
Summarize the diversification decision. Explain why the decision was made. Explain where in the marketplace the new products are launching.

Project 3


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Communicate professionally to diverse internal and external audiences


Your presentation to stakeholders was wildly successful and the company has determined that it is in their best interest to move forward with the diversification strategy you recommended. Since you did so well with the presentation, you have been asked by company leadership to prepare a draft of the press release that will go out to announce this new strategy. Your press release is meant for the external audience that was not represented at the all-stakeholder meeting: a group that includes customers, vendors, suppliers, and the general community.


Complete the Project Four Worksheet in your Soomo webtext and submit it for instructor feedback.

Using the template provided in the supporting materials section below, draft a press release that reflects your company’s new venture and how it affects the general external audience. Your press release should address the following rubric criteria:

  • Address the key points appropriate for external audiences.
  • Summarize the diversification decision.
  • Explain why the decision was made.
  • Explain where in the marketplace the new products are launching.
  • Identify who benefits from this product in both the company and the community.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit your completed press release template of 1 to 2 pages using the provided templates, or the document you downloaded from Soomo. Sources should be cited according to APA style.


Matilda Manning purchased a property with her then-boyfriend. They got married, and when they sold the property, her name was Matilda Denning. Will her change of name cause an issue when they want to sell the property? Briefly explain your answer.


QUESTION ONE – TRUE OR FALSE? (25 MARKS) Write T or F in the space provided. Each question is worth 1 mark.

  1. ________ In a busy law office, a law clerk may be given the ultimate responsibility for review and signing of a real estate reporting letter to a client.
  2. ________ If title to the matrimonial home is in the name of the husband only, he may sell the property without the consent of his spouse as long as he mentions it to her.
  3. ________ It may be possible to legally acquire a piece of your neighbour’s property simply by building a shed over the property line onto his property.
  4. ________ Law clerks are never allowed to send any letters relating to a real estate transaction under their own names.
  5. ________ The land that supplies an easement to another property is called the dominant tenement.
  6. ________ Joe and Moe wish to own a house as tenants in common; they do not have to own equal shares in the title.
  7. ________ If a law clerk makes a mistake on a real estate file, errors and omissions insurance will automatically cover any claim the client might have against the law firm.
  8. ________ Laws passed by a municipality that affect how owners may use their land are called regulations.
  9. ________ Alice borrows $100,000 from Best Bank and gives a charge on her property as security for the loan. Alice is the “chargee” and Best Bank is the “chargor”.
  10. ________ With blended mortgage payments, the amount of principal repaid each month is a fixed amount.
  11. ________ Under the construction legislation, only property owners and general contractors are required to hold back money when paying for work done on a house.
  12. ________ An owner of property that has a mortgage registered against it must get the consent of the bank before selling the property.
  13. ________ If there are two charges registered against the same property, the largest one will have top priority if a default occurs.
  14. ________ Paul is a subcontractor who has not been paid for plumbing services he provided in the renovation of a home. He may sue the owner of the property.
  15. ________ A subsearch is a brief examination of title records to update an earlier search of title. It is usually performed immediately before registration of a document.
  16. ________ If a property owner fails to pay tax arrears, a municipality may be able to sell the property in the second year following the year in which the realty taxes became due.
  17. ________ In 1995, the Supreme Court of Canada decided that there is no need to look for a root deed outside the 40-year title search period provided that there is a conveyance sometime within the 40-year period.
  18. ________ A vendor may obtain a consumer credit report on a purchaser.
  19. ________ A purchaser may not be obliged to complete the purchase and accept title if a survey discloses that adjoining buildings or structures are encroaching on the property.
  20. ________ If an Agreement of Purchase and Sale states that the property includes a right of way over another property, you will need to search the title to the other property as well.
  21. ________ In a busy law office, a law clerk may review title insurance options with a client, and place the order for the title insurance.
  22. ________  In a busy law office, a law clerk may complete the client identification process related to a residential real estate purchase.
  23. ________ Law clerks may very occasionally give undertakings on behalf of lawyers in real estate transactions if the lawyer gives them permission to do so.
  24. ________ A Planning Act title search is not required if the land is a whole lot on a plan of subdivision.
  25. ________ Every encumbrance that is attached to property must be cleared before closing.


________/ 25   TOTAL Question One


QUESTION TWO – MULTIPLE CHOICE (10 MARKS) Please write the letter of the best answer in the space provided. Each question is worth 1 mark.


