
Write two paragraphs explaining how values, skills, ethics, and attitudes impact the safety of social workers.


Write two paragraphs explaining how values, skills, ethics, and attitudes impact the safety of social workers in one of the following situations:

The agency has no written safety procedures. You’re told to ask the boss for help when you need it.
The agency takes a proactive preventative approach to violence management and risk with many procedures for handling things before and after they arise.
An client is upset and needs a ride to another part of town. Two of the usual options are unavailable.
Since her main struggles are at night, a client asks to be able to call or text you at 11:00 p.m.
You are asked to accompany a police officer on a wellness check of someone who may be an agency client.

Identify at least 2 of the 5 principles of communication that you saw with examples? Did you include at least 1 of the concepts of phenomenology, caring and compassion, conflict, or use of words/meaning with examples?

Movie and Communication Analysis- The Good Nurse

Communication Written Analysis

Now you arc ready to watch the movie or TV show you choose:
You have now completed the readings from Week 3 – 5 and are ready to watch a movie or TV show to analyze the Therapeutic and Non-Therapeutic communication
Your faculty have used the website The Truth about Nursing introduced to you in Week 2 to choose a listing of TV shows and movies appropriate for this project You can choose any TV show or movie from the list below.

  • Movie
  • he Good Nurse
  • .00
  • TV show

Once you have watched your chosen show, you will complete the Communication Written Analysis assignment. Remember the assignment is worth 15% of your final grade and must be completed by the due date. There will be no extensions_
Write a 400-600 word analysis of the movie or TV show you watched. Your analysis should include examples of: Therapeutic, and Non-Therapeutic communication, as well as 2 of the 5 principles of communication. You should also include either examples of phenomenology, words/meaning, conflict or caring and compassion in communication to demonstrate and highlight your points.

You must use APA referencing of your textbooks. Your assignment should have an APA title page. — Your assignment must include the full name of the movie or TV show, and either the year it was filmed (movie) or the episode number and season (TV show).

Remember basic essay writing principles: essays rnuct have a brief introduction and ,iimmarykonclusion: must be in full sentences with appropriate grammar and ;yelling_ If you need a refresher or examples on essay writing including structure and set up of an acade, please click on this link to ensure you are on the right track: Acaderrric essay Writing Ba;ic;c1 (https; kategoryiacademic-essao

Submit your completed assignment into the Assignment folder. All assignments will be monitored for plagiarism using Turnitin.
Assignments will be graded using the details below: Before you submit did you? Write your essay using APA format (font, spacing, title page, reference page, intext citations)? Hint – you can review the APA module to ensure you are doing this correctly

Did you write a brief introduction paragraph for an academic essay? Did you include what you watched (name of show/movie, release date/episode/season)? Identify at least 1 therapeutic and 1 non-therapeutic example of communication with examples? Identify at least 2 of the 5 principles of communication that you saw with examples? Did you include at least 1 of the concepts of phenomenology, caring and compassion, conflict, or use of words/meaning with examples? Did you write a brief summary/conclusion for an academic essay? Did you check your spelling and grammar? The above is your rubric, read it carefully! If you answered yes to all of the above then you are ready to submit – go to the assignment folder and upload your assignment.

This assignment covers content from Week 2 to Week 5 and is assigned within the Week 5 content.

In what ways should the issues of special populations be considered when creating policies to facilitate inmate readjustment to society upon release?




Why is cultural diversity important in corrections employment and retention practices?


In what ways should the issues of special populations be considered when creating policies to facilitate inmate readjustment to society upon release?


Locate an article or video–using the University Library or CJSearch–on inconsistency and discrimination issues related to capital punishment.

Summarize the article or video and provide a link to it for your collaborative group.


What is the hazard/risk that you believe should be mitigated? Why is this hazard/risk a priority? What steps should be taken to mitigate against this risk (project description)?

Mitigation project

In this assignment, you will write an executive brief and strategy memo that identifies a mitigation project for your selected community.

Assignment Guidelines

  • Address the following in 2-3 pages:
    • What is the hazard/risk that you believe should be mitigated?
    • Why is this hazard/risk a priority?
    • What steps should be taken to mitigate against this risk (project description)?
    • What other examples of this hazard/risk and your recommended solution strategy exist? Were they successful?
    • What are the anticipated costs associated with your suggested strategy?
    • What are the legal, political, and community impacts of the project?
    • What are the potential impacts/outcomes in those 3 domains if the recommended project is not undertaken?
  • Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.


Much attention is given to the multi-generational clinician workforce. But what about multi-generational administrative workforce? Are the challenges similar?


Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following:

  • Much attention is given to the multi-generational clinician workforce. But what about multi-generational administrative workforce? Are the challenges similar?
  • What about interactions between multi-generational clinical and administrative workforces?


Identify the major components of the strategic management process. Discuss how these components work together to create value for the organization.


Write a 1,050-word paper in which you address the following:

  • Identify the major components of the strategic management process.
  • Discuss how these components work together to create value for the organization.
  • Evaluate the company’s mission statement, vision statement, motivation strategy, innovation strategy, and people strategy. If the organization does not have one or more of these, how does that affect the organization and its people?
  • Explain the role of ethics and corporate social responsibility in strategic planning. How does this direct their strategy? How does the organization’s vison and mission align with your own values and vision? If you are currently working for the organization, how does your role influence this and vice versa?


Identify one of the resources at the CDC Wonder site above and describe how a nurse might use this information in practice. How might nurses utilizing telehealth benefit from these resources?

CDC Wonder1

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Informatics and Surveillance website contains a number of resources nurses could innovatively incorporate in care delivery.

The CDC Wonder site could be utilized by nurses in a number of ways. to an external site.

For this discussion you will:

Identify one of the resources at the CDC Wonder site above and describe how a nurse might use this information in practice.

How might nurses utilizing telehealth benefit from these resources?

Address what you find innovative about the link.

Feel free to share some of your nursing innovation ideas!


In 200 to 250 words, respond to this prompt from the course text: “Use a product of your choice and ship it from one country to another in a multimodal shipment. What packaging methods would you use? Why?”

Discussion Question

Discussion 1

In 200 to 250 words, respond to this prompt from the course text: “Use a product of your choice and ship it from one country to another in a multimodal shipment. What packaging methods would you use? Why?” (David, 2013, p. 563).

Discussion 2

Select a port of entry and investigate the specific security measures taken by that port. As an example, the text highlights Wilmington, Delaware as a major port of bananas and tropical fruits and their associated challenges. In 200 to 250 words, discuss the security measures taken by the port you choose.


Is the title of the play in italics, not quotation marks? Are the characters names all spelled correctly, capitalized? Does the writer use MLA formatting and layout for margins, page numbers, font size, in-text citations and a works cited page?


Read playwright Arthur Miller’s short essay, “Tragedy and the Common Man” (available online), and apply Miller’s ideas/principles to Troy or Rose. Compare these principles with how they apply to a traditional Greek play. Write an essay analyzing Troy as a tragic hero or Rose as a heroine. Use evidence from Miller’s essay, a Greek play, and Fences to support your points.

This is the book;
ISBN: 9780593087589
Authors: August Wilson
Publisher: Penguin
Publication Date: 2019-08-06
Also must comply with these rules

Does the introduction include a hook, background on the play/theme or the writer’s background(for the biography prompt) and thesis statement? If not, discuss what’s missing or needs to be clarified.
Is the thesis in third person (no “you” or “I”) and does it state a claim about the play, its characters, or the playwright’s intentions? If not, discuss how to improve it.
Underline the thesis statement and each topic sentence. Do the topic sentences all relate directly back to the thesis? Mark any that don’t and discuss. (Hint: no body paragraph should start with a quote or just a summary of a scene from the play.)

2.Body Paragraphs
Does each body paragraph include a topic sentence, explanation, evidence (quote with cited page and/or paraphrase with citation) and analysis (TEEA paragraphs) ? If not, mark the paragraphs with missing items and discuss options for quotes.

Problem areas (circle all that apply)
a. Spelling b. capitalization c. italics/quotes d. verb tense e. homonyms f. missing words g. fragments h. run-on Mark or help the writer use detailed description for his or her evidence.
Is the title of the play in italics, not quotation marks?
Are the characters names all spelled correctly, capitalized?
Does the writer use MLA formatting and layout for margins, page numbers, font size, in-text citations and a works cited page?

Avoid the second-person “you” perspective throughout the paper.
When quoting dialogue from a play more one speaker, indent the speaker names 1 inch from the left margin. Write the name of the speakers in all capitals, followed by a period.
For example:
TROY. Truth or illusion, Bono; you don’t know the difference.
BONO. No, but we must carry on as though we did.
TROY. Amen.
(Wilson 20 1.3) (this means page 20 act 1 scene 3) There are variations for citing plays, and I’m okay with any of them.

Who is negotiating, and what is their goal? What recommendations could you offer to improve this negotiation?

Apple vs. Samsung Negotiations

(1) Who is negotiating, and what is their goal?

(2) What recommendations could you offer to improve this negotiation?

Key Material discussed in class: BATNA, Bargaining zone, Multiparty Negotiations, Constituent Relationships, Power, Status, Negotiation Ethics, Establishing Trust and Building Relationships.