Describe the reasons a patient might have the selected surgical procedure. Describe the reasons a patient might be disqualified for this surgery and the options for the patient if any. List the diagnostic tests and lab work that an attending surgeon might order and describe the meaning of the results
1) Describe the reasons a patient might have the selected surgical procedure.
2) Describe the reasons a patient might be disqualified for this surgery and the options for the patient if any
3) List the diagnostic tests and lab work that an attending surgeon might order and describe the meaning of the results.
4) List the incisions available to the surgeon and include their advantages and disadvantages.
5) Describe other considerations to include anything else that might help someone to understand the operation.
6) Describe the anatomy of the incisional layers as they relate to the selected surgical procedure.
7) Describe the anatomy and physiology of the structure that will be actually removed or surgically modified.
8) Describe the related anatomical structures for selected surgical procedure.
9) Describe the blood supply to and the drainage from the structure. Where does it come from? How does it enter the operative area and where is it located near and on the structure itself?
10) Describe the nervous supply as it relates to selected surgical procedure.
11) Describe how the patient is prepared in the Operating Room for the surgery. Include such things as patient comfort, positioning, safety precautions, urinary catheterization, IV lines, skin prep, draping, etc. 12) Describe in detail the selected surgical procedure to include: a) Incision: Describe the incision layer-by-layer. Also explain what the assistant would be doing. b) Surgery: Describe the surgery step by step in detail. Your research will have to be taken from books that teach the procedure to surgeons which will help get the necessary depth of understanding of the procedure that a welltrained Surgical Assistant needs. c) Wound closure: Describe the wound closure layer-by-layer. Describe the type of suture materials and needles are used. Name the suturing techniques that are used and by whom. (ie: running vs interrupted, simple vs complex) d) Dressings/Drains: How is the wound dressed? How and where are drains placed if applicable?
13) List the Bibliography to include: The name of the book, name of the author(s), the pages referenced, the publisher, and the copyright date