
Based on your selection, describe one creative or innovative form of traditional marketing you have personally encountered. How did this creative or innovative approach influence your purchasing decision?


While traditional marketing methods are the cornerstone of any organization’s growth, creativity, and innovation, within traditional marketing is a definitive way of energizing any business offering. By being innovative and creative in its marketing efforts, an organization lends itself to being seen as dynamic, open to feedback, and always improving its offering.

In your initial post, answer the following:
• Select two forms of traditional marketing channels from the following: TV, radio, print, and outdoor.
o What is the appeal of each of your chosen channels to these target audiences? Ground your response in research and rich detail.

  • Baby boomers
  • Millennials
  • Generation X
  • Generation Y
  • Generation Z

• Based on your selection, describe one creative or innovative form of traditional marketing you have personally encountered.
o How did this creative or innovative approach influence your purchasing decision?

• Share two “top” ideas to be considered for marketing the brand connected to Milestone Two in Module Six and explain your rationale.
o Include one idea each for the following areas: consumer research and SEO.

In response to at least two of your peers, address the following:

  • Compare your views on the appeal of traditional marketing to various audiences. How do they differ from your peers’ views? How are they the same?
  • Compare your views on the importance of creativity and innovation in traditional marketing. How do they differ from your peers’ views?
  • Respond to the top ideas of your peers for consumer research and use of SEO. What are the pros and cons of each idea from your point of view and research?

Describe the plan to market the product to the identified target audiences. What communication strategy will you use for the target audiences regarding the park services?

MBA 645 CMO Memo for Target Audience

Overview In this course, the learner-faculty connect video assignment will be used for reflection as well as to discuss your preparedness for upcoming weeks. This is a private conversation between you and your instructor, and you are encouraged to explore the concepts presented.

As a regional director of marketing, it is essential for you to know how you are going to apply various marketing principles and theories to design an effective and relevant marketing plan for the reopening of the park. This includes various aspects such as understanding the target audience; identifying the right and relevant marketing methods to communicate with the target audience; using product, place, price, and promotional strategies to attract the target audience; and so on.

You have been provided with the following target audiences:

  • Primary Market: Families with children (ages 6-18) with an average annual family income of over $75,000 per year
  • Secondary Market: Teens, ages 15-18

Prompt In this mentor-focused video check-in, you will review the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric (Milestone Two is due in Module Six) and have an asynchronous discussion with your instructor regarding any initial concerns about the same. You will also review the CMO Memo for Target Audience and address questions about target audiences.

You are encouraged to continue reaching out to your instructor so that any concerns and questions are addressed before the course project is due. Discuss your progress and concerns with your instructor through this video submission.

Record a short video in the Bongo Q&A tool, addressing the following criteria:
1. Refer to the CMO Memo for Target Audience, then describe how the four Ps can be used to attract existing and new customers back to the U.S. Park Southeast when it reopens, keeping the target demographics in mind. Your response should address the following:

a. Describe the plan to market the product to the identified target audiences. What communication strategy will you use for the target audiences regarding the park services?

b. Describe the pricing strategy that should be considered to drive new and existing customers. How will you communicate the value of your offering through an effective pricing model?

c. Describe the role of place in attracting customers back into the park. Identify the appropriate communication method to share information about the safety measures you have taken.

d. Describe two promotional events aimed at your two target audiences designed to drive attendance. Include one promotional event for each of the two target audiences. This element requires you to use your own creativity or previous exposure to promotional events.

The considerations should be such that customer and business perspectives are well balanced. The company is open to ideas showing creativity and innovation but does not want to reinvent the wheel completely.

1. Share your expectations and understanding about Milestone Two, including any questions or concerns you may have regarding:

  • Determining the right target audience
  • Consumer research methods
  • Trends in corporate social responsibility (CSR) impacting the park business
  • Marketing methods to be considered for the reopening of the parks
  • Search engine optimization

If you have any additional questions or require additional support from your instructor, let your instructor know.

How will identified methods help in the acquisition of new customers? How will identified methods help in the retention of existing customers? What are the advantages and disadvantages of identified methods?

645 Check In

In Milestone One, you analyzed the brand implications of reopening the park, and you have delivered the analysis report in the form of a presentation. In your role as regional marketing director of one of the theme parks in the southeastern United States, you have been tasked by your CMO with designing a marketing plan to address the marketing and branding needs of reopening the park.

You will create a customizable strategic marketing plan, which you will implement for your own park and share with the other regional directors of marketing. The other directors will implement the same strategy based on the needs and demographics of their respective parks. Your strategic marketing plan will be presented in a PowerPoint presentation. In this presentation, you will elaborate on the traditional and digital marketing methods and discuss how these marketing methods are aligned with each other. You will also discuss the crisis management strategies that should be implemented prior to the reopening of parks and perform some further analysis of legal and ethical issues, which might have negative impacts on the brand.