  1. __________ Which of the following land registration systems does not provide a guarantee of title?
a. Land titles system
b. Registry system
c. Neither of the above
  1. __________ Which of the following is not the correct name of a document you might find in conveyancing law?
  2. charge/mortgage
  3. transfer/deed
  4. cessation of charge/mortgage
  5. all of the above
  6. none of the above


  1. __________ Harry and Ginny are buying a house and wish to have the right of survivorship.  They should take title:
a. as joint tenants
b. as tenants in common
c. as grantor/transferor
d. as mortgagor/mortgagee
e. on joint account


  1. __________ Hermione and Ron are the sellers in a residential real estate transaction.  In the transfer document, they would be the:
a. Joint Tenants
b. Transferors
c. Transferees
d. Mortgagors
e. Mortgagees


  1. __________ The Andrews sisters all hold title to a property as tenants in common. Maxene, the eldest, suddenly dies. Which statement is correct?
a. The remaining sisters have the right of survivorship and are now joint tenants.
b. The remaining sisters have the right of survivorship as tenants in common.
c. The remaining sisters remain as tenants in common with the estate of Maxene.
d. Maxene’s share goes to the government, which can force the sale of the home.


  1. __________ Most property is held in ___________________, which provides for the closest thing to absolute ownership:
a. life interest
b. life estate
c. fee interest
d. leasehold
e. fee simple


  1. __________ The base amount of a mortgage debt is referred to as the:
a. term
b. terms
c. maturity
d. principal
e. payment


  1. __________ The date on which all monies are due under a mortgage is referred to as the __________ date:
a. term
b. terms
c. maturity
d. principal
e. amortization


  1. __________ Bob is purchasing his new home on April 15, 2023 and the mortgage funds will be advanced the same day.  The mortgage is for $200,000 at an interest rate of 5.0% with a blended monthly mortgage payment of $920.25 for an initial period of 5 years. Bob’s last payment will be made in the month of  ___________________.
a. April 2028
b. May 2028
c. June 2028
d. July 2028
  1. __________ Big Bank has sold Bob’s mortgage to Trusty Bank. Bob’s mortgage is said to have been:
a. extended
b. assumed
c. assigned
d. renewed
e. discharged


_______/10 TOTAL Question Two



For each of the following definitions or short pieces of information, supply the legal term or phrase that best identifies the definition. Each question is worth 1 mark.







1.   A registered __________ is another name for a document registered on title.




2.   This type of charge/mortgage can be paid off without penalty at any time.






3.   Rules governing the internal operation of a condominium corporation are also known as:  




4.   This Latin phrase clearly places the onus on the purchaser to exercise caution when buying a home, perhaps consulting a home inspector.


5.   This type of designation may prevent an owner of an old house from doing certain types of renovations if they detract from the old-fashioned look of the house.


6.   Term for property that shares a common boundary with the property being title-searched.







7.   This search is done to make sure there are no writs at the Sheriff’s office against the seller of the property.







8.   Real estate term for written negotiations back and forth between the buyer and the seller regarding various matters in the agreement of purchase and sale.


9.   Claim against land that will act as security for the payment of a debt by the landowner.








10.   Assessment of property conducted to determine the likelihood that one or more contaminants have affected the property.









________ / 10 TOTAL Question Three


QUESTION FOUR – SHORT ANSWER (43 MARKS) Please answer the following questions in the spaces provided. Pay attention to the marks assigned to each question!


  1. (a) Concession II in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac is divided into four lots. The shaded portion in the diagram below is Lot 4. What would be the legal description of the shaded portion? (2 mks.)






(b)   The diagram below represents part of Lot 4, Concession II in the Township of North Frontenac, County of Frontenac, and is registered as Plan 8765. What would be the legal description of the shaded portion? (2 mks.)

12 1
11 2
10 3
9 4
8 5
7 6



  • Aunt Matilda transferred a property into the name of her niece Brunhilda, who is 17 years old. The ungrateful Brunhilda now wishes to sell the property. Is there a problem with that, and how would it have to be dealt with? (3 mks.)
  • Luke recently purchased his first home with mortgages obtained from Galaxy Bank and the vendor, Mr. Kenobi. Briefly explain what would happen in each of the following situations. Please Note that part (b) does not build upon the facts in part (a).
  • If Mr. Kenobi signed over his mortgage to Mr. Vader, who would give Luke the discharge of the mortgages next year? (2 mks.)
  • If Mr. Kenobi were to die in tragic circumstances just before Luke was ready to completely pay off the mortgages, how could Luke receive a discharge of the mortgages? (2 mks.)
  • Leia borrows $100,000 from Galaxy Bank on May 10th for her house purchase and arranges to make blended monthly payments on the 1st of each month. The first monthly payment will be due on July 1st.
  • When is Leia’s interest adjustment date? (2 mks.)
  • What is required if there is an existing mortgage on the property that Leia does not want to assume? (2 mks.)
  • (a) Sam owns a cottage property. He would like his sister to be able to live on the property until she dies, but he wants his niece and nephew to eventually inherit it. What should Sam do to arrange this? (2 mks.)

