
Describe a fixed reinforcement schedule, a variable reinforcement schedule, a duration schedule, a response rate schedule and a noncontingent reinforcement schedule.

You have 25 new employees and you want them to complete several new-employee onboarding tasks such as selecting a health insurance plan, federal withholding, state withholding, 401K selection, set up direct deposit, etc. You also want them to learn to turn in biweekly reports on time. Several months later, you have noticed that there are many employee absences on the Monday after the bi-weekly payday. Attendance seems to improve the closer it gets to payday.

In your essay, be sure to do the following:

Describe a fixed reinforcement schedule, a variable reinforcement schedule, a duration schedule, a response rate schedule and a noncontingent reinforcement schedule. Explain how each works and describe when you might use each one.
Refer to the case above. Evaluate the best schedule of reinforcement for the initial paperwork and to get employees to turn in biweekly reports on time. Apply the schedule, explaining specifically how and when you would reinforce the employee and provide your rationale.
Discuss what seems to be happening with the employee absences (explain in terms of operant conditioning) and why you think it’s happening.
Refer to the case above. Evaluate the best schedule of reinforcement to improve attendance. Apply the schedule, explaining specifically how and when you would reinforce the employee and provide your rationale.
Explain how you would work to generalize the attendance behavior across time.

Clearly, we have many qualified women in every aspect of American life.  Why does it seem so unreasonable to expect that a woman could be president?  If we are so advanced, why haven’t we been able to pass an equal rights amendment to the constitution?

The 1970s brought another revolutionary development in Anthropological Theory: the insight that most theoretical models of culture were based on the experiences of men.  When activists in the Second Wave of feminism turned to Anthropology for insight into the origins of gender inequality and explanations for the endless variation (and boring repetition) of gender inequity around the world, the discipline was forced to acknowledge the paucity of knowledge we had to offer.  This launched a new research focus, first into footnotes and hidden clues in extant ethnographic work (women’s activities were often lumped together into a single chapter on kinship and the family in ethnographic writing, with the exception of the Culture and Personality school) and then into new projects designed to account for women’s role in shaping culture.  Some researchers focused their attention on the sources of women’s power that had been invisible to researchers and others on the structures that oppressed women (and later by extension other gendered persons).  Together these studies substantially re-wrote not only the narrative of human evolution, but the contemporary research agenda of anthropologists studying every aspect of human existence.  The needs for such an agenda are endless because of the complexities of gender and sexuality.  Ponder the current climate for women in the United States and the role that gender is playing in national and local politics.  Clearly, we have many qualified women in every aspect of American life.  Why does it seem so unreasonable to expect that a woman could be president?  If we are so advanced, why haven’t we been able to pass an equal rights amendment to the constitution?

Conduct interviews with 2 people who are of different social categories about their perceptions, beliefs, and experiences with social inequalities. These categories can include race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc

In week 6 you read about social inequalities in everyday life. For this assignment, you will give real world examples of how this manifests. You will conduct interviews with 2 people who are of different social categories about their perceptions, beliefs, and experiences with social inequalities. These categories can include race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, disability status, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. Each person should fulfill two or more different categories in order to also analyze intersectionality. For example, if you interview a gay black man, his experiences would be based on the intersection of sexual orientation, race, and gender. You would then select a second person to interview who would intersect with different categories (Asian Straight Man, White Transgender Woman, Hispanic gay women, etc., wealthy black woman, etc ). You can interview any 2 people you want, as long as they are from at least 2 different social categories (they can be the same on others).

You should interview them on their experiences, beliefs, perceptions, etc., on social inequality, and the ways they deal with it in society. Make sure to provide examples of some of the experiences they have had, and why they feel they have experienced social inequality. You also should explore which part of their social categories they feel has led to the most social inequality (i.e. their race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.).

You should then compare and contrast their views and experiences. Within your comparison you should refer to the course concepts to help analyze and explain your interviewees views. You should reference the learning resources and other research sources to discuss how their cultural categories may have influenced their experiences and views. Make sure to also include a discussion on intersectionality. For example, if you are interviewing a white straight woman, and a black straight man, you may find that they have had very different experiences with social inequality based both race and gender. Why would that be the case?

You should conclude your essay with a discussion of what you learned from your interviews, and what you think should be done to address any major problems that your interviewees have experienced.

I don’t want to see an interview transcript. However, you should be using extensive quotes from your interviewees in your essay in order to validate your discussion.