Based on the information provided to you, share a completed customizable marketing plan for the reopening of the individual park. Your presentation should include the following critical sections with relevant guiding information:

1. Determine two methods to be used for consumer research in developing the marketing plan. Provide rationale (Slide 1).

2. Keeping the target audience in mind, determine three traditional marketing methods you will use in developing the marketing plan and provide a rationale. Your response should address the following (Slides 2-4):

  • a. How will identified methods help in the acquisition of new customers?
  • b. How will identified methods help in the retention of existing customers?
  • c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of identified methods?

3. Keeping the target audience in mind, determine three digital marketing methods you will use in developing the marketing plan and provide a rationale. Your response should address the following (Slides 5-7):

  • a. How will identified methods help in the acquisition of new customers?
  • b. How will identified methods help in the retention of existing customers?
  • c. What are the advantages and disadvantages of identified methods?

4. Explain how the traditional and digital marketing methods you have selected will work together to optimize the brand. Your response should address the following (Slide 8):

  • a. Which method do you think could be most impactful in addressing your target audiences?
  • b. Which method do you think could be most effective in branding?
  • c. Can both digital and traditional marketing support the brand and growth of the business?

5. Explain the crisis management strategies that should be implemented prior to reopening. Your response should address the following (Slide 9):

  • a. How can we focus on customer expectations to improve brand damage from the incident?
  • b. How can we support our employees’ needs in reopening the park?
  • c. What possible crises could arise relevant to the incident and reopening?

6. Determine one legal and one ethical issue that could arise and negatively impact the organization’s brand image upon reopening, and provide proactive steps that could be taken now to prevent them (Slide 10).

Review the lecture and your chapter notes, determine the most important aspects of each topic, and express those aspects in your own words Synthesize this topic with topics presented in the past, in order to create a deeper understanding of the ways in which geology works.

Module 5 Reflections & Connections (Module 5 Week 5)

Paper instructions
Need to write a brief description of the material covered in the chapter; connect the material to the module learning objectives.

Connect the material to the module learning objectives Your thoughts on the material (use the following questions as a guide for your thinking, not as questions that you are required to answer): What was most/least interesting? How does this past chapter relate to other chapters? How does this chapter relate to your life/ experiences you have had/ knowledge from other courses? (If relevant) What was the hardest and easiest to understand or accomplish? Did you enjoy learning about this subject, why or why not? Any questions you have about the material Your thoughts and reflections on the US healthcare system in general

To write a successful reflection, you should: Review the lecture and your chapter notes, determine the most important aspects of each topic, and express those aspects in your own words Synthesize this topic with topics presented in the past, in order to create a deeper understanding of the ways in which geology works.

Evaluate your own level of understanding of the topic, allowing you to then know what areas you should ask questions about in your reflection. Reflections should be: Double-spaced 2-3 paragraphs long (no longer and you must write in paragraph form)

Module 5 Objectives:

* Chapter 5:
* Gain familiarity with the many components of the US healthcare system.
* Analyze some of the unique challenges and distinctive characteristics associated with the various components.
* Recognize several criteria that differentiate primary care from specialty care.
* Compare the care needs of people at varying stages of life.
* Analyze the pros and cons of integration.
* Understand the key features of an accountable care organization.

In the lecture video transcript, it says you need to listen to a podcast. Here is the link:

What are the key points that support your thesis statement? What primary supporting details should you add to develop these key points? Are there supplemental/secondary points that will further strengthen your statement?


As you develop your outline, ask yourself the following questions:

What are the key points that support your thesis statement?
What primary supporting details should you add to develop these key points?
Are there supplemental/secondary points that will further strengthen your statement?
What kind of organizational plan will you use for my essay?

Your assignment is to develop a detailed outline for your research paper. Your outline should be focused on your thesis and should include your thesis statement in the outline of your introduction.

Briefly provide background and context in relation to the content or experiences that stood out to you. Highlight the settings, summarize the key readings, or narrate the experiences in relation to the assigned content.

Reflection Essay Health Care Divide

Watch this link on the Healthcare divide (Full Documentary) on PBS Frontline

What is a “Reflection Essay”:

Reflective Background and Context

The first part of your reflection paper should briefly provide background and context in relation to the content or experiences that stood out to you. Highlight the settings, summarize the key readings, or narrate the experiences in relation to the assigned content.

