
What helped you the most/what were the most beneficial things YOU learned and implemented. be specific. How do you know they helped you? Were there tangible changes?

Wellness Question

2-3 Single spaced Paper- semester reflection, include the following and add anything else.

  • Overall, what was this semester in Stress Management for Healthy Living like for you?
  • What helped you the most/what were the most beneficial things YOU learned and implemented. be specific. How do you know they helped you? Were there tangible changes?
  • Are there any lifestyle changes you’ve made or ways of thinking that have changed which are different than the mainstream? What were they? Describe them.
  • Describe your RHYTHM of life this semester – your energy, mood, relationship prosperity, financial prosperity. What was your most positive impact in these areas?
  • In your own words, describe the significance of your personal energy field (aura), changes in thoughts, recongnition of thought forms that have prevented you from having more energy or clarity in any part of your life. How did any of the teachings from this class actually help you?
  • What are you most grateful for this semester? -not just this class, but overall.
  • IF there was anything at USC that you would change, what would it be? This does not just pertain to you, but the entire student community as a whole. Avoid things like, “how much stress students experience,” “the amount of work,” etc. Describe things that are TANGIBLE and ACTION-ORIENTED, be specific.

Write a researched recommendations report to a business audience.

Transportation and Logistics challenges REPORT

For the formal report, you will write a researched recommendations report to a business audience. This is an individual assignment of which a complete, final draft is due at the end of the term. The formal report is broken down into several smaller assignments that will help you build up to the larger final draft of the formal report.

You will be required to complete the various steps of the business writing process (outlined below) to develop a single-spaced, 7-9 page final report. Your final report draft must include both primary and secondary research (details on the difference between the two will be covered). Reports must have at least a few secondary sources and at least 1 primary source.

Your objective for the final draft is to produce a recommendations report that would be helpful to key decision makers within a specific company.

The report may include three (3) graphics (images, charts, tables, graphs, etc.). Each graphic can be no larger than one-half page. Graphics will count toward the total page limit, but they must add value to your report in someway.Purpose

The major assignment for this course is an 7-9 page formal report. You can review the complete formal report assignment description here, as a reminder for where we are in the overall writing process. This assignment asks you to use the writing skills you’ve practiced in this class to develop a professional business report.

What system is described as a key component in the “future of fitness?” How does cold effect the mind? What are 2-3 things from this presentation that can reduce or eliminate depression? How? What’s the reason or mechanism behind it?


View and LISTEN to the Powerpoint Presentation “Fitness-Health-Vitality” and respond to the following questions: (press the speaker button on each powerpoint page to hear the lecture recording). It’s about 35 minutes.

  • What system is described as a key component in the “future of fitness?”
  • How does cold effect the mind?
  • What are 2-3 things from this presentation that can reduce or eliminate depression? How? What’s the reason or mechanism behind it?
  • What is an Autotelic state?
  • How could the knowledge of flow states be used to change our education format? (think outside the box)
  • Something new learned from this that stood out to you?

File Fitness-Health-Vitality.key

Choose one dependent (outcome) variables from the data file provided. Write briefly about these variables and how they relate to each other and evaluate these previous studies. Identify gaps in the literature that can inform your hypotheses. Briefly justify your study.

Predictors of anxiety

You need to choose one dependent (outcome) variables from the data file provided – for example, anxiety and /or depression.

You need to write briefly about these variables and how they relate to each other and evaluate these previous studies.
Identify gaps in the literature that can inform your hypotheses.
Briefly justify your study.

Are you getting the recommended amount of daily fiber (38 g /day for men; 25 g/day for women)? If yes, what are some foods that you eat that provide the most fiber. If not, what are foods that you can incorporate to help increase your fiber needs?

Food Log- Week 1 of Tracking

Task 1

This week, please log the meal (B [breakfast], L [lunch], D [dinner], S [snack]), food/drink, serving size, # of servings, carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, and calories (kcals).

You can fill in protein and fat; however, it is not a requirement for this week.