Describe an appropriate supply chain management framework. Use this framework to discuss the key impacts and implications of Covid-19 on supply chain management. Using an example from an Omantel, evaluate how that organization has managed its supply chain during the epidemic

In simple words, describe an appropriate supply chain management framework. Use this framework to discuss the key impacts and implications of Covid-19 on supply chain management.
Using an example from an Omantel, evaluate how that organization has managed its supply chain during the epidemic (for e.g: by the support from the government, the sea ports were 100% operating whereas they were operating less than 30% previously which supported Omantel but total shutdown of flights badly impacted Oman Air) and give more examples on both..
Comment briefly on any lessons you can identify for the organization and Supply Chain Management

In simple words, describe and discuss how consumer preference and behaviour has an impact on product development and design. (Please refer to theories, frameworks and models as appropriate).
Using a product or service from Omantel and Oman Air, explain how the design of this product/service has changed to meet a change in consumer preference and sophistication and/or market requirement.

Using appropriate theories, frameworks and models, discuss how advancement of technology has an impact on the operations of business.
Select a case study operation which has been influenced by technology . Briefly describe the business model/value proposition.

Discuss in detail how their operations were changed or enhanced by the application of technology (for e.g. in Oamntel, the outlets were totally shutted down but the revenue increased because of outdoor sales, using Omantel App, the consumer were in contact with the company and deliveries were done to door step).

In simple words, describe why a Balanced Scorecard might be a useful performance improvement tool.
for Omantel and Oman Air, put the Balanced Scorecard to work. Build an outline Balanced Scorecard which could enable managers to translate strategy into specific goals. Identify appropriate measures for each of the four perspective. Your answers must show clear linkages between the strategy, goals and appropriate measures.
Identify potential challenges for the organization if it were to implement a balanced scorecard.


Provide a mission statement . Why are you doing what you are doing (in life, not merely in graduate school)? You should provide a vision statement. Where are you going? What do you hope to be doing (in your career and perhaps other aspects of your life) in 5 years, 10 years?

This paper will be a self-analysis of your leadership and management skills. Drawing upon principles discussed in this course, various surveys and instruments used throughout the semester and specific examples from your experiences prepare a report that describes your strengths and areas for improvement. Your report will also include a plan describing how you will go about making efforts to improve your skills and abilities in relation to two key areas. In preparing your report try to use a corporate annual report as a metaphor — that is, you will be writing a report about ‘U Inc.’ (For example, if I were writing the paper it would be titled ‘Dominick Inc.’

Your report should begin by providing a mission statement . Why are you doing what you are doing (in life, not merely in graduate school)? You should provide a vision statement. Where are you going? What do you hope to be doing (in your career and perhaps other aspects of your life) in 5 years, 10 years? Then you should provide statement of values. What are the principles that govern your behavior? (Some of you may argue that you do not have a mission, vision, or values. This observation would be an interesting topic for additional reflection.)

Describe the current status of ‘U Inc.’
• What are your assets (strengths)? What are your liabilities (limitations or weaknesses)?

• What is your customer base? What people, groups, or organizations are currently interested in the skills and products you offer?

What is your product line? What do you offer others? Are your offerings narrow (specialized) or broad (generalist)? How do you differentiate your “products” from those offered by others? What is special or unique?

Discuss at least 3 ways in which informal support systems often change as people age. Explain how the social exchange theory applies to the use and maintenance of an informal support system. Apply at least two social concepts.

During week four students examined informal supports and informal caregiving, the caregiver burden, and the use of social networks as a means to decrease social isolation, increase mastery, and maintain optimal health status. During week five, students examined the components of productive aging. This week students will complete a journal focused on informal supports and productive aging. This activity will help you learn more about social support and networks and productive aging in a social context.

Within your own words, write a 500+ word single-spaced journal entry answering and answering the following:

Discuss at least 3 ways in which informal support systems often change as people age.
Explain how the social exchange theory applies to the use and maintenance of an informal support system. Apply at least two social concepts.
Explain the nature of older adults. Identify 3 social networks and explain why they are important. Apply at least one social theory.
Explain your understanding of productive aging. Integrate at least one social concepts within your response.
For this assignment, you are not required to include sources. You are required to include four subheadings to identify each section, i.e., Informal Supports Systems, Social Exchange Theory, Social Networks, and Productive Aging.

Develop an understanding of your leadership style and of the importance of self-reflection in leadership development. Demonstrate advanced understanding of leadership theories, concepts and practice, including both traditional and contemporary forms of leadership.

Develop an understanding of your leadership style and of the importance of self-reflection in leadership development.

Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate advanced understanding of leadership theories, concepts and practice, including both traditional and contemporary forms of leadership (LO#1).