(b) Sam presently has a closed charge with his bank. He has just won the lottery and wants to pay off the charge. Can he do this? Briefly explain your answer. (2 mks.)

  1. Ollie is the owner of an old house in downtown Kingston. He hired Chuck as a contractor to renovate his house, and Chuck hired Paul to paint the interior. Paul completed his work on August 31st, and it looked very nice, even if he did say so himself. It is now September 21st and Paul has not been paid for the painting work. Paul would like to know about the process involved in collecting the money owing to him.
  2. By what date must Paul take his first steps toward getting his money? (1 mk.)
  3. What is the terminology for this initial legal process? (1 mk.)
  4. By what date must Paul take his next steps toward getting his money? (1 mk.)
  5. What is the terminology for this legal process? (1 mk.)
  6. Whom can Paul sue, and for what? Briefly explain your answer. (4 mks.)
  7. Matilda Manning purchased a property with her then-boyfriend. They got married, and when they sold the property, her name was Matilda Denning. Will her change of name cause an issue when they want to sell the property? Briefly explain your answer. (2 mks.)
  8. A buyer recently purchased farmland, unaware that it contained toxic waste buried long ago. The farmer selling the land was aware of the toxic waste but said nothing about it to the buyer. The barrels of toxic waste are now seeping into the water table. The toxic waste was discovered soon after closing due to the contamination of the water table and its effects on neighbouring properties. The Ministry of the Environment has issued a clean-up order against the property. What is the position of the buyer who recently purchased the farmland? (5 mks.)
  9. Barbie and Ken owned their Dream House as joint tenants. Sadly, Ken died a couple of years ago, and now Barbie wishes to sell the property, as she plans to marry a GI named Joe. The Dream House is registered in the Land Titles system. What must Barbie do if Ken’s name is still on title to the Dream House? (2 mks.)
  10. What is a chain of title and why is it important? (3 marks)
  11. Briefly describe two things a lawyer may not delegate to a law clerk in a real estate transaction. (4 marks)

________/ 43 TOTAL Question Four




Our client, Celia, is interested in purchasing a condominium, but she has heard from friends and colleagues that “condo fees” or “condo expenses” can be very high. She would like to know what “condo fees” are, and whether she would have to pay any of them.

Explain to Celia what expenses the condominium corporation might impose on condominium owners — and explain to her whether she would have to pay them. (12 marks)


________ / 12 TOTAL Question Five   BONUS QUESTIONS – Next Page  à


BONUS QUESTIONS (1 mark each)

  • Your search of title has revealed that there hasn’t been a conveyance of the property within the required search period. What would your Conveyancing professor recommend that a careful law clerk should do regarding this title search?




  • This real estate term refers to both the signing of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale and a writ of seizure and sale.


What are the other emerging segments of consumers that would be attractive for P&G, such that it might start developing new product lines to appeal to them?

Management Question

Part-A:   Case Study  Max Marks-5

Read the Chapter Case Study “P&G Segments its Market along Multiple Dimensions” from Chapter No- 9 “Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning” Page: – 308 and 309 given in your textbook/E-book – “Marketing” (8th ed.) by Dhruv. Grewal and Michael Levy (2022) and answer the following Questions:

  1. In addition to the list of options presented in this case, how else might a multinational, multibrand conglomerate like P&G segment its millions of customers? Use other ideas from the chapter to suggest other segmentation methods that could be used.(2.5 Marks)
  2. What are the other emerging segments of consumers that would be attractive for P&G, such that it might start developing new product lines to appeal to them? (2.5 Marks)


Part-B:  Critical Thinking  Max Marks-10


Reading required: – Read Chapter 10, 11, 15 and 17 carefully and then answer the following questions based on your understanding.