Reflective Interpretation

Drawing from your reflective analysis, this is where you can be personal, critical, and creative in expressing how you felt about the assigned content and how it influenced or altered your feelings, beliefs, assumptions, or biases about the subject of the material and/or the course. This section also explores the meaning of these experiences and how you gained an awareness of the connections between these moments and your prior knowledge.

It is important to include specific examples drawn from the assigned material and placed within the context of your assumptions, thoughts, opinions, and feelings. A reflective narrative without specific examples does not provide an effective way for the reader to understand the relationship between the course content and how you grew as a learner.

Reflective Conclusions

The conclusion of your reflective paper should summarize your thoughts, feelings, or opinions regarding what you learned about yourself as a result of reading the course materials, assigned chapters, lectures, etc.

Problems to Avoid

A reflective paper is not a “mind dump”. Reflective papers document your personal and emotional experiences and, therefore, they do not conform to rigid structures, or schema, to organize information. However, the paper should not be a disjointed, stream-of-consciousness narrative. Reflective papers are still academic pieces of writing that require organized thought, that use academic language and tone ( Links to an external site.,) and that apply intellectually-driven critical thinking to the course content and your learning experiences and their significance.

A reflective paper is not a research paper. Therefore, unlike research papers, you are expected to write from a first-person point of view which includes an introspective examination of your own opinions, feelings, and personal assumptions.

A reflective paper is not an all-inclusive meditation. Do not try to cover everything. The scope of your paper should be well-defined and limited to your specific opinions, feelings, and beliefs about what you determine to be the most significant content of the assigned material and in relation to the learning that took place. Reflections should be detailed enough to convey what you think is important, but your thoughts should be expressed concisely and coherently [as is true for any academic writing assignment].

Identify local, state, and national resources which facilitate safe and effective transitions of care for older adults.

Coronary artery disease

Course Competency:

Identify local, state, and national resources which facilitate safe and effective transitions of care for older adults.

Your supervisor at Rasmussen Home Health Services is satisfied with the resources described in your annotated bibliography and is eager for you to continue your work. As a next step, your supervisor wants you to develop and share the following items with them.

  • Write an introduction about your in-service presentation topic.
  • Create an outline that identifies and describes the important content areas for your in-service presentation topic.
  • Write a conclusion.
  • Provide an APA formatted References list that contains at least 2 credible references that you intend to cite in your presentation.


On the full summary, there are fourteen bullet points in this section. Discuss your reaction to any two (2) bullets.

A co tract with black America

This second “clause” in the CWBA focuses entirely on money and finance. On the full summary, there are fourteen bullet points in this section. Discuss your reaction to any two (2) bullets. So the rest of us can follow what you are talking about, your reaction MUST specify the bullet number and quote the specific language you are reacting to. Additionally, for each of your two bullets, you must attach an external source (scholarly article, story from a reputable news organization, data from government report, etc.) and discuss how that source influenced your reaction. Finally, you must respond to two other student’s posts and be prepared to answer any questions posed by the instructor.

Determine the impact of economic costs on organizational and individual decision making. Explain how market structure impacts a business’s entry and exit into a market and its ability to generate economic profit.


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

Inform business decisions using microeconomic models and theories
Determine the impact of economic costs on organizational and individual decision making.
Explain how market structure impacts a business’s entry and exit into a market and its ability to generate economic profit.

You and your friend from college have just graduated. You majored in business, and your friend majored in a creative field. Your friend is highly inventive and has come up with an excellent idea for a new product. You both believe in this idea so much that you have agreed to become business partners. However, before you embark on your entrepreneurial adventure, you will have to explain some key microeconomics concepts to your partner that are important to make sound business decisions.

Your business partner is less than enthusiastic about this prospect and has never had an interest in what is often described as the dry and boring field of economics. Every time you have tried to engage your partner in practical discussions, they brush you off and decide to go play video games instead.

Aha! This gives you an idea: What if you could convince your friend to learn about economics through games? You have found several simulation games that demonstrate in real and interesting ways the economic principles that you know your partner needs.

Once you have played the games, you will create a memorandum report summarizing for your friend the educational value of your experiment. In your memorandum, you will restate the key principles and takeaways of each simulation, as well as illustrate how these ideas are relevant to your future entrepreneurial success.

First, assemble the materials that you will need to complete this assignment:

You will need several simulation report images for your memorandum. All the necessary data visualizations will be generated after you have completed each simulation game. You will be required to save image files of your simulation reports for your simulation discussions. These should also be used to create your memorandum report for the course project. If you have any questions or concerns about the simulation data that should be used for your project, you should promptly reach out to your instructor.
Review and use the Project Template located in the What to Submit section.