Task 2- Analysis

Please answer the following questions in complete sentences:

  1. In regard to calories-
    1. What was your average calorie count?
      1. Answer
    2. Did your calorie count surprise you? Why or why not?
    3. What contributed the most to your calories?
  2. In regard to carbohydrates (general)-
    1. What was your average carbohydrate intake during the 3 days? Is your carbohydrate intake within the daily range (recall that the average minimum is 130 g/day)? Were you surprised by your averages?
    2. What did you eat the most of: fast-releasing (simple) carbohydrates, starches, or fiber?
    3. Reflect on the carbohydrates consumed this week. Did some keep you more satiated (than others? Which ones?
  3. In regard to fiber-
    1. What was your average fiber intake during the 3 days?
    2. Are you getting the recommended amount of daily fiber (38 g /day for men; 25 g/day for women)? If yes, what are some foods that you eat that provide the most fiber. If not, what are foods that you can incorporate to help increase your fiber needs?
  4. In regard to added sugars-
    1. Were you surprised by your added sugar values?
    2. Which foods contributed the most to these values?
  5. Looking forward-
    1. What are two foods that you can incorporate and/or swap in order to a) reduce calories; b) increase fiber; or c) reduce added sugar? Be creative!
      1. Example- “I eat a lot of ice cream. One food swap that I can do is eating a half cup of fruit instead of a bowl of ice cream as an after-dinner treat in order to cut back on added sugar”. 

Explain how the recommender system works and how it uses data modeling to provide personalized recommendations to users. Analyze the benefits and challenges of data modeling in this context. Consider factors such as data privacy, algorithm accuracy, and user satisfaction.

Module 5: Netflix Case study

Assignment: Netflix Recommender System Data Modeling

In this assignment, you will explore the Netflix recommender system and analyze how data modeling is used to provide personalized recommendations to users. You will also investigate the benefits and challenges of data modeling in this context.


  1. Research the Netflix recommender system and its data modeling techniques.
  2. Explain how the recommender system works and how it uses data modeling to provide personalized recommendations to users.
  3. Analyze the benefits and challenges of data modeling in this context. Consider factors such as data privacy, algorithm accuracy, and user satisfaction.
  4. Provide examples of other companies or services that use data modeling to personalize recommendations or improve user experiences.
  5. Evaluate the ethical considerations of data modeling in this context. Consider issues such as bias, fairness, and transparency.
  6. Reflect on the potential future developments of data modeling in the context of recommender systems.

Explore the data using data visualization techniques, such as histograms, scatter plots, and heatmaps. Identify any trends or patterns in the data that you find interesting, and write a brief report (2-3 pages) summarizing your findings.

Exploring the Housing Market in Python

Objective: To gain practical experience in importing and managing data in Python, and to use data visualization techniques to explore trends in the housing market.


  1. Obtain a dataset of housing prices and related variables such as square footage, number of rooms, location, etc.
  2. Import the data into Python using the Pandas library.
  3. Perform any necessary data cleaning and preparation, such as handling missing values and removing duplicates.
  4. Explore the data using data visualization techniques, such as histograms, scatter plots, and heatmaps.
  5. Identify any trends or patterns in the data that you find interesting, and write a brief report (2-3 pages) summarizing your findings.


Prepare a report of 5 to 10 pages, double spaced, 12 point font, with analysis, exhibits, charts, trends, critiques, and references.

Project Report

Prepare a report of 5 to 10 pages, double spaced, 12 point font, with analysis, exhibits, charts, trends, critiques, and references.
The project will be graded based on your team knowledge of the subject matter, incorporating information obtained through our weekly online Discussion Forum Prompts.

Sources of Data
The following are among the best sources of free data, analysis and information on advanced and emerging economies:
– The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
– Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)
– US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
– International Monetary Fund (IMF)
– The World Bank
– United Nations Statistic Division (UNdata)

Write and mention an Executive Summary about How Goods and Services Affect Operations Management Activities using the guidelines provided.

Business  Project

How Goods and Services Affect Operations Management Activities, Project objective: The objective of this project is to familiarize students with real life Common, How Goods and Services Affect Operations Management Activities, by providing a research about the Key Benefits of Effective Operations Management (your choice to work alone or with a group – confirm with your teacher) The innovative part of this project is to create some form of media to share their research: in the form of a blog, video, PowerPoint, or podcast. Please find the following topic:

How Goods and Services Affect Operations Management Activities

The due date to submit your project is: May 15, 2023

Project’s Objectives:

  1. Students will write and mention an Executive Summary about How Goods and Services Affect Operations Management Activities using the guidelines provided.
  2. Students can create either a blog, a video, a research paper, a PowerPoint, or a podcast, sharing and summarizing their findings and own ideas. You only need to choose one resource to create.
  3. Submissions must be made on Google class room unless prior approval from the teacher regarding the submission is obtained.