
Create a 4- to 5-page BCC Enterprise Information Security Organizational Budget in Microsoft® Word or Microsoft® Excel® that includes at least three of the identified information security initiatives.

Information Security Budget

Assignment Content

This week you will use information from the previous weeks to complete the BCC Information Security Budget. The chief information security officer (CISO) is tasked with developing a budget to reduce costs and security risks.

Part 1

Create a 4- to 5-page BCC Enterprise Information Security Organizational Budget in Microsoft® Word or Microsoft® Excel® that includes at least three of the identified information security initiatives. The BCC Enterprise Information Security Budget must include the following:

  • Description of the BCC information security department
  • Current situation
  • Personnel
  • Operational situation
  • Operating budget
  • Future requirements

Summary of the information security initiatives planned for implementation, including any additional hardware/software purchases (including financial management tools), personnel, and training requirements

Estimated schedule for the planned implementation of information security objectives

Estimated annual operating budget for the next five years

Part 2

Create a 7- to 9-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on a budget plan for an intrusion prevention system (IPS). The purpose of the budget plan is to provide a recommendation to senior leadership on the costs associated with implementing the IPS software. The IPS budget plan should include the following:

  • Title slide
  • Summary of the initiative and product
  • Cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
  • Total cost of ownership (TCO)
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Solution alternatives (if any)
  • Recommendation

What types of “rewards” would you offer that would incentivize nurses to join your hospital and also stay at your hospital. Would you consider any other types of rewards other than monetary rewards? Why or why not?

Balancing the focus between productivity and relationships:

You are a top-level nursing administrator in a large, urban medical center in California. As in many acute care hospitals, your annual turnover rate is more than 15%. At this point, you have many unfilled licensed nursing positions, and local recruitment efforts to fill these positions have been largely unsuccessful.During a meeting with the CEO today you are informed that the hospital in 3 months. The CEO states that you must reduce turnover or increase recruitment efforts immediately or the hospital will have to consider closing units or reducing available beds when the new ratios take effect.

    1. How would you solve this problem?
    2. What types of leadership theories would you incorporate into your plan?
    3. What types of “rewards” would you offer that would incentivize nurses to join your hospital and also stay at your hospital. Would you consider any other types of rewards other than monetary rewards? Why or why not? (Justify all answers with EBP rationales)

Do you think that leadership in the hospital will be happy with the plans that Marge has made? Do you see where there may be a problem when human resources hears about these plans?

Nursing Question


An experienced registered professional nurse has just been promoted to the nurse manager of a nursing unit. The nurse had been a very effective leader on the unit prior to the promotion of becoming the nurse manager. What are the essential characteristics of an effective leader that the new nurse manager needs to incorporate into the nursing unit culture?

Part I

You are working with the newly promoted nurse. Her name is Marge. She asks you if you would be interested in assisting her in collecting evidence on the best ways to be proactive in preparation for the fall influenza season. This year, Marge wants to offer a flu vaccine clinic for the local community shelter staffed by everyone on this unit. You are willing to help Marge, and you inform her you will assist her with developing a plan of action. 1) So far, what kind of leadership qualities has Marge exhibited?

Part II

Marge speaks to you later on during the shift. She states that she has decided to offer these clinics every Saturday and expects everyone to sign up for 4 hour rotations. Marge states, “of course, I cannot pay the staff for their time, it’s our professional duty as nurses to help our community.” She asks you to be in charge of scheduling your staff members who work with you on the day shift to work the first two Saturdays.

2) Considering the recent conversation with Marge, how would you respond?

3) Are there problems with the plans Marge has just discussed involving you?

4) What kind of Leadership theory do you feel that Marge is utilizing now?

5) Do you think that leadership in the hospital will be happy with the plans that Marge has made? Do you see where there may be a problem when human resources hears about these plans?

Explain how a contemporary influence makes either a positive or a negative contribution to peer influence on adolescent sexual decision making. Analyze risk factors associated with the contemporary influences you have chosen.


Adolescent sexual decision making is a very complex phenomenon. It is a time when individuals may become interested in more intimate relationships and experimentation. During this stage, adolescents may contemplate whether to engage in intercourse or abstain from sexual relations. Many factors may influence an adolescent’s sexual decision making including biological, social, cultural, familial, and experiential factors. Making good decisions and responsible choices about sexual activity during adolescence can have immediate and lasting implications on an individual’s overall health outcomes. For this reason, it is important for social workers to possess an understanding of the context of decision making and social influences as well as educate adolescents on appropriate support programs available to them.

For this Discussion, you explore the contemporary influences on adolescent sexual decision making.


Required Readings

To prepare: Find one example of an influence on adolescent sexual decision making in contemporary society that is directed at adolescent audiences. Examples may include websites, magazines, music, film, television, or advertising.


  • Explain how a contemporary influence makes either a positive or a negative contribution to peer influence on adolescent sexual decision making.
  • Analyze risk factors associated with the contemporary influences you have chosen.

Active transport does not require energy to move substances across the cell membrane. False or True?

Discussion essay

Question 1

Active transport does not require energy to move substances across the cell membrane.