You are expected to reference any source material used in your memorandum report with appropriate citations. To support you, a References page has been added to the project template with a citation for this course’s reading already provided. Any other references you add should be cited according to APA format.
Once you have assembled the required materials listed above, you can now begin drafting your memorandum report by completing the following steps:

Comparative Advantage: Discuss the Comparative Advantage (With Trade) simulation that you played in Module Two. You should add the Production Decisions graph and the Production Trade graph (i.e., the graph showing how many hamburgers per fries) from you simulation report into the project template as Figures 1.1 and 1.2. Then, answer the following questions in the paragraphs below the figures:
How does this simulation demonstrate how individuals evaluate opportunity costs to make business decisions? Use the Production Decisions graph from the simulation as a reference to explain what role the production-possibility frontier (PPF) has in the decision-making process.
Explain how comparative advantage impacts a firm’s decision to engage in trade. Would a business’s decision to trade cause a change to its PPF? Provide specific reasoning to support your claims.
Competitive Markets and Externalities: Discuss the Competitive Markets and Externalities simulations (both with and without policy interventions) that you played in Modules Three and Four. Add the Supply and Demand chart and the Outcomes by Market table from your simulation reports into the project template as Figures 2.1 and 2.2. Then, answer the following questions in the paragraphs below the figures:

What impact do policy interventions have on the supply and demand equilibrium for a product? Provide specific examples from the simulation to illustrate.
What are the determinants of price elasticity of demand? Identify at least three examples. Based on the outcome of the simulation, explain how price elasticity can impact pricing decisions and total revenue of the firm.

Based on the results of the simulation, can policy market interventions cause consumer or producer surplus? Explain why using specific reasoning.
Production, Entry, and Exit: Discuss the Production, Entry, and Exit simulation that you played in Module Five. Add the Aggregate Outcomes chart from your simulation report into the project template as Figure 3.1. Then, answer the following questions in the paragraphs below the figure:

Analyze a business owner’s decision making regarding whether to enter a market. For example, what factors determined the driver’s market entry and exit in the simulation? Use economic models to support your analysis.
How does a business owner applying the concept of marginal costs decide how much to produce? For example, how did the driver determine how many hours to drive each day? Use economic models to explain.
How does the impact of fixed costs change production decisions in the short run and in the long run? Use the average-total-cost (ATC) model included in the module reading chapters to demonstrate this impact.

Market Structures: Discuss the market structures simulations (Price Discrimination and Cournot) that you played in Modules Six and Seven. Then, do the following in the project template:
Complete Table 4.1 as a reference guide for your business partner. The table should compare the attributes of each of the four listed market structures.
Answer the following questions in the paragraphs below the table:
Explain what market inefficiencies derive from monopolies and monopolistic competition. Use examples from the textbook to support your claims.
How do firms in an oligopolistic market set their prices? Use specific examples from the simulations or from the textbook to support your claims.
Explain how firms that compete in the four different market structures determine profitability. Use specific examples from the simulations or the textbook to support your claims.
Conclusions: Draw your overall conclusions about the relevance and significance of microeconomics. How will microeconomics principles impact your business decisions moving forward? Provide recommendations to your business partner for your future business venture.
Finally, ensure that all of your sources are properly cited using in-line citations and references according to APA format.

What are the fact sand background information/circumstances surrounding the ethical dilemma that you are focusing upon in your essay? Discuss/review the different ethical options that are available?

2.Ethical Practice Essay: Key Assignment

The paper should be written in APA format and at least 3 – 5 pages in length (12-point font).
Students will write a paper about an ethical dilemma that they have faced, observed, or could potentially be posed with in the future. If they are not comfortable disclosing a dilemma that they have faced or may face, they are welcome to explore a dilemma that has appeared in the news, a book, a movie, etc. Write an essay using the following questions to guide your paper trying to cover as many of the questions below as possible.

The following should be addressed in the paper:
1. What are the fact sand background information/circumstances surrounding the ethical dilemma that you are focusing upon in your essay?

2. Discuss/review the different ethical options that are available?

3. How is your“ethical approach”connected to how adults learn or prior adult learning?

4. Discuss how different ethical approaches guide your decision making?

5. Of the approaches that fit you best(egoism,utilitarianism,the common good, and so on) which approaches do you find most relevant to the situation and how might they guide you?

6. What is the role of respect,responsibility,integrity,competence,and concern on your decision making and what is their level of importance?

7. What role could the principles of adult learning play in your ethical dilemma?

8. Summarize your decision. Consider your decision in retrospect. What worked well? What worked poorly? What would you do in the future if you found yourself with the same dilemma with what you have learned in this course?