
Which ethical standards or broad areas do you think are most challenging to observe for practitioners in your field? Why? How? What is an area (or multiple areas) of ethics in your field you would like to learn more about to prepare for as you enter the field?

In this course, you have had the opportunity to explore numerous aspects of the school environment that forms the foundation for your roles as teachers and speech-language pathologists. From multiple intelligences to curriculum to diversity to educational history, we’ve surveyed a lot of Big Ideas in education. It is a complex environment to work in, and you have a lot to learn and juggle as you seek to understand it.

In this project, we turn to the concept of ethics. According to Merriam Webster Online, ethics is “an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behavior”

As adults, we don’t always appreciate being judged as “good” or “bad.” In fact, because we are adults, it’s our job to judge others—namely, our students and clients. Still, just like our younger counterparts, we also must behave. We serve in highly visible, public roles. Ethical guidelines represent our fields’ (teaching and speech language pathology) best efforts to outline principles to guide our best behavior.

It is important that you are aware of the ethical guidelines governing your profession. This will help you to perform ethically as well as help others you work with to do the same

Locate an example in the news of a professional ethical breach in your field or in a closely related field .Summarize what happened. Where did the person or group of people go wrong? Do you have any empathy for the person or group of people? Why or why not?

2. Summarize (give the main idea of what these mean to you) the ethical standards for your field. What are your overall reactions to the ethical standards?

3. Which ethical standards or broad areas do you think are most challenging to observe for practitioners in your field? Why? How?

4. What is an area (or multiple areas) of ethics in your field you would like to learn more about to prepare for as you enter the field?

What are tangible reinforcers? Define the concept. Describe at least one specific example of a tangible reinforcer that you observed and describe how the recipient responded to the tangible reinforcement.

Observe and listen closely to an adult who is in a supervisory or instructional capacity interacting with a child or group. You might find these interactions at an after school program, instructional class, softball or soccer game, basketball practice, daycare center, or Boy Scout or Boy’s and Girl’s club session. You might also observe them in families dining at a restaurant, checking out in a grocery store line, or attending church. You will probably need to observe in a variety of settings in order to find all three types of reinforcement included in this observation report. Observe adult-child or coach-player interactions for at least 30 minutes in each setting, being sure to sit where you can hear words and see reactions. Read the questions below so that you know what to listen for in your observations. Take “field notes” by writing down examples of reinforcement that you hear.
Review your field notes. Then synthesize the observations to respond to each question below. Type your response to each question in bold beneath each question. Be sure to use the content and academic language from the lesson in your answers. Academic language that is appropriate for this report includes: social reinforcement, tangible reinforcement, activity reinforcement, positive reinforcement, scheduling, reinforcement menu. Save the document as a Word document, then submit it through the CourseDen Dropbox. Please refer to the Stages of Reflection document if you are unclear about what to write or how to write your answers for this assignment.
1. Describe the locations where you conducted observations and how much time was spent observing at each site: who was there, what were they doing, when and where did you observe, how was it being conducted. Briefly describe the people and setting at each site.
2. What are social reinforcers? Define the concept. Then, describe two specific examples of social reinforcers that you observed, and describe how the recipient responded to the social reinforcement.
3. What are activity reinforcers? Define the concept. Then, describe at least one specific example of an activity reinforcer you observed and describe how the recipient responded to the activity reinforcer.
4. What are tangible reinforcers? Define the concept. Next, describe at least one specific example of a tangible reinforcer that you observed and describe how the recipient responded to the tangible reinforcement.

5. Reflect on and describe your reactions to this observation experience. How did you feel or react to the use of reinforcement in these settings? Value the experience for you: was it a meaningful, helpful, relevant experience for you or not? Please explain and support your value judgment with examples that you observed.

6. Analyze the event. Based on your observations, what type of reinforcement seemed to be most effective? Use academic language from the lesson and provide examples from your observation that support your analysis.
7. Reflect on the event. Think back on your own experience growing up…and even now! What types of reinforcers worked best to shape your behavior and habits? Which types of reinforcers did not work for you? Share a specific example and be sure to use academic language.

Define the terms “benchmark & dashboard” as they relate to their use in healthcare . Provide one example of a benchmark. Describe the purpose of using benchmarks & dashboard in healthcare . Provide one example of a dashboard used in healthcare.

