
How could the organization create more value for its stakeholders? Which of the four future freight flows should it prepare itself for? What should the organization do to prepare for the future flow(s)?

Supply chain Management

Consider a supply chain for an organization you are familiar with.

  1. How could the organization create more value for its stakeholders?
  2. Which of the four future freight flows should it prepare itself for?
  3. What should the organization do to prepare for the future flow(s)?

Response must be 250 plus words


Using your reading in this course so far and other research, discuss the ethical ramifications of this statement.

Week 8 Discussion: Economics and Ethics 2 2

Due: Post your initial response by Wednesday night at 11:59pm Mountain Time.
Your instructor will post a response to your post by
Friday 11:59 pm MT. Respond to your instructor’s comments by Sunday 11:59pm Mountain Time.

Step 1
Choose either Option A or Option B and post a 150+ word discussion by
Sunday, 11:59 pm MT, Be specific and give examples, using at least two outside references, to buttress your argument. Cite all sources in APA format.

Option A:
“The method of health care in the US is despicable because it forces too many to choose between
health and survival (medicine and eating). Given modern science, health care should be a right not a privilege.”

Using your reading in this course so far and other research, discuss the ethical concepts referred
to in this statement – NOT your opinion of the Healthcare System!


Option B:
“Economic inequality is the most destructive force in any society. However, any forcible means to
equalize economic situations are destructive to both innovation and civic responsibility. Civic responsibility should mean that those who are at the extreme high end of the wealth bell curve willingly share their good fortune with those who are at the bottom of the wealth bell curve. Any failure to do so should be considered a betrayal of citizenship in favor of the self.”

Using your reading in this course so far and other research, discuss the ethical ramifications of
this statement.

After having read the book chapter fully, in your own words, explain what you have learned, what struck or shook you, or anything that you may have found troublesome, interesting, difficult, or worth commenting on.

On The Psychology Of Military Incompetence


Have read Dixon’s Chapter 3 of the book On The Psychology Of Military Incompetence. After having read the book chapter fully, in your own words, explain what you have learned, what struck or shook you, or anything that you may have found troublesome, interesting, difficult, or worth commenting on.

Why is the commingling of grant funds not allowable? What internal controls are not in place for the WFM program? How could the Council have prevented paying for costs that were unauthorized?

Case Study: Wildland Fire Management

Case Study: Wild land Fire Management Assignment Instructions

  1. Why is the commingling of grant funds not allowable?
  2. What internal controls are not in place for the WFM program?
  3. How could the Council have prevented paying for costs that were unauthorized?
  4. How could this situation have been avoided?


What qualities do you think make up great writing? What aspects of your own writing would you most like to improve? What do you think one needs to do, to improve one’s writing in general?


1) What qualities do you think make up great writing?

2) What aspects of your own writing would you most like to improve?

3) What do you think one needs to do, to improve one’s writing in general?


Given McRaney’s explication of the “Common Belief Fallacy,” what do you think is a contemporary example of this phenomenon? That is, what is a belief that is common today, culturally, that in future times, will be seen as antiquated and misguided.

In your post, first present and summarize the popular belief, and then, why you think this belief will be rendered outmoded in the coming generations


What are resources and capabilities? What is the difference between the two? What does it mean for a resource or capability to be valuable, rare, inimitable, nonsubstitutable, or exploitable?


Answer the following questions bellow with the provided c

What are resources and capabilities? What is the difference between the two?

What does it mean for a resource or capability to be valuable, rare, inimitable, nonsubstitutable, or exploitable?

Conduct research on two companies that have recently been in the news. Make a list of their core competences. Pick a resource or capability for each one of these companies and apply the VRINE Model. Explain your reasoning (you can make some assumptions about the resource or capabilities you pick, but you should first make an attempt to understand the company as much you can. Please do not use the examples in the textbook).


Would you classify Richard Branson as a manager or a leader? What qualities distinguish him as one or the other? As mentioned earlier in this chapter, followers are part of the leadership process. Describe the relationship between Branson and his followers.

Leadership development

  1. Would you classify Richard Branson as a manager or a leader? What qualities distinguish him as one or the other?
  2. As mentioned earlier in this chapter, followers are part of the leadership process. Describe the relationship between Branson and his followers.
  3. Identify the myths of leadership development that Richard Branson’s success helps to disprove


Construct the capitalization table for each term sheet. Figure out total shares outstanding postmoney, and then calculate the size of the option pool.

CellFree – Background

You are the founder of CellFree, a cellphone battery and charging unit that allows cellphones to charge wirelessly.

CellFree has been in operation for 2 years. For the first year and a half you were able to self- fund your company with $50,000 which you had saved from working at your previous job. Six months ago, however, you realized that additional outside financing would be necessary to enable your company to keep growing at its current pace.

To obtain this financing you went on AngelList, and secured an investment from South Philly Angels, a well-known local angel group, in the form of $300,000 in convertible notes. These notes carried a 10% annual interest rate, payable at maturity, and would be automatically converted into preferred stock at a 20% discount upon the raising of a Series A financing round. Over the course of the next 6-months you quickly used up these funds.

Realizing that you would soon need new financing you went to work trying to drum up investments from the venture capital community. Within a few weeks, you received term sheets from two VC firms: TruCost Venture Partners and Robin Hood Ventures. TruCost Venture Partners is a well-known venture capital firm located in Silicon Valley. They’re known for their past successful investments. They’ve recently raised their largest fund to date with $650M in committed capital. Robin Hood Ventures is a smaller, more recently established VC firm located in Philadelphia. They’ve raised $150M for their most recent fund and have had good success in their investments thus far.

Together with your co-founders you need to review each VC’s term sheet and decide which offer your firm will take.


