated costs as your direct materials. Research and identify the cost of wages for your two employees as your direct labor. It typically takes two days to make 1,000 cookies.
Estimate and explain the cost per cookie based on process costing with 40% conversion costs. Identify the top three processes you feel are needed to make the cookies and prepare a production cost sheet for one of those processes.
Estimate and explain the sales price you plan to set per cookie based on the cost data.
Part 3: Compare and contrast the costing methods used in this project, including which you believe provides the most useful information as a manager.
Part 4: Discuss what will happen to revenue if the number of the cookies sold increases or decreases.

Conclusion and Recommendations
Use the Unit II Cookie Project Spreadsheet Templates for your job order, and process costing spreadsheets to be embedded in your case study document.
Be sure to use APA formatting throughout and reach out to the Writing Center or the Library for assistance with research, writing, and formatting. Include at least two resources from the CSU Online Library in your report.

Write an argumentative essay on an issue of your choice that you feel strongly about. Develop a clear claim, and conduct research to gather evidence that supports your claim.

Argumentative essay

Write an argumentative essay on an issue of your choice that you feel strongly about. You will need to develop a clear claim, and conduct research to gather evidence that supports your claim. Your final argumentative essay should use the genre characteristics and craft of an argument.

Based on the attached document from the Small Business Administration, document the advantages and disadvantages of different business entity types.

Reflection – Entity Types

Based on the attached document from the Small Business Administration, document the advantages and disadvantages of different business entity types.