Select one:

  • a.False
  • b.True

Question 2

An example of co-transport is

Select one:

  • a.Na+-K+ pump
  • b.Na+-glucose transport
  • c.Na+-H+ pump
  • d.Ca++-pump

Question 3

Many substances are removed from the cell to outside by

Select one:

  • a.Phagocytosis
  • b.Exocytosis
  • c.Chemotaxis
  • d.Pinocytosis

Develop interdisciplinary research skills and familiarity with feminist theories and modes of inquiry. Describe women’s historical and contemporary contributions to culture and society.


At the conclusion of the semester students will be able to
1. Develop interdisciplinary research skills and familiarity with feminist theories and modes of inquiry.

2. Describe women’s historical and contemporary contributions to culture and society.

3. Demonstrate oral communication, writing, and critical thinking skills.

4. Apply what is learned in the classroom into own spoken word/hip hop piece/production and own lives.

PART 1: Research Paper
1) Students will research a female hiphop or spoken word artist (local, national or global) from 1960present day [See link]. You will explore how she campaigned social change. What issue(s) did she address? How effective has she been? What is her impact on bringing wreck? Explore the impact and intersection of gender, race and sexuality on her message. This is NOT a biography cut & paste project.

Select a Female Hip Hop/Spoken Word Artist She must have at least 1215published/performed pieces that follow the criteria for the genre.

Select a social issue she addresses in her lyrics.

Annotate the lyrics using course material Joan Morgan, Gwendolyn Pough

Use gender theory such as (black) feminism, and intersectionality, critical gender theory, African Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, NewColonialism to analyze the lyrics.
Issues to Keep in the forefront of your critical analysis

2) Write a 911 page (typed, 12 size font, proper margin spacing, doublespaced) to introduce your project. You are required to use all textbooks are primary sources and 6 additional sources. Paper should include:

Background of the Problem “She” confronted History, causal factors (e.g. racism, abuse, patriarchy, power, capitalism, etc.) What where reasons for tackling the issue? What were some of her obstacles? What are her successes? What could she do differently?

Large Gender Issues For project/Paper tied to Hip Hop: Feminist; Public sphere vs. Black public sphere vs. subaltern counterpublic; Capitalism; Queering

Heteronormativity; Patriarchy; Colonialism/Colonialization; Hegemony; Narrative; Standpoint theory; Subjugated knowledge; Politics Representation; Politics of Respectability; Sexism; Racism; Ethic of Love vs. Ethic of Domination; Power; Empowerment

  • a. Utilize a theoretical perspective to analyze the issue.
  • b. Bibliography (APA, Chicago Style, or MLA format)
  • c. Citations required (footnotes or parenthetical notation
  • d. Grammar is critical.

Which of the following enzymes of the glycolytic pathway is particularly sensitive to inhibition by fluoride ions?


Question 14

Which of the following enzymes of the glycolytic pathway is particularly sensitive to inhibition by fluoride ions?

Select one:

  • a.Phosphohexose Isomerase
  • b.Hexokinase
  • c.Aldolase
  • d.Enolase

Question 15

All of the following are inhibitors of the enzyme phosphofructo-kinase except:

Select one:

  • a.Glucagon
  • b.Cyclic AMP
  • c.Citrate
  • d.ATP

Question 16

All of the following about glycolysis is true except:

Select one:

  • a.There is a net energy prodcution
  • b.NAD is required as a coenzyme
  • c.Occurs in the cytosol
  • d.CO2 is produced
  • e.2,3 DPG may be produced in RBCs

Recall that a green band was left on the column. Why did that band remain on the column? What could you do in the procedure to elute that band?

Experiment 13

Questions for Data Analysis and Results

1. Based on the structures shown in Figure 1, rank the four compounds in order of polarity (least polar to most polar). Then state the order of elution from the column (first to elute to last to elute).

2. Recall that a green band was left on the column. Why did that band remain on the column? What could you do in the procedure to elute that band?

3. How does the order of elution from a column relate to Rf values in TLC? (For example, does the first compound to elute from the column have the highest or lowest Rf value in TLC?)

4. Which of the four compounds shown in Figure 1 has the highest Rf value in TLC? Why? Which has the lowest Rf value in TLC? Why?

5. Were there likely additional compounds (besides one of the four listed in Figure 1) remaining on the column? How do you know?


Do you agree that MIS is essential for businesses operating in the information age? Why or why not?


Do you agree that MIS is essential for businesses operating in the information age? Why or why not?

Is there any difference between gender groups in terms of NAFLD status? Use crosstabulation with proportions in your answer. Would you be able to notice a significant difference in terms of diabetes duration and patients’ NAFLD status?

Applied Biostatistics

Paper Assignment-1


Answer the following questions in a Word document, using the provided datasheet (You may use SPSS or MS Excel for your analyses):


a.  Write a statistical summary of patients’ demographical characteristics (i.e., age, gender, marital and deprivation status). (2 marks)


b.  Prepare a summary report of baseline health status of the included subjects (i.e., diabetes duration, body weight or BMI, drug use durations, smoking and alcohol consumption). Report appropriate measures of central tendency and dispersion with proper visual illustrations. (4 marks)


c.  Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a serious health problem that affects many individuals.

    i. Is there any difference between gender groups in terms of NAFLD status? Use crosstabulation with proportions in your answer. (2 marks)

    ii. Would you be able to notice a significant difference in terms of diabetes duration and patients’ NAFLD status? (2 marks)