
Assign your numbers for mean μ and standard deviation σ. Then select a number “A” below mean μ, and a number “B” above mean μ. Use Appendix Table for the Normal Distribution to find probability that x is between A and B: P (A < x < B).

As a part of preparation for this week test, let’s practice with another case related to the Normal distribution.
Assign your numbers for mean μ and standard deviation σ.
Then select a number “A” below mean μ, and a number “B” above mean μ.
Use Appendix Table for the Normal Distribution to find probability
that x is between A and B: P (A < x < B).

Here are steps to follow: convert A to z score (let’s call it za),
convert B to z score (let’s call it zb).;
From Appendix table find area under curve to the left of za and to the left of zb.
That will give you P (z < za) and P (z < zb).
If za or zb are not in the table, change your A or B.
Use formula: P (A < x < B) = P (za < z < zb) = P (z < zb) – P (z < za)

Do not just assign numbers, make an example from real situation
where this technique can be applied. For instance see Chapter 6 section 6.3 example 6.11 on page 270 of eText: Intelligence Quotients example. Create your own scenario and values.

Is policing better off today than it was in the 20th Century? Is the de-escalation tactic over-used and or under used?

Present day, it is evident that policing is going to be reformed in reference to the use of physical force, I believe that extreme constrictions will be mandated, and policing will be revolutionized once again. I will focus on the 21st Century Policing Initiative that has been in the execution stages for the past few years. The community policing elements of this policing initiative have been validated and effective but the elements redressing the use of force have not been as smoothly accepted and transitioned.

The current unrest and national climate that has been exasperated due to the unfortunate incident in which the life of George Floyd was ended by a uniformed commissioned police officer. The repercussions of the pressures from activist and politics that will inevitably have a national impact and revolutionize police operations and tactics.  I am and personally will be experiencing and responsible for leading officers through the rule changes and weathering the contempt for police behaviors by the people police are to serve and protect.

  • Is policing better off today than it was in the 20th Century?
  • Is the de-escalation tactic over-used and or under used?
  • Are the police safer?
  • Is the community safer?
  • Due to the current unrest our nation is experiencing and the shift in our political climate, is now the right time to review the use of force aspects?
  • What are the accepted “rules of engagement?
  • Are officers being hesitant in using force, placing themselves and the public at risk?
  • Will law makers need to enact legislation to redefine the vindication for use of force?

What does the environment do to our behavior? How do we influence others through our environment? Does this always happen? What would Behaviorist say about the environment?

How personality is created through Classical Conditioning (CC) as well as Operant Conditioning (OC) (Rewards and Punishments),

Be creative in your paper and use full sentences. The below questions can help you start writing for this paper, so please do not just answer the below questions in short sentences, but elaborate on them…

1. What does the environment do to our behavior?

2. How do we influence others through our environment?

3. Does this always happen?

4. What would Behaviorist say about the environment?

Identify one healthcare issue that is of particular interest to you. Describe the issue and discuss current law(s) related to that issue (either federal, state, or local laws) as well as any ethical concepts related to the issue.

In this course work assignment, you will be responding to a question prompt. Your response must be at least 2 paragraphs long and a total of at least 1 full page (not counting cover, references page, and exhibits page).
In your response, you must cite at least 2 of the readings listed in the attached file, titled, “reading materials.”

Identify one healthcare issue that is of particular interest to you. Describe the issue and discuss current law(s) related to that issue (either federal, state, or local laws) as well as any ethical concepts related to the issue. Be certain to tell us whether or not you feel that the “laws” and “ethical issues” are congruent or incongruent. Be certain to justify your position.

Additional Instructions/Reminders:
-Make sure you cite your references both in-text and on the reference page, per APA guidelines.
-You are welcome to use your own sources, but you must use at least 2 of the readings in the attached list of “reading materials.”
-Your answer must reference at least 2 of the sources in the attached “reading materials” list.
-Make sure you are answering all parts of the question prompt. Make sure you do not miss any part of the question prompt.

Identify and describe any potential factors that may account for differences in performance measures. Explain how these differences in performance measures might impact nursing practice.

The administrator for your healthcare organization is asking nurse leaders to understand how quality of care is measured as well as determine what each nurse can do to make an impact on areas that need improvement in healthcare organizations. Each nurse leader is asked to gather pertinent data from two organizations and to compare this data to assess performance. State and national averages should be identified when using the benchmark data from the Compare sites and should be used to compile a presentation to the hospital administrator.

In response to your administrator’s request, you will brainstorm and create a presentation that will highlight performance comparisons for two HOME HEALTHCARE organizations. Review the data from the Compare sites and brainstorm on what the data may be highlighting and indicating relative to each healthcare organization’s performance. Your presentation should contain the following sections:
1. Identify and describe any potential factors that may account for differences in performance measures.
2. Explain how these differences in performance measures might impact nursing practice.
3. Describe the publicly reported data on the quality and safety of care for TWO of the following Home Health Agencies;
a.Patient Survey Results.
4. Provide recommendations that are supported by the research literature for clinical decisions systems that may potentially explain why the healthcare organizations are performing well, including an explanation of what you, as a nurse leader might continue doing to sustain a high level of performance OR why the healthcare organizations are not meeting standards, including an explanation of what you, as a nurse leader might do to help reach standards in the selected healthcare organizations.

