
Write a 300- to 600-word paper, (2 pages) based on (real or fictitious) organization, in which you discuss the work breakdown structure for an IT project.

Information Technology Project Management

Write a 300- to 600-word paper, (2 pages) based on (real or fictitious) organization, in which you discuss the work breakdown structure for an IT project.
Create a work breakdown structure diagram based on your paper (this is the third page) The paper can be generic as to what it is and why beneficial and so forth. OR can be based on what you did, and why (decision to do it that way/how you did it) in creating the WBS — this is more descriptive. However, the WBS to be created is based on the information in the Trustworthy Bank Information regardless of how the paper is written,

This is the textbook: Information Technology Project Management, 9th Edition Kathy Schwalbe

Find the expected value . Find the variance . Determine the cumulative distribution function (by hand). Graph the probability mass function.


  1. Suppose we have two jars. The first jar contains 4 white and 6 black marbles while the second one contains 4 white and 3 black marbles.  One marble is drawn at random from one of the jars, and it is found to be black.  Find the probability that it was drawn from the first jar.

 Hint: Probability of selecting jar 1 and jar 2 is the same.

 To answer problems 2 through 5, consider the random experiment of rolling two fair, distinct dice.  Let  be the maximum of the two numbers.  Recall, for example,  max (12, 15) = 15 and max (10, 10) = 10.

  1. Determine the probability mass function .
  2. Determine the cumulative distribution function .
  3. Find the expected value .
  4. Find the variance .

R Part


  1 3 7 11 15 21 23 37
  0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.2



  1. Find the expected value .
  2. Find the variance .
  3. Determine the cumulative distribution function (by hand).
  4. Graph the probability mass function.
  5. Graph the cumulative distribution function.




A certain object that weighs 20 N is tossed straight upward into the air. Neglecting air resistance, what is the net force on the object when it reaches its highest point? Is the object in equilibrium at this point? Carefully explain.

Linear Motion Newton’s Second Law Newton’s Third Law of Motion

Answer the following 4 questions

1)A push on a 2-kg brick accelerates it. Neglecting friction, equally accelerating a 10-kg brick requires

  • A just as much force.
  • B 10 times as much force.
  • C 20 times as much force.
  • D one-fifth the amount of force.
  • E …none of the above.

2)A certain object that weighs 20 N is tossed straight upward into the air. Neglecting air resistance, what is the net force on the object when it reaches its highest point? Is the object in equilibrium at this point? Carefully explain.

3)A child tosses a ball straight upward with a speed of 26.9 m/s. The ball is caught on the way down at a point 3.7 m above the point from which it was thrown. Determine the speed of the ball when it was caught and the total length of time the ball was in the air. Your solution should include a properly labeled diagram and your choice of sign convention should be clearly stated.

4)Is it possible for a moving object to reverse its direction of travel while maintaining a constant acceleration? If your answer is yes, provide an example to support your explanation. If your answer is no, carefully explain why.


After reading Chapter 3 in Chase (Overview of Forecasting Methods), access the three excellent resources on Judgmental Forecasting hyperlinked below. Use all three, for they each provide a different perspectives on the broad methodology of forecasting future demand using experience, insight, and business savvy.

CO3: Evaluate Forecasting methods, predictability factors, and causes of error in Forecasting

This week you will be researching and writing on one of the most basic methods of forecasting: Judgmental Forecasting. After reading Chapter 3 in Chase (Overview of Forecasting Methods), access the three excellent resources on Judgmental Forecasting hyperlinked below. Use all three, for they each provide a different perspectives on the broad methodology of forecasting future demand using experience, insight, and business savvy. You may also want to search the internet for any additional resources that add to the lesson material in chapter 3. As the instructions advise in previous assignments, if you do add additional sources, do not use advertisements of any kind, including consultancies and software. Use the template attached to this assignment for your submission. The template includes sections to guide you this week on your essay assignment to explain the methodology of Judgmental Forecasting.


Utilize the template attached below for this assignment, it has the sections already formatted for you to insert your findings by subject/question.
Label your submission document as follows: firstinitiallastname_Assignment_3 (something like JJohnston_Assignment_3)
Minimum 1000 words of content of strategic material, double spaced. Content requirement does not include cover page, abstract, nor reference pages.
Source, Cite, and Reference a minimum of three (3) expert resources to provide support for main points in your essay. Each resource is to add to the content through either paraphrasing the author’s position on the subject or a direct quote. Refrain from excessive use of quotes in your response (less than 5% of the 1000 words).
Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (7th edition) style and formatting.
Once you submit your document to the assignment folder it will automatically be loaded to TURNITIN.COM for plagiarism. Make sure your quotes have quotations and correct (to APA) in-text citations and a reference at the end of the paper.
Plagiarism can result in a zero for this assignment:
When using another author’s exact words insert quotation marks and a citation including year of publication and page or paragraph number
When paraphrasing, do not use ANY of the author’s words, use your own “take” on the author’s meaning and context.
There are no late assignments accepted after the last day of the course unless: (a) prior approval has been obtained from the professor or (b) you have an approved 30 day extension.


