
Using what you have learned about Theatrical Criticism from the text, type a 1pg paper about your chosen production. Do some research to find out whatever impact it might have made to Theatre History.


Using what you have learned about Theatrical Criticism from the text, type a 1pg paper about your chosen production. Do some research (STAY AWAY FROM WIKIPEDIA) to find out whatever impact it might have made to Theatre History. Most importantly, tell me if you liked the show or not… and WHY! (Be Specific!)

In 2006, Thomas Friedman authored a book entitled, The World Is Flat. Since that time many people have adopted a global perspective to business. Determine the security concerns that are raised by the flattening of the technological landscape. Explain your answer.


  • In 2006, Thomas Friedman authored a book entitled, The World Is Flat. Since that time many people have adopted a global perspective to business. Determine the security concerns that are raised by the flattening of the technological landscape. Explain your answer.
  • List and explain three ethical concerns that may be argued from this flattening of the technological landscape.
  • This is a weekly discussion and requires 2 paragraphs at most


After reading the articles from the links that are posted – what do you think about fat consumption? Is any of the information you new to you? Is it different from what you have previously been told?

Week 5 Discussion

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Fats are one of my favorite topics, and a very misunderstood energy-yielding nutrient!

There is a lot of misinformation out there about fats, and many different theories exist about how much and what types should be consumed. The textbook gives one perspective, these articles will give other ones.

Read the following articles by clicking on the lipid links below.

Saturated Fat – The Healthy Choice

  • to an external site.

The Benefits and Truth about Monounsaturated Fat by Rebekah Edwards

  • to an external site.

The Skinny on Fats

  • to an external site.

Coconut Oil

  • to an external site.


Stop using Canola Oil Immediately

  • to an external site.


Cholesterol – friend or foe?

  • to an external site.


The 11 Best Healthy Fats for your Body

  • to an external site.



Assignment: Check out some (or all) of these links and take notes on your thoughts as you read them. You don’t need to read each one word for word, but you should pick a few articles to read and reflect on. This week is more of an open forum for you to create the discussion. Create your original response with some paraphrasing or direct quotes from the readings (of course with proper citation of your references).

After reading the articles from the links that are posted – what do you think about fat consumption? Is any of the information you new to you? Is it different from what you have previously been told?

What options would you have when you communicate with the other nearby villages so that your estimate of per mile costs with be consistent and comparable for your manager? Explain.

Case Study

For the case outlined below, submit your written responses to the numbered answers below in the assignment area and your completed/revised spreadsheet (save the spreadsheet to your computer before submitting it in Brightspace).

Village of Typical, New York – Highway Service Costs Case Study

The Excel spreadsheet for the Village of Typical, New York includes four years of expenditures for street services.  The village has ten miles of streets that it maintains with a staff of five permanent employees including a street foreman and with oversight from the village’s Superintendent of Public Works.   The table at the bottom provides a brief description of the expenditure categories in the excel table. 

The village manager wants to look at village operating costs for street maintenance in comparison to a group of nearby municipalities.  She has asked you to calculate costs per mile for street maintenance and average it over the last four years -2016 through 2019.   As a part of this process the manager has asked you to contact the other nearby villages and coordinate with them in calculating and comparing average per mile street maintenance cost for the last four years.

  1. Is average cost per mile a “unit cost” according the definition provided by the Michel reading? Why or why not?
  2. To calculate a per mile cost for street maintenance are there any expenditures in the list of “Operating Expenditures” that you would want to exclude from this calculation of unit cost because they don’t appear to be street maintenance costs?  Please identify those expenditures you would exclude and explain why.  In particular discuss if you will include employee benefits in calculating per mile costs.
  3. In the spreadsheet provided – calculate the per mile cost for each year, based on your decisions about excluding costs in question 2 above. Then calculate an average per mile cost across all four years in the table (2016 through 2019).
  4. What options would you have when you communicate with the other nearby villages so that your estimate of per mile costs with be consistent and comparable for your manager?  Please explain.
  5. Looking at the annual percent change figures in the table, are there any expenditure areas that appear to represent fixed costs for highway services? Please explain in sentence or two.
  6. After communicating with the other villages you find that they treat the costs of the Village Clerk-Treasurer’s expenditures as indirect cost for streets and other services (see Michel chp. 3).  The Clerk-Treasurer provides a variety support activities to village departments, including –payment of bills, payroll management and personnel paperwork, etc.   The clerk-treasurer’s office in your village indicated that they did not have good records for allocating the cost of their services across the three affected departments – Police, Fire and Streets.  As a first cut at making an allocation of these indirect costs you decide to calculate a four year average of the total expenditures for each department and use those averages to calculate a percent of total spending by department to use for allocation.  Total spending for the Clerk-Treasurer, and the Police, Fire and Street Departments are in the “Clerk-Treasurer” tab on the Excel workbook.  Click on that tab and calculate the averages and then use the percent that the four year average for highway expenditures of the average total costs across all three services.   Go ahead and make this calculation to allocate Clerk-Treasurer expenses and adjust your four year average cost per mile.    How much did the four year average cost per mile increase after including indirect costs from the clerk-treasurer’s expenditures?
  7. After you calculate these revised costs per mile your manager reminds you that about 40% of the street department’s labor is used for picking up residential leaves and other garden debris over the course of the year. Describe what adjustments you would make to acknowledge this labor cost change in calculating a revised total street costs. You do not need to calculate this change in the spreadsheet – just describe in a paragraph the adjustments you would make.


