
Using an online search, select a graduate school program that is interesting to you. Briefly (1-2 paragraphs) summarize the main characteristics of the program you chose.

Mercer Family and Marriage counseling

Skills: This assignment is designed to help you develop the following skills:

Finding and identifying relevant information
Articulating career goals
Connecting personal goals and experiences to characteristics of graduate programs
Knowledge: This assignment will also help you become more familiar with the following topics:

Requirements for graduate school admission
Appropriate post-baccalaureate educational paths
Task: Using an online search, select a graduate school program that is interesting to you. It doesn’t have to be related to psychology, but should reflect something that you could see yourself doing. Look at the information about this program, such as but not limited to the main goal of the program, admission requirements, degree requirements (meaning what you have to do to complete this degree), and accreditation.

Briefly (1-2 paragraphs) summarize the main characteristics of the program you chose. Please don’t simply cut and paste information from the school’s website; put things in your own words.
Use the information you learned about the program along with your own knowledge about your goals and characteristics to write a personal statement that you could use if you applied for this program. Your personal statement should include the following information (you might find it useful to structure this as a 3-paragraph essay, with one paragraph for each of the types of information mentioned below):
Your professional goals and what made you decide to pursue them
Your undergraduate and other experiences (including research, internships, and relevant jobs) that are related to your career objectives and goals
Why you’re a good fit for this specific program, including not only the characteristics of the program that appeal to you but also what you believe you can contribute to the program

Note: If you’re planning to apply to a graduate program that asks for something different than this, please feel free to modify your personal statement so you meet those requirements; the goal here is for you to produce something you could actually use.

Those where the instructions the teacher gave me. If you have any questions please let me know.

How does the episode relate to what you have read in your texts and what we have discussed in class? How does it relate to other episode(s) that you have watched? Did you learn anything new?

High on Hog

The assignment requirements are (You have watched two episodes of High on Hog. The filmmaker is taking you on a journey with Soul Food! In your response , choose 1 episode and tell me what you think about the what you viewed so far.

How does the episode relate to what you have read in your texts and what we have discussed in class?

How does it relate to other episode(s) that you have watched? Did you learn anything new?

Talk about it. How did the episode impact what you think about Soul Food, specifically, and food in general?

Talk about the food, the people, the politics, and the journey. Provide direct quotes from your readings to support/exemplify your response(s).

They are a lot of summary on website with can tell you about This (High on the Hog)…


How can team development techniques be used to advance the goals and objectives of a company’s organizational development program. What are some of the problems and/or issues that a team may experience, especially when first formed? How do these issues and concerns impede team operations?

Team Development

How can team development techniques be used to advance the goals and objectives of a company’s organizational development program. What are some of the problems and/or issues that a team may experience, especially when first formed? How do these issues and concerns impede team operations?

There are 4 philosophical orientations of corrections: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. Define each, then explain which is most likely to reduce recidivism in America and why.

Module 5

There are 4 philosophical orientations of corrections: retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. Define each, then explain which is most likely to reduce recidivism in America and why. You are welcome to use more than one in your explanation.

What is your definition of a healthcare administrator? What do you see as critical characteristics needed by individuals working in this field?

Definition of Healthcare Administration

Healthcare administrators have many duties and titles. Effective administrators share many of the same critical characteristics.

Use the following questions to develop an original response to the discussion prompt.

What is your definition of a healthcare administrator?
What do you see as critical characteristics needed by individuals working in this field?

What are the short-term and long-term pathophysiological consequences of a fracture? How might the fracture type influence the risk of complications and time to recovery?


The musculoskeletal system is responsible for the structure of the body and the ability to have purposeful movements. Musculoskeletal injury and disease affect a large swath of the population and become increasingly prevalent in older adults.

What are the short-term and long-term pathophysiological consequences of a fracture?

How might the fracture type influence the risk of complications and time to recovery?


How is Costco’s business model different from other retailers such as Walmart and Sam’s Club? Why do you think Costco’s strategy works? Beyond lower turnover, how else does Costco benefit from treating its employees well?

Case Application 2: A Simple Strategy at Costco

Read “Case Application 2: A Simple Strategy at Costco” on pages 301-302 of your text and answer the following: How is Costco’s business model different from other retailers such as Walmart and Sam’s Club? Why do you think Costco’s strategy works? Beyond lower turnover, how else does Costco benefit from treating its employees well? Are you surprised that Costco sells cars? How does offering diverse products help the company attract new members?

Only use case study for citation (file attached) essay should contain an introductory paragraph with clear thesis, 2-3 body paragraphs and a conclusion paragraph, max 500 words.

Identify the event/issue and briefly explain what happened (or is happening), when, and where. Analyze the event/issue by determining why it happened as it did.

Cuban Missile Crisis

Students will write an 5-7 page paper on a topic approved by the instructor.

Select a topic (an international event/issue) from 1960 to present which you will attempt to analyze using the concepts we’ll cover in this course. You will need to identify the event/issue and briefly explain what happened (or is happening), when, and where. You will then analyze the event/issue by determining why it happened as it did. In doing this, you will identify the state and non-state actors involved. Once you’ve identified the actors, you will use the theories of international relations to help you understand why this event/issue was important to each of them and why each responded as it did. The impact of balance of power, globalization, economics, culture, politics, and many other factors will help you analyze your topic.

Discuss the complex relationship the media holds when it comes to broadcasting events related to terrorist acts or organizations.


The social outreach of the media and informative communication channels have extensively expanded from the rudimentary, yet revolutionary contributions initiated by the printing press. Although public access to information has been dramatically facilitated for the public, this has also led various groups to take advantage of this platform to disperse their messages to a broader audience in a short amount of time. Discuss the complex relationship the media holds when it comes to broadcasting events related to terrorist acts or organizations. Suppose the media’s purpose is to effectively and transparently report on the subject of terrorism. Can it be argued that such a task be achieved in a strictly informative manner without the risk of propagating their harmful causes in the terrorists’ favour, or is such a combination destined to be blurred?

Describe the LGBT tourists segment that Richmond has used in the past provided in the case study. Based on the information provided in the case study, what are the benefits for Richmond to marketing to the LGBT community?

Target Market Characteristics

PROMPT: Choose Topic 1 or Topic 2. This case study discussion is about lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender (LGBT)-friendly tourism. Formulate a response responding to these specific questions below rather than those within in the case study. Review this case study:

Richmond, VA Case Study

  • Describe the LGBT tourists segment that Richmond has used in the past provided in the case study.
  • Based on the information provided in the case study, what are the benefits for Richmond to marketing to the LGBT community?
  • Name two potential subsegments within the broad LGBT tourists segment that Richmond might choose to target.
  • What is the best approach for marketing to the subsegments you have identified? Why?
  • Is the LGBT market attractive enough to justify an extended marketing campaign for Richmond? Why or why not? What more do you need to do or know to answer this?
  • Is “LGBT” still the best descriptor for marketing to this community, or is another term preferred?