
Examine and provide me with three examples of where the Security Council and the ICJ have lived up to each of their described mandates in accordance with international law

Under the United Nations Charter, the functions and powers of the Security Council

are: to maintain international peace and security in accordance with the principles

and purposes of the United Nations; to investigate any dispute or situation which

might lead to international friction.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is the principal judicial organ of the United

Nations (UN). The Court’s role is to settle, in accordance with international law, legal

disputes submitted to it by States and to give advisory opinions on legal questions

referred to it by authorised United Nations organs and specialized agencies.

Examine and provide me with three examples of where the Security Council

and the ICJ have lived up to each of their described mandates in accordance with

international law.

You will be required to do the following:

  • Provide an introduction in which you introduce the Security Council (SC) and the

International Court of Justice (ICJ) and their role within the United Nations


  • Provide six positive/effective specific examples from the past or from the current time

of where the SC and ICJ (three examples for the SC and three for the ICJ) have

been effective in their perceived functions and powers. Find examples that clearly

demonstrate how the SC and ICJ have helped to create or maintain international

peace, harmony and security.

  • Summarise your arguments in a conclusion to show to what degree you think that the

Security Council and the ICJ meet their prescribed mandates.

Identify at least four criteria for assessment of social media. Identify four tools you might use to assess the success of your Social Media Plan using the Readings as well as other resources

Organizations may spend substantial time and money on social media campaigns. But, how do they know if their efforts are working? They use assessment tools that are often built into the social media platforms to assess to what extent their social media plans are accomplishing their goals and objectives.

Businesses and organizations may invest in social media as a promising tool to promote, inform, and persuade audiences, but they want evidence there is a return on their investment. Social media analytical tools are one way organizations can gain insight into which messages via specific channels reach target audiences. An ever-increasing number of tools can potentially be used to track nearly every online activity and collect an enormous amount of data. However, organizations must take care not to become overwhelmed by the myriad of options. They must carefully select and assess only those criteria that can serve as indicators that the organization’s goals are being met. The right criteria can provide insight into industry patterns that are relevant to organizational goals. Organizations also must select the right tools that can assess these criteria accurately.

  • Identify at least four criteria for assessment of social media.
  • Identify four tools you might use to assess the success of your Social Media Plan using the Readings as well as other resources.
  • A description of each of the four criteria and tool you researched and its purpose.
  • An explanation of why you selected those criteria and tools for your Course Project.
  • An explanation of why you did not select the other tools and criteria you researched.

Describe which option you picked and why you felt that option was most important for the hospital from a board member’s perspective. Include in your answer why the board would be concerned with this issue

Yesterday the Board of Trustees for the hospital where you are employed held their monthly meeting to review hospital operations. One of the board members, Bob Overboard, became very concerned about the preparedness of the hospital for the upcoming Joint Commission survey which is anticipated to occur within three to six months. The other board members attempted to assure Bob that the hospital appeared ready, but he continued to press forward with his concerns. To appease Bob, the CEO of the hospital informed him that the director of quality, which is you, would personally meet with him to share more information on the preparedness of the hospital. You have just been informed by the CEO that you are to have this meeting with the board member within five days and that the CEO would like for you to address one of the following three areas with Bob: provision of adequate staff; provision of a safe environment; or duty to prevent falls.

In an effort to brainstorm with one of your colleagues, you go to the chief nursing officer and share with her that you think one of the three options is most appropriate for your hospital. In less than 300 words, describe which option you picked and why you felt that option was most important for the hospital from a board member’s perspective. Include in your answer why the board would be concerned with this issue, as the chief nursing officer doesn’t think any of these areas come under the board’s area of responsibilities. You should use the information you read in Chapter 9 of the Pozgar text to respond.

Identify at least four ethical principles implicated in resource allocation; discuss each ethical principle and explain how each principle relates to the allocation of finite resources.

This is an individual assignment. Resource allocation is often necessary in various public health contexts. In resource-scarce situations, healthcare services must often be rationed and triaged. Identify at least four ethical principles implicated in resource allocation; discuss each ethical principle and explain how each principle relates to the allocation of finite resources. This paper should be 4-5 pages and should have at least six academic references with corresponding internal citations.

Discuss the following ethical principles in your analysis:

Respect for Autonomy
Fiduciary Responsibility
Public justification
Informed Consent

If you find additional ethical principles in your research, you may include those as well, as long as they are supported by an academic publication.

What are the manifest functions, latent functions and social dysfunctions of the social act or institution you are analyzing? How does what you are analyzing impact social solidarity and stability?

What are the manifest functions, latent functions and social dysfunctions of the social act or institution you are analyzing?

How does what you are analyzing impact social solidarity and stability?

How does what you are analyzing benefit society?

What social groups and social institutions does your topic of analysis impact?

Is there evidence of inequality and discrimination? Be specific as to what social groups are most impacted and how

How are resources distributed and based on what ideology?

What is the economic impact of what you are analyzing?