Understand diversity, equality and inclusion in own area of responsibility. Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility.

Diversity, equality and inclusion

1. Understand diversity, equality and inclusion in own area of responsibility.

1.1 Explain models of practice that underpin equality, diversity and inclusion in own area of responsibility.

Pick one study and provide your assessment regarding its link to national resilience.

Homeland security and resilience

Pick one study and provide your assessment regarding its link to national resilience.

 use below links to assist in this question:


In what ways does science and technology benefit our lives? Defend the right of the scientific community to explore any and all research without government restraint.

Clouds and Apology


PART A- REACTION QUESTIONS The satirical play, Clouds, suggests that while the scientific revolution inaugurated by the Presocratic thinkers in the sixth century is an advance over the mythological thought of Homer, it also has created an ethical crisis that will be exploited by the school of thinkers known as the Sophists. Reflecting upon the merits and shortcomings of scientific developments on the human condition, answer the following questions.

  1. In what ways does science and technology benefit our lives? Defend the right of the scientific community to explore any and all research without government restraint.
  2. In what ways does technology encumber your life? What are the dangers posed by scientific inquiry that necessitate government regulation?


Part B-READING QUESTIONS – Read the small section of Aristophanes’ Clouds and all of Plato’s Apology. Both texts can be found in your Trials of Socrates book.

  1. Why does Socrates reject the belief that Zeus is the cause of thunder and lightning? How does Socrates use the example of intestinal gas as an analogy? What does Socrates promote as the new deities? (Clouds 240-420)
  2. How does Socrates defend the claim that he is the wisest man in the world? (Apology 20c-23e)
  3. . How does Socrates refute Meletus’ claim that Socrates alone corrupts the youth? Explain Socrates’ use of the horse trainer as part of his refutation. (Apology 24b-26a)
  4. . How does Socrates refute the claim that he is a complete atheist? Explain his analogy concerning one who believes in horse-things or flute-things as a way of understanding his belief in daimonic (spiritual) things. (Apology 26b-28a)
  5. Explain how Socrates’ daimonic voice speaks to him. (Apology 31c) What is Socrates’ definition of human virtue at 37e?
  6. To satisfy the lecture portion of this course, please view the Spotlight Lecture posted in the Week 7 folder. Demonstrate by answering the following: Explain how the Peloponnesian War set the stage for Socrates’ trial.
  7. Please read over the midterm paper prompt and identify what question you propose to write about as well as the side that you will defend as your central thesis claim.


The trail of Socrates


The Apology of Socrates by Plato


The ancient Greeks: crucible of Civilization, Episode 3 Empire of the mind




With the most current data from NCVS, evaluate and explain if the trend data compiled from the Crime in the United States’ website is contrary or consistent with the information given by the NCVS. What is the unit of analysis? How can you conclude if the data is valid and reliable?

Crime Victimization Report

Read the Crime Victimization Report –

The data collection on this report has been obtained from the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). With the most current data from NCVS, evaluate and explain if the trend data compiled from the Crime in the United States’ website is contrary or consistent with the information given by the NCVS. What is the unit of analysis? How can you conclude if the data is valid and reliable?

Your paper must be concise, well written, should be 2-3 pages in length (not counting cover and references) and conform to APA guidelines. To support your statements, cite a minimum of 2 scholarly journal sources that are not provided or linked in this course. The is very useful to find this type of scholarly sources.

Demonstrate their ability to think ethically about professional dilemmas that arise in the context of human service practice.

Ethical Dilemma

The purpose of this assignment is for students to demonstrate their ability to think ethically about professional dilemmas that arise in the context of human service practice. Ethical decision-making is a practice reality. Human service ethics clarify the ethical aspects of professional practice and help practitioners recognize the morally correct way to practice and serve as a guideline for effective decision-making. Students will be given or can choose an ethical case study and will be expected to use an ethical decision-making model in a reflective writing assignment with at least two additional peer-reviewed sources incorporated into the paper. These sources should help demonstrate and support the ethical process you are going through in this paper. More details will be presented in class. You will be provided a case study and an ethical decision-making model to apply for this assignment.

Analyze the managerial succession market approach that Microsoft utilized in selecting Satya Nadella as their CEO. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach and provide reasons why companies may opt for this type of succession planning. Utilize information from Section 12-3 of the textbook to support your answer.

Case Studies

Purpose: Understand how strategic leaders can transform organizations and regain a competitive advantage.

Discussion questions:

  1. Analyze the managerial succession market approach that Microsoft utilized in selecting Satya Nadella as their CEO. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this approach and provide reasons why companies may opt for this type of succession planning. Utilize information from Section 12-3 of the textbook to support your answer. (10 Points)
  2. Examine and describe Satya Nadella’s assessment of the issues facing Microsoft when he became CEO. Discuss three strategic steps that Nadella took to address these challenges and transform the company’s culture, as outlined in the case study. (5 Points)
  3. Explain how Satya Nadella’s background and prior experiences influenced his leadership style at Microsoft. Analyze the unique characteristics of Nadella’s strategic leadership approach referencing concepts from concepts discussed in class and the chapter. (5 Points)
  4. Bonus Question: Explain two concrete ways in which you plan to adopt and embody a growth mindset after completing your studies at GSU. Define what a growth mindset means to you and provide specific examples of how you plan to implement this philosophy in your personal and professional life. (3 Bonus Points)