
Calculate the velocity (non-zero) of the belt (Vcritical) at which there is no net oil flow. Calculate the shear stress, if any, on surface AD of the fluid element ABCD inside the oil film. Indicate the direction of the stress and whether it is positive or negative.


Provide an original answer, the ones on other homework help websites are incorrect.

Oil Coating: A long, continuous belt is pulled upwards through a chemical oil bath at velocity V0. The belt has rectangular cross-section and has length (L), width into the paper (W). The belt picks up a film of oil of thickness h, density ρ, and dynamic viscosity μ. Gravity g tends to make the oil drain down, but the movement of the belt keeps the fluid from running off completely. Assume fully developed, steady, laminar, incompressible and two-dimensional flow of oil to answer the following questions. Assume that no pressure gradient is needed in the vertical direction to drive the film flow. Also assume that the shear stress at the air-oil interface is zero (free shear condition). Assume no-slip condition for the fluid in contact with the moving belt. Justify any other assumptions you may make. Show all steps.

(a) Derive an expression for the two-dimensional velocity field inside the oil film in terms of the known parameters. Clearly indicate your co-ordinates and origin. You must indicate which equations are used, which terms in your equations vanish (with proper justification), and what boundary conditions are applied.

(b) Sketch the velocity profile in a non-dimensional form as v/V0 versus x/h.

(c) Derive an expression for the volume flow rate of the oil film.

(d) Calculate the velocity (non-zero) of the belt (Vcritical) at which there is no net oil flow.

(e) Calculate the shear stress, if any, on surface AD of the fluid element ABCD inside the oil film. Indicate the direction of the stress and whether it is positive or negative.

(f) At some point X(x0,y0) inside the oil film, calculate an expression for the total acceleration (magnitude and direction).


Demonstrate your mastery of integration, synthesis, and critical thinking skills, particularly by showing your ability to craft a problem statement, situate at least three different approaches to solving this problem by adopting various disciplinary perspectives, and then creating an integrated approach to solving this problem taking these approaches into consideration.

Supply Chain Issues

The Senior Thesis Project focuses on having students solve a problem utilizing an integrated approach. Students are encouraged to engage with a problem that reflects their interests. The project must demonstrate your mastery of integration, synthesis, and critical thinking skills, particularly by showing your ability to craft a problem statement, situate at least three different approaches to solving this problem by adopting various disciplinary perspectives, and then creating an integrated approach to solving this problem taking these approaches into consideration. Satisfactory and total completion of the Senior Thesis Project is required for students to receive a passing grade in this course, regardless of performance on other assignments. This will be submitted via the appropriate Canvas dropbox.

List the characteristics that unite all animals. List the characteristics that are used to classify and divide the animal phyla. Observe the diagram below that represents a Marine Biome.

Pre-Lab Questions

  1. List the characteristics that unite all animals.
  2. List the characteristics that are used to classify and divide the animal phyla.
  3. Observe the diagram below that represents a Marine Biome. (Drawing by Dr. Palavecino- not to scale)


What was the article about? Which methods were used in the article? What are the major finding of the article? Explain in no more than 3 sentences how the information in the article points to the designing work of a Creator.

Week 6 Reflection

Instructions: Read the Week 6 Article posted on Blackboard.

 Write your responses below in the green boxes.

NOTE: The green boxes will expand when you type to the end of them.

  1. Purpose of the Research. What was the article about? This is a brief response—no more than 5 sentences total
  2. Methods. Which methods were used in the article?
  3. What are the major finding of the article?
  4. Explain in no more than 3 sentences how the information in the article points to the designing work of a Creator.

Now Submit this completed Document to Blackboard to be graded.

Illustrate how we know that this is an accurate statement. Present an example of a widely-held myth or misconception about crime and society. Determine how we know that this is a myth. Explain why this myth is so difficult to abandon.

Myths and Reality of Crime

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, watch Crimes of the Powerful, available through the Films on Demand database in the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. Additionally, read Chapters 5 and 6 from the textbook. Our justice system tends to focus on street crime, often ignoring much more significant problems such as white-collar, corporate, and state crime. The video also discusses euthanasia, although the point of this reference is to illustrate how the law can be used as a tool for social change. The video also discusses moral values with a focus on media coverage of harm to children. Laws have changed in direct response to these incidents and the resulting media coverage. In effect, this coverage becomes an engine for social change. The video ends with a discussion of crime theory, reminding us that many criminological theories fall short when applied to people with wealth and high status. Write a paper discussing the myths and realities of crime.

In your paper,

Imagine asking 100 strangers to describe a criminal.
Predict whether those descriptions would be likely to focus on street criminals, or the variety of topics covered in the Crimes of the Powerful.
Evaluate how society defines crime.
Do not provide a definition – instead, explain how the definition is reached.
Present a clear statement about a particular crime, something we know to be absolutely true.
Illustrate how we know that this is an accurate statement.
Present an example of a widely-held myth or misconception about crime and society.
Determine how we know that this is a myth. Explain why this myth is so difficult to abandon.