A. Which hospital needs the most improvement in RN staffing? Hospital A
B. Which hospital needs the most improvement with the 3 nosocomial infections? Hospital A

2. For Table 3:
A. Which hospital’s data showed the greatest improvement in its indicators overall from 2017 to 2018 survey? Hospital C

B. Describe the trend in data for Hospital A indicators from 2017 to 2018. Be specific…do not state “some indicators improved while others did not”.

Catheter associated UTI- Decline
Central Line associated blood stream infection- Decline

Ventilator associated pneumonia-Decline
RN staffing-Decline
Injuries from falls –Stayed the Same
Hospital acquired pressure ulcers-Stayed the Same

C. Describe the trend that is shown in the data for Hospital C from 2017 to 2018. What one indicator’s data might have had an impact on this trend?

D. Questions related to Terms:
1. Define the terms “benchmark & dashboard” as they relate to their use in healthcare (minimum 2 paragraphs). Provide one example of a benchmark.

2. Describe the purpose of using benchmarks & dashboard in healthcare (minimum 2 paragraphs). Provide one example of a dashboard used in healthcare. NOTE: Provide minimum of two (2) scholarly sources to support your answers to Questions 1 and 2 under “Terms”

Conduct scientific literature research and write a 2-3 page paper on DNA technology or a Human disease or disorder. 

Conduct scientific literature research and write a 2-3 page paper on DNA technology or a Human disease or disorder.  The disorder must be pertained to a system being studied in the Course (choose from cells/tissues, integumentary system, skeletal system, joints, muscular system, nervous systems or other body systems covered during the course).

Briefly introduce your topic and explain WHY the topic is important or interesting to you?  Why should it be of interest or importance to the reader?

 The body of your paper should include discussion of the following:

  1. Background information
  2. Detailed information about topic
  3. Presented in a logical manner with correct use of scientific terms.
  4. Correct in text citations.

The body of the paper should reflect a clear understanding of these subjects written in your own words.

Explain your reaction to the information you learned from your research.  Do NOT just restate your discussion or facts from the paper.  You conclusion should be personal, based on what your learned while researching this paper.

After touring Sentinel City, select a specific vulnerable or minority population group and identify one of the most common diseases, chronic condition, injury, or health concern that impacts your population group.

Explore how determinants of health such as poverty, behavior, education, and income are related. One common element underlies poor health: poverty. Money is required to purchase the essentials of health such as food, clothing, shelter, clean water, education, and access to preventative health services. Each day in nursing, you are faced with persons from varying economic, social, and cultural backgrounds. In addition to varying backgrounds, you will also experience differing patient values and preferences related to their individual health and behavior. Caring for the vulnerable, at-risk, and aging populations is an essential competency for nursing. Therefore, we need to explore the interrelationships of socio-cultural influences, behavioral influences, as well as economic and non-economic barriers to healthcare to improve our knowledge. In doing so, we will be able to plan specific interventions designed to help achieve healthier outcomes. You will have the opportunity to examine poverty, behavior, and other determinants of health in Sentinel City®. As providers of care, BSN nurses need to understand how these are related and impact the health of our patients.

Activity Instructions:

Review course textbook and other resources.
Review World Health Organization (2017). The determinants of health, Health Determinants.
Review Sentinel City® demographics and neighborhood demographics. Meet with Mayor Hill who can provide some information about Sentinel City® economics. Enter Sentinel City® and begin the bus tour. After touring Sentinel City, select a specific vulnerable or minority population group and identify one of the most common diseases, chronic condition, injury, or health concern that impacts your population group. Then list a total of 3 determinants of health from the Healthy People website. During your tour of the city, describe 1 observation related to the 3 selected determinants of health. (a total of 3 observations must be described). Note indicators of high or low employment. Consider education levels, number of female head of households, and median household incomes for example. Finally, describe a total of 3 strategies or evidence-based recommendations to help reduce or eliminate the selected observations noted during your Sentinel City® tour

Describe the safety design review process. Explain the role and importance of safety in a safety management system. Discuss how these concepts inter-relate with the safety management systems approach.

In this unit, you have learned about reducing risks through safety design. For this assignment, you will further explore that topic. Compose an essay in which you summarize the fundamentals of the safety design review process, systems safety, and prevention by design. In your essay, you should address the following issues:

Describe the safety design review process.
Explain the role and importance of safety in a safety management system.
Discuss how these concepts inter-relate with the safety management systems approach.

Select and apply appropriate accounting techniques to critically analyse financial data in a variety of business decision making scenarios.Critically appraise the techniques used and the information to which they have been applied.