Why did the NASW support the separation of social services from cash assistance in the 1970s? Has this separation helped or hindered the social welfare profession? The poor? Why or why not?

Public Welfare Programs

In 1933, Harry Hopkins, one of FDR’s top advisors, argued that public welfare should not be a haven for professional social work practice. In the 1960s, the Public Welfare Association asserted that having social workers in public welfare programs would not only improve the life of poor families, but also reduce the number of welfare recipients.

  • Why did the NASW support the separation of social services from cash assistance in the 1970s?
  • Has this separation helped or hindered the social welfare profession? The poor? Why or why not?

From the Social Welfare: A History of American Response to Need text:

Read Chapter 7, “War and Prosperity: 1940–1968,” pages 205–250.

How can readers see the life and faith of Flannery O’Connor in her short stories?

 A Good Man Is Hard to Find

Read “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” pp. 990-1003 in Arguing about Literature and “Good Country People” (link provided in this content folder).

View the film “Flannery O’Connor.” Click here(I attacched the file). User name: parisjc Password: amigos. You can use the citation tool below the video to help you set up the Works Cited entry for the video. We will watch this video in class together on Monday, but you will probably want to visit it again.
Begin working on your research paper. The paper is due THIS WEDNESDAY. The research paper will focus on the two stories by O’Connor in this lesson.
Topic: How can readers see the life and faith of Flannery O’Connor in her short stories? You MUST use the two short stories and the film as sources for your paper.

In addition to these three sources, you will need to view you will need to bring in at least TWO additional sources OUTSIDE the text. So, you will have a total of 5 sources (you may include more if you like). Your other two outside sources should come from either database articles or books.The PJC library offers many articles and some e-books (and of course print books) about Flannery O’Connor. Internet sources are NOT ALLOWED!
The paper should be AT LEAST 4 pages in length (not including the Works Cited page or outline) to be submitted for a grade, typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and double spaced in MLA style, including an outline. Remember to include a MLA heading.This is a research paper, which must include documentation (MLA parenthetical citations & a Works Cited page).

Any paper submitted without parenthetical citations AND a works cited page will receive a zero. In addition, essays that do not meet the minimum length requirement may receive a zero (a minimum of 15 pts. will be deducted). Remember, assignments should be saved as your first name initial, followed by your full last name and the assignment (ex: jdoeresearchpaper).

Write a five (5) page minimum, DOUBLE SPACED, 12-FONT TIMES ROMAN paper with references and sources cited in APA format. Your cover sheet and your source citing/references are NOT included in the five page minimum.

How to recognize child neglect.

Write a five (5) page minimum, DOUBLE SPACED, 12-FONT TIMES ROMAN paper with references and sources cited in APA format. Your cover sheet and your source citing/references are NOT included in the five page minimum.

Your grade will depend upon the presentation of your analysis and research, the quality of the work presented – whether you give a detailed presentation or a vague overview, whether you addressed all parts of the question asked, and how you support your argument/discussion – as well as the citing of a variety of sources/use of references and whether you met the mandatory minimum page requirement. Please make sure to use AT LEAST five (5) sources for your research.

The paper should be written using APA Format. Please make sure you review your paper for spelling, grammar, and format and plagiarism errors before submitting it. Remember that the paper should be typed in Microsoft Word and submitted as an attachment. Your paper will not receive a grade until it is submitted properly. If you need assistance, please let me know.

Discuss the importance of educating children on issues; such as, stranger danger, special needs, and gender issues.


Discuss the importance of educating children on issues; such as, stranger danger, special needs, and gender issues.

What are you going to focus your research on? What biases do you have, if any, that you will need to challenge while performing research? What questions do you have? Where will you start your research?

Research Proposal

Paragraph 1
Share what you know about your topic (provide the reader with context)
Why is this an important topic to discuss? Why should readers care?

Paragraph 2

What are you going to focus your research on?
What biases do you have, if any, that you will need to challenge while performing research?
What questions do you have? Where will you start your research?
What do you hope to accomplish with this research and essay?