When thinking of the change process, what is the role of the nurse leader/manager in the change process? What impact does change have within healthcare organizations as a whole?

Change process

Change is inevitable in healthcare and in nursing. When thinking of the change process, what is the role of the nurse leader/manager in the change process?

What impact does change have within healthcare organizations as a whole?


Identify a bill that relates to health care, a social issue, or nursing practice. Develop a poster presentation, infographic, FAQ document, or pamphlet which outlines how the bill was introduced and the process for approval.

Week 8 Assignment: Tracing a Piece of Legislation

Due: Sunday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time
In order to influence policy, you have to understand how a bill is started, moves through the legislative
system, and finally enacted. In this assignment, you will trace a piece of legislation from introduction to how it impacts health care or nursing practice. Develop the assignment as if it will be used during a presentation at a conference or poster presentation.

Step 1: Identify a bill that relates to health care, a social issue, or nursing practice. You may select a federal or state bill

Step 2: Develop a poster presentation, infographic, FAQ document, or pamphlet which outlines how the bill was introduced and the process for approval by including answers to the following questions:
State the legislation name and summarize the purpose of the bill

Who introduced/sponsored the bill?

Where was it introduced? (U.S. Congress or a state legislature)

Who helped to draft the legislation?

Did nursing organizations such as the American Nurses Association identify support or opposition
for the law? Look at two or more organizations, and you may need to review their lobbying information. If you can not find any evidence related to the legislation, list the organizations that you reviewed.
Which congressional or legislature committees were involved?

What happened to the legislation after it was introduced? Was it passed, enacted, or funded? If
yes, when did it take effect?
What is the impact on health care or nursing practice?

*Because this is not a typical paper format style, you may simply put weblinks for your reference at the
bottom of your assignment for full APA formatting credit.

Step 3: Submit the written assignment using this assignment box.

Of the problems that can occur in these systems, which one concerns you the most? Do you have previous experience or specific interests (like performance or breeding) that make this especially concerning for you?

Unit 7 DB: Urinary Disease

You have learned about the range of problems that can arise in the reproductive and urinary systems.

Of the problems that can occur in these systems, which one concerns you the most? Do you have previous experience or specific interests (like performance or breeding) that make this especially concerning for you?

Explain how your personal experience affects your concern, and identify the problems that matter the most to you.


Why is internal assessment a necessary tool for outstanding companies? At what stage do you believe a company would be ready for internal assessment? At what stage does a company become ready for Baldrige—based internal assessment?

418 Part 4 • Forever Improving the Quality System

Discussion Questions

The model in Figure 15-1 shows people as the basis of the quality system. Do you agree with this assertion? Why or why not?

There are regions in which the three spheres of quality overlap. What are some of the overlaps between management, assurance, and control? Why are they important?

Review the concept of enterprise capabilities. Pick a firm and determine what you think is the enter-prise capability for that firm.

  1. Why is internal assessment a necessary tool for outstanding companies?
  2. At what stage do you believe a company would be ready for internal assessment?
  3. At what stage does a company become ready for Baldrige—based internal assessment?
  4. Define the different types of audits. Pick a company and define which type would be best for it. Support your answer.
  5. The Boise City Leadership model is an interesting model for a governmental entity. Is this model different from a model that would be used for a for-profit firm? Why or why not?
  6. What are the enablers for quality improvement in a school? What are they in a firm in which you have worked? (See Figure 15-4.)

1. Administer the survey instrument in A Closer Look at Quality 15-1 to a local business owner and report your findings.

2. Administer the survey instrument in A Closer Look at Quality 15-1 to the employees of the business from Problem 1. Compare the employees’ and owner’s perceptions to see where they differ significantly.

CASE Case 15-1 Setting Priorities Using the Baidrige Criteria2

On the following pages are examiner evaluation notes Given this feedback, develop a plan for improvement for category 2 for a fictional company (the entire re- for NuGrain. Include prioritization of the different new port is not provided because of length consideration). projects.

Discussion Questions

  1. How did you select particular projects from the feedback report?
  2. What are some of the weaknesses of this approach?
  3. Why would it be good to use a mix of internal and external examiners as is recommended in the chapter?
  4. How did you prioritize projects for improvement?
  5. Was all of the feedback meaningful? What are some of the attributes of useful feedback?

Do you agree or disagree with the Humphrey statement? Why or why not? State your reasons based on your knowledge of the health care system, current research, observations in the clinical area, and personal experience.

Week 8 Discussion: Role of Government in Providing Health Care 2 2

Search entries or author

Step 1: Read the following quote by Hubert H. Humphrey, United States politician (1911-1978).

“It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy, and the handicapped.”

Step 2: Post a response to the discussion board by addressing the following questions:
1. Do you agree or disagree with the Humphrey statement? Why or why not?
2. State your reasons based on your knowledge of the health care system, current research, observations in the clinical area, and personal experience.
3. Justify your responses with appropriate resources.

Step 3: Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59 pm MT Cite any sources in 7th ed. APA format
Response Posts:
In your responses to your classmates, contribute to the discussion with your own original opinions or interpretation of the course materials.
rubric ( for grading details