Assessment Learning Outcomes:
1. Select and apply appropriate accounting techniques to critically analyse financial data in a variety of business decision making scenarios.

2. Make informed financial judgements based on the outcome of such accounting analyses.

3. Critically appraise the techniques used and the information to which they have been applied.
4. Demonstrate a critical understanding to the internal, external and legal environments in which the judgements are being made.

5. Understand the objectives of preparing management information and the need to adapt techniques in a changing commercial environment that can help in decision making in relation to costing, pricing, product range and marketing strategy.

6. Evaluate the strategic performance of a business, understand the significance of the relationship between financial and non-financial indicators of business performance and recommend appropriate performance measures.

Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts of biology and chemistry as they relate to microbiology. Identify characteristics and types of common microorganisms. Examine modes of transmission and methods for preventing the spread of microorganisms.

This project is intended to help you to utilize and refine your information literacy skills to seek out information about a specific public health issue relating to microbiology, and to develop your thinking abilities by completing a self-evaluation of your project and preparation process. You will also be performing data analysis on statistics reported by the CDC. The workplace capability of technological skills will be developed through the use of computer software to develop your public health brochure in the appropriate format and will also help you develop time management and productivity skills as well.

By completing this project, you will fulfill course outcomes #1-7 (see below for details). Because this is a public health project, you will base your article selection on tying it to the healthcare field. Through project completion, you will develop the following institutional outcomes: information literacy and communication, thinking abilities, and community and career. You may submit your project under any of these in your e-portfolio.

Course Outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the concepts of biology and chemistry as they relate to microbiology.

How: By developing a brochure that outlines a relevant public health topic in microbiology and presenting it to your peers.

  1. Identify characteristics and types of common microorganisms.

How: by discussion of causal organism(s) and its (their) characteristics.

  1. Examine modes of transmission and methods for preventing the spread of microorganisms.

How: by identifying how the microorganism is spread and how to prevent the spread (public health focus).

  1. Articulate host inflammatory and immune processes.

      How: by explaining how the human body responds to the pathogen(s).

  1. Explain treatment of infectious diseases: antimicrobial medications and bacterial resistance.

How: by explaining how the pathogenic disease(s) discussed in brochure are treated in clinical practice and issues with treatment.

  1. Categorize infectious diseases of body systems of current epidemiological concern.

How: by presenting/ developing a brochure on a topic that is of current epidemiological relevance either locally, nationally, or worldwide.

  1. Outline basic procedures in clinical microbiology lab practice and evaluate effective learning strategies.

How: by outlining diagnostic procedures in the brochure and completing a self-reflection of the project.

Choose one film (Gaslight (1944) or The Others (2001) and one text that we have studied on this course (Dracula or The Yellow Wallpaper), and use them to explain how the “psychological experience of being full of fear and dread and thus of recognising human limits” is in fact an uplifting experience, one in which we acquire knowledge that frees us

Read carefully the assignment on the Module Six Extended Response Paper 3 file that I have attached and complete the assignment.

The writer has to choose one film (Gaslight (1944) or The Others (2001) and one text that we have studied on this course (Dracula or The Yellow Wallpaper), and use them to explain how the “psychological experience of being full of fear and dread and thus of recognising human limits” is in fact an uplifting experience, one in which we acquire knowledge that frees us, helps us heal or resolve past trauma, or allows us to explore possibilities that are normally denied expression by the cultural conditions in which we live.

Moreover, you will need to rent the films Gaslight (1944) and The Others (2001) in Amazon for example in order to complete this assignment.

Your paper should have a thesis statement that proposes an argument in response to the points above, and should use evidence from the text and film to illustrate and support your ideas. If you quote specific lines of dialogue from the film, the in-text citation should contain the director’s last name and the specific hour, minute, seconds that you reference: (Cukor 00:23:11-00:23:57)

Prepare an office memorandum that addresses; whether authorizing the BORS to regulate all interstate commerce violates Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution.

Facts: Congress is considering an amendment to the Human Cloning Act that would allow the BORS to:
Regulate all interstate commerce, and Hear all cases appealed from the Federal district courts that involve issues related to cloning.
Senator Caster questions whether this amendment to the HCA is constitutional, and she has sought an opinion from the BORS.

Prepare an office memorandum that addresses the following:

(1) Whether authorizing the BORS to regulate all interstate commerce violates Article I, Section 8 of the United States Constitution; and

(2) Whether authorizing the BORS to hear all cases appealed from the Federal district courts that involve issues related to cloning violates Article III of the United States Constitution.