There are two parts to this assessment:

  1. After engaging with the content in Week 1, you will have completed the following self-assessment questionnaires from the textbook in which you will examine and evaluate your own leadership traits, skills, and behaviours:
  2. Reflect on the results from each of the three leadership questionnaires that you had completed as detailed in step 1, and compose a 750-word response considering what you have learned about yourself and your perspectives on leadership. Use the following questions as a guide to help you draft your response.
    1. What have I learned about myself as a leader?
    2. What are the practical implications of these results on my leadership development?
    3. Also consider, what specific development goals and concrete action plans would improve my leadership capabilities in the future and build this response into Assessment 3.
  3. Please keep in mind that most academic writing is to be in third person, and while Assessment 1 is a reflective piece, it is strongly encouraged for you to have a go at writing it in third person as it will help you when completing Assessment 2 and 3. Third-person makes your writing more objective and less personal. For academic and professional writing, this sense of objectivity allows the writer to seem less biased and, therefore, more credible.
  4. After drafting your response, check it against the marking criteria for this task (see Assessment 1 rubrics). Make sure it is free of errors and submit it for marking by the due date.

Does institutional racism exists in our criminal justice system? Select one of the following aspects of our criminal justice system (courts, police, corrections, or probation/parole) and, citing at least two authoritative sources , make the case to support your position on this issue.

1.Does institutional racism exists in our criminal justice system?

Select one of the following aspects of our criminal justice system (courts, police, corrections, or probation/parole) and, citing at least two authoritative sources (not the textbook), make the case to support your position on this issue.

Make sure that you consider this question from a legal and ethical point of view, as opposed to an emotional one. Provide support for the position you adopt using credible sources such as statistics and case law. You may also use secondary sources such as media reports.

  1. In your reading, Souryal has posted a question: To what extent does a morally good end justify an illegal or unethical means to its achievement? Is overstepping authority in order to achieve what one perceives to be a higher good justified?

Consider these questions as they relate to the role of a police officer in our society. In a well developed argument, first take the position that ‘the end justifies the means’ is an ethical approach to policing. Then, in a following argument, take the opposite position.

For each position, select one Master who would support that position and use his theory of ethics to support your argument. In addition, for each approach please include at least one original example to illustrate the position you are arguing.

  1. In the 1976 case of Estelle v Gamble, 429 US 97 (1976), the US Supreme Court established that prisoners in the US have a “right to healthcare” and that to deny them that right might, in some cases, rise to the level of a violation of the 8th Amendment’s prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment. But in 2015, that same Court refused to hear a case in which an inmate in Massachusetts sought gender reassignment surgery (GRS), thus leaving in place a ruling by the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denying the inmate that surgery. In your initial post, please address the following:

Does an ethical obligation exist to provide this surgery to an inmate?

Is the inmate’s sentence a consideration? (For example, in the MA case, the inmate was serving LWOP. Can we ethically consider that in determining if the surgery should be provided?)

Is there a case to be made that the Court’s denial of the appeal in the MA case results in a violation of the inmate’s 8th Amendment rights?

Where does one house an inmate sentenced to LWOP who was born a male but is living as a female, with or without GRS?

4 In recent years there has been a push to reduce our reliance on traditional models of corrections and to embrace community-based corrections, which encompasses pretrial supervision, parole and probation. For this question you will write two persuasive paragraphs.

The first should be a persuasive essay in which you take a “pro” position on community-based corrections.

The second should be an equally persuasive essay in which you will take a “con” position on community-based corrections.

In your arguments please provide legal, ethical, and social reform arguments to support your position.

Analyze the film, ” Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon (2008)”. How does this film depict a specific event in Asian history or a historical figure? (A war, a historical person or folk hero, a specific era of history, etc.)

The paper is all the film analysis and answers below (important) question:
How does this film depict a specific event in Asian history or a historical figure? (A war, a historical person or folk hero, a specific era of history, etc.)
Also, include this at the top left corner of the paper and provide the correct information regard to the file:
The title of the film (with the year of release in parentheses):
The category of the film is Western Portrayals of Asia.
The films reveal American and European attitudes and perceptions towards Asian societies and people, as well as Asian-American perceptions and experiences.
The film’s country of origin (China, Japan, the USA, etc.):
The country/countries the film is set in:
The period the film takes place (specific dynasty or era, and/or century):

What is the social contract? The age of reason rises out of the bloody religious wars of the previous century. The belief was that with rational thinking and logic all the ills of society could be resolved. Why are these ideas becoming more prevalent in society?

Define the enlightenment and expand on some of the great philosophical ideas of the enlightenment.
What is the social contract? The age of reason rises out of the bloody religious wars of the previous century. The belief was that with rational thinking and logic all the ills of society could be resolved. Why are these ideas becoming more prevalent in society?

 How and why would you define this movement as a reaction to the Enlightenment? Why do you believe the “Romantics” searched for a connection with the natural world? What parallels could you connect to our experience today?