What changes can be made to make a situation more equitable?

How does what you are analyzing impact self-identity?How does what you are analyzing impact social relationships and social institutions?

What symbols are associated with what you are analyzing?

How do we define or interpret what you are analyzing? How is it portrayed or described by society?

Explain the major ideas and events (i.e., Enlightenment philosophies, colonial conflicts, imperial regulations, acts of rebellion) that led to the American Revolution

Explain the reasons for English colonization (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs) by doing the following:
Discuss the political motivations for English imperialism.
Describe the social pressures that contributed to English colonization of North America.
Describe the economic systems (e.g., labor relationships, trade networks, major cash crops), social characteristics (e.g., religious beliefs, family structures, cultural practices, class systems), and political systems (e.g., types of representation, major governmental bodies, significant political figures) of the following colonies using the attached “English Colonies in America Table,” or similar document:
• Massachusetts Bay
• Virginia
• The Carolinas

C. Explain the major ideas and events (i.e., Enlightenment philosophies, colonial conflicts, imperial regulations, acts of rebellion) that led to the American Revolution (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs).

D. Describe how each of the following groups were affected by the political and/or social changes that followed the American Revolution (suggested length of 2–3 paragraphs):
• Native Americans
• African Americans
• women

Describe the content and contributions of one new juried journal article that relates to employee engagement and what helps create it. What relevant literature content did the researcher find most informative for this article?

Describe the content and contributions of one new juried journal article that relates to employee engagement and what helps create it. What are the Problem and the Research Question that are being addressed? What relevant literature content did the researcher find most informative for this article? What was the outcome and analysis of the research? What key concepts have you gained from this article? What new questions do you have? How does this relate to your topic?

Describe the content and contributions of a second new juried journal article that relates to turnover rates from a bad on boarding process.

Describe the content and contributions of a third new juried journal article that relates to low morale due to a bad on boarding process.

Discuss how the search is informing your view of the research on reasons for the need of a good on boarding process.

Describe the roles and responsibilities of an academic nurse educator in ensuring safe, quality patient care in academic and practice settings. Discuss how the academic nurse educator functions within the parent institution.

Analyze the role of the academic nurse educator by doing the following:

  1.  Describe the roles and responsibilities of an academic nurse educator in ensuring safe, quality patient care in academic and practice settings.
  2.  Discuss how the academic nurse educator functions within the parent institution.
  3.  Identify twoexternal stakeholders vital to the role and responsibilities of an ANE
  4.  Discuss twostrategies to facilitate communication with external stakeholders.
  5. Discuss how the ANE facilitates the development of interprofessional collaborative efforts.
  6.  Summarize an educational, political, cultural, or economical challenge identified from your interview.
  7.  Analyze how the challenge from part D impacts the role of the academic nurse educator.
  8.  Explain how threerelevant peer-reviewed scholarly sources support the identified challenge from part D.
  9.  Describe strategies that can be implemented to address barriers and opportunities of the challenge from part D.
  10.  Complete a reflective analysis that includes a development plan for becoming socialized to the role of an academic nurse educator by doing the following:
  11.  Discuss how you will incorporate teaching, scholarship, and service as you transition to the role of an ANE.
  12.  Describe how you will adhere to the ethics, values, and cultural norms of nursing education as you transition to the role of an ANE.
  13.  Describe the type of academic environment that will best facilitate your transition into the role of an ANE.


Agnathans in the class Petromyzontida are members of one of our early lineages in vertebral evolution. How does this clade fit into the vertebral evolutionary tree?

Agnathans in the class Petromyzontida are members of one of our early lineages in vertebral evolution. How does this clade fit into the vertebral evolutionary tree? This group has an interesting life cycle. Provide a detailed description of the general life cycle for this taxon, and make it clear what it means when we say they are anadromous.



  • Double spaced, Times New Roman font with a size of 12 (or equivalent font and font size). Margins should be set to normal 1 inch.
  • All sources must be cited using APA format, and only primary research articles are accepted sources.

As a bi-racial young man, the narrator has a complicated relationship with race. Choose a scene from this week’s reading where the narrator is granted access to a place, job, or situation because he is passing as white.

This novel was published in anonymously in 1912 (so that anything contained in it couldn’t affect Johnson’s career as a teacher, lawyer, and statesman). This communicates an anxiety about racial dissidence that is conveyed in the text itself. Choose a scene from the text that you feel situates it as truly Modernist. Be sure to refer to the notes and provide an explanation/analysis of the evidence you cite (which scene/part is particularly Modernist, why/how it is Modernist). Responses should be 6-8 sentences in length.
2. As a bi-racial young man, the narrator has a complicated relationship with race. Choose a scene from this week’s reading where the narrator is granted access to a place, job, or situation because he is passing as white. Briefly (2-3 sentences) summarize the scene and discuss narrator’s internal thoughts vs external actions via Du Bois’s double consciousness (3-5 sentences).