  1. Grocery chains such as Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets track consumers’ purchasing habits through store loyalty cards like Iktisab. These cards collect purchasing data and build consumer profiles. How can grocers like Abdullah Al-Othaim Markets use these data to create value for the firm and consumers?                              Chapter-10. (2.5 Marks) (Minimum 150 words)
  2. Identify a specific brand of your choice from the local market that has developed a high level of brand equity. What specific aspects of that brand establish its brand equity? Critically examine based on the concepts discussed in Chapter-11. Chapter-11 (5 Marks) (Minimum 150 words)
  3. Coupons and rebates benefit different distribution channel members. Which would you prefer if you were a manufacturer, a retailer, and a consumer and why? Explain based on the concepts discussed in Chapter-15. Chapter-15 (5 Marks) (Minimum 150 words)
  1. Some argue that retailers can be eliminated from the distribution channel because they only add costs to the final product without creating any value-added services in the process. Do you agree with this viewpoint? Are consumers likely to make most purchases directly from manufacturers in the near future? Provide justification for your answers based on the concepts discussed in Chapter-17. Chapter-17 (5 Marks) (Minimum 150 words)


Important Notes: –

  • For each question, you need to answer not in less than 150 Words.
  • Support your answers with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles
  • Use APA style for writing references.

How did the movie portray teaching in urban environments? How are teachers, students, parents, schools, and communities portrayed in the film? Pay close attention to the film’s protagonist(s)?

Film Critique

For this assignment students will watch, analyze, and critique a movie or documentary that relates to urban education. If you would like to watch a movie not on the list, please let me know before you watch it. The guiding question for your analysis is: How do the representations in the movie reflect, contribute to, critique, and possibly transform our collective understandings of urban teaching, learning, and schools in the U.S.? In your essay you should briefly describe the movie (plot, relevant characters, setting, etc.), but the bulk of your essay should address the following:

How did the movie portray teaching in urban environments?

How are teachers, students, parents, schools, and communities portrayed in the film? Pay close attention to the film’s protagonist(s)?

What characteristics of urban education are highlighted?

What course themes do you see portrayed in the film (culturally responsive pedagogy, racism, classism, community cultural wealth, deficit or asset perspectives, etc.)

What aspects of the film are empowering or disempowering?

Who seems to be the intended audience for the movie and how do you know?

What are your general impressions and key takeaways from the film?


Select ONE of the two articles you found in your earlier search for this module. Sketch some key points of critical analysis of the article. Draw on the various readings/resources provided for this work.

Select on of the two Articles – For the Title Question

Select ONE of the two articles you found in your earlier search for this module. Sketch some key points of critical analysis of the article. You can draw on the various readings/resources provided for this work.

  1. Next, develop your outline into a short paper (Word document) of 3 pages, double-spaced. Approach this as a short academic paper. Be sure to include a paragraph of the introduction of the purpose of the paper and a short conclusion. This paper should be written as a Word document. Include a reference list in APA 7 format.

Two Articles- Select One

Wang, Y., Derakhshan, A., & Zhang, L. J. (2021). Researching and Practicing Positive Psychology in Second/Foreign Language Learning and Teaching: The Past, Current Status, and Future Directions. Frontiers in Psychology, 12.

Zhang, W. (2022). The Role of Technology-Based Education and Teacher Professional Development in English as a Foreign Language Classes. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.


Pick one of the insight pillars above and discuss how it supports the overall business strategy. Consider your current or previous workplace, and address how the insight may apply. What can the business do now to use data to address the insight you have selected?

Data Analytics

Examined several different types of data insights that occur in big data analytics:

  • Offer novel knowledge
  • Provide causation relationships
  • Add a competitive edge
  • Yield quantifiable results
  • Demand execution

Pick one of the insight pillars above and discuss how it supports the overall business strategy. Consider your current or previous workplace, and address how the insight may apply. What can the business do now to use data to address the insight you have selected?


Review the additional resource materials for Chapter 6. Write a 3 page essay about what the main concepts in the material.

Assignment: Chapter 6: Critical Theories

Read Chapter 6

Review the additional resource materials for Chapter 6.

Write a 3 page essay about what the main concepts in the material in this chapter are;

Add a personal stateme of what you think of what you learned.

What ethical responsibility would/do you have now that you know about this situation? In other words, what would you do if you knew this was happening in your home town? What if you were Clyde Robinson?

Boxtown and the Pipeline

80-year old Clyde Robinson treasures the acre of land he inherited in Boxtown, a neighborhood just south of Memphis that began as a community of freed slaves in the 1860s. For more than five decades, his relatives lived in a home on the property. While fire destroyed the house, he still cares for the property, paying his taxes and tending to the land. Now he finds himself defending it.