Robin Hood Ventures Term Sheet Summary

Investors: Investor #1: Robin Hood Ventures: 3,000,000 shares,


Investor #2: Other VC to be mutually agreed upon by RHV and the Company: 3,000,000 shares, $3,000,000

Amount raised: $6,000,000
Price per share: $1 per share (Original purchase price)
Pre-money valuation: $6,000,000
Employee pool: 15% of the fully-diluted post-money capitalization (taken from founder’s equity)
Dividends: Paid on the Series A Preferred on an as-converted basis when,

as, and if paid on Common Stock.

Liquidation preference: Participating preferred with a 1X preference and a 2.5X cap
Anti-dilution: Full-ratchet
Mandatory conversion: Series A will automatically convert into common stock in the event of (i) the closing of an underwritten public offering with a price of 6X the original purchase price and net proceeds of not less than $40,000,000, or (ii) upon the written consent of two-thirds of the Series A Preferred.
Board composition: The board shall consist of 3 members: One founder, one from Robin Hood Ventures, and one from the other VC
Founder vesting: Stock owned by founders will be 25% vested and the remaining 75% will vest over the next 36 months
Pay to play: Yes

All other provisions not stated are in their most standard form.

TruCost Venture Partners Term Sheet Summary


Investors: TruCost Venture Partners: 4,000,000 shares, $4,000,000
Amount raised: $4,000,000
Price per share: $1 per share (Original purchase price)
Pre-money valuation: $5,000,000
Employee pool: 25% of the fully-diluted post-money capitalization (taken from founder’s equity)
Dividends: The Series A Preferred will be entitled to receive non-

cumulative dividends in preference to the common stock, at the rate of 8% per annum when, as and if declared by the company’s board of directors.

Liquidation preference: Convertible preferred with a 1X preference (No participation)
Anti-dilution: Broad-based weighted average
Mandatory conversion: Series A will automatically convert into common stock in the event of (i) the closing of an underwritten public offering net proceeds of not less than $50,000,000 and a pre-offering valuation of not less than $350,000,000, or (ii) upon the written consent of the majority of the Series A Preferred.
Board composition: The board shall consist of 3 members: Two designated by the founder, and one from TruCost Venture Partners.
Pay to play: No

All other provisions not stated are in their most standard form.



  1. Construct the capitalization table for each term sheet.


Tip: Figure out total shares outstanding postmoney (i.e. calculate the number of shares going to the angel investor), and then calculate the size of the option pool.


Hint: The angel investor invested $300,000 for 6 months at 10% annual interest (paid-in-kind) in the form of a convertible note which would convert at a 20% discount following the Series A round (i.e instead of paying the Series A full price of $1 per share, they get to buy shares at $0.8). Thus, post Series-A the angel owns how many shares? (300000*(1+.1/2))/0.8 = 393750

2.How does the payout to the founders change under each term sheet if the exit valuation is low ($10M), medium ($30M), or high ($100M)? (Assume that all options have been issued by the time of exit)

Hint: For each exit amount, first figure out whether or not the preferred share holders will convert to common stock or remain with their preferred shares

3.Suppose the probability of low, medium, and high are 60%, 35%, and 5% respectively, what would be the founder’s expected payout under each term sheet?


4.Score each item in the term sheet according to their level of importance to the founders on a scale of 1 to 5 (1=low, 5=high). For each item indicate which term sheet (RHV or TC) gives the better terms.


  Ranked by importance to a “Control-focused”


Ranked by importance to a “Economics-

focused” founder

Which term sheet offers better terms for the founders?
Pre-money valuation      
Founders’ equity      
Employee pool      
Investment amount      
Liquidation preference      
Mandatory conversion      
Board composition      
Founder vesting      
Pay to play      


Evaluate how your own cultural identities or other factors may possibly influence you to have any biases in relation to others with different cultural identities. Analyze the implications your cultural identifications may have on your professional relationships.

Hays ADDRESSING Model Template


An example of a partially completed table is provided on the next page.

Cultural Group (according to the ADDRESSING model)
How You Identify
Implications for your work. Consider where you have privilege, and what groups might be easy or difficult to work with.
A. Age (and generational influences). Generation Z, 22 years old. Feel very comfortable with my age working with old and young people.
D. Disability (developmental). None  
D. Disability (acquired). None  
R. Religion and spiritual identity. Catholic  
E. . Hispanic/ Latino  
S. Socioeconomic status. Middle Class  
S. Sexual orientation. Heterosexual. Comfortable working with people despite their sexual identity.
I. Indigenous heritage. None  
N. National origin. Cuba My first language is Spanish, sometimes it makes it difficult for me.
G. Gender. Female  


After filling out the table above, review your entries. Then use the space below and respond to the following:

Based on your entries to the table above, evaluate three areas where you have privilege and three areas where you do not (this is also part of the first discussion in this course). Provide examples of each.

Evaluate how your own cultural identities or other factors may possibly influence you to have any biases in relation to others with different cultural identities.

Analyze the implications your cultural identifications may have on your professional relationships.






Write an essay on the relationship between cost-per-click and cost-per-acquisition is the most important issue you will face.

Discussion Essay

The relationship between cost-per-click and cost-per-acquisition is the most important issue you will face. This is the measurement of whether or not your SEM campaign is making any money for the company. Read the section in the Yahoo guide that starts on page 47 for a basic explanation.

Find an article online to share with us that, 1) is a case study showing how CPA was used and measured, 2) has tips for measuring CPA, or 3) suggests how to maximize the CPC budget. The article might include all these elements. If you locate one that isn’t exactly about one of the three items but you feel would benefit the class, use it.

Try a general search or sites like, eMarketer, 1to1 media, Advertising Age,,, etc.

In at least 200 words, share what you learned from the article. Don’t forget to cite the source