Examine the scientific approach to the study of society and the humanistic approach to the study of society with a view to identifying the key issues which each approach addresses. Examine the nature of positivism with a view to determining whether sociology should be studied as a science.

1. Examine the scientific approach to the study of society and the humanistic approach to the study of society with a view to identifying the key issues which each approach addresses.

2. Examine the nature of positivism with a view to determining whether sociology should be studied as a science.

3. Discuss the nature of interpretivism with a view to determining whether sociology should be studied as an art.

4. Distinguish between objectivity and subjectivity in sociological research.

5. Discuss the problems of objectivity in scientific research.

6. Discuss the link between philosophical assumptions of the sociologist and the research practices of the sociologist.

7. Explore the differences between the positivists’ and interpretivists’ approach to social research.

8. Debate the issue of whether it is possible for sociology to be value-free.

9. Assess the significance of values in research with a view to determining the influence of the ideology of the researcher on the research process.

How has cross-dressing served to subvert gender roles? How has cross-dressing been policed through history? Why is cross-dressing inherently destabilizing or considered a threat to a society, such as this one, that privileges heterosexuality and the gender binary?

The terms “cross-dressing” and “transgender” are not synonymous.
Gender is a social construct and a performance, something we do. Our gender performance might align with dominant notions of masculinity or femininity, or it might challenge or disrupt traditional gender expectations.
Cross-dressing, masquerade, and other forms of gender variance remind us that gender is neither natural nor fixed.
How has cross-dressing served to subvert gender roles?
How has cross-dressing been policed through history?
Why is cross-dressing inherently destabilizing or considered a threat to a society, such as this one, that privileges heterosexuality and the gender binary?

— Cross-dressing : wearing clothing assumed to be typical of the opposite gender (Note: transvestism )
— Drag : performance that aestheticizes gender for entertainment purposes. These performances are often hypermasculine or hyperfeminine .
— “ Transsexual may be used to refer to individuals who use hormonal and/or surgical technologies to alter their body in ways that may be construed as at odds with the sex assignment of birth or which may not be readily intelligible in terms of traditional conceptions of sexed bodies” ( Bettcher 46)
— “ Transgender may be used to refer to people who do not appear to conform to traditional gender norms by presenting and living genders that were not assigned to them at birth or by presenting and living genders in ways that may not be readily intelligible in terms of more traditional conceptions. The term may or may not be used to include transsexual ” ( Bettcher 46)

The healthcare problem is high readmission rates regarding congestive heart failure. For patients with congestive heart failure, will providing a CHF care program decrease re-hospitalizations compared to not providing a care program?

The healthcare problem is high readmission rates regarding congestive heart failure.

The hospital readmissions are significant because the problem was never controlled by the patient at home due to lack of understanding or patient instruction adherence.

The current practice related to the problem is there is a lack of CHF clinics that will help to manage the heart failure outpatient.

The problem impacts the patient and hospitals by unnecessary readmissions by using resources from the hospital and patient’s finances.  Regarding my local area of a high Hispanic population, it is a cultural norm to visit family members weekly and have small food get-togethers that impacts the patient’s diet.

For patients with congestive heart failure, will providing a CHF care program decrease re-hospitalizations compared to not providing a care program?

Construct a 7-9 page paper that: situates, via your writing, the field of content analysis within the broader framework of qualitative methods; provides a detailed content analysis (with matrix) of a particular form of popular media (via either 30-plus minutes of content, 20-25 images, or some other parameter

For this second assignment, construct a 7-9 page paper that:

a) Situates, via your writing, the field of content analysis within the broader framework of qualitative methods;

b) Provides a detailed content analysis (with matrix) of a particular form of popular media (via either 30-plus minutes of content, 20-25 images, or some other parameter (instructor permission for which must have been obtained prior to the submission of this assignment); and

c) Recommends further research in the content analysis area based upon the findings of your analysis.

Your paper should utilize sound critical thought, refer to course materials, and be written in APA-format (to include a title page, abstract, appropriate in-text citations and a reference page).

What is the research questions or the area of inquiry and explain why is interesting?  What was the hypothesis or hypotheses tested? Describe the methods use in the research. Describe what was the conclusion? What did you learn from the article as you enter the nursing pro

  • From the chapters review on this unit, go to the epcc library website
  • Find an article from a peer-reviewed journal related to one of the classifications for these chapters that is within 5 years of current year. For example: antidepressants, opiods, antiepileptic, etc.

Answer the following questions on the link provided below (make sure you submit an electronic copy of the article you selected;

  • What is the research questions or the area of inquiry and explain why is interesting?
  • What was the hypothesis or hypotheses tested?
  • Describe the methods use in the research
  • Describe what was the conclusion?
  • What did you learn from the article as you enter the nursing pro.