Robinson’s land is wanted by Valero Energy and Plains All American Pipeline, and their joint venture, the Byhalia Connection. They want to build an underground, miles long pipeline to carry crude oil to the Gulf Coast, which they say will bring jobs and tax revenue to the region. The pipeline would run through wetlands and under poor, predominantly Black neighborhoods like Boxtown, named after residents used material dumped from railroad boxcars to fortify their homes. The land sits over an aquifer that provides drinking water to more than one million people.

The Byhalia Connection would link the east-west Diamond Pipeline through the Valero refinery in Memphis to the north-south Capline Pipeline near Byhalia, Mississippi. The Capline, which has been transporting crude oil from a Louisiana port on the Gulf of Mexico north to the Midwest, is being reversed to deliver oil south through Mississippi to refineries and export terminals on the Gulf. Robinson has refused an offer of $8,000 for an easement on his property and is fighting the project in court. “My dad says, ‘[h]ow are they going to take what’s mine?’” said Marie Odum, Robinson’s daughter. “It’s just not fair.”

Environmentalists, activists and local politicians say the companies are putting oil profits ahead of the people who live along the pipeline’s path. Some fear a spill would endanger waterways and seep contaminants into the Memphis Sand Aquifer, which gives Memphis its drinking water. The pipeline connector would traverse well fields that pump water from the aquifer into the water system. And the aquifer’s clay layer is already known to have leaks and breaches; if the pipeline should fail, contamination of the water supply could be imminent.

Opponents suspect environmental racism—the practice of placing toxic factories, landfills and other polluters in minority neighborhoods and indigenous areas, where residents are often politically voiceless and only realize the danger after people get sick. They say Boxtown, where homes had no running water or electricity as recently as the 1970s, was chosen because residents are Black and low income.

During a recent rally against the pipeline, activist Justin Pearson said the project radiates racial injustice. “Black lives matter when we are in our homes and our children are outside playing on our land.” Pearson and others bristled when a Byhalia Connection land agent said during a community meeting that the pipeline developers “took, basically, a point of least resistance” in choosing the path, but Byhalia Connection spokeswoman Katie Martin said the comment doesn’t reflect the company’s views. “What should have been said is that we really, truly look for the least collective impact to the community,” Smith said.

Project officials have reached deals with some landowners on the planned pipeline’s route. A few holdouts, like Robinson, have been taken to court. The pipeline’s lawyers are seeking eminent domain, long invoked by governments to claim private property for public-use projects. Robinson’s lawyers say no statute in Tennessee gives a company the right to take property for moving oil from one refinery to another. Circuit Court Judge Felicia Corbin Johnson said during a hearing that she has concerns about whether the pipeline company can claim eminent domain.

The Southern Environmental Law Center and others also have opposed the Byhalia Connection’s approval using Nationwide Permit 12, which helps fast-track pipeline construction by allowing developers to skip an environmental assessment and public comment period on projects that cross rivers, streams and wetlands if they can show their project will have minimal environmental effects.

Plains All-American has said construction could begin within months, though the ongoing legal battle may delay that. US Rep. Steve Cohen, a Memphis Democrat, has asked the Biden administration—which already canceled the presidential permit for the much-disputed Keystone XL pipeline—to tell the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to rescind the Byhalia Connection’s permit. “The proposed Byhalia Pipeline would impose yet another burden on Black neighborhoods in southwest Memphis that have, for decades, unfairly shouldered the pollution burdens of an oil refinery, and coal- and gas-fired power plants,” Cohen wrote.

Byhalia Connection representatives say the pipeline will make refineries along the artery more efficient and poses no threat to the aquifer. “Our pipeline is going to be typically 3 to 4 feet underground, and the drinking water segment of the Sand Aquifer is far deeper than that,” said Martin, the pipeline project’s spokeswoman. ‘Plains All-American has owned and operated pipelines in Memphis without problems, and measures will be put in place to ensure the aquifer’s safety,” Martin said, adding a promise of jobs and tax revenue. “Our goal for this project is to safely and responsibly build and operate a pipeline that will be a long-term benefit to the community,” Martin said.

Byhalia Connection has given more than $1 million to the Memphis community for various causes. But Robinson says no amount of money or talk will convince him to give up what’s his. Ambling across the land one recent sunny day, he picks up trash with a stick that he leans on to trudge up a hill. He talks about dreams of building a senior care center or a children’s playground someday.

The points of view presented in the excerpt above illustrate some of the current issues related to building through established communities and the desire to update and make more efficient the infrastructure of the United States. Some common points of view that people have about this type of issue are:

  • Proponents of these kinds of projects believe that they can be major job creation projects and can be major regional economic contributors. Likewise, a positive aspect pointed to by proponents is that the crude created by establishing pipelines within the US creates a more reliable product for refiners to process. Instead of relying on product from Mexico or Venezuela that may or may not come in or may or may not be of the highest quality, US-built pipelines offer safe and consistent refining that can support US jobs. Finally, this is a more efficient option for the economy in that it should lower the costs of production and allow for overhead costs to come down since the source of crude will be closer to refining facilities.
  • Opponents of these kinds of projects point to many environmental concerns, including the extraction and transportation of one of the most damaging forms of fossil fuel (bitumen), causing the potential for toxic run-off where there currently exists no threat. Additionally, it’s been shown with past pipeline projects that jobs may be abundant at the onset of the project, but eventually, those jobs dwindle to low numbers. Most of the longer term support jobs also tend to be minimum wage positions, which cannot support a family. While it may be a more efficient method of transportation than rail or truck, there are still impacts to the environment, with carbon emission being a concern. Opponents point out that they believe more sustainable (long-term), good-paying jobs could be created with investments in green energy.

Now that you’ve completed the reading, pick ONE of the following prompts to craft an essay:

  • VIEWPOINT 1: Without jobs, Americans suffer; rebuilding the infrastructure is one way to ensure jobs for people in local communities.
  • VIEWPOINT 2: The economy must take a back seat to the environment and individuals, as without a clean country to live in, all Americans suffer.

You may only CHOOSE ONE viewpoint above (use the viewpoint you select, appropriately paraphrased and without attribution, as your thesis). Trying to combine both points of view into one essay will earn you a ZERO. In other words, I expect you to take a position and defend it. Once you’ve settled on one point of view, do additional research to defend your position. Chapters 20 and 21 of your text may provide you with some useful background and terminology. Some things you should consider when organizing your thoughts:

  • What are the ethical issues presented in the reading?
  • Is this a case of environmental racism? Why or why not?
  • What ethical responsibility would/do you have now that you know about this situation? In other words, what would you do if you knew this was happening in your home town? What if you were Clyde Robinson?
  • How can you apply the sociological imagination to this scenario to better understand what’s happening?
  • Have there been any recent developments on this case, and if so, what are they?


Complete a literature review on a research topic of your choice relevant to early childhood or childhood or young people.

Literature review

Complete a literature review on a research topic of your choice relevant to early childhood or childhood or young people.

Critically examine a current challenge of academic research – (Academic and Journals Publishing Module).

Critically examine a current challenge of academic research – (Academic and Journals Publishing Module).

Note: You are expected to demonstrate engagement with more than one viewpoint. Consider the broader themes discussed throughout the module as well as the needs of publishers, researchers, and other stakeholders. You may wish to appraise existing models or propose new approaches.

Your work should contain the following:

An introduction, setting the context of your approach to the question
Critical appraisal of the arguments
Evidence of further research and analysis of additional relevant sources
A conclusion

We consider three main elements when marking your work:

1) Argument and Analysis

2) Knowledge and Research

3) Writing and Presentation.

Your written assignments must address all three areas to be successful and your overall mark takes all three areas into consideration. In the feedback that you receive on your written work, your tutor will inform you of how you have performed in each of these three areas. Your tutor will also offer suggestions for how you can improve your work in future.




Argument and Analysis:
Your work should contain a coherent and accurate main argument that is built around strong ideas and high-quality thinking. Your work should effectively address the needs and characteristics of the identified audience. Ensuring the information, arguments or ideas are logically and purposefully organised, and consistently maintained throughout the article.

Knowledge and Research:
Your work should demonstrate wide and critical reading of secondary sources. Your work should show excellent and thorough comprehension of any texts that you discuss. It should also engage with academic literature in a sophisticated way and make use of relevant historical, intellectual, or literary contexts. Consider the scope and detail of the information you give: information, arguments, or ideas are fully developed and expanded upon.

Writing and Presentation:
Your work should be well structured and organised and should be written in a clear and persuasive manner. You should consistently use good language choices to enhance the text: spelling, syntax, grammar, overall structure of your writing, paragraphing. Your referencing, and bibliography, should accurately and consistently follow scholarly conventions, as should your formatting and presentation. Your essay should also avoid mistakes in spelling, punctuation and grammar.